Object-oriented design for comment subject object - java

I'm trying to figure out the best way to design a class, which encapsulates JSON-derived comments. Each comment is targeted at a particular subject, either a file as a whole or a line of a file. Here's an example comment:
"text":"This is my favorite line!",
"path":"My file.txt",
If the subject is a file as a whole, line is null.
I want the Comment class to have a subject() method, but I'm not sure the best way to design the CommentSubject class. Here's what I have so far:
import javax.json.JsonObject;
class Comment {
private final JsonObject json;
private final CommentSubject subject;
public JsonObject json() { return json; }
public CommentSubject subject() { return subject; }
public Comment(JsonObject json) {
this.json = json;
subject = json.isNull("line") ? new FileSubject(this) :
new LineSubject(this);
abstract class CommentSubject {
enum SubjectType {
public abstract SubjectType type();
public abstract String path();
protected abstract Comment comment();
class FileSubject extends CommentSubject {
private final Comment comment;
private final String path;
public FileSubject(Comment comment) {
this.comment = comment;
path = comment.json().getString("path");
public FileSubject(CommentSubject subject) {
#Override public SubjectType type() { return SubjectType.FILE; }
#Override public String path() { return path; }
#Override protected Comment comment() { return comment; }
class LineSubject extends CommentSubject {
private final Comment comment;
private final String path;
private final int line;
public LineSubject(Comment comment) {
this.comment = comment;
path = comment.json().getString("path");
line = comment.json().getInt("line");
public LineSubject(CommentSubject subject) {
#Override public SubjectType type() { return SubjectType.LINE; }
#Override public String path() { return path; }
#Override protected Comment comment() { return comment; }
public int line() { return line; }
Client code could look like this:
doSomething(CommentSubject subject) {
if (subject.type() == SubjectType.LINE) {
LineSubject line = new LineSubject(subject);
However, I don't like the fact that my current design requires a new LineSubject object in the client code: subject and line are identical in the example above, so the new object creation seems like a waste of space. Further, in order to pass a CommentSubject object to another CommentSubject constructor, as in the client code above, all subjects need to be backed by a comment accessible by the comment() method. I also don't know what I think about the SubjectType enum.
What I want is for Comment to have a subject() method and to be able to distinguish file and line subjects. Are there better designs out there?

If the only difference between a file comment and a line comment is that the file comment does not have a line number, you can fold the class hierarchy to a single class, and make the line number optional (i.e. returning an Integer rather than an int). This would let client programs distinguish between file and line comments, because file comments would return null for the line number:
public class CommentSubject {
private final Integer line;
private final String path;
private final String comment;
public String path() { return path; }
public Integer line() { return line; }
public Comment comment() { return comment; }
public static CommentSubject forFile(String p, String c) {
return new CommentSubject(p, null, c);
public static CommentSubject forLine(String p, int i, String c) {
return new CommentSubject(p, i, c);
private CommentSubject(String p, Integer i, String c) {
path = p;
line = i;
comment = c;
The client would be able to write something like this:
doSomething(CommentSubject subject) {
Integer optLine = subject.line();
if (optLine != null) {
int line = optLine.intValue();
If you prefer to avoid conditional dispatch in the client, you could take a visitor-like approach, and have the CommentSubject call back the processor of your comments, like this:
interface CommentProcessor {
void onFileComment(String path, String comment);
void onLineComment(String path, int line, String comment);
public class CommentSubject {
private final Integer line;
private final String path;
private final String comment;
public void process(CommentProcessor p) {
if (line != null) {
p.onLineComment(path, line.intValue(), comment);
} else {
p.onFileComment(path, comment);
public static CommentSubject forFile(String p, String c) {
return new CommentSubject(p, null, c);
public static CommentSubject forLine(String p, int i, String c) {
return new CommentSubject(p, i, c);
private CommentSubject(String p, Integer i, String c) {
path = p;
line = i;
comment = c;
Note how the comment, path, and line are hidden inside CommentSubject. The only way to access them now is to pass an instance of CommentProcessor, which would receive a callback for the appropriate type of CommentSubject.


