Setting Java Enums values through dependency injection - java

I created a class with a public nested enum class and some setters. The nested enum class uses variables with values from a properties file set through dependency injection to the outer class. I want the component that uses the outer class to be agnostic of the values of the enum and loop through each one individually. The enum will always be instantiated after the outer class so there's no worry about null values in the variables. I was told this isn't how enums are supposed to be used. The suggestion is to write a class that mimics the enum class instead of just using the enum. That seemed very dogmatic and I'm curious what people's thoughts are and possible alternatives. I had written something like:
public class myOuterClass {
private static string1;
private static string2;
private static string3;
public enum NestedEnum {
MY_ENUM1("enum1: "+string1),
MY_ENUM2("enum2: "+string2),
MY_ENUM3("enum3: "+string3);
private String enumValue = "";
NestedEnum(String enumValue) {
this.enumValue = enumValue;
public String getEnumValue() { return enumValue; }
public String printEnum(NestedEnum enum) {
return enum.getEnumValue();
public void setString1(String string1) {
this.string1 = string1;
public void setString2(String string2) {
this.string2 = string2;
public void setString3(String string3) {
this.string3 = string3;

The problem with your approach is that your enums are not actually dependency-injected; rather, they own their own instantiation logic (as enums always do), and they simply rely, in a fragile and unenforceable way, on dependency-injection having completed before the enum class is loaded by the class-loader. (Note that, since the enum is public, you aren't really controlling when this will happen; and neither is your DI framework.)
One way to fix this is to have your enum's constructor call into your DI framework. (For example, if you're using Guice and have a singleton instance of your Injector, your enum's constructor can ask it for the appropriate instances, thereby guaranteeing the ordering.) This is not ideal -- it pollutes your class code with references to your DI setup -- but it's better than what you have.
Another approach, of course, is not to use enum to begin with: let your DI framework do its job and manage your instances for you. But it sounds like you've already rejected that approach; and who am I to argue?
Edited to add: another potential issue with your approach is that the only way to "reset" your enums is by stopping and restarting the JVM. If you have multiple versions of your properties-file (e.g., different language versions), then your test-framework probably will not be able to test that they all work properly. (My first suggestion above does not address this issue.)


How to use Java Enums being DRY with only a single parameter different between instantiations?

I'm trying to figure out if there is a clean way of doing this. I want to design an ENUM to maintain a list of constant values for different components in my application. Each enum would have the same configuration and same parameters, but would differ at the very least by component name.
In a normal Java class, I could build all the basic logic/code in a base abstract class, and have each component constants extend the abstract class and populate only its own pertinent information. However, Java enums do not allow extending existing classes.
Is there something I can do to avoid having to either push all my constants in a single Enum (ugggg!) or recreate the same enum class each time for each differing component? Definitely not DRY in that case, but I do not know how to avoid the issue.
For a quick use-case example off the top of my head. Say I want to keep a list of all my request mappings in an Enum for use elsewhere in my application. Fairly easy to design an enum that says:
public enum RequestMapping {
GET_ALL_USERS( "getAllUsers");
private String requestMapping = "/users";
private String path;
RatesURI( String path ){
this.path = path;
public String getRequestMapping(){
return requestMapping;
public String getPath(){
return path;
public String getFullRequestPath(){
return requestMapping + "/" + path;
It becomes easy to use RequestMapping.GET_ALL_USERS.getFullRequestPath().
Now if I want to create this enum on a per-controller basis, I would have to recreate the entire Enum class and change the "requestMapping" value for each one. Granted, this enum has nearly no code in it, so duplicating it would not be difficult, but the concept still remains. The theoretical "clean" way of doing this would be to have an abstract AbstractRequestMapping type that contained all the methods, including an abstract getRequestMapping() method, and only have the extending Enums implement the controller-specific getReqeuestMapping(). Of course, since Enums cannot be extended, I can't think of a non DRY way of doing this.
