Android Studio doesn't recognize JDK - java

My Android Studio suddenly stopped recognizing JDK. it starts fine with no error messages.
I have JDK 1,7 (x86 version) on windows 8.1. Environment variable is defined in the system variables and I can run java -version command from cmd with no issue.
following screen shot describe the problem clearly:

You may need to check if both JDK and SDK are set correctly.
In the current project:
Go to File > Project Structure..
Explore the sections "Android SDK
Location" and "JDK Location" (Put the complete paths)
Click OK to save changes
For projects default:
Close current Project (File > Close project)
Click on Configure > Project Defaults > Project Structure
Explore the sections "Android SDK
Location" and "JDK Location" (Put the complete paths)
Click OK to save changes
Restart Android Studio and try again.
(I cannot post images directly)

After spending one night trying to solve this problem, i just did as suggested by yole
So Simple :
File ----> Invalidate.

I had the same problem after upgrading to build tool 22.0.1.
I solved this issue by removing dependencies and adding it again like app-compact and play services.


Android Studio 2.3 error: "Gradle sync failed: Cause:"

After I open a new project in Android Studio 2.3, I receive an error such as:
Gradle sync failed: Cause:
Googling just gave me a log file on an issue tracker page. I have tried uninstalling/reinstalling. I am not behind a proxy and I've already set:
Use default gradle wrapper
Restarting Gradle sync stops at
Refreshing Gradle project
I can't find anything to fix this problem.
I am running Android Studio on Windows 8.1 with JRE 1.8.0
I Guess This Can Help You.....
// for manual installation
to get the gradle distribution visit
1 Dowmload the gradle
2 unzip the pack.
3 create a new folder in your C drive and name it gradle
4 place the unzipped pack into the folder you created
5 Now set the path for your gradle in Android Studio to the just created folder
6 Add the path of your gradle to the System Varaibles.
7 Computer, right click >Properties>Advance System Settings>Enviroment
Varaibles>System Varaibles.Path>Edit.
Hope its Helpful
I also faced the same problem. You have two ways to solve this.
First one is to connect to the Internet and download a new version of Android Studio and the required packages.
Note: You should have "proxies" and "offline work" options enabled.
The second way is to go to file > settings > build > gradle and do the following:
Uncheck the "offline work" option.
Use local gradle distribution and then set the path.
Note: When you have "no proxy" option checked with "offline work" then you have to provide path for every new project.
I had the same problem. so i followed this
finally i got it !!
Android Stidio v 3.0.1
I have this issue and have tried reinstalling to no avail.
What I found was useful is to look in my home directory (on Ubuntu) and open the .gradle folder and open the matching sub folder and delete the lck file and then manually download the desired gradle version (url distributionUrl value) and place the downloaded file in the folder that had the lck file.
Have attributed this problem to using usb tethering for internet..

Android Gradle's dependency cache may be corrupt and gradle build not working

I am trying to import this project, even I tried to import other few projects too, I am getting below error.
I have spent my 5 hours on it, even I tried many solutions on google but nothing gonna worked for me.
I tried following solutions, nothing worked.
1) delete .gradle directory
2) Restart IDE,
3) I tested with
I am frustrated because of this Gradle and these issues.
Gradle Version : Gradle-2.13, I do not want to change this version.
Android Studio Version : Stable 2.1.1
Note : My other project is working fine and I can build it too.
You can try different workarounds for this problem :
1- Clean project and Rebuild it.
2- Before importing the project, remove the contents of the Build folders.
Then replace the contents of your file with the following lines, to make it use a local distribution for building the project :
in which, the last line prevents android studio to download or use a corrupted gradle cache.
Go to any browser
type gradle and press enter
you can specify any version you want after the
gradle keyword
i am downloading gradle 3.3
click on this link which is in description directly if you want
click on gradle 3.3
wait for the download to complete
once the download is complete
extract the file to the location
c://user/your pc name /.gradle/wrapper/dists
wait till extraction it takes 5 mins to complete
Now open your project in android studio
9.go to file > settings >bulid ,exec,deployment > gradle
now change use default gradle to
use local gradle distributn
select the location where you had extracted gradle
C:\Users\your pc name.gradle\wrapper\dists\gradle-3.3
click on OK
Now build starts again and
you can see now the build is successful and error is resolved
watch tutorial
In my case, it was happening because i haven’t set the JDK path in environment variable.
Please check from your Android studio studio that your JDK path is correct.
Go to Project Structure> SDK Location and check JDK Path. Give it the correct JDK path and also set the JAVA_HOME environment variable.
You can try this solution as i was facing this issue showing Error2 Gradle's dependency cache may be corrupt and gradle build not working and resolved it. Already answered this question on stack. You can reffer to this answer link
It includes firstly downloading latest graddle version from official site then replacing that unzipped file with home/yourUser/.graddle/wrapper/dists containg older version file on Mac.
Because your gradle path for project is incorrect.
Go to
and select "use default gradle settings"
and than sync project. and issue will be resolved.
delete .gradle, .idea and gradle folder from the project and then invalidate cache and restart.
problem will be resolved.
Thanks :)
Sometimes it's a cache issue and sometimes due to interruption in download.
Step 1:
Try to download gradle distribution manually
and then go to project settings -> gradle -> and use the file which you've downloaded
Step 2:
If step#1 still not working, then it may be a cache issue. If you are a mac user, go to your finder user folder, show hidden items by pressing [Command + Shift + .] , Go to gradle folder and
In my case is that download failed, so I go to zipStoreBase+zipStorePath(configured in, eg: E:\gradle-home\wrapper\dists), and delete the gradle-5.1.1-all directory, and let android studio to download that zip file again.

