I'm using retrofit with gson to deserialize my json into realm objects. This works very well for the most part. Trouble arises when dealing with
RealmList(String(or any other basic data type))
Since Realm doesnt support RealmList where E doesnt extend Realm object, I wrapped String in a RealmObject.
public class RealmString extends RealmObject {
private String val;
public String getValue() {
return val;
public void setValue(String value) {
this.val = value;
My realm Object is as below
public class RealmPerson extends RealmObject {
private String userId;
private RealmList<RealmString> stringStuff;
private RealmList<SimpleRealmObj> otherStuff;
<setters and getters>
SimpleRealmObj works fine as it only has String elements
public class SimpleRealmObj extends RealmObject {
private String foo;
private String bar;
How can I deserialize stringStuff? I tried using a gson TypeAdapter
public class RealmPersonAdapter extends TypeAdapter<RealmPerson> {
public void write(JsonWriter out, RealmPerson value) throws IOException {
Log.e("DBG " + value.getLastName(), "");
public RealmPerson read(JsonReader in) throws IOException {
QLRealmPerson rList = new RealmPerson();
while (in.hasNext()) {
Log.e("DBG " + in.nextString(), "");
return rList;
However I still hit the IllegalStateException
2334-2334/com.qualcomm.qlearn.app E//PersonService.java:71﹕ main com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected a string but was NAME at line 1 column 3 path $.
I tried RealmList, RealmString adapter earlier to no avail.
The only workaround I managed to find so far is https://github.com/realm/realm-java/issues/620#issuecomment-66640786
Any better options?
It is better to use JsonSerializer and JsonDeserializer rather than TypeAdapter for your RealmObject, because of 2 reasons:
They allow you to delegate (de)serialization for your RealmObject to the default Gson (de)serializer, which means you don't need to write the boilerplate yourself.
There's a weird bug in Gson 2.3.1 that might cause a StackOverflowError during deserialization (I tried the TypeAdapter approach myself and encountered this bug).
Here's how (replace Tag with your RealmObject class):
(NOTE that context.serialize and context.deserialize below are equivalent to gson.toJson and gson.fromJson, which means we don't need to parse the Tag class ourselves.)
Parser + serializer for RealmList<Tag>:
public class TagRealmListConverter implements JsonSerializer<RealmList<Tag>>,
JsonDeserializer<RealmList<Tag>> {
public JsonElement serialize(RealmList<Tag> src, Type typeOfSrc,
JsonSerializationContext context) {
JsonArray ja = new JsonArray();
for (Tag tag : src) {
return ja;
public RealmList<Tag> deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT,
JsonDeserializationContext context)
throws JsonParseException {
RealmList<Tag> tags = new RealmList<>();
JsonArray ja = json.getAsJsonArray();
for (JsonElement je : ja) {
tags.add((Tag) context.deserialize(je, Tag.class));
return tags;
Tag class:
public class Tag extends RealmObject {
private String value;
public String getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(String value) {
this.value = value;
Then register your converter class with Gson:
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
.registerTypeAdapter(new TypeToken<RealmList<Tag>>() {}.getType(),
new TagRealmListConverter())
The error message "Expected a string but was NAME" can be solved by retrieving the name of the json object in the JsonReader before the actual json object (which is a String in your case).
You can take a look at the Android documentation for JsonReader. It has detailed explanation and code snippet. You can also take a look at the readMessage method in the sample code snippet in the documentation.
I have modified your read method to what I think it should be. NOTE: I didn't test the code, so there may be some minor errors in it.
public RealmPerson read(JsonReader in) throws IOException {
RealmPerson rList = new RealmPerson();
String name = "";
while (in.hasNext()) {
name = in.nextName();
if (name.equals("userId")) {
String userId = in.nextString();
// update rList here
} else if (name.equals("otherStuff")) {
// since otherStuff is a RealmList of RealmStrings,
// your json data would be an array
// You would need to loop through the array to retrieve
// the json objects
while (in.hasNext()) {
// begin each object in the array
name = in.nextName();
// the RealmString object has just one property called "value"
// (according to the code snippet in your question)
if (name.equals("val")) {
String val = in.nextString();
// update rList here
} else {
} else {
return rList;
Let me know if this helps.
