I am using JFreeChart with Java to evaluate experimental results using the boxplot chart. I want to change the color and shape of the outliers and the farout entries.
This is how my plots currently look like when I use the normal BoxAndWhiskerRenderer:
I set up the renderer like this:
BoxAndWhiskerRenderer renderer = new BoxAndWhiskerRenderer();
renderer.setSeriesPaint(0, Color.DARK_GRAY);
renderer.setSeriesPaint(1, Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
renderer.setSeriesOutlinePaint(0, Color.BLACK);
renderer.setSeriesOutlinePaint(1, Color.BLACK);
Font legendFont = new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 15);
renderer.setLegendTextFont(0, legendFont);
renderer.setLegendTextFont(1, legendFont);
Here, I cannot change the color and shape of the outliers. I would want them in black, not in the color of their series. And I would want them to look like small crosses rather than these big empty circles.
Also no farout values are shown at all and it seems like one of the outliers is cut off.
Then I found the ExtendedBoxAndWhiskerRenderer which allows to edit the color and shape of both outliers and farouts. This is what that looks like:
I set up the renderer like before, but I added two lines to set the color for the outliers and the farout entries:
renderer.setOutlierPaint(Color.BLACK); renderer.setFaroutPaint(Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
I also experimented with the shape of the outliers by reducing the cirle raduis in the extended renderer's implementation to 1.0 instead of 2.0:
private Shape createEllipse(Point2D point, double oRadius) {
Ellipse2D dot = new Ellipse2D.Double(point.getX(), point.getY(), oRadius*1.0, oRadius*1.0);
return dot;
However, I don't like these plots too much either. The Whiskers/Outlines of my plots aren't black anymore even though I set them to black. The mean is visible again even though I set it to invisible. And the huge number of outliers looks kind of ridiculous and makes me wonder why there are no farouts at the plots with the normal renderer at all.
If anyone could help me with these smaller appearance problems, that would be very nice. Otherwise, I will just take the current plots with the weird looking outliers and missing farouts...
While ExtendedBoxAndWhiskerRenderer is exemplary, it is somewhat dated, and much of its functionality has been incorporated into the mainline version. Your experiment suggests that the old renderer and new dataset are incompatible.
Because the outlier rendering methods are private, an alternative approach is to override the relevant draw*Item() method and let it invoke your own variations. You'll need to recapitulate the existing code, using the public accessors as required. In outline, the following variations demonstrate using Color.black, illustrated below.
plot.setRenderer(new BoxAndWhiskerRenderer() {
public void drawVerticalItem(Graphics2D g2, …) {
// existing code that calls the methods below
private void drawEllipse(Point2D point, double oRadius, Graphics2D g2) {
Paint temp = g2.getPaint();
Ellipse2D dot = new Ellipse2D.Double(point.getX() + oRadius / 2,
point.getY(), oRadius, oRadius);
private void drawHighFarOut(double aRadius, Graphics2D g2, double xx,
double m) {
Paint temp = g2.getPaint();
double side = aRadius * 2;
g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(xx - side, m + side, xx + side, m + side));
g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(xx - side, m + side, xx, m));
g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(xx + side, m + side, xx, m));
I am sitting with my son, trying to implement a school homework. The task is to write a program that draws X and Y axis and functions, e.g. Sinus or x² into a awt.Canvas. The issue we are struggeling with is that the root, Point(0,0) of the Canvas is designed to be in the upper left corner. The cartesian coordinate system that we have to have, has the origin in the lower left corner. So we tried to apply a AffineTransform and translate in the paint method of the Canvas, which in essence works but has two issues:
1st, for whatever reason the related translation doesn't really moves the origin to the bottom but about 100 pixels to high (see image).
When we put in the below code an additional offset of about 100 pixels with tx.translate(0, -(getHeight()+100)); it looks about right.Same issue seems to be true on the right side. There is also unintended free space. We colored the background of the containing Frame in black and the Canvas in grey to exclude an artefact between these two containers. But doesn't seem to be the case.
