Using Multiple Oracle JDBC drivers in one Java application? - java

I want to connect to two different Oracle databases (one and one 12c) via JDBC. I do have both JDBC drivers that can individually and successfully connect to the corresponding DB via simple "hello world" applications. Below, I have put both of them together into one Java application, which unfortunately does not work anymore (with both drivers being loaded).
I have read this post: Handle multiple JDBC drivers from the SAME VENDOR . The option 1 mentioned there might be the way to go, but there seems to be one major problem:
It seems that OracleDataSource does not yet exist in the old version 8 driver and only has been introduced at later versions (in the 12c version driver it exists).
Any hints, on how to connect to these two Oracle databases with one single Java application and two JDBC drivers?
import java.sql.*;
class db {
public static void main (String args []) throws SQLException {
// Oracle 8 connection
DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
Connection c1 = DriverManager.getConnection(
Statement s1 = c1.createStatement ();
ResultSet r1 = s1.executeQuery ("SELECT banner FROM V$VERSION WHERE banner LIKE 'Oracle%'");
while ( ()) {
System.out.println(r1.getString (1));
// Oracle 12 connection
Connection c2 = DriverManager.getConnection(
Statement s2 = c2.createStatement ();
ResultSet r2 = s2.executeQuery ("SELECT banner FROM V$VERSION WHERE banner LIKE 'Oracle%'");
while ( ()) {
System.out.println(r2.getString (1));
Thanks in adavnce!

If you don't register the drivers you avoid them being loaded by the same classloader.
Then you can create connections using the two different drivers by loading them through separate classloaders:
// Oracle 8 connection
File jar = new File("/path/to/oracle8.jar");
URL[] cp = new URL[1];
cp[0] = jar.toURI().toURL();
URLClassLoader ora8loader = new URLClassLoader(cp, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
Class drvClass = ora8loader.loadClass("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver");
Driver ora8driver = (Driver)drvClass.newInstance();
Properties props = new Properties();
// "user" instead of "username"
props.setProperty("user", "my-user");
props.setProperty("password", "my-password");
Connection ora8conn = ora8driver.connect("jdbc:oracle:thin:#some-oracle-8-server:port:sid",props);
Then do the same for the Oracle 12 driver.
You might also be able to still use the "other" driver through DriverManager, but I'm not sure about that.
There are some corner cases where accessing Oracle specific classes gets a bit complicated, but in general you can use the connections created through this without any problems.

I see two different solutions for different constellations.
(Using same (?) classes with different versions normally would be an idealh use case for OSGi, or if your application is a NetBeans RCP, their modular system. This works using class loaders that separate the software into modules, so one in different modules may load different jars with different versions of the same product.)
(Alternatively one might a different application with its own Oracle jar that is accessed using RMI.)
You might use the same technique: either write your own delegating ClassLoader that loads the right jar, or use the conceptually simpler RMI that however requires managing system resources.
Do not use imports from the vendors; that is contrary to the vendor indepence of JDBC.
Ensure that javax.sql interfaces come from a java-ee jar.
Picking the ClassLoader solution:
It would be best to make your own delegating Driver say with a protocol jdbc:myswitch:8: .... It could then use two different class loader instances. For instance using an URLClassLoader with a file:/... path.
One could make two separate instances of the custom delegating driver, so one can use the Delegate pattern.
public static class MySwitchDriver implements Driver {
private final String oraURIPrefix;
private final Driver delegateDriver;
public MySwitchDriver(String oraURIPrefix) {
this.oraURIPrefix = oraURIPrefix; // "8:" or "12:"
String jarFileURI = oraURIPrefi.equals("8")
? "file:/... .jar" : "file:/... .jar";
URLClassLoader classLoader = new URLClassLoader(...);
delegateDriver = classLoader.loadClass(
"oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver", true);
private String delegateURL(String url) {
// Something safer than this:
return "jdbc:" + url.substring(
+ oraURIPrefix.length);
public Connection connect(String url, Properties info)
throws SQLException {
String url2 = delegateURL(url);
Properties info2 = info;
return delegateDriver.connect(url2, info2);
public boolean acceptsURL(String url) throws SQLException {
return url.startsWith("jdbc:myswitch:" + oraURIPrefix)
&& delegateDriver.acceptsURL(delegateURL(url));

You can use Factory design pattern in order to get which connection you would like to have, then, store it some Singleton which is making your connection to each databse.
So, each of your database connections are Singletons, and being instansated by the Factory with the given ENUM you put him as a parameter.