Sorting of ArrayList<Track>

I want to sort ArrayList according to artist's name I have used comparator interface but I'm not able to sort the list. So kindly help me to solve the problem. The track data will be read from a file Trackdump. The file would contain one track data per line in the format TITLE/ARTIST/RATING/BPM
Here is the code:
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class MusicLibrary {
ArrayList<Track> songList = new ArrayList<Track>();
public static void main(String args[]) {
new MusicLibrary().go();
public void go() {
System.out.println("Before Sorting:");
System.out.println("Sorted according to Artist's name:");
void getTracks() {
File file = new File("TrackDump.txt");
BufferedReader readr = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
String line = null;
while ((line = readr.readLine()) != null) {
}catch(Exception e){
void addSong(String lineToParse) {
String[] tokens = lineToParse.split("/");
Track nextSong = new Track(tokens[0], tokens[1], tokens[2], tokens[3]);
class Track implements Comparator<Track>
String title;
String artist;
String rating;
String bpm;
public int compare(Track o1, Track o2) {
return o1.getArtist().compareTo(o2.getArtist());
public Track(String a, String t, String r, String b) {
title = t;
artist = a;
rating = r;
bpm = b;
public boolean equals(Object aSong) {
return this.equals(aSong);
public String getArtist() {
return artist;
public String getBpm() {
return bpm;
public String getRating() {
return rating;
public String getTitle() {
return title;
public String toString() {
return title + "-" + artist;
You have to implement Comparable class to your Track class. Not Comparator. Then override compareTo() method. It would look like this:
public class Track implements Comparable<Track> {
// Variables, constructor, getters, setters ...
public int compareTo(Track other) {
return this.getArtist().compareTo(other.getArtist());
Finally sort with Collections.sort();
You need to implement the Comparable interface and then you can use Collections.sort().
class Track implements Comparable<Track> {
String title;
String artist;
String rating;
String bpm;
public int compare(Track other) {
return this.getArtist().compareTo(other.getArtist());
In theory it would work too when implementing Comparator but then you have to pass a Track object into Collections.sort() to act as the Comparator. But that is a rather weird way of doing it so better use the solution above.
Collections.sort(songList, new Track(null, null, null, null));

Can't print objects stored in HashMap?

I'm working on an assignment for my java class, and we just started learning about HashMaps and we have this assignment where we create enumerated data and store it in a hashmap to print out later. What I can seem to figure out is to be able to print the elements of the HashMap. Here is my project so far:
public class Driver <enumeration>
private static HashMap<String, State> stateList = new HashMap<String, State>();
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException
stateList.put("1", State.CA);
stateList.put("2", State.FL);
stateList.put("3", State.ME);
stateList.put("4", State.OK);
stateList.put("5", State.TX);
for(State value : stateList.values())
public enum State
CA(new StateInfo("Sacramento", 38802500)), FL(new StateInfo("Tallahassee", 19893297)),
ME(new StateInfo("Augusta", 1330089)), OK(new StateInfo("Oklahoma City", 3878051)),
TX(new StateInfo(" Austin", 26956958));
private StateInfo info;
private State(StateInfo info)
this.info = info;
public StateInfo getInfo()
return info;
public String toString()
return "";
public class StateInfo
private String capital;
private int population;
public StateInfo(String capital, int population)
this.capital = capital;
this.population = population;
public String getCapital()
return capital.toString();
public int getPopulation()
return population;
public String toString()
return "";
Now when I try to run the program, it just terminates without even as much as a reference number for the state objects I'm trying to print. What I think is wrong is in the StateInfo class so I tried changing some things but to no prevail. Can anyone tell me if my suspensions are correct, or am I overlooking something?
You have overridden the toString() method in the State class:
public String toString()
return "";
Therefore you get no output at all as for every value the toString() method is called in your loop:
for(State value : stateList.values())
To be more precise: You should get 5 empty lines.
Remove the toString()method in order to use Java's default toString() implementation which returns the classname+hashCode() or make it return e.g. "Capital: " + info.getCapital().

Why do I have "private access" error even if I didn't return any field?