Have you considered extending a class that takes Enum as a generic parameter? It is an amazingly flexible mechanism.
public class Entity<E extends Enum<E> & Entity.IE> {
// Set of all possible entries.
// Backed by an EnumSet so we have all the efficiency implied along with a defined order.
private final Set<E> all;
public Entity(Class<E> e) {
// Make a set of them.
this.all = Collections.unmodifiableSet(EnumSet.<E>allOf(e));
// Demonstration.
public E[] values() {
// Make a new one every time - like Enum.values.
E[] values = makeTArray(all.size());
int i = 0;
for (E it : all) {
values[i++] = it;
return values;
// Trick to make a T[] of any length.
// Do not pass any parameter for `dummy`.
// public because this is potentially re-useable.
public static <T> T[] makeTArray(int length, T... dummy) {
return Arrays.copyOf(dummy, length);
// Example interface to implement.
public interface IE {
public String toString();
class Thing extends Entity<Thing.Stuff> {
public Thing() {
enum Stuff implements Entity.IE {
You can pass the nature of your implementation up to the parent class in many different ways - I use enum.class for simplicity.
You can even make the enum implement an interface as you can see.
The values method is for demonstration only. Once you have access to the Set<E> in the parent class you can provide all sorts of functionality just by extending Entity.
I will probably split the responsibilities into two parts:
Logic about how a request is structured, and put that into an immutable class.
Actual configurations of each request, stored in enums
The enum will then store an instance of that class, you can add new methods to the class, without modifying the different enums, as long as the constructor remains the same. Note that the class must be immutable, or your enum will not have a constant value.
You can use it like the:
With these classes:
public interface RequestType {
Request getRequest();
public class Request {
private final String requestMapping;
private final String path;
RatesURI(String requestMapping, String path){
this.requestMappint = requestMapping;
this.path = path;
public String getRequestMapping(){
return requestMapping;
public String getPath(){
return path;
public String getFullRequestPath(){
return requestMapping + "/" + path;
public enum ServiceRequest implements RequestType {
GET_ALL_USERS( "getAllUsers");
private final Request;
ServiceRequest(String path) {
request = new Request("users/", path)
public String getRequest{
return request;
I think what you should be asking yourself is really why you want to use enums for this. First we can review some of the points that make Java enumerated types what they are.
A Java enum is a class that extends java.lang.Enum.
Enum constants are static final instances of that class.
There is some special syntax to use them but that is all they boil down to. Because instantiating new Enum instances is disallowed outside of the special syntax (even with reflection, enum types return zero constructors) the following is also ensured to be true:
They can only be instantiated as static final members of the enclosing class.
The instances are therefore explicitly constant.
As a bonus, they are switchable.
What it really boils down to is what it is about the enums that makes them preferable over a simpler OOP design here. One can easily create a simple RequestMapping class:
/* compacted to save space */
public class RequestMapping {
private final String mapping, path;
public RequestMapping(String mapping, String path) {
this.mapping = mapping; this.path = path;
public String getMapping() {
return mapping; }
public String getPath() {
return path; }
public String getFullRequestPath() {
return mapping + "/" + path;
Which can easily be extended to break down the repeated code:
public class UserMapping extends RequestMapping {
public UserMapping(String path) {
super("/users", path);
/* where ever appropriate for the constants to appear */
public static final RequestMapping INDEX = new UserMapping("index"),
GET_ALL_USERS = new UserMapping("getAllUsers");
But I assume there is something about enums that is attractive to your design, such as the principle that instances of them are highly controlled. Enums cannot be created all willy-nilly like the above class can be. Perhaps it's important that there be no plausible way for spurious instances to be created. Of course anybody can come by and write in an enum with an invalid path but you can be pretty sure nobody will do it "by accident".
Following the Java "static instances of the outer class" enum design, an access modifier structure can be devised that generally abides by the same rule set as Enum. There are, however, two problems which we can't get around easily.
Two Problems
Protected modifier allows package access.