AWS Lambda Java, connect to MySQL RDS

I need to develop an AWS Lambda Java function to retrieve some records from RDS MySQL database.
Should I use JDBC? Should I use the standard JDBC example:
try {
String url = "jdbc:msql://";
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url,"","");
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs;
rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT Lname FROM Customers WHERE Snum = 2001");
while ( ) {
String lastName = rs.getString("Lname");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Got an exception! ");
Step 1:
login IAM console
roles -> create new roles
role name :lambda-vpc-execution-role
AWS service roles ->
a) Select aws lambda
b) Attach policy "AWSLambdaFullAccess"
Step 2:
Get code from (note this is maven project)
Right click on project select Run as --->5.maven build...
for goal provide name package shade:shade
Go to project folder and target/lamda-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar
Step 3:
Login to lambda console(skip blueprint)
Create new lambda
name: time-test
a) runtime-java
b) upload .zip(.jar) file (target/lamda-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar)
Provide package.class-name::myhandler -> Handler
Role -> lambda-vpc-exceution-role
vpc provide rds-vpc details (this should work in same vpc group)
Create function
In the Action drop down list select configure test event
result will shown down like this "Execution result: succeeded (logs)"
Yes, you need to use standard JDBC code in your lambda function class. The code you provided looks okay. There are a few more things you need to do when accessing RDS or any other RDBMS through a Lamda function -
Create a jar or a zip file for your Lambda function
Your zip file needs to have a lib folder in which your JDBC driver file goes. The Lambda function doc says this is one of the two standard ways, but it didn't work for me.
You can create a jar file in which the driver classes are put in. This works. The best way to do it is through the Maven Shade plugin, which extracts the JDBC drivers and packs the classes in one single jar file.
Setup the handler function and specify it at the time of Lambda deployment
Define execution role and VPC as needed.
Upload and publish your jar or zip file.
You can test the Lambda function through the console, and see the actual output in the CloudWatch logs.
You could use this kinda implementation:
public static DataSource getDataSource(){
Utils._logger.log("Get data source");
MysqlDataSource mysqlDs = null;
mysqlDs = new MysqlDataSource();
Utils._logger.log("Object "+mysqlDs.getUrl()+" "+mysqlDs.getUser()+" ");
return mysqlDs;
catch(Exception e) {
Utils._logger.log("No se pudo abrir el archivo de properties");
return mysqlDs;
One thing I am particularly noticing in your codebase is that even when you use this Lambda function for connecting to the specific RDS you have, the hostname may not be the correct one for Amazon RDS.
It needs to be the endpoint of the RDS you are trying to connect to and your complete connection url would look something like this below -
//jdbc:mysql://hostname (endpoint of RDS):port/databasename
String url = "jdbc:mysql://"+dbHost+":3306/"+dbName;
Since those endpoints can change for different databases and servers, you can make them as environment variables within Lambda and refer using
String dbHost = System.getenv("dbHost");
String dbName = System.getenv("dbName");
for a much cleaner and stateless design that Lambda supports.