I am learning OOP in Java. When finishing coding and compiling it, the compiler shows that this Manager class has private access to the Photographer class. I've been working on for a whole night, but I still cannot find the problem. Anyone could tell me how to fix it?
public class Manager
private ArrayList<Assignment> toDoList;
private ArrayList<Photographer> employees;
public Manager()
this.toDoList = new ArrayList<Assignment>();
this.employees = new ArrayList<Photographer>();
public void hire(String photographer)
employees.add(new Photographer(photographer));
public void giveOutAssignments()
int maxId;
if(toDoList.size()!=0 && employees.size()!=0){
for(Photographer p: employees){
maxId = 0;
//get highest priority
for(int i = 1; i<toDoList.size();i++){
//just check the unfinished assigns
maxId = i;
//take the highest priority
Assignment currentAssign = toDoList.get(maxId);
//set it as finished
Here is the Photographer class:
public class Photographer
private Map photos;
private String name;
public Photographer(String name)
photos = new HashMap(); // An important line. Must go in the constructor.
readPhotos(); // A very important line. this must go in the Photographer
// constructor so that the photographer will be able to take Pictures.
this.name = name;
private String takePicture(String description)
return photos.get(description);
private void readPhotos()
Pattern commentPattern = Pattern.compile("^//.*");
Pattern photoPattern = Pattern.compile("([a-zA-Z0-9\\.]+) (.*)");
Scanner in = new Scanner(new File("photos.txt"));
while (in.hasNextLine())
String line = in.nextLine();
Matcher commentMatcher = commentPattern.matcher(line);
Matcher photoMatcher = photoPattern.matcher(line);
if (commentMatcher.find())
// This line of the file is a comment. Ignore it.
else if (photoMatcher.find())
String fileName = photoMatcher.group(1);
String description = photoMatcher.group(2);
photos.put(description, fileName);
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
takePicture is declared private, it is inaccessible from any other context other than Photographer...
private String getDescription() {
change it to public...
public String getDescription() {
Take a look at Controlling Access to Members of a Class for more details
I also had an issue with the return type of takePicture in Photographer...
private String takePicture(String description)
return photos.get(description);
And had to change to something more like...
public String takePicture(String description) {
return (String)photos.get(description);

How to serialize complex Json object to QueryString for HTTP Get using Jackson?

