Run Eclipse project which contains IApplication from another project - java

I have an Eclipse (Kepler Service Release 2) workspace with several projects which can be divided into two parts. The first part contains all projects except one.
They depend on each other and one of these projects is the prior entry point for execution. Let's call it "project A".
Now I created "project B" which forms the second part. I need to start project A from project B, get some calculation results from it and do some further work on these results (including user input and manipulation of files).
Since project A is an IApplication I have no idea how to start it. (It doesn't contain a main method, just a XMLFile with "some" parameters is contained in the project.)
At first I created a normal Eclipse project and added project A as dependency, which allowed me to instantiate the needed class from project A, but I am not able to run the public Object start(IApplicationContext context) method since it needs an IApplicationContext. Intuitive I tried to include the necessary class and create a context on my own.
After recognizing that this approach won't work, I searched around for Information about the IApplication(Context) and now I assume that these classes are only available in Eclipse-Plugin Development.
Since I never created an Eclipse-PlugIn I am not sure if it would be capable to fulfill all my described needs. Moreover I tried to create an test plugin with this tutorial but I am failing at the point of "Launch an Eclipse Application" right inside the first instruction.
So, can anyone give me an advice on starting the IApplication?
In case it matters here is an extract of the XML configuration file I mentioned earlier. It is called "ClassIWantToStart".launch
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<launchConfiguration type="org.eclipse.pde.ui.EquinoxLauncher">
<booleanAttribute key="append.args" value="true"/>
<booleanAttribute key="automaticAdd" value="false"/>
<booleanAttribute key="automaticValidate" value="false"/>
<stringAttribute key="bootstrap" value=""/>
It also contains StringAttributes like target_bundles and org.eclipse.jdt.launching.VM_ARGUMENTS which contain an enormous number of attributes.
PS: project A seems to be an Eclipse-PlugIn itself
I am thankful for every advice.

I solved the problem by reversing the dependencies. Now the RCP loads all the plugins.


Automatically instantiate classes in Eclipse for autocomplete

I'm working with Collibra java APIs in eclipse (which leverages the flowable workflow engine).
There are pre-instantiated classes in the engine, which eclipse (obviously) does not know about.
Is it possible to configure eclipse to automatically instantiate classes in order to provide autocomplete support?
i.e. to configure eclipse to perform the following code automatically?
MyClass myClass = new MyClass()
This way, the myClass variable would always be available for autocomplete without having to declare it every single time.
Edit: Even better, is there any way to configure eclipse to include variables loaded into the execution environment of flowable?
For example we would load one variable in one file, would the eclipse autocomplete be able to have access to that variable in another file?
In flowable, the syntax is:
execution.setVariable("myVariable", myVariable)
Thanks to emilles for putting me on the right track.
Here's the solution. This works when the Groovy developer tools plugin is installed.
open a new groovy script and type the name of the variable you want to add to content assist
press ctrl + 1 to bring the quick assist menu and press "Add inferencing suggestion"
Fill the information as described below
This will create an entry in a file located under your project root as .groovy/suggestions.xdsl
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<declaringtype type="groovy.lang.Script">
<property isActive="true" isStatic="false" name="execution" type="org.flowable.engine.impl.persistence.entity.ExecutionEntityImpl">
From then on, the "execution" variable will be automatically recognized by eclipse as an instance of org.flowable.engine.impl.persistence.entity.ExecutionEntityImpl

How to run only one (current) file and ignore others in intellij gradle project?

