I was using FUSEKI and now changed to OpenRDF/Sesame.
Everything works fine, i have just one problem.
In one method i need to get back the complete database of my repositori in a Model. The Method looks like this:
private static Model getRepositoryModel() throws ResourceRepositoryException{
String queryString = "DESCRIBE * WHERE {?r ?s ?p}";
Model currentModel = QueryExecuter.executeSparqlDescribeQuery(queryString);
return currentModel; }
public static Model executeSparqlDescribeQuery(String queryString) throws ResourceRepositoryException {
Model resultModel = null;
QueryExecution qe = QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService(SESAME_SERVICE_QUERY, queryString);
resultModel = qe.execDescribe();
} catch(QueryExceptionHTTP | QueryParseException e){
throw new ResourceRepositoryException(e.getMessage());
return resultModel;}
But i don't actually get a Model back. But in SPARQL you have to get one back if you call this method. It also worked with FUSEKI.
From your comments I gather that you are using Jena to query a remote Sesame Server (it wasn't clear earlier that that was what you were doing, I initially thought you had switched your own client code over to use Sesame as well but had posted the wrong/old code). Although this is a slightly unconventional setup (most people using Sesame Server also use the Sesame APIs to actually query/access it), it certainly should be possible.
Apparently, however, you are using something like this as the Sesame SPARQL endpoint URL:
(assuming your repository is named 'test').
This is not the correct URL to use. It should be:
Notice the difference: not "openrdf-workbench", but "openrdf-sesame".
The workbench is a client UI for a Sesame Server, it is not intended to be used as the SPARQL endpoint itself. The fact that it apparently works if you use it for SELECT-queries is just an unfortunate side effect. It is not intended to be used as such.
Geonames database works fine for me when to query via WEB. However, there are java packages org.geonames with classes WebService, Toponym and other ones, which seem to do the same from within java application. So, I try to use org.geonames for creating a query like
which, when sending via WEB, returns xml nwith countryName and adminName1 tags. However, I cannot find appropriate method (methods) in org.geonames returning object with countryName and adminName1 by given latitude and longitude.
How do I solve the problem?
The methods are in the class Toponym, not in the package.
Here is the javadoc with all the methods.
And here is an example from their website.
WebService.setUserName("demo"); // add your username here
ToponymSearchCriteria searchCriteria = new ToponymSearchCriteria();
ToponymSearchResult searchResult = WebService.search(searchCriteria);
for (Toponym toponym : searchResult.getToponyms()) {
System.out.println(toponym.getName()+" "+ toponym.getCountryName());
I am new to Elasticsearch. I read Elasticsearch's Java client APIs and am able to build query and send it to the Elasticsearch server via the transport client.
Because my query is quite complex with multi-level filters and I notice that it is cumbersome to build a query via the Java client. I feel that it is much simpler to build a JSON query string and then send it over to the Elasticsearch server via a Java client.
Is this something Elasticsearch offers?
I do like what Elasticsearch Java API can do after receiving results such as scrolling over the results. I want to keep these features.
Thanks for any input and links!
Did further research on Elasticsearch API and found out that Elasticsearch does offer this capability. Here is how:
SearchResponse scrollResp = client.prepareSearch("my-index")
.setQuery(query) // **<-- Query string in JSON format**
You can no longer pass in string to the .setQuery function, however you can use a WrapperQueryBuilder like this:
WrapperQueryBuilder builder = QueryBuilders.wrapperQuery(searchQuery);
SearchRequestBuilder sr = client.prepareSearch().setIndices(index).setTypes(mapping).setQuery(builder);
I'd recommend using the Java API, it is very good once you get used to it and in most cases it is less cumbersome. If you look through the Elasticsearch source code you will see that the Java API Builds the JSON under the hood. Here is an example from the MatchAllQueryBuilder:
public void doXContent(XContentBuilder builder, Params params) throws IOException {
if (boost != -1) {
builder.field("boost", boost);
if (normsField != null) {
builder.field("norms_field", normsField);
ElasticSearch has built in capabilities to do exactly what you need, in an organized manner.
To answer your question, please see this link (the material is gone on elastic's site, so it might no longer work):
All you have to do is build a simple file which contains your search template i.e complex search query.
It can be a simple json file, or a text file.
Now you simply pass in your parameters, through your java code.
See the example in the link, it makes things amply clear.
