I have the following query, I'm using hibernate a JPA provider:
"SELECT page FROM ProjectPage page"
+" left join fetch page.categorySet as category"
+ " where page.id = :id "
+ " and category.parentCategory is null "
+ " and (category.status is null or category.status != :status_val) "
,ProjectPage.class).setParameter("id", id).setParameter("status_val", Status.DELETED).getSingleResult();
and below are the entities of ProjectPage and Category respectively:
public class ProjectPage {
#OneToMany( mappedBy = "parentPage")
private Set<Category> categorySet = new HashSet<Category>();
public class Category{
#OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy = "parentCategory",fetch=FetchType.EAGER)
private Set<com.se.dataadminbl.model.Category> categorySet = new HashSet<com.se.dataadminbl.model.Category>();
in the above query, i'm trying to fetch a ProjectPage along with its categorySet and as shown above class Category contains a set of its type, so every ProjectPage object will contain a set of Category and each object inside this set will contains a set of Category, now the problem is that when i retrieve the ProjectPage object the conditions in the where clause applied only on the first level set of Category not on each set inside each Category, i want to make a recursive query so that i can apply the where condition to the nth level instead of doing that with code, i tried to use interceptor but doesn't work, any idea of how to do that?
The WHERE condition will always filter out nulls when you reference a LEFT JOIN column in your WHERE clause. So the end result is an INNER JOIN.
Neither JPA nor Hibernate support recursive queries, because there's no one and only one standard implementation amongst all databases Hibernate supports.
In case you use PostgreSQL, you can use a Common Table Expression.
We have a Spring Boot / JPA application that has an entity which specifies a conversion from and to different units of measure. This conversion is specific for each product we work with and therefore this entity has a composite key with 3 attributes: FromUnitOfMeasure, ToUnitOfMeasure and Product.
#EqualsAndHashCode(of = "unitOfMeasureConversionByMaterialCompositeKey")
public class UnitOfMeasureConversionByMaterial {
private UnitOfMeasureConversionByMaterialCompositeKey unitOfMeasureConversionByMaterialCompositeKey;
public static class UnitOfMeasureConversionByMaterialCompositeKey implements Serializable {
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private Product product;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private UnitOfMeasure fromUnitOfMeasure;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private UnitOfMeasure toUnitOfMeasure;
private Float conversionValue;
UnitOfMeasure class:
#EqualsAndHashCode(of = "id")
public class UnitOfMeasure implements Serializable {
private String id;
private String description;
public UnitOfMeasure(String id) {
this.id = id;
The entire logic runs on an async thread, so no open session is available (equivalent to spring.jpa.open-in-view=false).
The #ManyToOne fields are Lazy, so we employ a JOIN FETCH query in our unit conversion repository to get both the conversions and #ManyToOne fields (thus following the best practice described at https://vladmihalcea.com/the-best-way-to-handle-the-lazyinitializationexception/)
#Query("SELECT cup FROM UnitOfMeasureConversionByMaterial cbm "
+ "LEFT JOIN FETCH cbm.unitOfMeasureConversionByMaterialCompositeKey.product p "
+ "LEFT JOIN FETCH cbm.unitOfMeasureConversionByMaterialCompositeKey.fromUnitOfMeasure fum "
+ "LEFT JOIN FETCH cbm.unitOfMeasureConversionByMaterialCompositeKey.toUnitOfMeasure tum")
List<UnitOfMeasureConversionByMaterial> customFindAllJoinProductsAndUom();
The application then proceeds to iterate all conversion entities and populate a map which indexes conversions by product, fromUnitOfMeasure and targetUnitOfMeasure:
protected Map<Product,Map<UnitOfMeasure,Map<UnitOfMeasure,Float>>> indexedConversionMap = new HashMap<>();
Here is the part of the code where I insert values in the map.
