Following the release of Spring Security 4 and it's improved support for testing I've wanted to update my current Spring security oauth2 resource server tests.
At present I have a helper class that sets up a OAuth2RestTemplate using ResourceOwnerPasswordResourceDetails with a test ClientId connecting to an actual AccessTokenUri to requests a valid token for my tests. This resttemplate is then used to make requests in my #WebIntegrationTests.
I'd like to drop the dependency on the actual AuthorizationServer, and the use of valid (if limited) user credentials in my tests, by taking advantage of the new testing support in Spring Security 4.
Up to now all my attempts at using #WithMockUser, #WithSecurityContext, SecurityMockMvcConfigurers.springSecurity() & SecurityMockMvcRequestPostProcessors.* have failed to make authenticated calls through MockMvc, and I can not find any such working examples in the Spring example projects.
Can anyone help me test my oauth2 resource server with some kind of mocked credentials, while still testing the security restrictions imposed?
** EDIT **
Sample code available here:
For each of the test classes I understand why it won't work as it, but I'm looking for ways that would allow me to test the security setup easily.
I'm now thinking of creating a very permissive OAuthServer under src/test/java, which might help a bit. Does anyone have any other suggestions?
To test resource server security effectively, both with MockMvc and a RestTemplate it helps to configure an AuthorizationServer under src/test/java:
class AuthorizationServerConfig extends AuthorizationServerConfigurerAdapter {
public JwtAccessTokenConverter accessTokenConverter() throws Exception {
JwtAccessTokenConverter jwt = new JwtAccessTokenConverter();
return jwt;
private AuthenticationManager authenticationManager;
public void configure(final AuthorizationServerEndpointsConfigurer endpoints) throws Exception {
public void configure(final ClientDetailsServiceConfigurer clients) throws Exception {
Integration test
For integration tests one can then simply use built in OAuth2 test support rule and annotions:
#SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = MyApp.class)
#WebIntegrationTest(randomPort = true)
public class MyControllerIT implements RestTemplateHolder {
String host;
RestOperations restTemplate = new TestRestTemplate();
public OAuth2ContextSetup context = OAuth2ContextSetup.standard(this);
public void testHelloOAuth2WithRole() {
ResponseEntity<String> entity = getRestTemplate().getForEntity(host + "/hello", String.class);
class MyDetails extends ResourceOwnerPasswordResourceDetails {
public MyDetails(final Object obj) {
MyControllerIT it = (MyControllerIT) obj;
setAccessTokenUri(it.getHost() + "/oauth/token");
MockMvc test
Testing with MockMvc is also possible, but needs a little helper class to get a RequestPostProcessor that sets the Authorization: Bearer <token> header on requests:
public class OAuthHelper {
// For use with MockMvc
public RequestPostProcessor bearerToken(final String clientid) {
return mockRequest -> {
OAuth2AccessToken token = createAccessToken(clientid);
mockRequest.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token.getValue());
return mockRequest;
ClientDetailsService clientDetailsService;
AuthorizationServerTokenServices tokenservice;
OAuth2AccessToken createAccessToken(final String clientId) {
// Look up authorities, resourceIds and scopes based on clientId
ClientDetails client = clientDetailsService.loadClientByClientId(clientId);
Collection<GrantedAuthority> authorities = client.getAuthorities();
Set<String> resourceIds = client.getResourceIds();
Set<String> scopes = client.getScope();
// Default values for other parameters
Map<String, String> requestParameters = Collections.emptyMap();
boolean approved = true;
String redirectUrl = null;
Set<String> responseTypes = Collections.emptySet();
Map<String, Serializable> extensionProperties = Collections.emptyMap();
// Create request
OAuth2Request oAuth2Request = new OAuth2Request(requestParameters, clientId, authorities, approved, scopes,
resourceIds, redirectUrl, responseTypes, extensionProperties);
// Create OAuth2AccessToken
User userPrincipal = new User("user", "", true, true, true, true, authorities);
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authenticationToken = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(userPrincipal, null, authorities);
OAuth2Authentication auth = new OAuth2Authentication(oAuth2Request, authenticationToken);
return tokenservice.createAccessToken(auth);
Your MockMvc tests must then get a RequestPostProcessor from the OauthHelper class and pass it when making requests:
#SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = MyApp.class)
public class MyControllerTest {
private WebApplicationContext webapp;
private MockMvc mvc;
public void before() {
mvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(webapp)
private OAuthHelper helper;
public void testHelloWithRole() throws Exception {
RequestPostProcessor bearerToken = helper.bearerToken("myclientwith");
public void testHelloWithoutRole() throws Exception {
RequestPostProcessor bearerToken = helper.bearerToken("myclientwithout");
A full sample project is available on GitHub:
I found a much easier way to do this following directions I read here: This solution is specific to testing #PreAuthorize with #oauth2.hasScope but I'm sure it could be adapted for other situations as well.