This can easily be surmounted initially by putting the Enum-analog in its own package. The problem becomes what to do when extending. Classes in the same package of the extended class will be able to access constructors again potentially anywhere.
Working with this depends on how stringent you want to be on creating new instances and, conversely, how clear the design ends up. Can't be a whole mess of scopes just so only a few places can do the wrong thing.
Static members are not polymorphic.
Enum surmounts this by not being extendable. Enum types have a static method values that appears "inherited" because the compiler inserts it for you. Being polymorphic, DRY and having some static features means you need instances of the subtype.
Defeating these two issues depends on how stringent you want your design to be and, conversely, how readable and stable you want your implementation to be. Trying to defy OOP principles will get you a design that's hard to break but totally explodes when you call that one method in a way you aren't supposed to (and can't prevent).
First Solution
This is almost identical to the Java enum model but can be extended:
/* 'M' is for 'Mapping' */
public abstract class ReturnMapping<M extends ReturnMapping> {
/* ridiculously long HashMap typing */
private static final HashMap <Class<? extends ReturnMapping>, List<ReturnMapping>>
VALUES = new HashMap<Class<? extends ReturnMapping>, List<ReturnMapping>>();
private final String mapping, path;
protected Mapping(String mapping, String path) {
this.mapping = mapping;
this.path = path;
List vals = VALUES.get(getClass());
if (vals == null) {
vals = new ArrayList<M>(2);
VALUES.put(getClass(), vals);
/* ~~ field getters here, make them final ~~ */
protected static <M extends ReturnMapping> List<M>(Class<M> rm) {
if (rm == ReturnMapping.class) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"ReturnMapping.class is abstract");
List<M> vals = (List<M>)VALUES.get(rm);
if (vals == null) {
vals = new ArrayList<M>(2);
VALUES.put(rm, (List)vals);
return Collections.unmodifiableList(vals);
Now extending it:
public final class UserMapping extends ReturnMapping<UserMapping> {
public static final UserMapping INDEX = new UserMapping("index");
public static final UserMapping GET_ALL_USERS = new UserMapping("getAllUsers");
private UserMapping(String path) {
super("/users", path);
public static List<UserMapping> values() {
return values(UserMapping.class);
The huge static HashMap allows almost all of the values work to be done statically in the superclass. Since static members are not properly inherited this is the closest you can get to maintaining a list of values without doing it in the subclass.
Note there are two problems with the Map. The first is that you can call the values with ReturnMapping.class. The map should not contain that key (the class is abstract and the map is only added to in the constructor) so something needs to be done about it. Instead of throwing an exception you could also insert a "dummy" empty list for that key.
The other problem is that you can call values on the superclass before the instances of the subclass are instantiated. The HashMap will return null if this is done before the subclass is accessed. Static problem!
There is one other major problem with this design because the class can be instantiated externally. If it's a nested class, the outer class has private access. You can also extend it and make the constructor public. That leads to design #2.
Second Solution
In this model the constants are an inner class and the outer class is a factory for retrieving new constants.
/* no more generics--the constants are all the same type */
public abstract class ReturnMapping {
/* still need this HashMap if we want to manage our values in the super */
private static final HashMap <Class<? extends ReturnMapping>, List<Value>>
VALUES = new HashMap<Class<? extends ReturnMapping>, List<Value>>();
public ReturnMapping() {
if (!VALUES.containsKey(getClass())) {
VALUES.put(getClass(), new ArrayList<Value>(2));
public final List<Value> values() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(VALUES.get(getClass()));
protected final Value newValue(String mapping, String path) {
return new Value(getClass(), mapping, path);
public final class Value {
private final String mapping, path;
private Value(
Class type,
String mapping,
String path) {
this.mapping = mapping;
this.path = path;
/* ~~ final class, field getters need not be ~~ */
Extending it:
public class UserMapping extends ReturnMapping {
public static final Value INDEX, GET_ALL_USERS;
static {
UserMapping factory = new UserMapping();
INDEX = factory.newValue("/users", "index");
GET_ALL_USERS = factory.newValue("/users", "getAllUsers");
The factory model is nice because it solves two problems:
Instances can only be created from within the extending class.