Installed Android Studio 0.8.1 but can't get into IDE since no Android SDK

I installed (after unzipping) android-studio-ide-135.1224218-windows, hoping to be up and running a "hello world" program by now, but the IDE won't even start because "Your Android SDK is missing, out of date or missing templates." It tells me "You can configure your SDK via Configure | Project Defaults | Project Structure | SDKs" but when I do so, I see NOTHING in the text box for Android SDK location.
I searched for "android sdk" on my computer, and found C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-studio\plugins\android\lib\sdk-common.jar, but when I put that or C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-studio\plugins\android\lib into the text box, I get NO ERROR, but then I get the same message, and when I come back to the text box, IT DOESN'T HAVE WHAT I PUT INTO IT.
If I browse for the text box location, no matter what I put in, it says "Please choose a valid SDK directory".
That's the only "android sdk" on my computer.
I JUST installed Android Studio to C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-studio with no errors.
I have C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_60 as JDK location. It won't let me change it to C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_25.
I've Googled to see if I can download an android sdk from somewhere but found nothing.
WHAT DO I DO? I can't get into the IDE to try stuff.
sdk-common.jar is not the 'sdk' that Android Studio is looking for. You must download the sdk from SDK Manager and put it in the directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-studio\sdk.
This is what the sdk should contain:
I couldn't make use of the Answers above, so I uninstalled and then brute-force deleted EVERY trace of Android EVERYTHING.
Then I downloaded and installed installer_r23-windows.exe, putting the SDK manager out there BEFORE installing the Android Studio IDE. I allowed the default path: C:\Users\Dov\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk.
Then I downloaded and installed android-studio-bundle-135.1245622-windows.exe--NOTE: BUNDLE, NOT IDE. I used the default folder: C:\Users\Dov\AppData\Local\Android\android-studio.
And I STILL got the SAME ERROR. But at least THIS time I could go into SDK Manager, as the error message said to do.
What I found was that the CORRECT path to the JDK, which was the same path shown in the SDK Manager dialog for installing packages. So why the error?
LOOOOOOONG story short... as I tried to browse for the path, I noticed that the AppData folder WAS NOT SHOWING.
I CHANGED NOTHING, except my approach.
As it happens, "The [AppData] folder is hidden by default in File Explorer, and has three hidden sub-folders: Local, LocalLow, and Roaming." See here.
I assume that was Android Studio's problem, but why typing it by hand changed all that is anybody's guess.
I guess it's not a great idea to have AppData part of the DEFAULT install path.
(BTW, I did NOT have to mess with ANY environment variables.)
=== EDIT ===
I reinstalled Studio and SDK Manager and the above did not work. What I did BOTH times was to TRY to drag the SDK Manager.EXE file into the browse dialog from an Explorer window; it didn't work either time, but I tried today and THEN found success.... So I guess this seems to be a necessary step.... I also added \ after sdk in the text box for the SDK path.... And I clicked Apply before OK.... I hate when stuff works seemingly randomly.... Just trying to save others the frustration. Maybe Google needs to address this.
I had exactly this problem. After downloading Android Studio from the developer site:
But kept getting the error: "Your Android SDK is missing, out of date or missing templates."
Wasted several hours, but eventually went to the "Installing the Stand-alone SDK Tools" page:
And downloaded and installed installer_r23.0.2-windows.exe.
Then I added its location to Configure -> Project Defaults -> Project Structure
I can now create projects.

