I am using Spring 4.0.5
I want to perform some db operation using #Async method but the data is not getting saved, when I remove the #Async annotation it works fine.
I know the problem is because hibernate session is not available in the new thread. Can any one know the solution for the same, what exactly I need to do.
Here is the code snippet
public void insertLoginDetails(LoginDetail data) {
Do not mix #Async and #Transactional methods, delegate #Transactional method to new component
I have an old controller within my app that is defined as a spring bean in xml and makes use of Spring's SimpleFormController. I've tried to make the processes within the onSubmit method of the controller transactional by adding the #Transactional annotation but it doesn't work. According to this guide the invocation of the annotation must happen "outside of the bean", does this mean that the annotation cannot be used in old Spring controllers like mine? Are there any alternatives or workarounds?
The reason I know it's not working is because 1) changes to the db are not rolled back on error (this is despite the fact that I have defined rollbackFor = Exception.class, and even in some instances used TransactionAspectSupport.currentTransactionStatus().setRollbackOnly();, in this instances where it tries to use the latter it throws an error stating there is no transaction present. 2) I've added breakpoints to where #Transactional is instantiated within Spring and none of them get hit.
EDIT: So people are asking for reproducible examples of code. The problem doesn't lie within the business logic code, I'm looking for clarity on the usage of the annotation within a Spring 2 controller. So what I have for example is this:
public class ImportController extends SimpleFormController {
#Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public ModelAndView onSubmit(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object command, BindException errors) throws Exception {
You are right. #Transactional will not work here because onSubmit is invoked by the same bean.
And in this case the call is done directly and the default spring transaction handling does not work.
See answers in this question for a detailed explanation of the options you have
I'm using spring boot. I was new to spring and started a spring project. So I didn't know about pre defined repositories (JPA, CRUD) which can be easily implemented. In case, I wanted to save a bulk data, so I use for loop and save one by one, Its taking more time. So I tried to use #Async. But it doesn't also work, is my concept wrong?
#Async has two limitation
it must be applied to public methods only
self-invocation – calling the async method from within the same class won’t work
1) Controller
for(i=0;i < array.length();i++){
// Other codes
2) Dao implementation
public class GaugeCategoryDaoImpl implements GaugeCategoryDao {
// Other codings
public void saveOrUpdate(GaugeCategory GaugeCategory) {
After removing #Async , it working normally. But with that annotation it doesn't work. Is there any alternative method for time consuming? Thanks in advance.
the #Async annotation creates a thread for every time you call that method. but you need to enable it in your class using this annotation #EnableAsync
You also need to configure the asyncExecutor Bean.
You can find more details here : https://spring.io/guides/gs/async-method/
In my opinion, there are several issues with your code:
You overwrite the saveOrUpdate() method without any need to do so. A simple call to "super()" should have been enough to make #Async work.
I guess that you somewhere (within your controller class?) declare a transactional context. That one usually applies to the current thread. By using #Async, you might leave this transaction context as (because of the async DAO execution), the main thread may already be finished when saveOrUpdate() is called. And even though I currently don't know it exactly, there is a good change that the declared transaction is only valid for the current thread.
One possble fix: create an additional component like AsyncGaugeCategoryService or so like this:
public class AsyncGaugeCategoryService {
private final GaugeCategoryDao gaugeCategoryDao;
public AsyncGaugeCategoryService(GaugeCategoryDao gaugeCategoryDao) {
this.gaugeCategoryDao = gaugeCategoryDao;
public void saveOrUpdate(GaugeCategory gaugeCategory) {
Then inject the service instead of the DAO into your controller class. This way, you don't need to overwrite any methods, and you should have a valid transactional context within your async thread.
But be warned that your execution flow won't give you any hint if something goes wrong while storing into the database. You'll have to check the log files to detect any problems.
I am using Spring Boot 1.5.x, and in details, I am using the #Async annotation. My problem is that I have the following method in a repository.
class Repository {
CompletableFuture<String> findSomething() {
/* Some code that returns something */
And then, I have the following method in a service, which calls the above repository.
class Service {
private Repository repository;
// ...
CompletableFuture<String> findSomething() {
return repository.findSomething()
My question is: should I place the #Async annotation also in the service.findSomething() method? Or should I place the annotation only in the service method?