Anybody can create a new factory but only the class itself can access the newValue method. The constructor for Value is private so new constants can only be created by using this method.
new UserMapping().values() forces the values to be instantiated before returning them.
No more potential errors in this regard. And the ReturnMapping class is empty and instantiating new objects in Java is fast so I wouldn't worry about overhead. You can also easily create a static field for the list or add static methods such as in solution #1 (though this would deflate the design's uniformity).
There are a couple of downsides:
Can't return the subtyped values List.
Now that the constant values are not extended they are all the same class. Can't dip in to generics to return differently-typed Lists.
Can't easily distinguish what subtype a Value is a constant of.
But it's true this could be programmed in. You could add the owning class as a field. Still shaky.
Sum Of It
Bells and whistles can be added to both of these solutions, for example overriding toString so it returns the name of the instance. Java's enum does that for you but one of the first things I personally do is override this behavior so it returns something more meaningful (and formatted).
Both of these designs provide more encapsulation than a regular abstract class and most importantly are far more flexible than Enum. Trying to use Enum for polymorphism is an OOP square peg in a round hole. Less polymorphism is the price to pay for having enumerated types in Java.

Singleton or static class?

I have the following class :
public class EnteredValues {
private HashMap<String, String> mEnteredValues;
public boolean change = false;
public boolean submit = false;
private static final EnteredValues instance = new EnteredValues();
// Singleton
private EnteredValues() {
mEnteredValues = new HashMap<String, String>();
public static EnteredValues getInstance() {
return instance;
public void addValue(String id, String value) {
if (mEnteredValues.put(id, value) != null) {
// A change has happened
change = true;
public String getValueForIdentifier(String identifier) {
return mEnteredValues.get(identifier);
public HashMap<String, String> getEnteredValues() {
return mEnteredValues;
public void clean() {
change = false;
submit = false;
This class is used to manage the values that a user has already entered, and the class should be accessible to all classes across the application.
When the activity changes I 'reset' the singleton by calling the clear method.
I chose the singleton pattern without really considering the option of a static class.
But now I was wondering if I shouldn't just use a static class..
What is the common way to handle a class that just manages values?
Is a static class faster as a singleton?
The very fact that you are providing a clear method to reset the state of your Singleton dictates that you should not use Singleton. This is risky behavior as the state is global. This also means that unit testing is going to be a big pain.
One more thing. Never ever declare instance variables as public. Declare them as private or protected and provide getters and setters. Also, there is no need to initialize instance variables with a value that is their default value.
The main difference between a static class and the singleton pattern is that singleton may be used if you need to implement an interface or such. For this particular case I think you might be better off with a static class since you are not implementing any interface. Relating your question if its one faster to the other, I'd say is negligible the difference but using a static class will remove a small overhead of dynamic instantiation of the class.
What is bad in using singleton if you need such a design? If you need exactly one instance of some object designed to do specified things singleton is not a bad choice for sure.
#see Are Java static calls more or less expensive than non-static calls?
From there:
Note: A static nested class interacts with the instance members of its outer class (and other classes) just like any other top-level class. In effect, a static nested class is behaviorally a top-level class that has been nested in another top-level class for packaging convenience.
Just for style
I prefer not to rely on Singleton if I don't need to. Why? Less cohesion. If it's a property you can set from outside, then you can test your Activity (or whatever) with unit testing. You can change your mind to use diferent instances if you like, and so on.
My humble advise is to have a property in each of your Activities (maybe you can define a common base class?), and set it at activity initialization with a new fresh instance.
Your code will not know nothing about how to get it (except the init code and maybe you can change it in the future).
But as I've said... just a matter of taste! :)

Making a class singleton without using static method

I need to create a singleton class without keeping a static method.
How can i do that?
