adding a .jar file through to a java project through specific code - java

I need to make such a plugin a storage that contain some .jar files and i need to add these jar files to my java project through code and not through these methods in order to be able to dynamically update my code every time a plugin is addded.
For example , I will put a directory on a server called Plugins that contain .jar files representing different plugins , I need that every time i execute the code I search the directory for new .jar files and if found i can add them to the java project.


Use File Input and Output in .jar FIle

So I've created just a simple application which I'm using to apply for a highschool internship. It was built using Eclipse.
I initially exported into a runnable .jar file, but the location I initially saved files, ("src/fileDirectories") didn't work on export.I then set the location to "./fileDirectories") which works and the app can actually run, however the .jar file creates the folder directory in the same folder as the .jar file.
This isn't too bad, as I can create a folder with the .jar and the saved files in it, which is fine, but similar to images, I'm wondering if there is a way to save .txt files in a directory to the .jar file so everything works with just the .jar application.
Assuming the files you want to access are static, and are not changed by the application, you can do this using the classpath.
When you access a file using new File("path"), Java will look for it in the file system, relative to the working directory (i.e. where the application was launched from.
An alternative way to access files is to look them up from the classpath - this is the list of locations Java searches for resources. It includes, among other things, the top level of your JAR archive. You can access this as follows:
Build tools will generally have preconfigured directories (e.g. src/main/resources) which get copied from your source tree into the JAR so they can be accessed in this way.
This is great if you have some static resources or config which you want to access at runtime, but don't want to have to pass around with your application.
However, if what you want is a working folder for files which your application will make changes to or create new instances of, like user documents, you don't want this to be editing the JAR - you'll need to make a separate folder for these.

How to use a jar file with shared object in another java project

I have some C files which I wanted to use in my java-android project. Used JNI wrappers and NDK to create SO. I was able to access the C methods from my java code. Everything works fine.
Now I want to create a jar file of this project, for providing it further to other developers(So that the C code can be hidden from others).
This is where I am facing some issues. When I am trying to use the created JAR in some other project I start getting the "UnsatisfiedLink Error" while loading the SO.
The SO is loading perfectly fine in the same project, however when creating the jar with same project and trying to use it in another project, it is causing issues.
*Using Eclipse.
When using eclipse/ant, you need to distribute your .jar and your .so files separately. Other developers will have to reintegrate the .so files themselves inside their lib/ABI folders.
You may find some hacky ways to get .so files integrated using additional jar files containing only the .so files, but that doesn't change the fact that you need to distribute them separately.
To distribute your library with its .so files as a single file, you should build an .aar instead of a .jar. Android Studio/gradle can directly consume these, with .so files integrated directly under the jni/ABI folders of the aar file.

Exporting android project to jar (that includes other jars)

I've written a Android Game Engine library and would like to export it to a jar file. I've tried to do this with the following:
export > Jar File > Finish
As soon as I add the jar to the build path of another Android project, I get a little box in my code saying:
The type foo cannot be resolved. It is indirectly
referenced from required .class files
I believe this is because my Game Engine library includes other libraries in forms of jars.
How can I add those jar files to my Game Engine jar file?
You can decompile the other jar file using JDui, take what you need, and add it to your library. It all depends on how big is what you need..
Also, check whether you are using proguard in the export. You would have to be careful on how to configure it.
I assuming you are using Eclipse. You also need to use Properties->Java Build Path->Libraries->Add Jar button to add your jar file to the target project

How to build a java project with all the required files and folders?

I created a simple application which will read all the files and folders kepts inside a folder. Whenever I build the project, I only get the jar file but the folder where the file and folders are kept have to be created. Is this supposed to be like this or I have to code something, which will create the folder upon the final build.
Compilation gives you only executable file (i.e. *.jar). If you need something else to make you application works - you must do it (programmatically or not).

Access .properties file at same level as working directory

I am working on a Java project that I want to deliver to my client as a .jar file. However, I want to allow the client to be able to change the parameters of the program without having to recompile or recreate the .jar. Basically, I want to be able to load .properties files from classes inside the .jar but locate those .properties files outside of the .jar and even outside the working directory.
I have been testing my attempts inside Eclipse, which might be causing some of the problem but I don't see how at the moment. My setup is a follows. I have one project that contains a few classes that I build a .jar file from. I have a .properties file that is used to create a ResourceBundle whenever a class for the .jar is created. I specify that an additional directory, "conf/", be included in the .jar classpath within the .jar manifest.
Once the .jar file is built, it is copied to the lib/ directory of another project which I am using for testing. This test project includes the .jar file as a library ("Add External Jars..") in the Java Build Path. The .properties file is located the conf/ directory which is at the same level as lib/, src/, and bin/ but I am unable to accces it there. The only way I have been able to get it to work is to locate conf/ under src/ (and bin/) but I would like to be able to use it up one level. Is this possible?
Here's the entry in the .jar manifest file...
Class-Path: ../conf/
Here's the ResourceBundle call that I tried (didn't work)...
rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("..conf.BaseProject");
Here's the directory structure that works now (names have been changed to protect the innocent)...
Here's the directory layout I want (again, file names not important)...
You can get it using the Classloader.
I like Spring's ClassPathResource