2nd, and that concerns us more, is the side effect that all text, when e.g. adding values to the axes will also be fliped, as you see at our debug info in the plotAxes method.
Here is what we have done so far..
public class PlotterView extends Canvas {
protected int MINWIDTH = 500;
protected int MINHEIGHT = 400;
Point[][] lines;
public PlotterView() {
Dimension dim = new Dimension(MINWIDTH, MINHEIGHT);
protected void plotAxes(Graphics2D g) {
Color defaultColor = g.getColor(); // save to restore defaults in the end
int originX = 5; // x origin of both axes - shift right
int originY = 5; // y origin of both axis - shift up
// Debug info to compare
g.drawString("X: " + originX + "; Y: " + originY, originX, originY);
// X-Axis
g.drawLine(originX, originY, MINWIDTH-20, originY);
g.drawLine(MINWIDTH-20, originY, MINWIDTH-30, originY-5);
g.drawLine(MINWIDTH-20, originY, MINWIDTH-30, originY+5);
// Y-Axis
g.drawLine(originX, originY, originX, MINHEIGHT-20);
g.drawLine(originX, MINHEIGHT-20, originX-5, MINHEIGHT-30);
g.drawLine(originX, MINHEIGHT-20, originX+5, MINHEIGHT-30);
// Restore defaults
public void paint(Graphics g) {
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
AffineTransform tx = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(1, -1);
tx.translate(0, -getHeight());
One alternative would be to implement a method that "adjusts" every x-value from upper left to lower left, but that feels like a kind of botch job.
How to solve this right? Thank you in advance
Thank you for the feedback. I figured out that issue number 1 is born by using the AffineTransform. If I apply the scale and translate on the g2 directly the issue disappears.
Issue number 2 is a conflict of interest. We couldn't manage to find and apply the "three magic lines of code" (or whatever number would be required) to from thereon programm in a cartesian coordinate system. Instead we are converting all y-values into this top-level-origin coordinate system. Makes the code hard to read, but with the help debugging we managed.
I'm using an XYBoxAnnotation to demarcate a rectangular area on a JFreeChart. I would like one side of the box to be "open", i.e go out to infinity. I tried setting the value to Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY but this did not seem to work. I also tried setting it to Double.MAX_VALUE, with no luck either. In these cases, the annotation doesn't even show up on the plot at all. And there are no exceptions thrown.
Below is a very simple version of my code in which I generate the XYBoxAnnotation and add it to the plot.
XYBoxAnnotation _axisMarker = new XYBoxAnnotation(xLow, yLow, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, yHigh, new BasicStroke(0.5F), Color.WHITE, Color.WHITE);
_plot.getRenderer().addAnnotation(_axisMarker, Layer.BACKGROUND);
I figured out that the reason the annotation wasn't showing up was because the x value for the annotation was much much larger than the axis scale. For some reason, this causes the annotation to not be visible until you zoom out enough.
Thanks to #trashgod's answer below, I came up with a solution. His answer didn't quite work for me since my plot allows zooming and you could see the edge of the box when you zoomed out.
First, I added a PlotChangeListener to listen for when the plot is zoomed:
// define PlotChangeListener to update the annotation when the plot is zoomed
private PlotChangeListener _zoomListener = new PlotChangeListener() {
public void plotChanged(PlotChangeEvent plotChangeEvent) {
if (_basisIsotope != null) {
Then I created a function to re-draw the annotation based on the new plot bounds:
// function to re-draw the annotation
private void updateAxisMarkers() {
_plot.removeChangeListener(_zoomListener); // remove to prevent triggering infinite loop
// define xLow, yLow and yHigh...
