I have a little problem
I've write a code that create an object from JSONObject and add some data on it like this:
JSONObject outerObject = new JSONObject();
JSONArray outerArray = new JSONArray();
JSONObject innerObject1 = new JSONObject();
innerObject1.put("id", "semantic web");
innerObject1.put("url", "www.semanticweb.com");
innerObject1.put("definition", "this is the denfition of semantic web");
then I create another one called innerObject2 and do the same process like this:
JSONObject innerObject2 = new JSONObject();
innerObject2.put("id", "ontology");
innerObject2.put("url", "www.ontology.com");
innerObject2.put("definition", "this is the denfition of ontology");
outerObject.put("rows", outerArray);
return outerObject.toString();
the results will be some thing like this:
{"rows":[{"definition":"this is the denfition of semantic web","id":"semantic web","url":"www.semanticweb.com"},{"definition":"this is the denfition of ontology","id":"ontology","url":"www.ontology.com"}]}
My problem is: what if I want to create another JSONObject called innerObject3 , innerObject4 , innerObject5 .... etc using for loop?
any suggestions?
thanks for your response
I've manage to solve this problem as follow:
JSONObject outerObject = new JSONObject();
JSONArray outerArray = new JSONArray();
JSONObject [] innerObject = new JSONObject[4];
for(int i =0; i<3; i++)
innerObject[i]=new JSONObject();
innerObject[i].put("id", "id of "+i);
innerObject[i].put("url", "url of "+i);
innerObject[i].put("Definition", "Definition of "+i);
outerObject.put("rows", outerArray);
return outerObject.toString();
hope that this can help others :)
I need to pass a String as a parameter in the following format: ["default"]
How should I build my JSONObject in order to do:
final JsonObjectRequest request = new JsonObjectRequest(Request.Method.PUT, url, jsonObject, new Response.Listener<JSONObject>() {
I've tried:
String modeParam = "[\"" + mode.toLowerCase() + "\"]";
final JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
jsonObject.put("", modeParam);
Is there another way to send just a String? 'Cause it would be great if I could avoid using a map since it's not what I need for this type of body.
Update, Ive tried this as well:
JSONArray jarray = new JSONArray();
final JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
jsonObject.put("", jarray);
Add the body text to JSONArray:
JSONArray jarray = new JSONArray();
And you will have an array with size = 1.
I ended up doing this:
(basically ended up doing ajsonarrayrequest instead)
JSONArray jarray = new JSONArray();
final JsonArrayRequest request = new JsonArrayRequest(Request.Method.PUT, url, jarray, new Response.Listener<JSONArray>() {
I got my JSON string from my server which contains this values:
{"server_response":[{"violation":"Driving with No Helmet"},{"violation":"Try"}]}
What I'm trying to do is convert this JSON string into String Array or Arraylist
with the values of Driving with no Helmet and Try and use it as options on an Autocomplete Textview. But I cant seem to convert them correctly. Any help or tips on what I should do? Currently I am getting the JSON String from another activity and passing it to the activity where it should be used using this:
String json_string2 = getIntent().getExtras().getString("json_data");
Anyone has time I'm willing to learn. :) Thanks
PS: Managed to get it working. #Suhafer's answer is perfect. Thanks to everyone for the warm help! :)
I think first, you need to parse the json to get the list of string that you want:
String json_string2 = getIntent().getExtras().getString("json_data");
List<String> lStringList = new ArrayList<>();
try {
JSONObject lJSONObject = new JSONObject(json_string2);
JSONArray lJSONArray = lJSONObject.getJSONArray("server_response");
for (int i = 0; i < lJSONArray.length(); i++)
catch(Exception e)
Then, you need to set that list to your adapter:
ArrayAdapter<String> yourListAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, lStringList);
Next, implement the adapter to your AutoCompleteTextView.
Hope, that helps you.
Reading your comment I think you want this list to populate on an AutoCompleteTextView. I have written thoroughly what to do this will surely help If you follow these steps carefully.