My gson typeAdapter was the culprit.
The above error was seen as I wasnt deserializing the json into RealmPerson correctly, the first field is not a String, hence
was borking.
I looked at some example code and it hit me, I didnt have to use
in.beginObject() and in.endObject()
to deserialize a String. The below code works.
public class QLRealmStringAdapter extends TypeAdapter<QLRealmString> {
public void write(JsonWriter out, QLRealmString value) throws IOException {
Log.e("DBG " + value.getValue(), "");
public RealmString read(JsonReader in) throws IOException {
RealmString rString = new RealmString();
if (in.hasNext()) {
String nextStr = in.nextString();
System.out.println("DBG " + nextStr);
return rString;
Hope this helps someone.
i need a jackson serializer and deserializer for the Converting Arraylist to RealmList
Here is the json schema:
As you can see, rated can be both boolean and object.
I am using Retrofit 2 and Gson converter. How should I create my model for this schema?
Here's how I solved this issue:
Create a custom type adapter in your model and parse rated manually;
public class AccountState {
//#SerializedName("rated") //NOPE, parse it manually
private Integer mRated; //also don't name it rated
public Integer getRated() {
return mRated;
public void setRated(Integer rated) {
this.mRated = rated;
public static class AccountStateDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<AccountState> {
public AccountState deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {
AccountState accountState = new Gson().fromJson(json, AccountState.class);
JsonObject jsonObject = json.getAsJsonObject();
if (jsonObject.has("rated")) {
JsonElement elem = jsonObject.get("rated");
if (elem != null && !elem.isJsonNull()) {
return accountState ;
Here you create your gson with this custom adapter:
final static Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
.registerTypeAdapter(AccountState.class, new AccountState.AccountStateDeserializer())
Add it to retrofit like that:
Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
You can make it work without having to implement a custom converter.
All you have to do is put a general "Object" type for the variable and then you just check which data type it is by doing this:
if(object.getClass == YourClass.class){
Whatever we = ((YourClass) object).getWhatever();
} else if(object.getClass == YourOtherClass.class){
String name = ((YourOtherClass) object).getName();
You can add as many data types to this variable as you like.
You can also use the java types "String.class", "Boolean.class" or whatever you like.
Gson has a nice feature allowing to inject a custom type adapter or a type adapter factory to a certain field therefore letting Gson to manage the host object and the latter's fields (de)serialization. So, you can be sure that AccountState could be still deserialized with ReflectiveTypeAdapterFactory and ReflectiveTypeAdapterFactory.Adapter so all deserialization strategies defined in GsonBuilder could be applied.
final class AccountState {
// This is what can make life easier. Note its advantages:
// * PackedBooleanTypeAdapterFactory can be reused multiple times
// * AccountState life-cycle can be managed by Gson itself,
// so it can manage *very* complex deserialization automatically.
final Boolean rated = null;
Next, how PackageBooleanTypeAdapterFactory is implemented:
final class PackedBooleanTypeAdapterFactory
implements TypeAdapterFactory {
// Gson can instantiate this itself, no need to expose
private PackedBooleanTypeAdapterFactory() {
public <T> TypeAdapter<T> create(final Gson gson, final TypeToken<T> typeToken) {
// Check if it's the type we can handle ourself
if ( typeToken.getRawType() == Boolean.class ) {
final TypeAdapter<Boolean> typeAdapter = new PackedIntegerTypeAdapter(gson);
// Some Java "unchecked" boilerplate here...