double xHigh = _plot.getDomainAxis().getUpperBound() * 1.1;
XYBoxAnnotation _axisMarker = new = new XYBoxAnnotation(xLow, yLow, xHigh, yHigh, new BasicStroke(0.5F), Color.WHITE, Color.WHITE);
_plot.addChangeListener(_zoomListener); // add back
Double.MAX_VALUE is too large to scale to the relevant axis, but Double.MAX_VALUE / 2 works as well as any value larger than the upper bound of the axis. A better choice might be a value that exceeds the maximum value of the domain by some margin. The fragment below shades a plot of some Gaussian data with an XYBoxAnnotation that has domain bounds extending from 42 to the maximum domain value + 10%; the range bounds are ±1σ.
XYSeriesCollection dataset = createDataset();
JFreeChart chart = createChart(dataset);
Color color = new Color(0, 0, 255, 63);
double max = dataset.getSeries(0).getMaxX() * 1.1;
XYBoxAnnotation annotation = new XYBoxAnnotation(
42, -1, max, 1, new BasicStroke(1f), color, color);
I want to be able to zoom in my project, and it is working perfectly with a combination of g.scale(x, x) and g.translate(x, y). However, I want something to not scale with everything else (a minimap).
Specifically, I am making a minimap that will show the whole screen and the units as 1x1 pixels.
for(Unit u : units) { //cycle through arraylist of units
u.drawUnit(g, selectedUnits.contains(u)); //draws the unit, scales perfectly
g.fillOval(rnd((u.getX()/4)/scale), rnd((u.getY()/4)/scale), rnd(1 + 1/scale), rnd(1 + 1/scale));
//rnd() is just a shorter (int)Math.round()
//The minimap's dimensions are width/4 x height/4
So i'm wondering if I can do it an easier way because that makes it look really strange at certain scalings.
You can get/set the AffineTransform object associated with the Graphics2D object. This allows you to readily switch back and forth between two or more transforms without having to do the math through the Graphics2D object's scale/translate/rotate methods. For example:
//render something default transform
AffineTransform defaultTransform = g.getTransform();
AffineTransform newTransform = new AffineTransform(defaultTransform);
newTransform.setScale(xScale, yScale);
//render something with the new transform
//render something with the original transform
Ok dear folks, i've got this question and i don't really know a certain way to solve it.
I'm doing like a "Paint application" in java, i know everything is ready, but I need to paint the shapes with Computer Graphics Algorithms.
So, the thing is, once the shape is painted in the container how could I convert it like sort of an "Object" to be able to select the shape and move it around (I have to move it with another algorithm) I just want to know how could I know that some random point clicked in the screen belongs to an object, knowing that, I would be able to fill it(with algorithm).
I was thinking that having a Point class, and a shape class, if i click on the screen, get the coordinates and look within all the shapes and their points, but this may not be very efficient.
Any ideas guys ?
Thanks for the help.
Here is some of my code:
public class Windows extends JFrame{
private JPanel panel;
private JLabel etiqueta,etiqueta2;
public Windows() {
public void initcomp()
panel = new JPanel();
panel.setBounds(50, 50, 300, 300);
etiqueta = new JLabel("Circulo Trigonometrico");
etiqueta.setBounds(20, 40, 200, 30);
etiqueta2 = new JLabel("Circulo Bresenham");
etiqueta2.setBounds(150, 110, 200, 30);
public void paint(Graphics g){
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2));
dibujarCirculo_bresenham(g2d, 50, 260, 260);
dibujarCirculo_trigonometrico(g2d, 50, 130, 200);
/*This functions paints a Circle*/
public void dibujarCirculo_trigonometrico(Graphics g,int R,int xc,int yc)
int x,y;
for (int i = 0; i < 180; i++) {
double angulo = Math.toRadians(i);
x = (int) (Math.cos(angulo)*R);
y = (int) (Math.sin(angulo)*R);
g.drawLine(x+xc, y+yc, x+xc, y+yc);
g.drawLine((-x+xc), (-y+yc), (-x+xc), (-y+yc));
I assume that any image is a valid (isn't constrained to a particular set of shapes). To get an contiguous area with similar properties, try using a flood fill.