This must be a very simple task for many of you. Let me explain the scenario.
I recently started practicing questions on HackerRank. But, I found the platform not so friendly for debugging. No online platform is or can be because of its own limitations. HackerRank provides question and stub code for many of the problems on its problem page.
For example, let us consider,
But, because of it's debugging limitations I can't make the best use of portal. Hence, I wrote a PHP script to scrape all the content from the website and generated problem statements in HTML/PDF formats and solutions in java format.
Here's the GitHub project for the same.
The main intention of this activity is to have an integration of the website with an IDE like Intellij IDEA. This is now complete.
I created a gradle project with existing sources. But, the project contains many java files (almost 500+ files and each file has it's own main method). My intention is to solve one problem at a time and see if it compiles and submit it using a REST API provided by HackerRank.
But, when I am trying to Right Click and Click on Solution.main() for every file, it tries to compile all files in the project and because there are some compilation issues with the project, I am unable to test my code for the current file. This is not productive for me.
Please let me know if it's possible to compile and run a single file in IDEA (without compiling the whole project). If the idea of creating a gradle project for this activity is not necessary, can somebody recommend me another efficient solution?
NOTE: Every scraped java file contains it's own main method. I know that a project can contain only 1 main method. But, I don't know a coherent solution to solve my problem.
If you want to continue using gradle, you create a module per solution.
Let's suppose you have 3 solutions. canyouaccess, duplicateword and java1darray.
So your repository looks like this:
Each module can have its own main. Inside a settings.gradle file the modules can be defined or disabled by commenting it out.
Your build.gradle looks like this:
subprojects { project ->
apply plugin: "java"
sourceCompatibility = 11
For the settings.gradle looks like this:
include 'java:canyouaccees'
include 'java:dublicateword'
include 'java:java1darray'
Each module can be build separately, you could even group modules by creating a sub module structure.
And each module can have it's own debug configuration, where the module and the main is selected. If your set them as shared, they are stored in xml format under .idea/runConfigurations. So your script can create them as well.
Each module needs it's own file, where the main class is declared.
jar {
manifest {
attributes('Main-Class': '')
Something like this should do.

Adding spock to eclipse without maven: General error during semantic analysis

I am trying to do my first test-automation with Spock.
I do not want to use maven.
I am using eclipse java EE oxygen 4.7.
I have created a groovy project.
I have added the Spock jar as an external library in the build path configuration.
Spock ist Spock-core-1.1-groovy-2.4.
I have also added geb jar the same way.
However, I am getting this strange error from the automatic build, which I do not understand and I am seeking for help. So far I haven't found anything helpfull.
General error during semantic analysis: Transform org.spockframework.compiler.SpockTransform#xxxx cannot be run org.codehaus.groovy.GroovyException:
Transform org.spockframework.compiler.SpockTransform#xxxx cannot be run at
org.codehaus.groovy.transform.ASTTransformationVisitor$ at
org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.applyToSourceUnits( at
org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.doPhaseOperation( at
org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.processPhaseOperations( at
org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.compile( at
org.codehaus.jdt.groovy.internal.compiler.ast.GroovyCompilationUnitDeclaration.processToPhase( at
org.codehaus.jdt.groovy.internal.compiler.ast.GroovyCompilationUnitDeclaration.resolve( at
org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.Compiler.process( at at Source) Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Unable to load class org.spockframework.runtime.ErrorCollector due to
missing dependency org/junit/runners/model/MultipleFailureException at org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v5.Java5.configureClassNode( at
org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassNode.lazyClassInit( at org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassNode.getDeclaredMethods( at
org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ImmutableClassNode.getDeclaredMethods( at
org.spockframework.compiler.AstNodeCache.( at org.spockframework.compiler.SpockTransform$Impl.(
52) at org.spockframework.compiler.SpockTransform.visit( at
org.codehaus.groovy.transform.ASTTransformationVisitor$ ... 9 more
My code is as simple as you can get. This is the code:
//The error is on the "p" letter of package
package hellowworld
class HelloWorld{
static main(args) {
Please note that this error only happens when I add Spock jar. The closest question was Spock without maven or gradle, but obviously the problems are different.
I just cut the file from the package directory pasted it out side and then recut pasted in the package back. It worked well and I have no idea why.
This is one of those problems which occasionally arise in Eclipse and most people just won't know why!
The thing to do usually is to try several "strategies" and hope that one will work. If not you have to come back to SO and try to enlist the support of an expert.
One tip: in my experience sometimes it is worth trying "Refresh Gradle" and "Build all" more than once. Not only that, but sometimes trying either of these actually then seems to do nothing... but a couple of seconds later the horrid x in the red box then vanishes like morning mist!
Highlight/select the project in Project Explorer --> right-click --> Gradle --> Refresh Gradle Project
Put cursor in a code file open in the editor, press Ctrl-B (Project --> Build all)
Close all files in editor, close Eclipse and start up Eclipse again
Try the above in various combinations
Reboot and then try the above in various combinations
If this fails to cure it you may need to turn to SO.

How to call a plugin method from another plugin in Eclipse?