I mean, Spring should schedule the execution of a method marked with #Async annotation in a dedicated thread. Is it correct?
Thanks in advance.
Annotating a method with #Async will cause the caller to return immediately and the actual execution will occur in a separate thread as part of a task submitted to the default SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor (if you haven't configured another one). Please see the relevant spring documentation.
That being said, for your goal there's no added benefit in nesting the #Async. If your goal is to make Repository.findSomething asynchronous and to be able to call it from different places, not only Service.findSomething, you should annotate only this method.
Also, Service.findSomething is asynchronous itself, even if not annotated with #Async, in the scenario you depicted. The method is not blocking by calling CompletableFuture.get() and it will return immediately, although it will not be executed in a separate thread.
I have a main DB handler method, which calls other methods, which are also working with BD things.
I put #Transactional annotation for the main method, because I want to roll back everything, if something goes wrong.
My question is: should I put this annotation also for the submethods, or it will know that the submethods were called from a method which is transactional.
For example, in the deleting method an exception occurs, how can I make sure that the writing part will be also rollbacked:
public void maintDbTings() {
#Transactional //do I need this?
public void writing() {
//no exceptions
#Transactional //do I need this?
public void deleting() {
//exception occurs
Spring begins a transaction when it encounters a method annotated with #Transactional. The transaction’s scope
covers the execution of that method, the execution of any methods that method invokes, and
so on, until the method returns. Any managed resources that are covered by the configured
PlatformTransactionManager and that you use during the transaction scope participate in the
transaction. For example, if you use the org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager, a Connection retrieved from the linked DataSource
participates in the transaction automatically.
The transaction terminates one of two ways: Either the method completes execution directly and the transaction manager commits the transaction, or the method throws an exception and the transaction manager rolls the transaction back.
I hope it is clear now.
In plain english, when you have this:
public void maintDbTings() {
#Transactional //do I need this?
public void writing() {
//no exceptions
And call mainDbTings, the #Transactional on the writing has no effect. Meaning that the transaction that was started for mainDbThings will still be present/open in writing. So in this case you can easily drop it.
On the other hand since writing is public someone might call it expecting it to be transactional, since it is a service class most probably. In this case making writing to be #Transactional is mandatory and you can't drop it.
So it's up your needs really.
You can use propagation properties like REQUIRED, REQUIRES_NEW, NESTED according to your requirement as described in the below link:
I have the following problem:
I'm using Spring MVC 4.0.5 with Hibernate 4.3.5 and I'm trying to create a Restfull Web application. The problem is that I want to exclude some fields from getting serialized as JSON, depending on the method called in the controller using aspects.
My problem now is that Hiberate does not commit the transaction immideatly after it returns from a method but just before serializing.
public class LoginController {
* Autowire all the Services and stuff..
public ResponseEntity login(#RequestBody user) {
User updatedUser = userService.loginTheUser(user);
return new ResponseEntity<>(updatedUser,HttpStatus.OK);
public class UserService {
public User loginUser(User user) {
user.setLoginToken("some generated token");
return userDao.update(user); //userDao just calls entityManager.merge(..)
The advice of the aspect does the following:
for every String find the corresponding setter and set the field to null
This is done, like I said, to avoid serialization of data (for which Jackson 2 is used)
The problem now is that only after the advice has finished the transaction is commited. Is there anything I can do to tell hibernate to commit immediatly or do I have to dig deeper and start handling the transactions myself (which I would like to avoid)?
I also have autocommit turned on
<prop key="hibernate.connection.autocommit">true</prop>
I think the problem lies in the fact that I use lazy loading (because each user may have a huge laod of other enities attached to him), so the transaction is not commited until I try to serialze the object.
Don't set auto-commit to true. It's a terrible mistake.
I think you need a UserService interface and a UserServiceImpl for the interface implementation. Whatever you now have in the UserService class must be migrated to UserServiceImpl instead.
This can ensure that the #Transactions are applied even for JDK dynamic proxies and not just for CGLIB runtime proxies.
If you are using Open-Session-in-View anti-patterns, you need to let it go and use session-per-request instead. It's much more scalable and it forces you to handle optimum queries sin your data layer.
Using JDBC Transaction Management and the default session-close-on-request pattern you should be fine with this issue.