final TypeAdapter<T> castTypeAdapter = (TypeAdapter<T>) typeAdapter;
return castTypeAdapter;
// If it's something else, let Gson pick a downstream type adapter on its own
return null;
private static final class PackedIntegerTypeAdapter
extends TypeAdapter<Boolean> {
private final Gson gson;
private PackedIntegerTypeAdapter(final Gson gson) {
this.gson = gson;
public void write(final JsonWriter out, final Boolean value) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public Boolean read(final JsonReader in)
throws MalformedJsonException {
// Pick next token as a JsonElement
final JsonElement jsonElement = gson.fromJson(in, JsonElement.class);
// Note that Gson uses JsonNull singleton to denote a null
if ( jsonElement.isJsonNull() ) {
return null;
if ( jsonElement.isJsonPrimitive() ) {
return jsonElement
if ( jsonElement.isJsonObject() ) {
return jsonElement
// Not something we can handle
throw new MalformedJsonException("Cannot parse: " + jsonElement);
public static void main(final String... args) {
private static void parseAndDump(final String json) {
final AccountState accountState = gson.fromJson(json, AccountState.class);
Note that JsonSerializer and JsonDeserializer both have some performance and memory cost due to its tree model design (you can traverse JSON trees easily as long as they are in memory). Sometimes, for simple cases, a streaming type adapter may be preferable. Pros: consumes less memory and works faster. Cons: hard to implement.
final class AccountState {
final Boolean rated = null;
Note that the rated field accepts a type adapter directly because it does not need Gson instances to build JSON trees (JsonElements).
final class PackedBooleanTypeAdapter
extends TypeAdapter<Boolean> {
// Gson still can instantiate this type adapter itself
private PackedBooleanTypeAdapter() {
public void write(final JsonWriter out, final Boolean value) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public Boolean read(final JsonReader in)
throws IOException {
// Peeking the next JSON token and dispatching parsing according to the given token
final JsonToken token = in.peek();
switch ( token ) {
case NULL:
return parseAsNull(in);
return parseAsBoolean(in);
return parseAsObject(in);
// The below might be omitted, since some code styles prefer all switch/enum constants explicitly
case NAME:
case STRING:
case NUMBER:
throw new MalformedJsonException("Cannot parse: " + token);
// Not a known token, and must never happen -- something new in a newer Gson version?
throw new AssertionError(token);
private Boolean parseAsNull(final JsonReader in)
throws IOException {
// null token still has to be consumed from the reader
return null;
private Boolean parseAsBoolean(final JsonReader in)
throws IOException {
// Consume a boolean value from the reader
return in.nextBoolean();
private Boolean parseAsObject(final JsonReader in)
throws IOException {
// Consume the begin object token `{`
// Get the next property name
final String property = in.nextName();
// Not a value? Then probably it's not what we're expecting for
if ( !property.equals("value") ) {
throw new MalformedJsonException("Unexpected property: " + property);
// Assuming the property "value" value must be a boolean
final boolean value = in.nextBoolean();
// Consume the object end token `}`
return value;
This one should work faster. The output remains the same. Note that Gson does not require a GsonBuilder for both cases. As far as I remember how Retrofit 2 works, GsonConverterFactory is still required (not sure, Gson is not the default serializer in Retrofit 2?).
I am trying to deserialize a JSON data to a POJO.
The issue is that the list object is coming as a string, and gson gives an IllegalStateExceptioState. How can I parse the string as a list to an ArrayList using gson?
"message":"Array\n(\n [name] => SOMENAME\n [age] => 36\n [gender] => male\n)\n"
public class EventData {
private static Gson gson = new Gson();
public String reportID;
public String historyID;
public String projectID;
public ArrayList<String> ownerEmails = new ArrayList<String>();
public String message;
public String title;
public CrawlerNotifiedEventData(){
this.projectID = "Undefined";
this.reportID = "Undefined";
this.historyID = "Undefined";
this.title = "";
public String toJson(boolean base64Encode) throws java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException{
String json = gson.toJson(this, CrawlerNotifiedEventData.class);
return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(json.getBytes("UTF8"));
return json;
public String toJson() throws java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException{
return this.toJson(false);
public static EventData builder(String json){
return gson.fromJson(json, EventData.class);
EventData eventData = EventData.builder(json);
While deserializing i get the following error
com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was STRING at line 1 column 252 path $.owner_emails
Boxing structured data in a string where it is unnecessary is a very common design issue across different serialization approaches. Fortunately, Gson can deal with fields like owner_emails (but not message of course).
