BeanShell command line interpreter features - java

I'm trying to test BeanShell's command line interpreter in how it processes basic Java commands and syntax on my machine, and see if I can customise its behavior in any way. I've installed version 2.0b4 on my machine running OS X 10.10.1 (the JAR file is in /Library/Java/Extensions as per the instructions).
It's the closest thing to what I've been looking for, an interactive Java interpreter, but it doesn't have some standard features which a good interpreter should have.
I'd like to be able to use the Up arrow key to reuse a previous command, but at the moment it doesn't recognise it, it just shows a control sequence. Is there a way to customise this for BeanShell?
Is there a way to get BeanShell to print out the value of a variable if I've created it beforehand, just by naming it, like
String s = new String( "Hello World!" );
Hello World!.
This is possible in Python for example.
According to the documentation on importing Java classes which(<java class>); should return the classpath location of the specified Java class. But which( java.lang.String ); does not work for me, I get a NullPointerException:
bsh % which(java.lang.String);
Start ClassPath Mapping
Mapping: Directory /Users/srm
// Error: // Uncaught Exception: Method Invocation cp.getClassSource : at Line: 42 : in file: /bsh/commands/which.bsh : cp .getClassSource ( className )
Called from method: which : at Line: 8 : in file: : which ( java .lang .String )
Target exception: java.lang.NullPointerException
Any pointers or help would be appreciated.

Run beanshell with jline.
Download jline jar from and then you can do:
java -cp jline-1.0.jar:bsh-2.0b4.jar jline.ConsoleRunner bsh.Interpreter
Line editing capability will be provided by jline. I found this hint here.
There are issues running with jline2. First, you'll get:
$ java -cp jline-2.12.jar:bsh-2.0b4.jar jline.ConsoleRunner bsh.Interpreter
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: jline/ConsoleRunner
Due to this issue which is fixed. But then, use the new class and you still get:
$ java -cp jline-2.12.jar:bsh-2.0b4.jar jline.console.internal.ConsoleRunner bsh.Interpreter
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: wrong number of arguments
due to this issue which is not fixed yet.
Use show() command which will trigger showing of value.
bsh % show();
bsh % String s = new String("Hello World");
bsh % s;
<Hello World>
bsh %
It is mentioned in the Useful BeanShell Commands section of the documentation.
Doesn't work for me either
It doesn't fail in my case, but it didn't find it either.
bsh % which(java.lang.String);
Start ClassPath Mapping
Mapping: Archive: file:/Users/me/beanshell/jline-1.0.jar
Mapping: Archive: file:/Users/me/beanshell/bsh-2.0b4.jar
Mapping: Archive: file:/System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Classes/classes.jar
End ClassPath Mapping
bsh %


getting syntax error from nifi ExecuteScript processor inspite of correct python code

I am getting below error inspite of correct python code don't know how to resolve this error. Any help is much appreciated
org.apache.nifi.processor.exception.ProcessException: javax.script.ScriptException: SyntaxError: no viable alternative at input '*' in <script> at line number 35 at column number 26
python code
def get_match_list(regEx, line):
match =, line)
if match:
match_list = [*match.groups()] # this is the line exception is pointed
return match_list
return []
It looks like jython use python 2.7 and as Unpacking Generalizations is a feature that introduced in python 3.5 you can not use this syntax in jython, so an alternative way to convert a tuple to a list is that use list ( match.groups) it works fine in older versions of python and current version of jython (2.7.2)

Why is ANTLR not printing set of tokens correctly?

I am testing to see if ANTLR-4.7.1 is working properly by using a sample, provided by my professor, to match these results for the same printed set of tokens:
% java -jar ./antlr-4.7.1-complete.jar HelloExample.g4
% javac -cp antlr-4.7.1-complete.jar HelloExample*.java
% java -cp .:antlr-4.7.1-complete.jar org.antlr.v4.gui.TestRig HelloExample greeting helloworld.greeting -tokens
(greeting Hello World !)
However, after getting to the 3rd command, my output was instead:
In my output, there are no numbers inside < >, which I believe should be defined from the HelloExample.tokens file that contain:
I get no error information and antlr seemed to have generated all the files I needed, so I don't know where I should be looking to resolve this, please help. And I'm not sure if it'll be of use, but my working directory started with helloworld.greeting and HelloExample.g4 and final directory now contains
As rici already pointed out in the comments, getting the actual rule names instead of their numbers in the token output is a feature and shouldn't worry you.
In order to get the (greeting Hello World !) output at the end, you'll want to add the -tree flag after -tokens.