I'm having the following situation:
I want to extend the functionality of a given plugin A (I have it's source code and start it by running the project as an Eclipse Application which opens a new Eclipse IDE which provides the plugins functionality) with an plugin B I am writing.
My plugin does run when I run it as a Java Application. Let's assume it just prints Hello World in the console. What I want is that I can call the function which does that from plugin A.
What I did:
I added my plugin B to plugin As Required Plugin-Ins.
I create an instance of the class which implements the Hello World-print and call the function inside a method of plugin A (I also tried to make the method static and call it without creating an instance which resulted in exactly the same errors).
I created an Extension Point in plugin B and added it as an Extension in plugin A. I just set the ID and name in the Extension Point.
What happens:
When the instance of the class in plugin B should be created, the program crashes with this error:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: de/name_of/plugin_b/package/ClassName
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: de.name_of.plugin_b.package.ClassName cannot be found by de.name_of.plugin_a.package_1.0.0.qualifier
I guess I'm missing something imporant - can someone help me out on what it is?
Edit 2:
I've just read that I have to add "." to the classpath. Seems like this solved the issue! Thanks for making me dig deeper into the manifest, greg!
I do get a different error now tho, which also seems to be connected to me making mistakes when creating the plugin as I do not get this error when I run plugin B as a Java Application.
The problem is, tho, that this method does exists (see lucene API here).
As seen in the manifest, I added the lucene-jars to the dependencies of plugin B.
You need to include every package that other plugins use in the Export-Package section of your plugin. In the MANIFEST.MF editor this is on the 'Runtime' tab in the 'Exported Packages' section.
You don't need an extension point to make this work.

Groovy, Netbeans and Java EE

I want to develop a web application (no frameworks) mixing java with groovy. I am using the IDE Netbeans with the plugin.
If I start a new Java SE project and add a groovy class, it works with no problems.. but when I create a new java EE project and add a groovy class it can't compile and shows me the following error:
/home/webcodei/NetBeansProjects/testeGroovyWeb/src/java/pacote/ cannot find symbol
symbol : class Hroovy
location: class pacote.Hello
Hroovy h = new Hroovy();
/home/webcodei/NetBeansProjects/testeGroovyWeb/src/java/pacote/ cannot find symbol
symbol : class Hroovy
location: class pacote.Hello
Hroovy h = new Hroovy();
2 errors
/home/webcodei/NetBeansProjects/testeGroovyWeb/nbproject/build-impl.xml:383: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/webcodei/NetBeansProjects/testeGroovyWeb/nbproject/build-impl.xml:211: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
FALHA NA CONSTRUÇÃO (tempo total: 0 segundos)
Does anybody have a clue of how do I enable Java EE + Groovy in netbeans?
ps: I know the existence of Grails
ps2: The Groovy jar is in my classpath.
Thank you for all!
It appears that the NetBeans 6.5 Java Webapp project manager does not have the "Enable Groovy" support that is present in the Java App and Java Class library projects.
I can think of two ways you might get around this:
First, you could put your Groovy code and tests in a separate project as a Java Class Library. Then make the Java webapp dependent on the Groovy project. NetBeans will build the dependent project automatically so you'll hardly notice they are in separate projects.
Second, the "Enable Groovy" isn't magic. All it does is write a groovy-build.xml in /nbprojects and modify build-impl.xml to import it. The groovy-build.xml overrides the default "javac" macro to invoke "groovyc" instead. If you're at all handy with Ant, you could copy a groovy-build.xml from a Java Application project and copy it to your Java Web project and then import it from your build.xml (before build-impl.xml is imported). The groovy-build.xml would likely need a few tweaks as some of the properties between a webapp and class library are a little different.
#Dave Smith,
This was exactly what I did. I created one javase project and one webapp and started to compare them. After a few minutes I realised that the only diference was the groovy-build.xml.
So I copied the groovy-build.xml into the dir, and inserted the following lines into my build.xml:
<import file="nbproject/groovy-build.xml"/>
Right before the regular
<import file="nbproject/build-impl.xml"/>
And then called the groovy file to overwrite the -init-macrodef-javac.
<target depends="-groovy-init-macrodef-javac" name="-pre-compile">
I also needed to change the namespace from the groovy-build.xml to mine ex:
<macrodef name="javac" uri="">
And inserted the j2ee classpath (${j2ee.platform.classpath}) to the attribute a few lines later:
<attribute default="${javac.classpath}:${j2ee.platform.classpath}" name="classpath"/>
After that the project worked successfully! =D
Thank you for all!