I have to serialize some specific properties (about ten film's properties) for a set of 1500 entity from DBpedia. So for each entity I run a sparql query in order to retrieve them and after that, for each ResultSet I store all the data in the tdb dataset using the default apache jena tdb API. I create a single statement for each property and I add them using this code:
public void addSolution(QuerySolution currSolution, String subjectURI) {
if(isWriteMode) {
Resource currResource = datasetModel.createResource(subjectURI);
Property prop = datasetModel.createProperty(currSolution.getResource("?prop").toString());
Statement stat = datasetModel.createStatement(currResource, prop, currSolution.get("?value").toString());
How can I do in order to execute multiple add operations on a single dataset? What's the strategy that I should use?
I'm able to execute all the code without errors, but no files were created by the TDBFactory. Why this happens?
I think that I need Joshua Taylor's help
It sounds like the query is running over the remote dbpedia endpoint. Assuming that's correct you can do a couple of things.
Firstly wrap the update in a transaction:
try {
for (QuerySolution currSolution: results) {
} finally {
Secondly, you might be able to save yourself work by using CONSTRUCT to get a model back, rather than having to loop through the results. I'm not clear what's going on with subjectURI, however, but it might be as simple as:
CONSTRUCT { <subjectURI> ?prop ?value }
... existing query body ...
I've solved my problem and I want to put here the problem that I've got for anyone will have the same.
For each transaction that you do, you need to re-obtain the dataset model and don't use the same for all the transaction.
So for each transaction that you start you need to obtain the dataset model just after the call to begin().
I hope that will be helpful.
hi i want to get all issues stored in jira from java using jql or any othere way.
i try to use this code:
for(String name:getProjectsNames()){
String jqlRequest = "project = \""+name+"\"";
SearchResult result = restClient.getSearchClient().searchJql(
jqlRequest, 10000,0, pm);
final Iterable<BasicIssue> issues = result.getIssues();
for (BasicIssue is : issues) {
Issue issue = restClient.getIssueClient().getIssue(is.getKey(), pm);
it give me the result but it take a very long time.
is there a query or a rest API URL or any other way that give me all issues?
please help me
The JIRA REST API will give you all the info from each issue at a rate of a few issues/second. The Inquisitor add-on at https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/com.citrix.jira.inquisitor will give you thousands of issues per second but only the standard JIRA fields.
There is one other way. There is one table in JIRA database named "dbo.jiraissue". If you have access to that database then you can fetch all the ids of all issues. After fetching this data you can send this REST request "**localhost/rest/api/2/issue/issue_id" and get JSON response. Of course you have to write some code for this but this is one way I know to get all issues.
In my project I'm using Neo4j's Core-API through GraphDatabaseService. In Tests we have an EmbeddedGraphDatabase where everything works as expected. I then wrote some tests to see how my implementation behaves on a RestGraphDatabase, just to find out, that most of it fails!
(The GraphDatabaseService is obtained by GraphDatabaseFactory of the Rest-API, so without an instanceof check I do not know which one it is)
Some examples:
If I use GlobalGraphOperations everything will fail, because GlopalGraphOperations are not supported by the RestGraphDatabase. (Strange enough that GlobalGraphOperations.at doesn't throw but all methods from GlobalGraphOperations).
Then I thought "ok I'll use Cypher to get the same behavior."
I tryed to implement a Method like this:
public getNodesWithLabel(String label, GraphDatabaseService graphService){
try(Transaction tx graphService.beginTx()){
ExecutionEngine ee = new ExecutionEngine(graphService);
//throws NullPOinterExeption in execute method
ExecutionResult result = ee.execute("MATCH (n:" + label + ") RETURN n");
//... mapping of Nodes
Searching through the API I see, that there is a RestCypherQueryEngine which is initialized via a RestAPIFascade. Problem here is, that the methods are not interchangeable, do not implement the same interface, and the return types are completeley different (i.e. ExecutionResult vs QueryResult)
So my question is: Is there a way, to get the same behavior from Neo4j where the used technology (Rest vs. Embedded) doesn't matter? Some kind of a technology independed Wrapper will suit my needs.
by the way, I'm using Neo4j in Version 2
Just don't do it. What it would do (if it worked) would be to execute every call to the database over the wire, ever read and write of nodes, rels and properties. You don't want to do that.
Use this instead.
queryEngine = new RestCypherQueryEngine(restGraphDb.getRestAPI());
queryEngine.query(query, params)
This sends the queries to the server and runs them there.