The code runs successfully for the first 24.500 conversions, but then throws a 'org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: could not initialize proxy [test.domain.UnitOfMeasure#kg] - no Session' exception when populating the final level of the map (putting the float conversion value for a given ToUnitOfMeasure).
for (UnitOfMeasureConversionByMaterial unitOfMeasureConversionByMaterial : conversionsExtractedWithJoinFetchQuery) {
Product product = unitOfMeasureConversionByMaterial.getProduct();
UnitOfMeasure fromUnitOfMeasure = unitOfMeasureConversionByMaterial.getFromUnitOfMeasure ();
UnitOfMeasure toUnitOfMeasure = unitOfMeasureConversionByMaterial.getToUnitOfMeasure ();
Float conversion = unitOfMeasureConversionByMaterial.getConversionValue();
if (!unitOfMeasureProjection.indexedConversionMap.containsKey(product)) {
unitOfMeasureProjection.indexedConversionMap.put(product, new HashMap<>());
if (!unitOfMeasureProjection.indexedConversionMap.get(product).containsKey(fromUnitOfMeasure)) {
unitOfMeasureProjection.indexedConversionMap.get(product).put(fromUnitOfMeasure, new HashMap<>());
toUnitOfMeasure, conversion); // ERROR happens here
The error message is:
org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: could not initialize proxy [test.domain.UnitOfMeasure#kg] - no Session
at org.hibernate.proxy.AbstractLazyInitializer.initialize(AbstractLazyInitializer.java:175)
at org.hibernate.proxy.AbstractLazyInitializer.getImplementation(AbstractLazyInitializer.java:315)
at org.hibernate.proxy.pojo.bytebuddy.ByteBuddyInterceptor.intercept(ByteBuddyInterceptor.java:45)
at org.hibernate.proxy.ProxyConfiguration$InterceptorDispatcher.intercept(ProxyConfiguration.java:95)
at test.domain.unitofmeasureconversionbymaterial.UnitOfMeasure$HibernateProxy$2LNVM7uD.hashCode(Unknown Source)
at java.base/java.util.HashMap.hash(HashMap.java:338)
at java.base/java.util.HashMap.put(HashMap.java:610)
at test.UnitOfMeasureProjectionFactory.getUnitOfMeasureProjectionWithConversions(UnitOfMeasureProjectionFactory.java:104)
at test.ConversionService.executeConversion(ConversionService.java:326)
at test.executeConversion$$FastClassBySpringCGLIB$$a7815e11.invoke(<generated>)
at org.springframework.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy.invoke(MethodProxy.java:218)
at org.springframework.aop.framework.CglibAopProxy$DynamicAdvisedInterceptor.intercept(CglibAopProxy.java:689)
at test.ConversionService$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$77fac61.executeConversion(<generated>)
at test.job.executeAsJob(ConversionJob.java:36)
at test.job.executeAsJob(ConversionJob.java:20)
at org.springframework.scheduling.support.DelegatingErrorHandlingRunnable.run(DelegatingErrorHandlingRunnable.java:54)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:539)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:304)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1136)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:635)
at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833)
Some additional information :
I have have tried to delombok Equals and HashCode at the UnitOfMeasure entity
They work normally and only depend on the String id attribute
spring.jpa.open-in-view=true is not an option as we are starting a different thread. Performance is also key on this application so we must not count on lazy fetching
An overarching #Transactional annotation in our service is also not an option as hundreds of thousands of records are being saved in batches. We have memory constraints (application and database) which would be violated by a single-transaction operation
What I do not understand is:
Why does the code run with no issues for the first 24.500 conversions and only then the error shows up
Why even when we extract conversions with JOIN FETCH for all #ManyToOne attributes (which in turn have simple String ids) does Hibernate try to access the database to fetch the information
What could be going wrong? Any ideas as to how to debug this exception?