To colour in or move a particular shape around, you can use flood fill to determine the set of pixels and manipulate the set accordingly. You can set a tolerance for similar hue, etc so that it's not as rigid as in Paint, and becomes more like the magic selection tool in Photoshop.
There are a couple of approaches to take here depending on what precisely you want.
1) is to have objects, one for each drawn thing on screen, with classes like Circle and Rectangle and Polygon so on. They would define methods like paint (how to draw them on screen), isCLickInsideOf (is a click at this point on screen contained by this shape, given size/position/etc?) and so on. Then, to redraw the screen draw each object, and to test if an object is being clicked on ask each object what it thinks.
2) is, if objects have the property of being uniform in colour, you can grab all pixels that make up a shape when the user clicks on one of the pixels by using a floodfill algorithm. Then you can load these into some kind of data structure, move them around as the user moves the mouse around, etc. Also, if every object is guaranteed to have a unique colour, you can test which object is being clicked on by just looking at colour. (Libraries like OpenGL use a trick like this sometimes to determine what object you have clicked on - drawing each object as a flat colour on a hidden frame and testing what pixel colour under the mouse pointer is)
When using the Graphics2D scale() function with two different parameters (scaling by different ratios in x- and y-direction), everything drawn later on this Graphics2D object is scaled too. This has the strange effect that lines drawn in one direction are thicker than those in another direction. The following program produces this effect, it shows this window:
public class StrokeExample extends JPanel {
public void paintComponent(Graphics context) {
Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)context.create();
g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(0.2f));
int height = getHeight();
int width = getWidth();
g.scale(width/7.0, height/4.0);
g.draw(new Rectangle( 2, 1, 4, 2));
public static void main(String[] params) {
EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable(){public void run() {
StrokeExample example = new StrokeExample();
JFrame f = new JFrame("StrokeExample");
f.setSize(100, 300);
f.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
I'm using this coordinate transform to avoid having to manually transform my application model coordinates (the (2,1, 2,4) in this example) to screen (or component) pixel coordinates, but I don't want this stroke distortion. In other words, I want to have all lines the same width, independent of current x- and y-scale-factors.
I know what produces this effect (the Stroke object creates a stroked shape of the rectangle to be painted in user coordinates, which then are translated to screen coordinates), but I'm not sure on how to solve this.
Should I create a new Stroke implementation which strokes Shapes differently in X- and Y-direction (thereby undoing the distortion here)? (Or does anyone already knows such an implementation?)
Should I transform my shapes to screen coordinates and stroke there?
Any other (better) ideas?
Turns out my question was not so horrible difficult, and that my two ideas given in the question are actually the same idea. Here is a TransformedStroke class which implements a distorted Stroke by transforming the Shape.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
* A implementation of {#link Stroke} which transforms another Stroke
* with an {#link AffineTransform} before stroking with it.
* This class is immutable as long as the underlying stroke is
* immutable.
public class TransformedStroke
implements Stroke
* To make this serializable without problems.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
* the AffineTransform used to transform the shape before stroking.
private AffineTransform transform;
* The inverse of {#link #transform}, used to transform
* back after stroking.
private AffineTransform inverse;
* Our base stroke.
private Stroke stroke;
* Creates a TransformedStroke based on another Stroke
* and an AffineTransform.
public TransformedStroke(Stroke base, AffineTransform at)
throws NoninvertibleTransformException
this.transform = new AffineTransform(at);
this.inverse = transform.createInverse();
this.stroke = base;
* Strokes the given Shape with this stroke, creating an outline.