I create an annotation which can be applied to #Tests:
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
#WithSecurityContext(factory = WithMockOAuth2ScopeSecurityContextFactory.class)
public #interface WithMockOAuth2Scope {
String scope() default "";
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
public class WithMockOAuth2ScopeSecurityContextFactory implements WithSecurityContextFactory<WithMockOAuth2Scope> {
public SecurityContext createSecurityContext(WithMockOAuth2Scope mockOAuth2Scope) {
SecurityContext context = SecurityContextHolder.createEmptyContext();
Set<String> scope = new HashSet<>();
OAuth2Request request = new OAuth2Request(null, null, null, true, scope, null, null, null, null);
Authentication auth = new OAuth2Authentication(request, null);
return context;
Example test using MockMvc:
public class LoadScheduleControllerTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
LoadScheduleController loadScheduleController;
public void setup() {
mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(loadScheduleController)
#WithMockOAuth2Scope(scope = "dataLicense")
public void testSchedule() throws Exception {
And this is the controller under test:
#RequestMapping(value = "/schedule", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public int schedule() {
return 0;
Spring Boot 1.5 introduced test slices like #WebMvcTest. Using these test slices and manually load the OAuth2AutoConfiguration gives your tests less boilerplate and they'll run faster than the proposed #SpringBootTest based solutions. If you also import your production security configuration, you can test that the configured filter chains is working for your web services.
Here's the setup along with some additional classes that you'll probably find beneficial:
public class BookingController {
public static final String API_URL = "/v1/booking";
private BookingRepository bookingRepository;
public Booking patchBooking(OAuth2Authentication authentication, #RequestBody #Valid Booking booking) {
String subjectId = MyOAuth2Helper.subjectId(authentication);
public class BookingControllerTest {
private MockMvc mvc;
private JacksonTester<Booking> json;
private BookingRepository bookingRepository;
public ResourceServerTokenServices resourceServerTokenServices;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
// Stub the remote call that loads the authentication object
when(resourceServerTokenServices.loadAuthentication(anyString())).thenAnswer(invocation -> SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication());
#WithOAuthSubject(scopes = {"myapi:read", "myapi:write"})
public void mustHaveValidBookingForPatch() throws Exception {
.header(AUTHORIZATION, "Bearer foo")
.content(json.write(new Booking("myguid", "aes")).getJson())
#Import({MySecurityConfig.class, OAuth2AutoConfiguration.class})
public class DefaultTestConfiguration {
MySecurityConfig (this is for production):
#EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
Custom annotation for injecting scopes from tests:
#Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD})
#WithSecurityContext(factory = WithOAuthSubjectSecurityContextFactory.class)
public #interface WithOAuthSubject {
String[] scopes() default {"myapi:write", "myapi:read"};
String subjectId() default "a1de7cc9-1b3a-4ecd-96fa-dab6059ccf6f";
Factory class for handling the custom annotation:
public class WithOAuthSubjectSecurityContextFactory implements WithSecurityContextFactory<WithOAuthSubject> {
private DefaultAccessTokenConverter defaultAccessTokenConverter = new DefaultAccessTokenConverter();
public SecurityContext createSecurityContext(WithOAuthSubject withOAuthSubject) {
SecurityContext context = SecurityContextHolder.createEmptyContext();
// Copy of response from
Map<String, ?> remoteToken = ImmutableMap.<String, Object>builder()
.put("iss", "")
.put("aud", "oauth2-resource")
.put("exp", + "")
.put("nbf", + "")
.put("client_id", "my-client-id")
.put("scope", Arrays.asList(withOAuthSubject.scopes()))
.put("sub", withOAuthSubject.subjectId())
.put("auth_time", + "")
.put("idp", "idsrv")
.put("amr", "password")
OAuth2Authentication authentication = defaultAccessTokenConverter.extractAuthentication(remoteToken);
return context;
I use a copy of the response from our identity server for creating a realistic OAuth2Authentication. You can probably just copy my code. If you want to repeat the process for your identity server, place a breakpoint in or, depending on whether you have configured a custom ResourceServerTokenServices or not.
