I have a JTable that has four columns. I am using iText libraries to print PDF documents with data from the JTable. The problem is that the JTable is not showing properly in the PDF. I have searched on Google and came across the same situation here. The code is similar to mine as well as the output. I have also tried this example using Templates, however, the result is not changing.
How do we solve this? Please assist. If the codes are necessary, i will post but they are too many classes -i am working on a big application. The concept I would want is to make the JTable fit on the document.
After a long struggle, I managed to make it as shown below. In case someone encounters this, here is the idea that saved me:
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
try {
Document doc = new Document();
PdfWriter.getInstance(doc, new FileOutputStream("table.pdf"));
PdfPTable pdfTable = new PdfPTable(table.getColumnCount());
//adding table headers
for (int i = 0; i < table.getColumnCount(); i++) {
//extracting data from the JTable and inserting it to PdfPTable
for (int rows = 0; rows < table.getRowCount() - 1; rows++) {
for (int cols = 0; cols < table.getColumnCount(); cols++) {
pdfTable.addCell(table.getModel().getValueAt(rows, cols).toString());
} catch (DocumentException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(MainWindow.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(MainWindow.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
I am facing issue while writing the data to excel file.
I am using apache POI 4.1.2 version library.
Below is the sample code.
try {
outputStream = new FileOutputStream(EXCEL_FILE_PATH);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception While writing excel file " + e.getMessage());
Workbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();
Sheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("FileCompare");
Row row = sheet.createRow(0);
Cell cellfilename = row.createCell(0);
cellfilename.setCellValue("File Name");
Cell cellfilename1 = row.createCell(1);
cellfilename1.setCellValue("Difference in File 1");
Cell cellfilenam2 = row.createCell(2);
cellfilenam2.setCellValue("Difference in File 2");
for (int diffcol = 1; diffcol < 3; diffcol++) {
for (int i = 1; i < 57; i++) {
Row rows = sheet.createRow(i);
// System.out.println("Difference Coln number " + diffcol);
Cell diffcell = rows.createCell(diffcol);
* Cell diffcell2 = row.createCell(2); diffcell2.setCellValue("abacds");
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
In this only last column cells is getting saved in excel file , previous cells are kept as blank.
Kindly help and let me know if I am doing something wrong?
Not sure about the actual api but I think you inner loop should create columns and your outer one should create rows like this
for (int row=1:row<57;row++)
Row rows = sheet.createRow(row);
for (int diffCol = 1; diffCol < 3; difCol++)
Cell diffcell = rows.createCell(diffcol);
The problem is that inside your loop you're always using sheet.createRow(i) to retrieve the row you need, but as the docs says (docs that are written not so clear, actually) this method is always recreating a brand new & empty row, deleting the existing one (if a row at that i-position was already present).
It means that each iteration of yuor loop is actually deleting previous rows creating brand new rows: at the end only rows created by the last iteration are surviving!
To solve you're problem, use sheet.createRow(i) only one time in order to create the row at i-position and then only use sheet.getRow(i) to retreive it.
So replace (in your code) the following wrong line
Row rows = sheet.createRow(i);
with the following code
Row row = sheet.getRow(i);
if (row == null) row = sheet.createRow(i);
where new row is created only if it does not already exist!
And you're done, it works like a charm!