Say that I have following objects:
public class ComplexJacksonObject extends BaseJsonObject {
public int Start;
public int Count;
public Person MyPerson;
public class Person extends BaseJsonObject {
public String Firstname;
public String Lastname;
public Address Where;
public class Address extends BaseJsonObject {
public String Street;
public int Number;
Obviously when I request JSON of this with Jackson I get something like:
public String toJson(ComplexJacksonObject obj) {
try {
return generateMapper().writeValueAsString(obj);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
return null;
// returned: {"MyPerson":{"Firstname":"First","Lastname":"Last","Where":{"Street":"Street","Number":15}},"Count":1,"Start":2}
However what I need for QueryString is that top property pairs are converted to Key=Value& format, so something like:
Plus of course MyPerson=[This_Part_Needs_To_Be_Url_Encoded].
Is there any generic method in Jackson that would do this for me automatically? Or will I be forced to come up with something my own? Some String replacement regex? Any ideas?
[Edit] NOTE: I misunderstood the question. My answer below answers how to parse the JSON and get a Java object. You wanted to get the Key value pairs where JSON is the value for the object. The below answer will not answer that question. Sorry for the confusion.
You can fix this issue by using Jackson annotations to the java model and adding a "type" to the JSON object. You might want to research it for your purposes but here is an example from some code I have done in the past.
public class Requirement {
private String title;
private String reqId;
#JsonTypeInfo(use=JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include=JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property="type")
#JsonSubTypes.Type(value=CountRequirementList.class, name="COUNT"),
#JsonSubTypes.Type(value=AndRequirementList.class, name="AND"),
#JsonSubTypes.Type(value=OrRequirementList.class, name="OR")
private List<RequirementList> fulfillments;
where the baseObject is the RequirementList and the class names are types of the requirements list.
To make things easier going back and forth from JSON, it is sometimes convenient to just add a type to the object. I have included more code below in case it helps. (note: I did not include all the getters and setters that are needed for Jackson)
public abstract class RequirementList {
private LogicType type;
private String id;
private String title;
private String description;
protected float requiredCount; //For count type subclass. Designed to be count of credits
private List<Object> fulfillments;
public class OrRequirementList extends RequirementList {
public OrRequirementList() {
See my answer for this question How to serialize ANY Object into a URI?. You have to add only URL encoding to my solution. For example you can use UrlEncoder#encode(String s, String enc) method.
Here is the holder object:
public class ComplexJacksonObject extends BaseJsonObject {
public int Start;
public int Count;
public Person MyPerson;
public List<String> Strings;
public class Person extends BaseJsonObject {
public String Firstname;
public String Lastname;
public Address Where;
public class Address extends BaseJsonObject {
public String Street;
public int Number;
Here is how I initialize it:
ComplexJacksonObject cjo = new ComplexJacksonObject();
cjo.Count = 1;
cjo.Start = 2;
cjo.Strings = new ArrayList<String>();
cjo.MyPerson = cjo.new Person();
cjo.MyPerson.Firstname = "Fi\",=[]{}rst";
cjo.MyPerson.Lastname = "Last";
cjo.MyPerson.Where = cjo.new Address();
cjo.MyPerson.Where.Street = "Street";
cjo.MyPerson.Where.Number = 15;
String result = cjo.toQueryString();
// Strings=%5B%22One%22%2C%22Two%22%5D&MyPerson=%7BFirstname%3A"Fi%5C%5C%22%2C%3D%5B%5D%7B%7Drst"%2CLastname%3A%22Last%22%2CWhere%3A%7BStreet%3A%22Street%22%2CNumber%3A15%7D%7D&Start=2&Count=1
And finally the method that makes this happen:
public String toQueryString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Field field : this.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) {
if (sb.length() > 0) {
Class cls = field.getType().getSuperclass();
// serializing my complex objects - they all inherit from BaseJsonObject class
if (cls != null && cls.equals(BaseJsonObject.class)) {
BaseJsonObject bjo = (BaseJsonObject) getFieldValue(field);
String str = toJson(bjo, true);
// serializing lists, they are all List<T>
else if (field.getType().equals(List.class)) {
List bjo = (List) getFieldValue(field);
String val = toJson(bjo, false);
// serializing simple fields
else {
Object bjo = getFieldValue(field);
String val = toJson(bjo, false).replaceAll("^\"|\"$", "");
return sb.toString();
private Object getFieldValue(Field field) {
try {
return field.get(this);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
return null;
private static ObjectMapper generateMapper() {
ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper();
// om.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false);
om.setDateFormat(new JacksonSimpleDateFormat());
return om;
public String toJson() {
try {
return generateMapper().writeValueAsString(this);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
return null;
public String toJson(Object o, boolean noQuoteProperties) {
try {
ObjectMapper om = generateMapper();
if (noQuoteProperties) {
om.configure(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator.Feature.QUOTE_FIELD_NAMES, false);
om.configure(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_UNQUOTED_FIELD_NAMES, true);
return om.writeValueAsString(o);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
return null;

Inner Class. What is its purpose?