There is alternative approach which I believe to be cleaner and more meaningful.
The approach is to autowire the token store and then add a test token which can then be used by the rest client.
An example test:
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class UserControllerIT {
private TestRestTemplate testRestTemplate;
private TokenStore tokenStore;
public void setUp() {
final OAuth2AccessToken token = new DefaultOAuth2AccessToken("FOO");
final ClientDetails client = new BaseClientDetails("client", null, "read", "client_credentials", "ROLE_CLIENT");
final OAuth2Authentication authentication = new OAuth2Authentication(
new TokenRequest(null, "client", null, "client_credentials").createOAuth2Request(client), null);
tokenStore.storeAccessToken(token, authentication);
public void testGivenPathUsersWhenGettingForEntityThenStatusCodeIsOk() {
final HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.add(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, "Bearer FOO");
// Given Path Users
final UriComponentsBuilder uri = UriComponentsBuilder.fromPath("/api/users");
// When Getting For Entity
final ResponseEntity<String> response =, HttpMethod.GET,
new HttpEntity<>(headers), String.class);
// Then Status Code Is Ok
assertThat(response.getStatusCode(), is(HttpStatus.OK));
Personally I believe that it is not appropriate to unit test a controller with security enabled since security is a separate layer to the controller. I would create an integration test that tests all of the layers together. However the above approach can easily be modified to create a Unit Test with that uses MockMvc.
The above code is inspired by a Spring Security test written by Dave Syer.
Note this approach is for resource servers that share the same token store as the authorisation server. If your resource server does not share the same token store as the authorisation server I recommend using wiremock to mock the http responses.
I have another solution for this. See below:
public class AccountContollerTest {
public static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AccountContollerTest.class);
private WebApplicationContext webApplicationContext;
private MockMvc mvc;
private FilterChainProxy springSecurityFilterChain;
private UserRepository users;
private PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder;
private CustomClientDetailsService clientDetialsService;
public void setUp() {
mvc = MockMvcBuilders
BaseClientDetails testClient = new ClientBuilder("testclient")
.scopes("read", "write")
User user = createDefaultUser("testuser", passwordEncoder.encode("testpassword"), "max", "Mustermann", new Email(""));
public void shouldRetriveAccountDetailsWithValidAccessToken() throws Exception {
.header("Authorization", "Bearer " + validAccessToken())
public void shouldReciveHTTPStatusUnauthenticatedWithoutAuthorizationHeader() throws Exception{
private String validAccessToken() throws Exception {
String username = "testuser";
String password = "testpassword";
MockHttpServletResponse response = mvc
.header("Authorization", "Basic "
+ new String(Base64Utils.encode(("testclient:testclientsecret")
.param("username", username)
.param("password", password)
.param("grant_type", "password"))
return new ObjectMapper()
.readValue(response.getContentAsByteArray(), OAuthToken.class)
#JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
private static class OAuthToken {
public String accessToken;
Hope it will help!
OK, I've not yet been able to test my standalone oauth2 JWT token protected resource-server using the new #WithMockUser or related annotations.
As a workaround, I have been able to integration test my resource server security by setting up a permissive AuthorizationServer under src/test/java, and having that define two clients I use through a helper class. This gets me some of the way there, but it's not yet as easy as I'd like to test various users, roles, scopes, etc.
I'm guessing from here on it should be easier to implement my own WithSecurityContextFactory that creates an OAuth2Authentication, instead of the usual UsernamePasswordAuthentication. However, I have not yet been able to work out the detail of how to easily set this up. Any comments or suggestions how to set this up are welcome.
I found an easy and rapid way for testing spring security resource server with any token store. Im my example #EnabledResourceServeruses jwt token store.
