I have a prepared statement like so:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ? (uuid VARCHAR(128), item VARCHAR(48), value FLOAT, UNIQUE (uuid))
If I execute this directly in PMA, but replacing the ? with any text text, it works perfectly and it creates the table correctly. However, if I run it from Java it doesn't work.
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''Murder_PlayerData' (uuid VARCHAR(128), item VARCHAR(48), value FLOAT, UNIQUE (u' at line 1
Here's the Java code
String table = "Murder_PlayerData";
String execute = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ? (uuid VARCHAR(128), item VARCHAR(48), value FLOAT(11), UNIQUE (uuid))";
PreparedStatement statement = sql.getConnection().prepareStatement(execute);
statement.setString(1, table);
Why does it work in PMA but not when I do it from Java?
Prepared statements can't be used to define table names, but to define values related to columns (insert values, values for where or having conditions, etcetera). One way to understand it is: Prepared Statements are for DML operations, not for DDL operations.
If you want to build a table on runtime, you need to build the SQL statement "by hand":
String table = "Murder_PlayerData"
String strSQL = "create table if not exists " + table + "("
// Add your column definitions
+ ")"
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
Notice that, if the variable table can be filled with data provided by the user, your code will be vulnerable to SQL Injection Attacks. I recommend you don't create tables if their names must be provided by users, but rather create the tables without any user interaction and then insert the values, using some kind of key to identify which records belong to each user.
I just want to create a table, but if it exists it needs to be dropped and re-created.
I use MySQL 8.0.29
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
near 'CREATE TABLE users (Id long, name varchar(100), lastName
varchar(100), age tin' at line 1
public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {
try (Connection connection = Util.getConnection()) {
String sqlCommand = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `users`;" +
"CREATE TABLE `users` (Id long, name varchar(100), lastName varchar(100), age tinyint)";
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
System.out.println("table created");
int rows = statement.executeUpdate("INSERT users(Id,name,lastName,age) VALUES (101,'Mike','Manson',31)");
The following may be the reason:
long is not a valid MySQL data type.
variable sqlCommand contains multiple statements. Each SQL statement should be terminated with a semicolon symbol. Adding a semicolon at the end of CREATE statement can solve your issue.
By default the JDBC driver does not support multiple SQL statements in one execute call. There's a connect string option to enable it:
Allow the use of ';' to delimit multiple queries during one statement.
But there's no good reason to use multi-queries. They make your code more complex, not simpler. Allowing multi-queries creates the opportunity for a type of SQL injection vulnerabilities that are not possible otherwise. See https://xkcd.com/327/
Just run one statement per call to executeUpdate().
I'm trying to create a Java Application in NetBeans which allows the user to use most MySQL RDBMS functionalities through a GUI. I have successfully written the code for the following :
Creating a Database
Dropping a Database
Creating a Table giving options for table name, no. of columns, data type for every column
I'm stuck at the part where the user gets to insert a record in the table that was just created. I'm unable to figure out how the "insert into table values ..." query can be dynamically created and passed depending on the table the user wants to enter this record in. The table could have any number of columns, of course.
I dont know if this is the correct method, but when I faced this same problem in the past, this is how I solved it :
I ran this query to find the number of columns in the table
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE table_catalog = 'database_name' AND table_name = 'table_name'
Then created a dynamic sql query based on no of columns:
String sql = "Insert into tablename values(";
for(int i = 1;i<=columns;i++){
sql += "?";
if (i < columns) {
sql += ", ";
Then fired a Prepared Statement
PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(sql);
ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
If you also don't know the constraints and datatype of the columns, try parsing
desc tablename
I know this must be the shittiest workaround, but it worked for me;)
Using Netbeans, I have my database and table set up, and have added my data manually, in which I am able to see within my application I am building, as intended.
I would like the user to add their own data in which will be appended to a new row on the table. However, I am having trouble trying to write code in order to do this.
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/stockApplication");
Statement stat = conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
String insertDerbyData = "INSERT INTO TIGER_INFO"
+ "VALUES (123456, Store)";
I cannot execute the above code as I'm returned with an error mentioning that 'STORE' is not in any table. 'STORE' is meant to be a value for my 'TIGER_LOCATION' column. What's going on here?
In theory, I have two columns, and I would like to add both values, '123456' and 'Store' into their respective columns. How do I go about correctly doing so?
If TIGER_LOCATION is a string/varchar column, and Store is a string literal, then the value must be enclosed in single quotes, as in most SQL-based databases:
Strings should be between '...' you have to use :
VALUES (123456, 'Store')
I have a store program in java and a database made in access. I already have 2 tables in my database which are the customers table and the products table.
I want to add an orders table wherein it's primary key is an autonumber and an order_line table to complete this app. I want to have tables like this..
customer(cust_id, name, ....)
orders(order_no, cust_id, date_purchased,...)
order_line(order_no, product_id, ...)
products(product_id, product_name, price,....)
When the customer purchased the products, i could insert new values to the orders table. The thing that is not clear to me is how could i insert also in the order_line table, because the order_no I created in access is of type autonumber.
Would I make a select statement first to get the order_no value to put it to the order_no in order_line's table? Or I need to put this in one query only.
Anyone with experience to this? Any advice is appreciated.
The insertion into orders and order_line table should happen in a single transaction. While doing so, if you are using plain JDBC to insert record into orders table, you can register the order_no as an OUT parameter in your CallableStatement and get the value after the statement is executed and use to set the order_no attribute on the order_line records.
// begin transaction
CallableStatement cs = connection.prepareCall(INSERT_STMT_INTO_ORDERS_TABLE);
cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.INT);
int updateCount = cs.execute();
// Check the update count.
long orderNo = cs.getInt(1);
// CallableStatement csLine for inserting into order_line table
// for (OrderLine line: orderLines) {
// Set the orderNo in line.
// set paramters on csLine.
// csLine.addBatch();
// }
// run the batch and verify update counts
// connection.rollback() on error.
The JDBC-way (if you like database-independence), is to use the getGeneratedKeys() method of statement.
Use setAutoCommit(false), then execute the first query with the option Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS (eg for PreparedStatement).
Then use the getGeneratedKeys() method to retrieve the key (note: reference by column name, as the exact implementation and number of returned columns depends on the driver implementation.
And execute the second statement with that retrieved key.
Finally, commit().
I want to check wether a table named basestation exists in a MySQL table from a Java program using JDBC. My code is:
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);
DatabaseMetaData dbm = conn.getMetaData();
tables = dbm.getTables(null, null, "basestations", null);
if (tables.next())
//Table exists in database
//Table does not exist
but although table basestations exists in my database it seems that my code never enters the first clause and always decides that table does not exist, causing naturally a table already exists in database SQL error when trying to create the table from the beginning.
Not the best way to do it below.. But you could do the following:
Use JDBC to send the following statement:
select count(*) from information_schema.tables where information_schema.table_schema='your_schema' and information_schema.table_name='basestations';
Parse the jdbc result set.
That should return either 1 or 0. If the resulting count is 1, then the table exists, otherwise, it does not.
I suspect your getTables() not returning anything here. As per getTables documentation Only table descriptions matching the catalog, schema, table name and type criteria are returned. In your case catalog and schema are null, which may not be correct (my guess), populate them with proper values.