Create an enum with one instance
enum Singleton {
private Field field = VALUE;
public Value method(Arg arg) { /* some code */ }
// You can use
Value v = Singleton.INSTANCE.method(arg);
EDIT: The Java Enum Tutorial shows you how to add fields and methods to an enum.
BTW: Often when you can use a Singleton, you don't really need one as utility class will do the same thing. The even shorter version is just
enum Utility {;
private static Field field = VALUE;
public static Value method(Arg arg) { /* some code */ }
// You can use
Value v = Utility.method(arg);
Where Singletons are useful is when they implement an interface. This is especially useful for testing when you using Dependency injection. (One of the weakness of using a Singleton or utility class substitution in unit tests)
interface TimeService {
public long currentTimeMS();
// used when running the program in production.
enum VanillaTimeService implements TimeService {
public long currentTimeMS() { return System.currentTimeMS(); }
// used in testing.
class FixedTimeService implements TimeService {
private long currentTimeMS = 0;
public void currentTimeMS(long currentTimeMS) { this.currentTimeMS = currentTimeMS; }
public long currentTimeMS() { return currentTimeMS; }
As you can see, if your code uses TimeService everywhere, you can inject either the VanillaTimeService.INSTANCE or a new FixedTimeService() where you can control the time externally i.e. your time stamps will be the same every time you run the test.
In short, if you don't need your singleton to implement an interface, all you might need is a utility class.
public class Singleton {
public static final Singleton instance = new Singleton();
private Singleton() {}
public void foo() {}
then use;
Another approach is the singleton holder idiom which offers initialization on demand:
public class Something {
private Something() {
private static class LazyHolder {
public static final Something INSTANCE = new Something();
public static Something getInstance() {
return LazyHolder.INSTANCE;
Note that standalone singletons like this should be avoided where possible because it promotes global state, leads to hard-to-unittest code and depends on a single classloader context to name a few possible drawbacks.
Follow the Joshua Bloch enum recipe in "Effective Java" 2nd edition. That's the best way to create a singleton.
I don't understand why this comes up so much. Isn't singleton a discredited design pattern? The GoF would vote it off the island today.
You can use one of IoC containers (e.g. Google Guice) and use your class as singleton(eager or lazy - it depends on your needs). It's easy and flexible as instantiating is controlled by IoC framework - you don't need any code changes if, for example, you will decide to make your class not singleton later.
Use an object factory, fetch your singleton object from this factory.
ObjectFactory factory;
MySingletonObject obj = factory.getInstance(MySingletonObject.class);
of course, there are many frameworks to help you to achieve this.
the spring framework is a popular choice.
From within constructor you need to chceck if there is already instance of the class somewhere. So you need to store reference to your singleton instance in static variable or class. Then in contructor of singleton I would always check if there is existing instance of singleton class. If yes I wouldnt do anything if not I would create it and set reference.

Simulate static abstract and dynamic linking on static method call in Java

As a disclaimer, I'v read Why can't static methods be abstract in Java and, even if I respectfully disagree with the accepted answer about a "logical contradiction", I don't want any answer about the usefulness of static abstract just an answer to my question ;)
I have a class hierarchy representing some tables from a database. Each class inherits the Entity class which contains a lot of utility methods for accessing the database, creating queries, escaping characters, etc.
Each instance of a class is a row from the database.
The problem
Now, in order to factorize as much code as possible, I want to add information about related columns and table name for each class. These informations must be accessible without a class instance and will be used in Entity to build queries among other things.
The obvious way to store these data are static fields returned by static methods in each class. Problem is you can't force the class to implement these static methods and you can't do dynamic linking on static methods call in Java.
My Solutions
Use a HashMap, or any similar data structure, to hold the informations. Problem : if informations are missing error will be at runtime not compile time.
Use a parallel class hierarchy for the utility function where each corresponding class can be instantiated and dynamic linking used. Problem : code heavy, runtime error if the class don't exist
The question
How will you cope with the absence of abstract static and dynamic linking on abstract method ?