First get the response and convert it to List<String> list = new ArrayList<>() format, Create a ArrayAdapter of this list by
yourListAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(YourActivity.this,
android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, list);
After this set your yourAutoCompleteTextBoxName.setAdapter(yourListAdapter);
In your Activity initialize this:
also if you want your list to be clicked from AutoComplete TextView then do this:
You can do this as below by using jettinson.jar
try {
String data = "{\"server_response\":[{\"violation\":\"Driving with No Helmet\"},{\"violation\":\"Try\"}]}";
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(data);
JSONArray temp = jsonObject.getJSONArray("server_response");
int length = temp.length();
if (length > 0) {
String[] recipients = new String[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
JSONObject nObject = new JSONObject(temp.getString(i));
recipients[i] = nObject.getString("violation");
} catch (JSONException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(JavaApplication2.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
For getting your list of strings:
You can use Jackson's ObjectMapper class.
public class Data {
String violation;
List<Data> violations = objectMapper.readValue(json, new TypeReference<List<Data>>(){});
Below: "array" will have all the violations. (You will require some try / catch to surround with). Have a good day!
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(json_string2);
JSONArray violations = json.getJSONArray("server_response");
String[] array = new String[violations.length()];
for(int i = 0; i < violations.length(); i++) {
JSONObject violation = new JSONObject(violations.getString(i));
array[i] = violation.getString("violation");
You can use Gson library https://github.com/google/gson
Generate Plain Old Java Objects from JSON or JSON-Schema http://www.jsonschema2pojo.org/
YourJsonData jsonObject;
String json_string2 = getIntent().getExtras().getString("json_data");
Gson gson = new Gson();
jsonObject = gson.fromJson(json_string2, YourJsonData.class);
from jsonObject you can get your list i.e server_response array list.
I have pass two values from ajax to my servlet.
I used
JsonObject data = new Gson().fromJson(request.getReader(), JsonObject.class);
and this is the output
Now I want to convert this data into a java arraylist but not really sure how.
I tried
Gson googleJson = new Gson();
JsonObject data = googleJson.fromJson(request.getReader(), JsonObject.class);
JsonArray jsonArr = data.getAsJsonArray();
// jsonArr.
ArrayList jsonObjList = googleJson.fromJson(jsonArr, ArrayList.class);
for(int i=0; i< jsonObjList.size(); i++) {
But got an error
java.lang.IllegalStateException: This is not a JSON Array.
Someone help me please? thanks.
Create instance of JsonArray then add json element to that array using key.
Here is your solution :
Gson googleJson = new Gson();
JsonObject data = googleJson.fromJson(request.getReader(), JsonObject.class);
JsonArray jsonArr = new JsonArray();
for(Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : data.entrySet()) {
ArrayList jsonObjList = googleJson.fromJson(jsonArr, ArrayList.class);
for(int i = 0; i < jsonObjList.size(); i++) {
For a Json to be a valid JsonArray object you should have it to a proper format. Can you change your json string return from your ajax? If yes you should change it to something like this:
Gson googleJson = new Gson();
JsonObject data = googleJson.fromJson("{test: [{\"0\":\"31/01/2017\"},{\"1\":\"19/01/2017\"}]}", JsonObject.class);
JsonArray jsonArr = data.getAsJsonArray("test");
ArrayList jsonObjList = googleJson.fromJson(jsonArr, ArrayList.class);
for(int i=0; i< jsonObjList.size(); i++) {
If not you should parse it by your self and convert it to everything you want.
I try to parse a HTTP response to a JSONObject and retrieve some fields, coould be a String or int.
My response is a json array like this:
[{nid: "24161",changed: 1445936169,created: "1444728767",language: "en",status: 1,title: "bicycle",type: "product",uid: "2172",vid: "24161"}]
And I tried using:
JSONObject myObject = new JSONObject(response);
And gson , still after parsing the response turns to {}.
Thanks for any help.
You must use JSONArray instead of JSONObject
JSONArray array = new JSONArray(response);
You can then iterate throw the array and get the fields you want
for(int i=0; i<array.length(); i++) {
JSONObject object = array.getJSONObject(i);
String nid = object.getString("nid");
int changed = object.getInt("changed");
You are parsing json array into object. Use JSONArray instead of JSONObject
JSONArray myArray = new JSONArray(response);
you can get your object by index from your array.
I am trying to create a common parser in java.I am passing json object from different class based on my need.But parsing doesnot works for me.Can anybody help me to make a JSONObject parser in java.Any help will be highly appreciable....
This is my code for common parser
public JSONObject jsonParser(JSONObject objJson){
//JSONObject myjson = new JSONObject(objJson);
JSONArray the_json_array = objJson.getJSONArray("profiles");
JSONObject SnapshotRequest= objJson.g;
Iterator x = SnapshotRequest.keys();
JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
while (x.hasNext()){
String key = (String) x.next();
In this code I am getting an error that need to cast.
JSONArray the_json_array = objJson.getJSONArray("profiles");
But casting won't work.