Edit 1:
Here's the SQL for the custom Query:
unitofmeas0_.product_id as product_4_31_0_,
unitofmeas0_.to_unit_of_measure_id as unit_of_3_31_0_,
unitofmeas0_.from_unit_of_measure_id as unit_of_2_31_0_,
product1_.id as id1_97_1_,
unitofmeas2_.id as id1_129_2_,
unitofmeas3_.id as id1_129_3_,
unitofmeas0_.conversion_value as conversi1_31_0_,
product1_.active as active2_97_1_,
product1_.descontinuation_date as desconti3_97_1_,
product1_.introduction_date as introduc4_97_1_,
product1_.description as descript5_97_1_,
product1_.ean as ean6_97_1_,
product1_.operational_model as operatio7_97_1_,
product1_.ncm as ncm8_97_1_,
product1_.standard_unit_of_measure_id as standard9_97_1_,
product1_.transfer_unit_of_measure_id as transfer10_97_1_,
product1_.sales_unit_of_measure_id as sales_un11_97_1_,
unitofmeas2_.description as descript2_129_2_,
unitofmeas3_.description as descript2_129_3_
unit_of_measure_conversion_by_material unitofmeas0_
left outer join
product product1_
on unitofmeas0_.product_id=product_.id
left outer join
unit_of_measure unitofmeas2_
on unitofmeas0_.from_unit_of_measure_id=unitofmeas2_.id
left outer join
unit_of_measure unitofmeas3_
on unitofmeas0_.to_unit_of_measure_id=unitofmeas3_.id
We have other relationships to UnitOfMeasure in the Product entity, but we believe that is not the problem since we tried to JOIN FETCH the Product fields with the following Query and the error persists.
#Query("SELECT cup FROM UnitOfMeasureConversionByMaterial cbm "
+ "LEFT JOIN FETCH cbm.unitOfMeasureConversionByMaterialCompositeKey.product p "
+ "LEFT JOIN FETCH cbm.unitOfMeasureConversionByMaterialCompositeKey.fromUnitOfMeasure fum "
+ "LEFT JOIN FETCH cbm.unitOfMeasureConversionByMaterialCompositeKey.toUnitOfMeasure tum "
+ "LEFT JOIN FETCH p.standardUnitOfMeasure stum "
+ "LEFT JOIN FETCH p.salesUnitOfMeasure saum "
+ "LEFT JOIN FETCH p.transferUnitOfMeasure tum")
List<UnitOfMeasureConversionByMaterial> customFindAllJoinProductsAndUom();
The SQL:
unitofmeas0_.product_id as product_4_31_0_,
unitofmeas0_.to_unit_of_measure_id as unit_of_3_31_0_,
unitofmeas0_.from_unit_of_measure_id as unit_of_2_31_0_,
product1_.id as id1_97_1_,
unitofmeas2_.id as id1_129_2_,
unitofmeas3_.id as id1_129_3_,
unitofmeas4_.id as id1_129_4_,
unitofmeas5_.id as id1_129_5_,
unitofmeas6_.id as id1_129_6_,
unitofmeas0_.conversion_value as conversi1_31_0_,
product1_.active as active2_97_1_,
product1_.descontinuation_date as desconti3_97_1_,
product1_.introduction_date as introduc4_97_1_,
product1_.description as descript5_97_1_,
product1_.ean as ean6_97_1_,
product1_.operational_model as operatio7_97_1_,
product1_.ncm as ncm8_97_1_,
product1_.standard_unit_of_measure_id as standard9_97_1_,
product1_.transfer_unit_of_measure_id as transfer10_97_1_,
product1_.sales_unit_of_measure_id as sales_un11_97_1_,
unitofmeas2_.description as descript2_129_2_,
unitofmeas3_.description as descript2_129_3_,
unitofmeas4_.description as descript2_129_4_,
unitofmeas5_.description as descript2_129_5_,
unitofmeas6_.description as descript2_129_6_
unit_of_measure_conversion_by_material unitofmeas0_
left outer join
product product1_
on unitofmeas0_.product_id=product1_.id
left outer join
unit_of_measure unitofmeas2_
on unitofmeas0_.from_unit_of_measure_id=unitofmeas2_.id
left outer join
unit_of_measure unitofmeas3_
on unitofmeas0_.to_unit_of_measure_id=unitofmeas3_.id
left outer join
unit_of_measure unitofmeas4_
on product1_.standard_unit_of_measure_id=unitofmeas4_.id
left outer join
unit_of_measure unitofmeas5_
on product1_.sales_unit_of_measure_id=unitofmeas5_.id
left outer join
unit_of_measure unitofmeas6_
on product1_.transfer_unit_of_measure_id_id=unitofmeas6_.id
Edit 2:
We also tried to separete the method calls in the following way to analyze the problem:
for (UnitOfMeasureConversionByMaterial unitOfMeasureConversionByMaterial : conversionsExtractedWithJoinFetchQuery) {
Everything works the intended way until we try to call the "hashCode()" method in "toUnitOfMeasure" in the fifth line. The "unitOfMeasureConversionByMaterial.getToUnitOfMeasure()" part works correctly, but as soon as we try to call the "hashCode()" method the code generates the LazyInitializationException. It doesn't even execute the first line of the method.