In a perfect world, the given solution should generate a compile error if the informations for a class are missing and data should be easily accessible from withing the Entity class.
The answer doesn't need to be in Java, C# is also ok and any insight on how to do this without some specific code in any language will be welcomed.
Just to be clear, I don't have any requirement at all besides simplicity. Nothing have to be static. I only want to retrieve table and columns name from Entity to build a query.
Some code
class Entity {
public static function afunction(Class clazz) { // this parameter is an option
// here I need to have access to table name of any children of Entity
class A extends Entity {
static String table = "a";
class B extends Entity {
static String table = "b";
You should use the Java annotation coupled with the javac annotation processor, as it's the most efficient solution. It's however a bit more complicated than the usual annotation paradigm.
This link shows you how you can implement an annotation processor that will be used at the compile time.
If I reuse your example, I'd go this way:
#interface MetaData {
String table();
abstract class Entity {}
class A extends Entity {}
class B extends Entity {}
class EntityGetter {
public <E extends Entity> E getEntity(Class<E> type) {
MetaData metaData = type.getAnnotation(MetaData.class);
if (metaData == null) {
throw new Error("Should have been compiled with the preprocessor.");
// Yes, do throw an Error. It's a compile-time error, not a simple exceptional condition.
String table = metaData.table();
// do whatever you need.
In your annotation processing, you then should check whether the annotation is set, whether the values are correct, and make the compilation fail.
The complete documentation is available in the documentation for the package javax.annotation.processing.
Also, a few tutorials are available on the Internet if you search for "java annotation processing".
I will not go deeper in the subject as I never used the technology myself before.
I have run into the same problems as you, and am using the following approach now. Store Metadata about columns as annotations and parse them at runtime. Store this information in a map. If you really want compile time errors to appear, most IDEs (Eclipse e.g.) support custom builder types, that can validate the classes during build time.
You could also use the compile time annotation processing tool which comes with java, which can also be integrated into the IDE builds. Read into it and give it a try.
In Java the most similar approach to "static classes" are the static enums.
The enum elements are handed as static constants, so they can be accesed from any static context.
The enum can define one or more private constructors, accepting some intialization parameters (as it could be a table name, a set of columns, etc).
The enum class can define abstract methods, which must be implemented by the concrete elements, in order to compile.
public enum EntityMetadata {
TABLE_A("TableA", new String[]{"ID", "DESC"}) {
public void doSomethingWeirdAndExclusive() {
Logger.getLogger(getTableName()).info("I'm positively TableA Metadata");
TABLE_B("TableB", new String[]{"ID", "AMOUNT", "CURRENCY"}) {
public void doSomethingWeirdAndExclusive() {
Logger.getLogger(getTableName()).info("FOO BAR message, or whatever");
private String tableName;
private String[] columnNames;
private EntityMetadata(String aTableName, String[] someColumnNames) {
public String getTableName() {
return tableName;
public String[] getColumnNames() {
return columnNames;
public abstract void doSomethingWeirdAndExclusive();
Then to access a concrete entity metadata this would be enough:
You could also reference them from an Entity implemetation, forcing each to refer an EntityMetadata element:
abstract class Entity {
public abstract EntityMetadata getMetadata();
class A extends Entity {
public EntityMetadata getMetadata() {
return EntityMetadata.TABLE_A;
class B extends Entity {
public EntityMetadata getMetadata() {
return EntityMetadata.TABLE_B;
IMO, this approach will be fast and light-weight.
The dark side of it is that if your enum type needs to be really complex, with lot of different params, or a few different complex overriden methods, the source code for the enum can become a little messy.
Mi idea, is to skip the tables stuff, and relate to the "There are not abstract static methods". Use "pseudo-abstract-static" methods.