Connecting to MongoDB using jdbc driver

Purpose is to connect MongoDB remote server through JAVA:
URL = "jdbc:mongo://" + serverIP + ":"
+ port+ "/" +databaseName;
dbConn = getConnection(URL,mongo1, mongo1);
Tried Unity_trial.Jar, mongo_version.jar files but the error comes is 'mongodb.jdbc.MongoDriver' classNameNotFound.
If I comment the class.forname line, the next error is
URL = "jdbc:mongo://" + serverIP + ":" + port
+ "/" +databaseName;
is not in correct format.
Not sure about where I am making the mistake.
Thanks for your help in advance.
You can checkout this project:
There are two examples given.
But in general I would recommend to use the MongoDB Client or some Spring Data abstraction.
If you are getting a ClassNotFoundException, the issue is that the jar containing the mongodb.jdbc.MongoDriver class is not on your classpath. If you're not sure what JAR this class is in, I would reccomend getting 7-Zip so that you can inspect the contents of the jar and see for yourself if the class is there.
The correct way to connect to MongoDB with your approach is:
String URL = "jdbc:mongo://<servername>:<port>/<databaseName>";
Connection jdbcConn = DriverManager.getConnection(url,"user","pass");
But MongoDB isn't really meant to be used with JDBC, so if your requirements allow, I would reccomend getting a connection the "mongodb" way.
MongoClient client = new MongoClient("localhost");
For details on how to do it this way, see the MongoDB docs
I know its very late to answer but might help someone else. If you are compiling and running your code from cmd then before compilation set classpath for mongo.jar like below :
set classpath=C:\DemoProject\java db\Mongo\mongo.jar;
then run your code.
or if you are using editor like eclipse then add this jar to your lib folder.
I met this question today morning.
The key is missing mongo-java-driver.jar.
when I add the jar, the project can run normal.
DbSchema database designer is providing an Open Source MongoDb JDBC driver which does support native MongoDb queries, including find(), projections, aggregate, etc..
The driver is using an internal embedded JavaScript engine.
The driver is Open Source on GitHub.
Few of the driver features:
Support native MongoDb queries
Calling DatabaseMetaData methods can 'guess' the collection structure, so a 'virtual schema' is created. This is used by the Designer for MongoDB to represent the MongoDb database structure in diagrams like below.
Implement most of the JDBC driver methods. Use the native MongoDB JDBC URL to connect, which means full functionality regarding connectivity.
And one snippet of code about how to use the driver
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put("user", "someuser");
properties.put("password", "somepassword" );
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mongodb://host1:9160/keyspace1", properties);
String query = "db.sampleCollection().find()";
Statement statement = con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery( query );
Object json = rs.getObject(1);
The first option
MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient( "",27017 );
MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase(dataBase);
MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection(DBcollection);
another option
MongoClientURI connectionString = new MongoClientURI("mongodb://");
MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(connectionString);
MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase(dataBase);
MongoCollection collection = database.getCollection(DBcollection);