Merely create a type adapter factory than can create a type adapter for a particular type by substituting the original one and doing a bit of more work. The adapter is supposed to read the payload as string and delegate the string deserialization to the type adapter it substitutes.
public final class JsonStringBoxTypeAdapterFactory
implements TypeAdapterFactory {
private JsonStringBoxTypeAdapterFactory() {
public <T> TypeAdapter<T> create(final Gson gson, final TypeToken<T> typeToken) {
final TypeAdapter<T> adapter = gson.getAdapter(typeToken);
return new TypeAdapter<T>() {
public void write(final JsonWriter out, final T value) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); // TODO
public T read(final JsonReader in)
throws IOException {
return adapter.fromJson(in.nextString());
final class EventData {
List<String> ownerEmails;
The unit test below will be green:
final EventData eventData = gson.fromJson(json, EventData.class);
Assertions.assertEquals(new EventData(ImmutableList.of("abcd#xyz.com")), eventData);
That's it.
"owner_emails" is curently a string as follows
It should be
"owner_emails": ["abcd#xyz.com"]
to be considered as array. You can manually remove the quotes and parse it.
Or you can parse it using JsonElement in Gson
You can use ObjectMapper from jackson library for this conversion.
Sample code of conversion::
public <T> T mapResource(Object resource, Class<T> clazz) {
try {
return objectMapper.readValue(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(resource), clazz);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new Exception();
Modify the model for a list like::
public class Reportdata{
private List<String> owner_emails = new ArrayList();
#JsonDeserialize(contentAs = CustomClass.class)
private List<CustomClass> customClassList = new ArrayList();
....// setter and getter
In addition to this, while creating the ObjectMapper object you can pass or register the module/ your custom module for deserialization in object like below.
objectMapper.registerModule(new JavaTimeModule());
Using GSON in Java is there any annotation where I can indicate a field that it should keep it as a raw string even though it is an object. ?
Or What would be the easiest way to achieve this?
//This is the original
public Perro perro
//This is what I want to achieve
public String perro
So the result should be
perro = "{"Users":[{"Name":"firulais","Raza":"beagle"},{"Name":"Spike","Value":"Terrier"}]}"
The only way I found this to work was using
public JsonElement perro;
Based on #mrsegev's answer, here's a simpler version (in Kotlin) that works with arbitrary objects:
class RawJsonAdapter: TypeAdapter<String>() {
override fun write(out: JsonWriter?, value: String?) {
override fun read(reader: JsonReader?): String {
return JsonParser().parse(reader).toString()
This takes advantage of JsonWriter#jsonValue() which was added in https://github.com/google/gson/pull/667
val fieldName: String? = null
Basically speaking, You need to create a custom gson TypeAdapter class and write the conversion login from Object to String yourself.
Then annotate the field indicating what TypeAdapter to use in order to read/write it using gson.
More details in this blog post: Gson TypeAdapter Example
Example: Prasing class object as a raw JSON string
public class StringTypeAdapter extends TypeAdapter<String> {
public void write(JsonWriter out, String value) throws IOException {
try {
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(value);
Iterator<String> iterator = jsonObject.keys();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
String key = iterator.next();
String keyValue = jsonObject.getString(key);
} catch (JSONException e) {
public String read(JsonReader in) throws IOException {
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
while (in.hasNext()) {
final String name = in.nextName();
final String value = in.nextString();
try {
jsonObject.put(name, value);
} catch (JSONException e) {
return jsonObject.toString();
Using the TypeAdapter:
private String someClass; // Lazy parsing this json
You should be able to use public JsonObject perro;
You can then call gson.toJson(perro) to get the String value.
I'm looking for a way to read a MongoDB document into a POJO using GSON. It works just fine until you run into stuff like date's and longs.