I am currently modifying the logic for generating a PDF report, using itext package (itext-2.1.7.jar). The report is generated first, then - table of contents (TOC) and then TOC is inserted into the report file, using PdfStamper and it's method - replacePage:
PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(new PdfReader(finalFile.getAbsolutePath()),
new FileOutputStream(reportFile));
stamper.replacePage(new PdfReader(tocFile.getAbsolutePath()), 1, 2);
However, I wanted TOC to also have internal links to point to the right chapter. Using replacePage() method, unfortunately, removes all links and annotations, so I tried another way. I've used a method I've found to merge the report file and the TOC file. It did the trick, meaning that the links were now preserved, but they don't seem to work, the user can click them, but nothing happens. I've placed internal links on other places in the report file, for testing purposes, and they seem to work, but they don't work when placed on the actual TOC. TOC is generated separately, here's how I've created the links (addLeadingDots is a local method, not pertinent to the problem):
Chunk anchor = new Chunk(idx + ". " + chapterName + getLeadingDots(chapterName, pageNumber) + " " + pageNumber, MainReport.FONT12);
String anchorLocation = idx+chapterName.toUpperCase().replaceAll("\\s","");
line = new Paragraph();
And this is how I've created anchor destinations on the chapters in the report file:
Chunk target = new Chunk(title.toUpperCase(), font);
String anchorDestination = title.toUpperCase().replace(".", "").replaceAll("\\s","");
Paragraph p = new Paragraph(target);
Finally, here's the method that supposed to merge report file and the TOC:
public static void mergePDFs(String originalFilePath, String fileToInsertPath, String outputFile, int location) {
PdfReader originalFileReader = null;
try {
originalFileReader = new PdfReader(originalFilePath);
} catch (IOException ex) {
System.out.println("ITextHelper.addPDFToPDF(): can't read original file: " + ex);
PdfReader fileToAddReader = null;
try {
fileToAddReader = new PdfReader(fileToInsertPath);
} catch (IOException ex) {
System.out.println("ITextHelper.addPDFToPDF(): can't read fileToInsert: " + ex);
if (originalFileReader != null && fileToAddReader != null) {
int numberOfOriginalPages = originalFileReader.getNumberOfPages();
Document document = new Document();
PdfCopy copy = null;
try {
copy = new PdfCopy(document, new FileOutputStream(outputFile));
for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfOriginalPages; i++) {
if (i == location) {
for (int j = 1; j <= fileToAddReader.getNumberOfPages(); j++) {
copy.addPage(copy.getImportedPage(fileToAddReader, j));
copy.addPage(copy.getImportedPage(originalFileReader, i));
} catch (DocumentException | FileNotFoundException ex) {
m_logger.error("ITextHelper.addPDFToPDF(): can't read output location: " + ex);
} catch (IOException ex) {
m_logger.error(Level.SEVERE, ex);
So, the main question is, what happens to the links, after both pdf documents are merged and how to make them work? I'm not too experienced with itext, so any help is appreciated.
Thanks for your help
I want to create a Swing gui where when I click browse I should get a text field giving the directory's path and a table of all the files in that directory.
I was able to get the first part(i.e. path). Can somebody help me in getting the files in a table?
I tried this:
public void jButton1ActionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
JFileChooser filesave = new JFileChooser();
FileNameExtensionFilter filter = new FileNameExtensionFilter(
"TEXT File", ".txt", "text");
int returnVal = filesave.showOpenDialog(null);
if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
try {
File file = filesave.getSelectedFile();
PrintWriter os = new PrintWriter(file + ".txt");
for (int row = 0; row < jTable1.getRowCount(); row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < jTable1.getColumnCount(); col++) {
os.print(": ");
os.println(jTable1.getValueAt(row, col));
} catch (IOException e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Well, nothing is added to the table because you didn't add anything to the table, no surprise here. If you ask me, some information is missing, but the normal way to achive this is...
create a TableModel (by extending AbstractTableModel)
set it in the JTable
when your button is clicked, update the TableModel, which should notify the listeners
Bingo, your table is updated
You can use a DefaultTableModel for that, no problem here. Search for it and you'll find enough tutorials go get by.
I am developing an application where i am using POI library to generate .docx files.
By using XWPFTable I am unable to apply table styles. can any one worked on this part? There are no examples and not good documentation out there.
Here is my snippet.
int nRows = 14;
int nCols = 6;
XWPFTable t1 = doc.createTable(nRows, nCols);
t1.setStyleID("Table Grid");
Thanks in advance
I have stumbled on this issue. I have created an empty docx file with all my juicy style available (Heading 1, 2, etc...). I create a XWPFDocument
try {
InputStream resourceAsStream = new FileInputStream("protocol_empty.docx");
document = new XWPFDocument(resourceAsStream);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
then add my paragraph my setting the style ....setStyle("Heading 1");
It works.
Got the answer. I added a template with few styles in it. It worked.
This question helped me
I had trouble identifying the styleId to use. If you make a template and add the table with the style in, export it as a Word XML file then you can look up styleId. So "Light List" for me was actually "LightList" (w:style w:type="table" w:styleId="LightList").