The magic here is I replaced JwtTokenStore with InMemoryTokenStore at integration test.
#RunWith (SpringRunner.class)
#SpringBootTest (classes = {Application.class}, webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
#ActiveProfiles ("test")
#TestPropertySource (locations = "classpath:application.yml")
public class ResourceServerIntegrationTest {
private TokenStore tokenStore;
private ObjectMapper jacksonObjectMapper;
int port;
protected static class PrepareTokenStore {
public TokenStore tokenStore() {
return new InMemoryTokenStore();
private OAuth2AccessToken token;
private OAuth2Authentication authentication;
public void init() {
RestAssured.port = port;
token = new DefaultOAuth2AccessToken("FOO");
ClientDetails client = new BaseClientDetails("client", null, "read", "client_credentials", "ROLE_READER,ROLE_CLIENT");
// Authorities
List<GrantedAuthority> authorities = new ArrayList<GrantedAuthority>();
authorities.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("ROLE_READER"));
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authenticationToken = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken("writer", "writer", authorities);
authentication = new OAuth2Authentication(new TokenRequest(null, "client", null, "client_credentials").createOAuth2Request(client), authenticationToken);
tokenStore.storeAccessToken(token, authentication);
public void gbsUserController_findById() throws Exception {
RestAssured.given().log().all().when().headers("Authorization", "Bearer FOO").get("/gbsusers/{id}", 2L).then().log().all().statusCode(HttpStatus.OK.value());
One more solution I tried to detail enough :-D
It is based on setting an Authorization header, like some above, but I wanted:
Not to create actually valid JWT tokens and using all JWT authentication stack (unit tests...)
Test authentication to contain test-case defined scopes and authorities
So I've:
created custom annotations to set up a per-test OAuth2Authentication: #WithMockOAuth2Client (direct client connection) & #WithMockOAuth2User (client acting on behalf of an end user => includes both my custom #WithMockOAuth2Client and Spring #WithMockUser)
#MockBean the TokenStore to return the OAuth2Authentication configured with above custom annotations
provide MockHttpServletRequestBuilder factories that set a specific Authorization header intercepted by TokenStore mock to inject expected authentication.
The result to get you tested:
#WebMvcTest(MyController.class) // Controller to unit-test
#Import(WebSecurityConfig.class) // your class extending WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
public class MyControllerTest extends OAuth2ControllerTest {
public void testWithUnauthenticatedClient() throws Exception {, "/endpoint")
public void testWithDefaultClient() throws Exception {
public void testWithDefaultClientOnBehalfDefaultUser() throws Exception {
MockHttpServletRequestBuilder req = api.postRequestBuilder(null, "/uaa/refresh")
.header("refresh_token", JWT_REFRESH_TOKEN);
client = #WithMockOAuth2Client(
clientId = "custom-client",
scope = {"custom-scope", "other-scope"},
authorities = {"custom-authority", "ROLE_CUSTOM_CLIENT"}),
user = #WithMockUser(
username = "custom-username",
authorities = {"custom-user-authority"}))
public void testWithCustomClientOnBehalfCustomUser() throws Exception {
api.get(MediaType.APPLICATION_ATOM_XML, "/endpoint")
I've tried many ways. But my solution is easier than others. I'm using OAuth2 JWT authentication in my spring boot application. My goal is to do a contract test. I'm writing a script with groovy and the contract plugin generates test codes for me. Therefore, I cannot interfere with the codes. I have a simple BaseTest class. I need to do all the necessary configurations in this class. This solution worked for me.
Imported dependency:
Imported Plugins:
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.MOCK)
#WithMockUser(username = "admin", roles = {"USER", "ADMIN"})
public class BaseTestClass {
private MyController myController;
private WebApplicationContext webApplicationContext;
public void setup() {
StandaloneMockMvcBuilder standaloneMockMvcBuilder = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(myController);
myFirstScenario.groovy (package:"/test/resources/contracts"):
Contract.make {
description "should return ok"
request {
method GET()
url("/api/contract/test") {
headers {
header("Authorization","Bearer FOO")
response {
status 200
#RequestMapping(value = "/api/contract")
public class MyController {
if you want to test for non-admin users you can use:
#WithMockUser(username = "admin", roles = {"USER"})
Preamble: I'm learning Java, Spring Boot and overall... TDD with Java/Spring Boot.