Can someone tell me what the purpose of having inner classes? I can think of a few but may be they are not good reasons for using inner classes. My reasoning is that inner class is helpful when you want to use a class that no other classes can use. What else?
When I was learning Java we used inner classes for GUI event handling classes. It is sort of a "one time use" class that need not be available to other classes, and only is relevant to the class in which it resides.
Inner classes can be used to simulate closures: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Closure_(computer_science)#Java
I use inner classes to define a structure that is best represented by the containing class, but doesn't necessarily make sense to use a separate external class to represent the structure.
To give an example I have a class that represents a particular type of network device, and the class has certain types of tests that can be run on that device. For each test there is also a potential set of errors that can be found. Each type of device may have a different structure for the errors.
With this you could do things like
List<Error> errors = RemoteDeviceA.getErrors();
With methods being available from the inner class, like
for ( Error error : errors ) {
System.out.println("MOnitor Type: " + error.getMonType());
Of course there are other ways to do this, this is just an inner class approach.
Simplified (aka incomplete) code for above:
public class RemoteDeviceA {
private String host;
private String user;
private String password;
private static List<Error> errors;
public RemoteDeviceA(String user, String host, String password) {
this.host = host;
this.user = user;
this.password = password;
private void login() {
// Logs in
public void runTestA() {
List<Error> errorList = new ArrayList<Error>();
//loop through test results
if (!value.equals("0")) {
Error error = new Error(node, rackNum, shelfNum, slotNum, monType, value);
if (error.isError()) {
private static void setErrors(List<Error> errors) {
RemoteDeviceA.errors = errors;
public List<Error> getErrors() {
return errors;
public class Error {
private String monType;
private String node;
private String rack;
private String shelf;
private String slot;
private String value;
private boolean error = false;
private boolean historyError = false;
private boolean critical = false;
private boolean criticalHistory = false;
Error(String node, String rack, String shelf, String slot,
String monType, String value) {
parseAlarm(node, rack, shelf, slot, monType, value);
private void parseAlarm(String node, String rack, String shelf,
String slot, String monType, String value) {
String modType = "";
if (monType.startsWith("ES_15") && !value.equals("0")) {
} else if (monType.startsWith("SES_15") && !value.equals("0")) {
} else if (monType.startsWith("BBE_15") && !value.equals("0")) {
} else if (monType.startsWith("UT_15") && !value.equals("0")) {
} else if (monType.startsWith("ES_24") && !value.equals("0")) {
} else if (monType.startsWith("SES_24") && !value.equals("0")) {
} else if (monType.startsWith("BBE_24") && !value.equals("0")) {
} else if (monType.startsWith("UT_24") && !value.equals("0")) {
} else if (monType.startsWith("UT_15") && !value.equals("0")) {
} else if (monType.startsWith("LASPWR")) {
float laserPwr = Float.valueOf(value);
if (node.startsWith("LEM_EM")) {
if ((laserPwr < 8.0) || (laserPwr > 12.0)) {
} else if (node.startsWith("LEM10")) {
if ((laserPwr < 18.0) || (laserPwr > 22.0)) {
if (isError()) {
private void setMonType(String monType) {
this.monType = monType;
public String getMonType() {
return monType;
private void setNode(String node) {
this.node = node;
public String getNode() {
return node;
public void setRack(String rack) {
this.rack = rack;
public String getRack() {
return rack;
public void setShelf(String shelf) {
this.shelf = shelf;
public String getShelf() {
return shelf;
public void setSlot(String slot) {
this.slot = slot;
public String getSlot() {
return slot;
private void setValue(String value) {
this.value = value;
public String getValue() {
return value;
private void setError(boolean error) {
this.error = error;
public boolean isError() {
return error;
public void setCritial(boolean critical) {
this.critical = critical;
public boolean isCritical() {
return critical;
public void setCriticalHistory(boolean criticalHistory) {
this.criticalHistory = criticalHistory;
public boolean isCriticalHistory() {
return criticalHistory;
public void setHistoryError(boolean historyError) {
this.historyError = historyError;
public boolean isHistoryError() {
return historyError;
A list implementation that internally uses a linked list to store the elements could make good use of an inner class to represent the nodes within the list. I think you've hit the nail on the head by saying that you'd use such a class where you want to use it internally to a class but don't want it exposed - a 'one off' class that is only really useful 'here'.
I use inner classes (in C++) in situations where multiple classes, unrelated through inheritance, have conceptually similar implementation details, which form an implicit part of the public interface and ought to be named similarly.
class lib::Identifier { ... };
class lib::Person {
class Identifier : public lib::Identifier { ... };
class lib::File {
class Identifier : public lib::Identifier { ... };
This makes it convenient to refer to Identifier, Person::Identifier, and File::Identifier as simply Identifier, in the appropriate scopes.