I'm writing a java code that utilizes Apache-poi to read ms-office .doc file and itext jar API's to create and write into pdf file. I have done reading texts and tables printed in the .doc file. Now i'm looking for a solution that reads images written in the document. I have coded as following to read images in the document file. Why this code is not working.
public static void main(String[] args) {
POIFSFileSystem fs = null;
Document document = new Document();
WordExtractor extractor = null ;
try {
fs = new POIFSFileSystem(new FileInputStream("C:\\DATASTORE\\tableandImage.doc"));
HWPFDocument hdocument=new HWPFDocument(fs);
extractor = new WordExtractor(hdocument);
OutputStream fileOutput = new FileOutputStream(new File("C:/DATASTORE/tableandImage.pdf"));
PdfWriter.getInstance(document, fileOutput);
Range range=hdocument.getRange();
String readText=null;
PdfPTable createTable;
CharacterRun run;
PicturesTable picture;
for(int i=0;i<range.numParagraphs();i++) {
Paragraph par = range.getParagraph(i);
if(!par.isInTable()) {
if(readText.endsWith("\n")) {
document.add(new com.itextpdf.text.Paragraph(readText));
} if(readText.endsWith("\r")) {
readText += "\n";
document.add(new com.itextpdf.text.Paragraph(readText));
run =range.getCharacterRun(i);
if(picture.hasPicture(run)) {
//if(run.isSpecialCharacter()) {
Picture pic=picture.extractPicture(run, true);
byte[] picturearray=pic.getContent();
com.itextpdf.text.Image image=com.itextpdf.text.Image.getInstance(picturearray);
} else if (par.isInTable()) {
Table table = range.getTable(par);
TableRow tRow1= table.getRow(0);
int numColumns=tRow1.numCells();
createTable=new PdfPTable(numColumns);
for (int rowId=0;rowId<table.numRows();rowId++) {
TableRow tRow = table.getRow(rowId);
for (int cellId=0;cellId<tRow.numCells();cellId++) {
TableCell tCell = tRow.getCell(cellId);
PdfPCell c1 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(tCell.text()));
}catch(IOException e) {
System.out.println("IO Exception");
catch(Exception exep) {
}finally {
The problems are:
1. Condition if(picture.hasPicture(run)) is not satisfying but document has jpeg image.
I'm getting following exception while reading table.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: This paragraph is not the first one in the table
at org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.Range.getTable(Range.java:876)
at pagecode.ReadDocxOrDocFile.main(ReadDocxOrDocFile.java:113)
Can anybody help me to solve the problem.
Thank you.
Regarding your exception:
Your code iterates over all paragraphs and calls isInTable() for each one of them. Since tables are commonly composed of several such paragraphs, your call to getTable() also gets executed several times for a single table.
However, what your code should do instead is to find the first paragraph of a table, then process all paragraphs therein (via getRow(m).getCell(n)) and ultimately continue with the outer loop in the first paragraph after the table. Codewise this may look roughly like the following (assuming no merged cells, no nested tables and no other funny edge cases):
if (par.isInTable()) {
Table table = range.getTable(par);
for (int rn=0; rn<table.numRows(); rn++) {
TableRow row = table.getRow(rn);
for (int cn=0; cn<row.numCells(); cn++) {
TableCell cell = row.getCell(cn);
for (int pn=0; pn<cell.numParagraphs(); pn++) {
Paragraph cellParagraph = cell.getParagraph(pn);
// your PDF conversion code goes here
i += table.numParagraphs()-1; // skip the already processed (table-)paragraphs in the outer loop
Regarding the pictures issue:
Am I guessing right that you are trying to obtain the picture which is anchored within a given paragraph? Unfortunately, the predefined methods of POI only work if the picture is not embedded within a field (which is rather rare, actually). For field-based images (i.e. preview images of embedded OLEs) you should do something like the following (untested!):
PictureStore pictureStore = new PictureStore(hdocument);
// bla bla ...
for (int cr=0; cr < par.numCharacterRuns(); cr++) {
CharacterRun characterRun = par.getCharacterRun(cr);
Field field = hdocument.getFields().getFieldByStartOffset(FieldsDocumentPart.MAIN, characterRun.getStartOffset());
if (field != null && field.getType() == 0x3A) { // 0x3A is type "EMBED"
Picture pic = pictureStore.getPicture(field.secondSubrange(characterRun));
For a list of possible values of Field.getType() see here.