First define an exception that will ocurr when an abstract static method is executed:
public class StaticAbstractCallException extends Exception {
StaticAbstractCallException (String strMessage){
public String toString(){
return "StaticAbstractCallException";
} // class
An "abstract" method means it will be overriden in subclasses, so you may want to define a base class, with static methods that are suppouse to be "abstract".
abstract class MyDynamicDevice {
public static void start() {
throw new StaticAbstractCallException("MyDynamicDevice.start()");
public static void doSomething() {
throw new StaticAbstractCallException("MyDynamicDevice.doSomething()");
public static void finish() {
throw new StaticAbstractCallException("MyDynamicDevice.finish()");
// other "abstract" static methods
} // class
And finally, define the subclasses that override the "pseudo-abstract" methods.
class myPrinterBrandDevice extends MyDynamicDevice {
public static void start() {
// override MyStaticLibrary.start()
// ops, we forgot to override this method !!!
public static void doSomething() {
// ...
public static void finish() {
// override MyStaticLibrary.finish()
// other abstract static methods
} // class
When the static myStringLibrary doSomething is called, an exception will be generated.
I do know of a solution providing all you want, but it's a huge hack I wouldn't want in my own code nowadays:
If Entity may be abstract, simply add your methods providing the meta data to that base class and declare them abstract.
Otherwise create an interface, with methods providing all your data like this
public interface EntityMetaData{
public String getTableName();
All subclasses of Entity would have to implement this interface though.
Now your problem is to call these methods from your static utility method, since you don't have an instance there. So you need to create an instance. Using Class.newInstance() is not feasable, since you'd need a nullary constructor, and there might be expensive initialization or initialization with side-effects happening in the constructor, you don't want to trigger.
The hack I propose is to use Objenesis to instantiate your Class. This library allows instatiating any class, without calling the constructor. There's no need for a nullary constructor either. They do this with some huge hacks internally, which are adapted for all major JVMs.
So your code would look like this:
public static function afunction(Class clazz) {
Objenesis objenesis = new ObjenesisStd();
ObjectInstantiator instantiator = objenesis.getInstantiatorOf(clazz);
Entity entity = (Entity)instantiator.newInstance();
// use it
String tableName = entity.getTableName();
Obviously you should cache your instances using a Map<Class,Entity>, which reduces the runtime cost to practically nothing (a single lookup in your caching map).
I am using Objenesis in one project of my own, where it enabled me to create a beautiful, fluent API. That was such a big win for me, that I put up with this hack. So I can tell you, that it really works. I used my library in many environments with many different JVM versions.
But this is not good design! I advise against using such a hack, even if it works for now, it might stop in the next JVM. And then you'll have to pray for an update of Objenesis...
If I were you, I'd rethink my design leading to the whole requirement. Or give up compile time checking and use annotations.
Your requirement to have static method doesn't leave much space for clean solution. One of the possible ways is to mix static and dynamic, and lose some CPU for a price of saving on RAM:
class Entity {
private static final ConcurrentMap<Class, EntityMetadata> metadataMap = new ...;
Entity(EntityMetadata entityMetadata) {
metadataMap.putIfAbsent(getClass(), entityMetadata);
public static EntityMetadata getMetadata(Class clazz) {
return metadataMap.get(clazz);
The way I would like more would be to waste a reference but have it dynamic:
class Entity {
protected final EntityMetadata entityMetadata;
public Entity(EntityMetadata entityMetadata) {
class A extends Entity {
static {
MetadataFactory.setMetadataFor(A.class, ...);
public A() {
class MetadataFactory {
public static EntityMetadata getMetadataFor(Class clazz) {
return ...;
public static void setMetadataFor(Class clazz, EntityMetadata metadata) {
You could get even get rid of EntityMetadata in Entity completely and leave it factory only. Yes, it would not force to provide it for each class in compile-time, but you can easily enforce that in the runtime. Compile-time errors are great but they aren't holy cows after all as you'd always get an error immediately if a class hasn't provided a relevant metadata part.
I would have abstracted away all meta data for the entities (table names, column names) to a service not known by the entities them selfs. Would be much cleaner than having that information inside the entities
MetaData md = metadataProvider.GetMetaData<T>();
String tableName = md.getTableName();
First, let me tell you I agree with you I would like to have a way to enforce static method to be present in classes.