Jython and standalone DB connection pool: How to confirm the pool is a Singleton

Question: Can you use the zxJDBC.connectx method, outside of an application server container?
I have my own server application in Jython, and I'm looking to upgrade to using a database connection pool (since I'm building and destroying individual connections manually, at this point). I have found some sample code and have gotten it to work (using Tomcat's connection pool), but something about the way it works bothers me. To me, it looks like the pool is getting created over and over again. Here's my working example:
from __future__ import with_statement
from com.ziclix.python.sql import zxJDBC
params = { }
params['url'] = 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/my_database'
params['driverClassName'] = 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'
params['username'] = 'mario'
params['password'] = 'myP#ssw0rd'
params['validationQuery'] = 'SELECT 1'
params['jdbcInterceptors'] = \
'org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.interceptor.ConnectionState;' + \
# This is the line that worries me!
conn = zxJDBC.connectx('org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSource', **params)
with conn.cursor() as cursor:
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM MyTable')
data = cursor.fetchall()
print data
Take a look at "the line that worries me." I would like to use the zxJDBC connection object, but if each time I obtain it I have to give the DataSource class name along with the setup parameters, then the first thing I think is that a connection pool is being created anew each time. That's obviously not what I want.
Does anyone know for sure what's going on, or how I might go about confirming what's going on—with a little experimentation, perhaps? Am I supposed to duplicate the JNDI infrastructure of a servlet container or something if I want to use this in my server? Am I failing to understand what exactly a DataSource is and how it works? I don't know how to get to the bottom of it. Thanks!
Edit: Jython source code
I took a look at the Jython source code. The connectx method is backed by the com.ziclix.python.sql.connect.Connectx class. The relevant snippet looks like this:
* Construct a javax.sql.DataSource or javax.sql.ConnectionPooledDataSource
public PyObject __call__(PyObject[] args, String[] keywords) {
Connection c = null;
PyConnection pc = null;
Object datasource = null;
PyArgParser parser = new PyArgParser(args, keywords);
try {
String klass = (String) parser.arg(0).__tojava__(String.class);
datasource = Class.forName(klass).newInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw zxJDBC.makeException(zxJDBC.DatabaseError, "unable to instantiate datasource");
* The code continues on, setting up the connection pool's parameters,
* handling errors, etc., and obtaining a connection (variable: c).
try {
if (c == null || c.isClosed()) {
throw zxJDBC.makeException(zxJDBC.DatabaseError, "unable to establish connection");
pc = new PyConnection(c);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw zxJDBC.makeException(zxJDBC.DatabaseError, e);
return pc;
Building Jython from source isn't all that easy (there appear to be not well-documented dependencies), or I would put in some debugging statements to compare the datasource objects. But when I try to duplicate the creation part on my own...
datasource = Class.forName(klass).newInstance(); looks to me like unique DataSource instances (and therefore, presumably, unique pool instances) are being created with each call.
Does anyone have any experience with Jython and know for sure? Thanks.
Based on my research, I have come up with the following solution.
Instead of using the more direct approach shown in most Jython example code, I instantiate a DataSource using Java methods. (I took this from example code on the Apache Tomcat site.) Then, instead of calling a zxJDBC method to obtain a connection object, I make use of what that method relies on: namely, the com.ziclix.python.sql.PyConnection class.
The result is a traditional Java connection object drawn from a pool, which is then wrapped in a PyConnection object, allowing for the convenience of a Jython connection and its cursor object.
from __future__ import with_statement
from com.ziclix.python.sql import PyConnection
import org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool as pool
p = pool.PoolProperties()
p.setValidationQuery("SELECT 1")
p.setJdbcInterceptors('org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.interceptor.ConnectionState;' +
datasource = pool.DataSource()
conn = PyConnection(datasource.getConnection())
with conn.cursor() as cursor:
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM MyTable')
data = cursor.fetchall()
print data
I have more confidence in this approach. Is there any reason why I shouldn't?

DriverManager always returns my custom driver regardless of the connection URL

I am writing a driver to act as a wrapper around two separate MySQL connections (to distributed databases). Basically, the goal is to enable interaction with my driver for all applications instead of requiring the application to sort out which database holds the desired data.
Most of the code for this is in place, but I'm having a problem in that when I attempt to create connections via the MySQL Driver, the DriverManager is returning an instance of my driver instead of the MySQL Driver. I'd appreciate any tips on what could be causing this and what could be done to fix it!
Below is a few relevant snippets of code. I can provide more, but there's a lot, so I'd need to know what else you want to see.
First, from
public MyDriver() throws SQLException
public Connection connect(String url, Properties info)
throws SQLException
try { return new MyConnection(info); }
catch (Exception e) { return null; }
public boolean acceptsURL(String url)
throws SQLException
if (url.contains("jdbc:jgb://"))
{ return true; }
return false;
It is my understanding that this acceptsURL function will dictate whether or not the DriverManager deems my driver a suitable fit for a given URL. Hence it should only be passing connections from my driver if the URL contains "jdbc:jgb://" right?
Here's code from
Connection c1 = null;
Connection c2 = null;
public DDBSConnection (Properties info)
throws SQLException, Exception
info.list(System.out); //included for testing
String url1 = "jdbc:mysql://";
String url2 = "jdbc:mysql://";
this.c1 = DriverManager.getConnection(
url1, info.getProperty("username"), info.getProperty("password"));
this.c2 = DriverManager.getConnection(
url2, info.getProperty("username"), info.getProperty("password"));
And this tells me two things. First, the info.list() call confirms that the correct user and password are being sent. Second, because we enter an infinite loop, we see that the DriverManager is providing new instances of my connection as matches for the mysql URLs instead of the desired mysql driver/connection.
FWIW, I have separately tested implementations that go straight to the mysql driver using this exact syntax (al beit only one at a time), and was able to successfully interact with each database individually from a test application outside of my driver.
IMO, the main problem with this code is that it uses DriverManager. Avoid statics and stick with instances.
The specific problem is the DriverManager.getConnection goes directly to attempting to connect rather than the acceptsURL that getDriver does. Therefore, you connect implementation should do the same check as the acceptsURL implementation (it may even be stricter and possibly fail at runtime).
As a relatively minor point, the acceptsURL implementation is a little odd.
if (url.contains("jdbc:jgb://"))
{ return true; }
return false;
contains should be startsWith. The little dance with if and returns does not help clarity. It can be written as:
return url.startsWith("jdbc:jgb://");