Why does the code run with no issues for the first 24.500 conversions and only then the error shows up
HashMap uses not only hashCode() method but equals() method too. equals() is used to get a value from a map, when a bucket has more than one value. I didn't look into actual implementation of HashMap, it can use equals(), for example, during increasing memory of the conatiner.
Also, for example, toString() method of persistent object can be used somewhere. For example during logging of an error.
Keep in mind, that Hibernate doesn't look into methods of persistent class. So if any method like toString() is invoked, Hibernate tries to load all lazy associations, because they can be used in the method.
How to debug
Temporary open Hibernate session for all part of the code.
Enable SQL logging
Try to set breakpoint after 24500 conversions and debug the code
Keep in mind that debugger can invoke toString() method and cause to load lazy associations.
Some notices
Overriding hashCode() and equals() methods of persistent classes is a bad idea. Using Lombok for that is a very very bad idea.
Using persistent classes as keys of a map is a bas idea too.
Using composite keys is not convenient almost in all cases.
I have a simple Restaurant Entity that has a List of Votes ( some fields and methods are omitted for brevity ).
public class Restaurant extends AbstractNamedEntity {
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "restaurant", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
private List<Vote> votes;
Here is another side of the relationship
public class Vote extends AbstractBaseEntity {
private Restaurant restaurant;
When I try to fetch data using Spring data JPA findAll() method and then convert it to DTOs
public static RestaurantResponseDTO toRestaurantDto(Restaurant restaurant) {
return new RestaurantResponseDTO(restaurant.getId(), restaurant.getName(),
restaurant.getAddress(), getRestaurantVoteCount(restaurant));
public static long getRestaurantVoteCount(Restaurant restaurant) {
var votes = restaurant.getVotes();
if (votes == null) return 0;
return votes.stream().filter(vote -> vote.getVoteDate().equals(LocalDate.now())).count();
these are the SQLs I have:
restaurant0_.id as id1_1_,
restaurant0_.name as name2_1_,
restaurant0_.address as address3_1_
restaurant restaurant0_
votes0_.restaurant_id as restaura3_4_1_,
votes0_.id as id1_4_1_,
votes0_.id as id1_4_0_,
votes0_.restaurant_id as restaura3_4_0_,
votes0_.user_id as user_id4_4_0_,
votes0_.vote_date as vote_dat2_4_0_
vote votes0_
votes0_.restaurant_id in (
restaurant restaurant0_
I thought that Subselect needs only 1, why do I have 2?
Actually, what you see is expected hibernate behavior. See this section of the hibernate documentation.
Hibernate is going to avoid the N+1 query issue by generating a single SQL statement to initialize all votes collections for all Restaurant entities that were previously fetched. Instead of using passing all entity identifiers, Hibernate simply reruns the previous query that fetched the Restaurant entities.
P.S. As for the FetchMode.JOIN option, please note that as it's mentioned here:
The reason why we are not using a JPQL query to fetch multiple Department entities is because the FetchMode.JOIN strategy would be overridden by the query fetching directive.
To fetch multiple relationships with a JPQL query, the JOIN FETCH directive must be used instead.
So, I guess the most flexible way for your case would be to write own JPQL query and use JOIN FETCH directive where it's needed.