I would like to write a custom adapter for Gson which will convert any BSON encoded long. Reading this post I have created my own adapter:
public class BsonLongTypeAdapter extends TypeAdapter<Long>
public void write(JsonWriter out, Long value) throws IOException
public Long read(JsonReader in) throws IOException
assert "$numberLong".equals(in.nextName());
Long value = in.nextLong();
return value;
I have defined the following tests to check if this works:
public void canWriteCorrectJSON() {
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(Long.class, new BsonLongTypeAdapter()).create();
MyTestObject obj = new MyTestObject(1458569479431L);
String gsonString = gson.toJson(obj);
public void canReadFromJSON() {
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(Long.class, new BsonLongTypeAdapter()).create();
MyTestObject actualTaskObject = gson.fromJson("{\"timestamp\":{\"$numberLong\":\"1458569479431\"}}", MyTestObject.class);
MyTestObject taskObject = new MyTestObject(1458569479431L);
private static class MyTestObject
long timestamp;
public MyTestObject(long ts)
timestamp = ts;
public long getTimestamp()
return timestamp;
public void setTimestamp(long timestamp)
this.timestamp = timestamp;
The first (write) test works just fine, but the read test fails on:
com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected a long but was BEGIN_OBJECT at line 1 column 15 path $.timestamp
Because the read function from my adapter is never called. I presume this might be because I want to map to MyTestObject and not to Long, but I don't want to have to write adapters for all classes that contain longs.
Is it possible to write an adapter for GSON that converts all BSON longs I send into it?
I solved it using a CustomizedTypeAdapterFactory. See this question
Basically first write a customized adapter:
public abstract class CustomizedTypeAdapterFactory<C>
implements TypeAdapterFactory
private final Class<C> customizedClass;
public CustomizedTypeAdapterFactory(Class<C> customizedClass) {
this.customizedClass = customizedClass;
#SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // we use a runtime check to guarantee that 'C' and 'T' are equal
public final <T> TypeAdapter<T> create(Gson gson, TypeToken<T> type) {
return type.getRawType() == customizedClass
? (TypeAdapter<T>) customizeMyClassAdapter(gson, (TypeToken<C>) type)
: null;
private TypeAdapter<C> customizeMyClassAdapter(Gson gson, TypeToken<C> type) {
final TypeAdapter<C> delegate = gson.getDelegateAdapter(this, type);
final TypeAdapter<JsonElement> elementAdapter = gson.getAdapter(JsonElement.class);
return new TypeAdapter<C>() {
#Override public void write(JsonWriter out, C value) throws IOException
JsonElement tree = delegate.toJsonTree(value);
beforeWrite(value, tree);
elementAdapter.write(out, tree);
#Override public C read(JsonReader in) throws IOException {
JsonElement tree = elementAdapter.read(in);
return delegate.fromJsonTree(tree);
* Override this to muck with {#code toSerialize} before it is written to
* the outgoing JSON stream.
protected void beforeWrite(C source, JsonElement toSerialize) {
* Override this to muck with {#code deserialized} before it parsed into
* the application type.
protected void afterRead(JsonElement deserialized) {
And then create a subclass for all classes that need to be taken into account. You do have to create one for every class containing a long (in this case). But you don't have to serialize anything but the long value (and any other bson specific values)
public class MyTestObjectTypeAdapterFactory extends CustomizedTypeAdapterFactory<MyTestObject>
public MyTestObjectTypeAdapterFactory()
protected void beforeWrite(MyTestObject source, JsonElement toSerialize)
//you could convert back the other way here, I let mongo's document parser take care of that.
protected void afterRead(JsonElement deserialized)
JsonObject timestamp = deserialized.getAsJsonObject().get("timestamp").getAsJsonObject();
and then generate Gson with:
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapterFactory(new MyTestObjectTypeAdapterFactory()).create();
I recently started using GSON and i am facing an issue in deserialising this json. The issue is at below json element which contains spaces in field names
longDescriptionNonHTML: {
What it is:: " An oil-free, color-tinted moisturizer."
What it does:: " This lightweight foundation can be reapplied as necessary and offers moisturizing, oil-control coverage for sensitive or acne prone skin."