integrate ms access and mysql in java

I have a problem connecting to MS Access and MySQL using Java. My problem is that I cannot find the driver for MySQL. Here is my code:
<%# page import="java.sql.*" %>
Connection odbcconn = null;
Connection jdbcconn = null;
PreparedStatement readsms = null;
PreparedStatement updsms = null;
ResultSet rsread = null;
Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); //load database driver
odbcconn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:SMS"); //connect to database
readsms = odbcconn.prepareStatement("select * from inbox where Status='New'");
rsread = readsms.executeQuery();
jdbcconn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/bakme", "root", ""); //connect to database
updsms = jdbcconn.prepareStatement("insert into inbox(sms,phone) values (?,?)");
updsms.setString(1, rsread.getString("Message"));
updsms.setString(2, rsread.getString("Phone"));
Thus, you get a ClassNotFoundException on the MySQL JDBC driver class? Then you need to put the MySQL JDBC driver JAR file containing that class in the classpath. In case of a JSP/Servlet application, the classpath covers under each the webapplication's /WEB-INF/lib folder. Just drop the JAR file in there. Its JDBC driver is also known as Connector/J. You can download it here.
That said, that's really not the way how to use JDBC and JSP together. This doesn't belong in a JSP file. You should be doing this in a real Java class. The JDBC code should also be more robust written, now it's leaking resources.
BalusC is spot on: this is not the way you should write something like this.
Connection, Statement, and ResultSet all represent finite resources. They are not like memory allocation; the garbage collector does not clean them up. You have to do that in your code, like this:
// Inside a method
Connection connection = null;
Statement statement = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
// interact with the database using connection, statement, and rs
// clean up resources in a finally block using static methods,
// called in reverse order of creation, that don't throw exceptions
But if you do decide to move this to a server-side component, you're bound to have huge problems with code like this:
jdbcconn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/bakme", "root", ""); //connect to database
updsms = jdbcconn.prepareStatement("insert into inbox(sms,phone) values (?,?)");
updsms.setString(1, rsread.getString("Message"));
updsms.setString(2, rsread.getString("Phone"));
Registering the driver, creating a connection, without closing it, and repeatedly preparing a statement inside a loop for every row that you get out of Access shows a serious misunderstanding of relational databases and JDBC.
You should register the driver and create connections once, do what needs to be done, and clean up all the resources you've used.
If you absolutely MUST do this in a JSP, I'd recommend using JNDI data sources for both databases so you don't have to set up connections inside the page. You should not be writing scriptlet code - better to learn JSTL and use its <sql> tags.
You can use this link to download the MySql Driver. Once you download it, you need to make sure it is on the class path for the web server that you are using. The particulars of configuring JDBC drivers for a server vary from server to server. You may want to edit your question to include more details to get a better answer.