* This outline is distorted by our AffineTransform relative to the
* outline which would be given by the base stroke, but only in terms
* of scaling (i.e. thickness of the lines), as translation and rotation
* are undone after the stroking.
public Shape createStrokedShape(Shape s) {
Shape sTrans = transform.createTransformedShape(s);
Shape sTransStroked = stroke.createStrokedShape(sTrans);
Shape sStroked = inverse.createTransformedShape(sTransStroked);
return sStroked;
My paint-method using it then looks like this:
public void paintComponent(Graphics context) {
Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)context.create();
int height = getHeight();
int width = getWidth();
g.scale(width/4.0, height/7.0);
try {
g.setStroke(new TransformedStroke(new BasicStroke(2f),
catch(NoninvertibleTransformException ex) {
// should not occur if width and height > 0
g.draw(new Rectangle( 1, 2, 2, 4));
Then my window looks like this:
I'm quite content with this, but if someone has more ideas, feel free to answer nevertheless.
Attention: This g.getTransform() is returning the complete transformation of g relative to the device space, not only the transformation applied after the .create(). So, if someone did some scaling before giving the Graphics to my component, this would still draw with a 2-device-pixel width stroke, not 2 pixels of the grapics given to my method. If this would be a problem, use it like this:
public void paintComponent(Graphics context) {
Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)context.create();
AffineTransform trans = new AffineTransform();
int height = getHeight();
int width = getWidth();
trans.scale(width/4.0, height/7.0);
try {
g.setStroke(new TransformedStroke(new BasicStroke(2f),
catch(NoninvertibleTransformException ex) {
// should not occur if width and height > 0
g.draw(new Rectangle( 1, 2, 2, 4));
In Swing normally your Graphics given to the paintComponent is only translated (so (0,0) is the upper left corner of your component), not scaled, so there is no difference.
There is a simpler and less 'hacky' solution than the original TransformedStroke answer.
I got the idea when I read how the rendering pipeline works:
(from http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/2d/spec/j2d-awt.html)
If the Shape is to be stroked, the Stroke attribute in the Graphics2D context is used to generate a new Shape that encompasses the stroked path.
The coordinates of the Shape’s path are transformed from user space into device space according to the transform attribute in the Graphics2D context.
The Shape’s path is clipped using the clip attribute in the Graphics2D context.
The remaining Shape, if any, is filled using the Paint and Composite attributes in the Graphics2D context.
What you, and I, ideally seek is a way to swap the first two steps.
If you look closely at the second step, TransformedStroke already contains part of the solution.
Shape sTrans = transform.createTransformedShape(s);
In stead of:
g.scale(...), g.transform(...), whatever,
g.draw(new Rectangle( 1, 2, 2, 4));
Or, using TransformedStroke:
g.setStroke(new TransformedStroke(new BasicStroke(2f), g.getTransform());
g.draw(new Rectangle( 1, 2, 2, 4));
I propose you do:
transform =whatever,
g.draw(transform.createTransformedShape(new Rectangle( 1, 2, 2, 4));
Don't transform g anymore. Ever. Transform the shapes instead, using a transform that you make and modify yourself.
TransformedStroke feels more like a 'hack' than a way the authors of Stroke meant the interface to be used. It also requires an extra class.
This solution keeps a separate Transform around and modifies the Shape instead of transforming the Graphics object. This is however in no way a hack, because I'm not abusing existing functionality but using API functionality exactly how it's meant to be used. I'm just using the more explicit parts of the API instead of the 'shortcut'/'convenience' methods of the API (g.scale() etc.).
Performance-wise, this solution can only be more efficient. Effectively one step is now skipped. In the original solution, TransformedStroke transforms the shape twice and strokes the shape once. This solution transforms the shape explicitly and the *current* stroke strokes the shape once.
Have you just tried to make the int x and int y on the application bigger like int x = 500 int y = 900??? Also my suggestion is that with out rewritten the whole code is to implement where the recs are thicker when the app is closer together more like doubling the rectangle on the top and the bottom but when the app is extended the recs on the top and bottom go back to normal...