I wanted to create a .jks file using a Certificate and a private Key from an etoken programmatically.
I could access the etoken using the password but could not read the Certificate or the private key.
In an earlier question I had asked whether the private Key could be extracted from the etoken for which I was told it was not possible.
So, my question is whether I could get the reference of the private key using PKCS11..
Thank you.
You can get the reference (object handle) of the PrivateKey using PKCS11. You can even get the public components of the PrivateKey. But you cannot extract the sensitive data that comprises the key.
I'm building a xml document signature API backed by Azure Key Vault (AKV).
I have an asymmetric certificate imported into AKV, which is stored as [Key, Secret and Certificate].
I've managed to sign the document, but I think that I'm not getting the right key.
The Java XML Digital Signature API need a key pair (private/public) to get some info.
I've modified a provider that I found here, and now the signature process is called from AKV instead of the java implementation.
The thing is, when I get a Key from AKV, only the public key is coming.
The private key is stored as a Secret, and I run into trouble when I try to convert the value into an instance of PrivateKey.
How can I convert the SecretBundle value into an instance of java.security.PrivateKey ?
Thanks in advance.
Below is how I had converted the Secret into a certificate file. You might be able to convert that into Java.
$kvSecret = Get-AzureKeyVaultSecret -VaultName 'VaultFromCode' -Name 'TestCertificate'
$kvSecretBytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($kvSecret.SecretValueText)
$certCollection = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection
$protectedCertificateBytes = $certCollection.Export([System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType]::Pkcs12, 'test')
$pfxPath = 'C:\cert\test.pfx'
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($pfxPath, $protectedCertificateBytes)
You can find more details in my post - Manage Certificates in Azure Key Vault. You can also find some details on Exportable and Non-Exportable certificates in Key Vault and how those can be used to sign a PDF file.
Hope that helps
I'm using JSch connect to a server. I'm converting my private key to the OpenSSH because this is what is needed (so I'm told). My two questions are:
How should I name this OpenSSH file?
Does this converted file also have to be added to the server similar to when adding the private key generated when connecting using PuTTY?
The name of the key pair file does not matter, as you explicitly tell JSch the path to the file. All the JSch cares for is the contents.
Though a convention is to use id_dsa or id_rsa.
If you convert the key pair file from one format (e.g. PuTTY/.ppk) to another (e.g. OpenSSH) and you can authenticate using the key in the original format, you do not need to add a new public key to the server. Because there's no new public key. The key pair (both the private key and the public key) is still the same. All that changes is the format how the key is stored in the file.
I am working with digital certificate and digital signature. We got pfx file from the vendor. We convert this pfx file to java key store and used it to create the digital signature using java program. Now the vendor has etoken hardware. They give me cer file in place pf pfx. I converted cer to jks java key store and used it in my program... My program told me that private key is not there. I have found that there is no private key with cer file. I have talked to vendor about this he told me private key can not be extracted from the etoken.. you must directly access the etoken through program to get the private key. Can anybody tell me how do i access etoken programetically. Is there any java api which is used to access etoken directly. Help me....
Private key can be extracted using PKCS11.
To extract Private key from eToken in java, you need to pass config file to sun.security.pkcs11.SunPKCS11 instance.
Config file must have following properties:
name=<Name of Etoken>
slot=<slot number for etoken>
library=<path of the pckcs11 library(dll) for that etoken>
Following is sample code to extract private key using eToken
PrivateKey privateKey = null;
char password[] = "1234".toCharArray();
Provider userProvider = new sun.security.pkcs11.SunPKCS11("D:\\config.cfg");
ks = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS11", userProvider);
ks.load(null, password);
Enumeration e = ks.aliases();
String alias=null;
while (e.hasMoreElements())
alias = (String) e.nextElement();
privateKey = (PrivateKey) ks.getKey(alias, password);
I am using Bouncy Castle library in Java for reading CSR. I need to extract the public key information from CSR. I can see that openssl is able to extract required information from CSR.
I can't find any way to do this in BouncyCastle. I have been able to read PKCS10CertificationRequest object from the CSR. I have seen examples using SubjectPublicKeyInfo for extracting public key. But the code relies on the fact that algorithm of public key is already known. I can do a "instanceof" operation for various algorithm parameters and match but I think there would be something better. I want to derive the algorithm from CSR itself. I tried to find this information but couldn't find anything related to this.
Thanks for help.
Solution is to create a new wrapper around the PKCS10CertificateRequest like this:
JcaPKCS10CertificationRequest jcaCertRequest =
new JcaPKCS10CertificationRequest(pkcs10CertRequest.getEncoded()).setProvider("BC");
This class has the getPublicKey() method.
PublicKey publicKey = jcaCertRequest.getPublicKey();
I'm a certificate noob. I've been trying to import certificates for the past couple of hours and the more I dig into security stuff, the more it feels impossible to understand.
Here is what I'm trying to achieve in java:
the user can upload any kind of formatted certificate with an optional passphrase
I need to convert the certificate to a non-binary PEM format
Extract the private and public keys to store in a database, throw error if missing one of the two
So far I've been able to parse some certificates using java security's x509Certificate but I can't get the private key. I've also tried bouncy castle but no success there either.
Thanks for your help
An X509Certificate only contains a public key.
Private keys are usually encoded using PKCS#8. Try KeyFactory with a PKCS8EncodedKeySpec.
Combined public key certificates with private keys are usually encoded using PKCS#12 (.pfx, .p12). Try a KeyStore of "PKCS12" type (with Bouncy Castle as provider).