As a solution you can "extend" compile time by using a custom ANT task that checks for the presence of such methods, and get error in compilation time. Of course it won't help you inside you IDE, but you can use a customizable static code analyzer like PMD and create a custom rule to check for the same thing.
And there you java compile (well, almost compile) and edit time error checking.
The dynamic linking emulation...well, this is harder. I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Can you write an example of what you expect to happen?

Other usage of the this keyword in Java

(For those who read my previous question, this is the same teacher and the same project.)
My teacher 'inspected' my code for a web application project and provided some suggestions. One of the suggestions was to use the this keyword even in this situation:
private String getUsername() {
return username;
So if I follow his advice, that would become:
private String getUsername() {
return this.username;
I asked him why and he told me that there is another usage for the this keyword other than for clearing up ambiguities. A quick googling returned no results for another usage of the this keyword. Even the Java tutorial from Sun mentioned no other usages that would fit in this situation.
this also allows you access to the surrounding class instance and its members from within a nested class, e.g.
public class OuterClass
private class InnerClass
public OuterClass getOuter()
return OuterClass.this;
You use it to chain constructors as well:
public class Foo
private final String name;
public Foo()
public Foo(string name)
{ = name;
(For chaining to a superclass constructor, use super(...).)
Additionally, there are some weird times where you can use it from an inner class to specify exactly which member you're after. I don't remember the exact syntax, fortunately - I don't need to use it often.
An very important one that hasn't been mentionned, is the use of this for method chaining used in fluent APIs. In this design pattern, all methods return this, regardless of what they do, allowing you to so stuff like:
using an API constructed, so:
public Dog setColor(String c) {
return this;
Some people think it is good practice to always use the keyword this for class fields. This can be useful in the following situation:
class MyClass {
private int x = 0;
public void DoSomething(int x) {
int privateFieldValue = this.x; // use field of our class
Also, you can return this to chain method calls - e.g. in Builder pattern.
class CustomerBuilder
private String firstName = "Default";
private String lastName = "Default";
public CustomerBuilder setFirstName(String firstName)
this.firstName = firstName;
return this;
public CustomerBuilder setLastName(String lastName)
this. lastName = lastName;
return this;
public Customer build()
/* ... do some actions to build a Customer object ... */
Then, you can use this builder like this:
Customer customer = new CustomerBuilder().setFirstName("John").setLastName("Smith").build();
Always accessing member variables using this. is a coding convention in some places. The idea is probably that it's similar to naming conventions ("All field names must start with an underscore _") but without the ugly name-mangling. (Other places have exactly the opposite convention: avoiding this. unless absolutely necessary).
Personally I don't see any real reason to do it, since all tools you use to access your code should be able to color/style-code each variable/field to make the distinction.
Your grand-dads text-editor is not able to show the difference between accessing a local variable and a field. But that's not a good reason for hard-coding it redundantly in your code.
There is no other usage of the 'this' except for calling another constructor of the same class.
Qualifying access to member variables - even if not needed - is considered best-practice by some developers (I don't). The main point is that it is possible to change the semantics of an assignment without changing that line:
class Foo {
String foo;
void foo() {
// a lot of code
foo = "something"
May be changed by simply doing the following:
void foo() {
String foo;
// a lot of code
foo = "something"
So it's mostly about maintenance and readability - for the price of verbosity.
Using the this keyword will also trigger a warning from the compiler if someone comes along and decides to change the username member to a static variable on you. If you don't use this, the compiler will just play along like everything is cool. And username changing to be static could very well be a bug. So you probably want the warning. And if it isn't a bug, you should change the code that uses username to treat it as if it is static to avoid future bugs / misunderstandings in the code. That way, if someone comes along and changes it back you'll get a new warning.
So, if nothing else, in the context of a getter, it can also trigger compiler warnings when other things change on you. And that is a Good Thing.