I have a situation where i get List of entity in hiberate, But inside the main entity i have another entity list. The entities that i use:
name = "EmpList",
//Actual query involves lot of joins
,resultClass = EmpListBean.class
public class EmpListBean {
#Column(name = "ID")
private int id;
#Column(name = "NAME")
private String empName;
// This is the list i need to retreive
private List<WorkListBean> workList;
//Getters & Setters
name = "WorkListBeanList",
,resultClass = WorkListBean.class
public class WorkListBean {
#Column(name = "ID")
private int id;
#Column(name = "NAME")
private String workName;
//Getters & Setters
The DAO Layer
Query query = session.getNamedQuery("EmpList");
query.setParameter("EMPID", myObj.getEmpId());
List<EmpListBean> oEmpListBean = query.list();
When executing below DAO layer code I get the "workList" Object as empty , I know this can be achieved by iterating the EmpListBean separately and calling named query for WorkListBean separately , but since the data is huge it takes too much time when doing that way, So wanted to know if there is any way that we could fetch WorkListBean inside EmpList Bean. The two entities used here are only for reference , the actual query i use is complex and could not reveal in this forum and it involves lot of table joins, So kindly let me know how this can be possible in hibernate.
I know this can be achieved by iterating the EmpListBean separately and calling named query for WorkListBean separately , but since the data is huge it takes too much time when doing that way
I understand you want to merge the two queries to include the data for both entities, then?
Once the association between EmpListBean and WorkListBean is properly defined, i.e. you have:
class EmpListBean {
#JoinColumn(name = "EMP_ID")
private List<WorkListBean> workList;
you should be able to use the following approach:
"SELECT employee.* FROM EMPLOYEE employee JOIN Work_List wl JOIN ... WHERE wl.EMP_ID=emp.id AND employee.EMP_ID=:EMPID AND ..." )
.addEntity("employee", EmpListBean.class )
.addJoin( "wl", "employee.workList")
.setResultTransformer( Criteria.ROOT_ENTITY )
Not sure if it works for named native queries, though, you'll need to check.
As commented by #Javalerner you should use #OneTomany and add Eager Loading with fetch="FetchType.EAGER"
and remove the Column annotation
#OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private List<WorkListBean> workList;
I like Abd's response if you're looking for a simple #OneToMany.
Rather than forcing the bean to always eager load, you may want to just incorporate this concept into your NamedNative query using the FETCH JOIN style. Using this approach you can craft queries that are EAGER on an object whose association is otherwise Lazy. In that case, Hibernate will only eagerly fetch via your query and generally be lazy, which is I think what most people want.
Feel free to google around. Here is a well written article that may start you off.
Best of luck!
to get whatever FetchType.LAZY is, you have to use JOIN FETCH in the sentence. When you use JOIN you get all whatever FetchType.EAGER is but not whatever FetchType.LAZY is
#OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy="empListBean")
private List<WorkListBean> workList;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private EmpListBean empListBean;
String hql = "SELECT empListBean "
+ "FROM EmpListBean empListBean "
+ "JOIN FETCH empListBean.workList workList "
+ "WHERE empListBean.id = :EMPID";
Query q = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery(hql);
q.setParameter("EMPID", myObj.getEmpId());
List<EmpListBean> empListBean = query.list();
I've stumbled upon a problem with Hibernate. I've 2 entities - let's say A and B like so (Entity/Table annotations ommited):
class A {
#JoinColumn(name = "b_id")
private B b;
class B {
#Column(name = "name")
private String name;
Now, I'm trying to query all A entities and ordering them by name field of B's entity like so:
SELECT q FROM A AS q ORDER BY q.b.name asc nulls last
The problem is, there are rows in A's table having null foreign-key (b is null) - in result the aforementioned query returns only rows that don't contain null in b field, and I'd like to have them all.
I guess hibernate joins the table without using LEFT JOIN (OUTER JOIN?) resulting in null values being skipped.
Is there any way to change this behaviour? It would be great, if I could solve it by using annotations in entity classes, because the query-generating mechanism is pretty locked up.