Android Studio - supplied javaHome is not a valid folder

I decided to update my JDK to Java 8, and installed to the default location of C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0 with a jre subdirectory.
I wasn't sure how Android Studio worked out the JDK location, so I decided to launch it and see. I got the following message:
Failed to complete Gradle execution.
Supplied javaHome is not a valid folder. You supplied: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45
I updated my JAVA_HOME environment variable (both for system and user) to point to the new path, and tried adding it to my PATH variable as well, but every time I attempt to build in Android Studio I get the same message. The quoted path is nowhere to be found in my environment variables though, so where is it getting it from and how can I change it?
The problem was my project's JDK location. From the Android Studio Project tool window, I right clicked on the root directory, selected 'module settings', and set the JDK location. Everything's fine now.
I don't know why or how this problem occurred but this answer got me over the hump. On macOS rm -rf ~/.gradle to wipe out the cache then restart Android Studio. I tried everything else up to and including reinstalling the JDK and Android Studio. Wiping out the .gradle directory is the only thing that worked.
Try to delete all .iml files and .idea, and re-import the project from Gradle. Worked for me (provided you have everything else set up).
This error happens when you switch from Intellij to Android Studio, or the other way around, and load the same project. Looks like their project model is not compatible.
For Android Studio 1.1.0, after right-clicking on the project:
Select Open Module Settings
Select SDK Location at top left
Type text into JDK Location: box
I ran into the same issue. My jdk was upgraded from a 1.8.0_172 to 1.8.0_202. And I kept getting the mentioned error although I changed to the right jdk, in the module configurations. What confused me was the fact that the API version was stamped with the old *_172 version in the dropdown of available project sdk's. I found the reason for this to be an old obsolete entry in the dropdown that referenced the old *172. After deleting this entry, the APi versions was magically stamped with the new version.
Note to self: Remember to sanitize your projects when new versions come along
I was also seeing this same problem. For me the fix was in 'Run/Debug Configurations' (Run > Edit Configurations...)
The 'Gradle project' value was set to the build.gradle file location, and this should've been set to the Gradle project object in IDEA, click the folder looking icon not the '...'.
I'm in 1.0.2 and after I clicked OK, it immediately opened a dialog to allow me to specify the location for my project, no longer requiring navigation of the menus to edit the project JDK path.
Definitely strange that during install, it says the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to a path that doesn't contain the JDK. After spending time fixing it (downloading the full 64 bit JDK), I create my first project and get the same thing. Because it's not using the environment variable that it hinges on during setup.
Odd behavior.
For some reason I failed using all the above answers, so what I did is to delete (actually moved, so that I could go back in case something goes wrong) the ".idea" folder from the project. Then I opened the IDE again, and it went fine.
Getting this in 2021? Try to to rm -rf ~/.gradle and restart Android studio.

Setting up Android Development Tools in Eclipse

If you download android SDK now, it comes with a custom eclipse with android fully installed on it, so way easier
Solved!, it was solved by downloading Eclipse Indigo, but as indicated online, they tell you to go to ‘File>New>Other…>Android>Android Project‘, but Android Project is not in the list?
I recently wanted to start making a Java android app, and by going to, they told me, install Android SDK tools, so i did that, then in eclipse, i have to got to help, ad new software, and use this : Enter Android Development Tools in the Name field, and in the Location field. , so i did that, and it keeps giving me this error :
( 20.0.2.v201207191942-407447)
Missing requirement: Android Development Tools 20.0.2.v201207191942-407447 ( 20.0.2.v201207191942-407447) requires 'org.eclipse.core.runtime 3.6.0' but it could not be found
i looked it up on google, but couldnt find anything...
Does anyone now how to fix this?
I am using Eclipse Helios. Download Eclipse IDE for Java Developers from here & update it latest packages by goto to menu Help -> Check for new updates.
Download & install Android SDK.
To install ADT Plugin:
Start Eclipse, then select Help > Install New Software....
Click Add, in the top-right corner.
In the Add Repository dialog that appears, enter "ADT Plugin" for the Name and the following URL for the Location:
Click OK
Note: If you have trouble acquiring the plugin, try using "http" in the Location URL, instead of "https" (https is preferred for security reasons).
In the Available Software dialog, select the checkbox next to Developer Tools and click Next.
In the next window, you'll see a list of the tools to be downloaded. Click Next.
Read and accept the license agreements, then click Finish.
Note: If you get a security warning saying that the authenticity or validity of the software can't be established, click OK.
When the installation completes, restart Eclipse.
Procedure to work with android in Eclipse juno is :
Step 1: Install jdk-7 version and then Install installer_r16-windows.exe
Step 2: now unzip the android-sdk and paste it into disk c android folder and replace all.
Step 3: now unzip the eclipse-juno.
Step 4: open eclipse ide and go to the help option and click on new software install option.
Step 5: click on archive and give the path to ur ADT-20.0.3 or any version and choose restart eclipse option.
Step 6: now two green button will be displayed on the left most upper side of eclipse.
Step 7: first click on small arrow type button and see all the packages are installed if not choose install package.
Step 8: now click on second big green button named AVD i.e android virtual device.
Step 9: click on new and configure ram and all u want in your AVD.
Step 10: your AVD is on screen now.
(Using the comments to provide an answer)
Try using the latest version of Eclipse (Juno), or at least Eclipse Indigo. The newer version of the Android Framework might have dependencies that the latest versions of Eclipse provide.
If this is incorrect / doesn't work, let us know so we can update the solution.
You didn't install ADT plugins yet or something goes wrong.
Download ADT-20 form HERE
In eclipse goto--> Help --> Install new Software --> Select
For step-by-step instruction HOW TO INSTALL ANDROID see this
As per your given error it is sure an version problem.. you might be trying to add ADT whose version is below ADT-20 and your ecllips is asking for try to provide link which contains ADT version 20. If still problem exists go to : there they have also given download for file download it and install it manually.
I had the same problem, I installed Eclipse Indigo and it worked perfect... because it's version 3.7.2 so it should be working fine with this.