R code in Java working in Linux but not in Windows

What am I doing?
I am writing a data analysis program in Java which relies on R´s arulesViz library to mine association rules.
What do I want?
My purpose is to store the rules in a String variable in Java so that I can process them later.
How does it work?
The code works using a combination of String.format and eval Java and RJava instructions respectively, being its behavior summarized as:
Given properly formatted Java data structures, creates a data frame in R.
Formats the recently created data frame into a transaction list using the arules library.
Runs the apriori algorithm with the transaction list and some necessary values passed as parameter.
Reorders the generated association rules.
Given that the association rules cannot be printed, they are written to the standard output with R´s write method, capture the output and store it in a variable. We have converted the association rules into a string variable.
We return the string.
The code is the following:
// Step 1
Rutils.rengine.eval("dataFrame <- data.frame(as.factor(c(\"Red\", \"Blue\", \"Yellow\", \"Blue\", \"Yellow\")), as.factor(c(\"Big\", \"Small\", \"Small\", \"Big\", \"Tiny\")), as.factor(c(\"Heavy\", \"Light\", \"Light\", \"Heavy\", \"Heavy\")))");
//Step 2
Rutils.rengine.eval("transList <- as(dataFrame, 'transactions')");
//Step 3
Rutils.rengine.eval(String.format("info <- apriori(transList, parameter = list(supp = %f, conf = %f, maxlen = 2))", supportThreshold, confidenceThreshold));
// Step 4
Rutils.rengine.eval("orderedRules <- sort(info, by = c('count', 'lift'), order = FALSE)");
// Step 5
REXP res = Rutils.rengine.eval("rulesAsString <- paste(capture.output(write(orderedRules, file = stdout(), sep = ',', quote = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)), collapse='\n')");
// Step 6
return res.asString().replaceAll("'", "");
What´s wrong?
Running the code in Linux Will work perfectly, but when I try to run it in Windows, I get the following error referring to the return line:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
This is a common error I have whenever the R code generates a null result and passes it to Java. There´s no way to syntax check the R code inside Java, so whenever it´s wrong, this error message appears.
However, when I run the R code in brackets in the R command line in Windows, it works flawlessly, so both the syntax and the data flow are OK.
Technical information
In Linux, I am using R with OpenJDK 10.
In Windows, I am currently using Oracle´s latest JDK release, but trying to run the program with OpenJDK 12 for Windows does not solve anything.
Everything is 64 bits.
The IDE used in both operating systems is IntelliJ IDEA 2019.
Linux run configuration:
Windows run configuration:

Batch to call Java main class

I am getting an error for below batch file.
set classpath=C:\Program^ Files\\Data^ Loader\dataloader-29.0.0-uber.jar
set mainclass=com.salesforce.dataloader.process.ProcessRunner
set confdir=C:\Program^ Files\\Data^ Loader\Bkp\
if [%1]==[] goto error
call java -cp %classpath% -Dsalesforce.config.dir=%confdir% %mainclass% sfdc.extractionSOQL="SELECT
Id,name FROM Product_vod__c where Id in %1"
goto end
echo Error: missing date argument (must be in 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ' format)
Could not find or load main class Files\\Data
Can someone please let me know the issue?
You've got an unescaped Program Files somewhere in your classpath and its space breaks the classpath argument : the classpath stops at Program and java parses the following Files\\Data as the class it should execute.
You should enclose classpath fragments containing spaces with double-quotes.

JavaClassFormat exception [duplicate]

I am getting this strange error while executing the following code.
EncoderRequest encoderRequest = new EncoderRequest(sid,appTxnId,pfid,transactionType,"",isUpdatetype9,true);
I have checked all the parameter values are valid. I am using java7 plateform.
can any one have come across this situation, please help.
following is the part of stacktrace i am getting.
Caused by: java.lang.ClassFormatError: Illegal local variable table length 48 in method com.cmc.facts.encoder.EncoderRequest.<init>(JLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Long;Lcom/cmc/facts/enums/TransactionType;Ljava/lang/String;ZZ)V at com.cmc.facts.nist.NistReaderModel.preprossingOfNistFile( at com.cmc.facts.action.interstate.InterStateAction.uploadFIIF( ... 115 more
There have been previous reports of the same error, on Junit tests and similar..
For them, adding the JVM arg -XX:-UseSplitVerifier seemed to work
Have a look at this article
You can also do this config :
Add -noverify in your jvg args
For ant config you can do : <jvmarg value="-noverify"/>
You can follow the link for more details on why we need to do this.