SKUType: "restricted"
brandName: "Laura Mercier"
brandId: 5809
skuID: "1228139"
availableInStore: 0
topSellerRank: 8297
productName: "Tinted Moisturizer - Oil Free"
shade_description: "Porcelain"
shortDescription: "What it is: An oil-free, color-tinted moisturizer.What it does: This lightweight foundation can be reapplied as necessary and offers moisturizing, oil-control coverage for sensitive or acne prone skin."
size: "1.7 oz"
listPrice: 0
salePrice: 0
image: "http://www.sephora.com/productimages/sku/s1228139-main-hero.jpg"
rating_product: 4.3
online_store: "http://www.sephora.com/tinted-moisturizer-oil-free-P310929?skuId=1228139&lang=en"
imageBrand: "http://www.sephora.com/contentimages/brands/lauramercier/5809_logo_279.png"
productId: "P310929"
formulation: "Liquid"
spf: ""
coverage: "Sheer, Medium"
finish: "Matte, Natural"
ingredients: "Vitamin C"
skintype: "Combination, Normal, Oily"
longDescription: "<b>What it is:</b><br> An oil-free, color-tinted moisturizer.<br><br><b>What it does:</b><br> This lightweight foundation can be reapplied as necessary and offers moisturizing, oil-control coverage for sensitive or acne prone skin."
longDescriptionNonHTML: {
What it is:: " An oil-free, color-tinted moisturizer."
What it does:: " This lightweight foundation can be reapplied as necessary and offers moisturizing, oil-control coverage for sensitive or acne prone skin."
skintone: "2Y03"
longIngredientsDesc: ""
language: "en"
isPrimarySkintone: 1
isDefaultSku: 0
storeonly: 0
I wrote below POJO
public class LongDescriptionNonHTML {
#SerializedName("What it is:")
private String whatItIs;
#SerializedName("What it does:")
private String whatItDoes;
public LongDescriptionNonHTML(String a,String b){
public String getWhatItIs() {
return whatItIs;
public void setWhatItIs(String whatItIs) {
this.whatItIs = whatItIs;
public String getWhatItDoes() {
return whatItDoes;
public void setWhatItDoes(String whatItDoes) {
this.whatItDoes = whatItDoes;
Also for deserialise it I wrote below code
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create();
JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(new FileReader(fileName));
LongDescriptionNonHTML obj=gson.fromJson(reader, LongDescriptionNonHTML.class);
But it is printing null value.
It may be useful for you to convert JSON to POJO Class.
public static <T> T convertJSON2POJOClass(String json, Class<T> type)
GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder();
return (T) gson.fromJson(json, type);
} catch (Exception expJSONToClassConvertor) {
baseDAO.getInstance().logAnError("common", baseDAO.getInstance().stackTraceToString(expJSONToClassConvertor));
return null;
If what you posted is the actual JSON and your whole actual POJO code then you have a mismatch between your JSON and POJO structure:
You are asking Gson to produce a LongDescriptionNonHTML from your JSON.
But your JSON is not just that - it actually is some other object that contains a LongDescriptionNonHTML as the value for the key longDescriptionNonHTML.
I solved it
public class LongDescriptionNonHTML {
//#SerializedName("What it is:")
private String whatItIs;
//#SerializedName("What it does:")
private String whatItDoes;
public LongDescriptionNonHTML(String a,String b){
public String getWhatItIs() {
return whatItIs;
public void setWhatItIs(String whatItIs) {
this.whatItIs = whatItIs;
public String getWhatItDoes() {
return whatItDoes;
public void setWhatItDoes(String whatItDoes) {
this.whatItDoes = whatItDoes;
Then created a deserializer
public class FooDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer{
public LongDescriptionNonHTML deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT,
JsonDeserializationContext context)
throws JsonParseException {
JsonObject jo = (JsonObject)json;
String a =jo.get("What it is:").getAsString();
String b =jo.get("What it does:").getAsString();
return new LongDescriptionNonHTML(a,b);
and then finally tested it
public class jsonTest {
public void testJson() throws FileNotFoundException{
String fileName="/Users/User/Documents/workspace/simulator/book.json";
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().registerTypeAdapter(LongDescriptionNonHTML.class, new FooDeserializer()).create();
JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(new FileReader(fileName));
LongDescriptionNonHTML obj=gson.fromJson(reader, LongDescriptionNonHTML.class);