**while running solr 4.10.3 solr\examples i ran following command on cmd java -jar start.jar
after this when i go on http://localhost:8983/ i got this error
Error 404 - Not Found.
No context on this server matched or handled this request.
Contexts known to this server are:
/solr ---> o.e.j.w.WebAppContext{/solr,null},D:\solr-4.10.3\exampleD:/solr-4.10.3/example/webapps/solr.war
try http://localhost:8983/solr. By this you are provding the web application within which it might need to find index.* i.e. welcome file.
I am trying to start Apache Livy 0.8.0 server on my windows 10 machine for spark 3.1.2 and hadoop 3.2.1. I am taking help from here.. I have successfully built apache livy using maven (I have attached a of it) But I am not able to run the livy server. When I run it I get the following error -
> starting C:/AmazonJDK/jdk1.8.0_332/bin/java -cp /d/ApacheLivy/incubator-livy-master/incubator-livy-master/server/target/jars/*:/d/ApacheLivy/incubator-livy-master/incubator-livy-master/conf:D:/Program_files/spark/conf:D:/ApacheHadoop/hadoop-3.2.1/etc/hadoop: org.apache.livy.server.LivyServer, logging to D:/ApacheLivy/incubator-livy-master/incubator-livy-master/logs/livy--server.out
ps: unknown option -- o
Try `ps --help' for more information.
failed to launch C:/AmazonJDK/jdk1.8.0_332/bin/java -cp /d/ApacheLivy/incubator-livy-master/incubator-livy-master/server/target/jars/*:/d/ApacheLivy/incubator-livy-master/incubator-livy-master/conf:D:/Program_files/spark/conf:D:/ApacheHadoop/hadoop-3.2.1/etc/hadoop: org.apache.livy.server.LivyServer:
Error: Could not find or load main class org.apache.livy.server.LivyServer
full log in D:/ApacheLivy/incubator-livy-master/incubator-livy-master/logs/livy--server.out
I am using Git bash. If you need more information I will provide
The error got resolved when I used Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).
I am new to java servlets. I have installed apache-tomcat-9.0.0.M21.
When I run the project containing servlet in eclipse browser, sometimes I get the error-
Error resolving 'localhost': Name or service not known.
Other times the error is -
Error resolving 'localhost' : Temporary failure in name resolution.
This project runs fine in my web browser.
Also, after I add <servlet>...</servlet> and <servlet-mapping>...<servlet-mapping> in web.xml, I get the error - Server Tomcat v9.0 Server at localhost failed to start.
One more thing, I use Ubuntu operating system (if it has to do something with the question).
Please help. I googled for the solution but I am not able to resolve the error.
Try adding the below to your /etc/hosts file. localhost
I have followed http://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/YTD6/Linux.+YouTrack+JAR+as+a+Service on Fedora server. Starting Youtrack 6 as "youtrack" user by
/etc/init.d/youtrack start
command starts properly. I have added youtrack service wrapper on boot by
/sbin/chkconfig --add youtrack
command. But after server reboot Youtrack application is not running.
journalctl -xn
command gives me only this hint
systemd[4000]: Failed at step EXEC spawning /etc/rc.d/init.d/youtrack: Exec format error
I have fixed my permissions like in this thread ''
Starting YouTrack as a service fails without error message''
But error still occurs. I have pasted default template from the tutorial '/etc/rc.d/init.d/youtrack' with only one change:
#export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_21
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/latest
/usr/java/latest points to Oracle JDK 8.
from youtrack tutorial is missing
on the top of the file. After adding this line "Exec format error" does not occur anymore.
I am new to solr. Following the tutorial from here i Can't Get Past Step 2 in the Tutorial. After running java -jar start.jar and then connecting to http://localhost:8983/solr/
i get this error page which says:
Problem accessing /solr/. Reason:
Not Found
Powered by Jetty://
I changed the port from 8983 to 8080 but the problem persisted.
On running ant ant example i get this error message build.xml does nto exist
I am working with windows 7 and the downloaded version of solr is solr-4.9.0.zip.
Please check wheather the port(8983) is already in use or not. You can start solr in alternate port(like 4983) by using the following command
java -Djetty.port=4983 -jar start.jar
And now hit your browser with your doamin name or localhost:port as shown below:
If you are still unable to start solr ,then solr log at the follwoing path
Can you please post your solr.log?
Also when you start the solr with: java -Djetty.port=4983 -jar start.jar
Are you able to see server started in the console from where you are executing this?
How are you changing jetty port in solr? Through commands i mentioned above or by changing jetty.xml.
Note: changing port in jetty.xml dont work properly.
I have developed an java ear that i deploy from my local eclipse to my local websphere 8.5 by using the publish button in eclipse. When I try to deploy my ear from command line I get an error after I try to access the webpage.
I update my ear from common line like this:
${was.dir}/profiles/${was.profile}/bin/wsadmin.sh -lang jython -username ${was.username} -password ${was.password} -c AdminApplication.updateApplicationUsingDefaultMerge('${was.app.name}', '${build.dir}/${ear.name}')
The deployment is successful but when I access my application thru my web browser I get the following message instead of seeing my application:
Error 404: com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.exception.NoTargetForURIException: No target servlet configured for uri: /wwww/index.html
I have verified that the ear is ok by updating it thru the web admin interface of websphere without any configuration.
What am I doing wrong or what additional steps do I need to do to successfully update my ear?
You are using wrong command. You should use something like this:
AdminApp.update('MyAppEAR', 'app', '[ -operation update -contents
MyApp.ear -nopreCompileJSPs -installed.ear.destination C:\WAS\MyAppEAR
-nodistributeApp -useMetaDataFromBinary -nodeployejb -createMBeansForResources -noreloadEnabled -nodeployws -validateinstall warn -noprocessEmbeddedConfig -filepermission ..dll=755#..so=755#..a=755#..sl=755
-noallowDispatchRemoteInclude -noallowServiceRemoteInclude -asyncRequestDispatchType DISABLED -nouseAutoLink -noenableClientModule -clientMode isolated -novalidateSchema -MapModulesToServers [[ MyApp MyApp.war,WEB-INF/web.xml WebSphere:cell=Node02Cell,node=Node02,server=server1 ]]]' )
Also, in WebSphere Application Server you can log every command you issue through Administrative Console.
login to admin console with administrative user (e.g. wasadmin)
click "System Administration" -> "Console Preferences"
check "Enable command assistance notifications" and "Log command assistance commands"
click Apply button to save changes
You can see commands in help portlet on the upper-right side of admin console:
If you checked "Log command assistance commands", you can also see jython commands in a log file "<WAS_HOME>\profiles\<PROFILE_NAME>\logs\server1\commandAssistanceJythonCommands.log"
I'm not sure about updateApplicationUsingDefaultMerge vs update (the latter is what I use), but don't forget you also have to AdminConfig.save() after you're finished.