You can use CriteriaBuilder and set alias on entityRoot
Root<A> entityRoot = criteriaQuery.from(A);
entityRoot.join("b", JoinType.LEFT).alias("b");
you can use criteria query for this but you will have to create session while using that, it is simpler to access database using criteria:
Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(A.class)
//create alias of your other class to provide ordering according to foriegn key
criteria.createAlias("foreignkey","keyin table A(eg..b)");
List list = criteria.getlist();
hope this helps
Now that's very confusing... I have a JPA entity Order that references an entity User. The User can be either buyer or seller of the Order.
Because both buyer and seller can enter additional information for an order, I moved that to an extra entity OrderUserData. There might or might not be a corresponding OrderUserData object, but IF one exists, the user should only be able to see the entry they created (based on USER_ID) and not the one of the other party.
The entities look like this:
#Table(name = "T_ORDER")
public class Order {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
#JoinColumn(name = "SELLER_ID")
private User seller;
#JoinColumn(name = "BUYER_ID")
private User buyer;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "order", fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private List<OrderUserData> userData = new ArrayList<>();
#Table(name = "T_ORDER_USERDATA")
public class OrderUserData {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
#JoinColumn(name = "ORDER_ID")
private Order order;
#JoinColumn(name = "USER_ID")
private User user;
private String comment;
( User is not very exciting, just ID and basic name fields )
Now when I'm trying to select the appropriate data to display in the website, I have a problem:
String qry = "SELECT o FROM Order o LEFT JOIN o.userData ud "
+ " WHERE (o.seller.id = :userId OR o.buyer.id = :userId)"
+ " AND ( ud.user IS NULL OR ud.user.id = :userId )";
TypedQuery<Order> query = em.createQuery(qry, Order.class);
query.setParameter("userId", userId);
Let's say I execute this, setting userId to 2:
My Database looks like this:
1 1 2
2 2 3
3 3 1
1 1 1 Comment that only user 1 should see
2 1 2 Comment that only user 2 should see
But unlike you would expect, when executing the above query, both records are included in the userData list! It seems like JPA is executing two queries (despite the EAGER fetch) and ignoring the WHERE on the second one. Why is that? And what other solution than to loop through the userData list on Java level and kick out the entry that the appropriate user should not see?
There is no way to load OrderUserData objects inside an Order object using a query. Maybe you're confusing the ORM functionality, mapping rows in the database to Java objects, with the query functionality.
Mapping means 1-1 correspondence between rows and objects, hence Order objects always contain all OrderUserData objects for each OrderUserData row related to Order rows.
The fetch type is just a loading strategy, determining at which time are the related objects fetched, as soon as the containing object is loaded (EAGER) or as soon as the contained objects are accessed (LAZY).
You can obtain your list issuing a query on OrderUserData objects with the proper filters and getting Order objects from each of them, i.e.
SELECT ud FROM OrderUserData ud WHERE (ud.order.seller.id = :userId
OR ud.order.buyer.id = :userId) AND ( ud.user IS NULL OR ud.user.id =
:userId )
your query seems to work well as it selects properly Order entity. Then JPA fetch all the OrderUserData child of the selected Order : that's because oneToMany join is not filtered.
I don't think it is possible to modelize pre-filtered oneToMany with eclipseLink (like Hibernate #FILTER), so you should remove it and map orderUserDataId field only. Then you can fetch your entities in 1 query, but they will not be linked
SELECT o, ud FROM Order o, o.userData ud WHERE (o.seller.id = :userId OR o.buyer.id = :userId) AND ( ud.orderUserDataId = o.id and (ud.user IS NULL OR ud.user.id = :userId) )";
On the other hand, if the oneToMany is required by other use cases, then you can create 2 different Order entities :
1 "OrderLight" without the oneToMany
1 "OrderFull" with the oneToMany, derived from OrderLight.
While user3580357 and remigio have already given the correct answer as to why this doesn't work, might I suggest that you create a view on database level.
Something like (might need to be adapted for your needs or RDBMS):
SELECT o.*, oud.*
ON o.id = oud.order_id
This will essentially give you two different "logical" records for every order. You can then create an additional JPA entity that works on this view and do your SELECT/WHERE... without needing to (LEFT)JOIN at all.