Used versions:
Spring Boot 2.6.3
Java 17
This is my controller:
public class LoginController {
private JwtAuthentication jwtAuthentication;
private JwtTokenUtil jwtTokenUtil;
private JwtUserDetailService jwtUserDetailService;
public ResponseEntity<?> createAuthenticationToken(#RequestBody UserEntity userEntity) throws Exception {
jwtAuthentication.authenticate(userEntity.getUsername(), userEntity.getPassword());
final UserDetails userDetails = jwtUserDetailService.loadUserByUsername(userEntity.getUsername());
final String token = jwtTokenUtil.generateToken(userDetails);
return ResponseEntity.ok(new JwtResponse(token));
Relevant autowired is the JwtAuthentication:
public class JwtAuthentication {
private AuthenticationManager authenticationManager;
private static final long serialVersionUID = -20220210203900L;
public void authenticate(String username, String password) throws BadCredentialsException {
try {
authenticationManager.authenticate(new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(username, password));
} catch (BadCredentialsException e) {
throw new BadCredentialsException("INVALID_CREDENTIALS", e);
I wrote the test for JwtAuthentication itself without issues, now I need to test the Controller.
This is my test:
class LoginControllerTest {
private MockMvc mvc;
private ObjectMapper objectMapper;
private JwtAuthentication jwtAuthentication;
void testCanLogin() throws Exception {
UserEntity userEntity = new UserEntity();
But I get 404 instead of 200.
I read that reason is missing mocking underlying methods. That, in reality, these tests on Controller doesn't launch entire configuration (and so on). Cannot find the answer atm, here on S.O..
So, I think the solution need to be add a "simple" when in test:
void testCanLogin() throws Exception {
UserEntity userEntity = new UserEntity();
// I think I need some code here:
// pseudocode when(jwtAuthentication.authenticate("username", "password").then .... I DON'T KNOW HERE!
404 is because of no controllers to handle the request.
It is because you specify a wrong controller in #WebMvcTest such that the controller that you want to test is not included in the spring container. So change to the following should fix the problem :
class LoginControllerTest {
private JwtAuthentication jwtAuthentication;
private JwtTokenUtil jwtTokenUtil;
private JwtUserDetailService jwtUserDetailService;
Also note the following points :
I remove #ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) as #WebMvcTest already included it
#WebMvcTest will only enable the beans related to web layers (see this) which JwtTokenUtil and JwtUserDetailService does not belong to it. So you have to use #MockBean to mock them.
My controller class is a follows:
public #ResponseBody ResponseEntity<User> getUser(#PathVariable int id) {
I have the following Resource Server config
public class ResourceServerCofig implements ResourceServerConfigurer {
private static final String RESOURCE_ID = "test";
public void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
public void configure(ResourceServerSecurityConfigurer resources) throws Exception {
Finally my test looks like this:
public class ClientControllerTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
public void should_get_user_by_id() throws Exception {
andExpect(MockMvcResultMatchers.header().string(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json")).
Issue is I always get a 401 HTTP status with message unauthorized","error_description":"Full authentication is required to access this resource.
How can should I write tests for #PreAuthorized annotated controller methods methods?
I've spent part of the day figuring out how to solve this. I ended up with a solution that I think is not so bad, and could help many.
Based on what you tried to do in your test, you can do a mockMvc to test your controller. Notice that the AuthorizationServer is not called. You stay only in your Resource server for the tests.
Create a bean InMemoryTokenStore that will be used in the OAuth2AuthenticationProcessingFilter to authenticate your user. What is great is that you can add tokens to your InMemoryTokenStore before executing your tests. The OAuth2AuthenticationProcessingFilter will authenticate the user based on the token he is using and will not call any remote server.
public class AuthenticationManagerProvider {
public TokenStore tokenStore() {
return new InMemoryTokenStore();
The annotation #WithMockUser does not work with OAuth2. Indeed, the OAuth2AuthenticationProcessingFilter always checks your token, wi no regard to the SecurityContext. I suggest to use the same approach as #WithMockUser, but using an annotation you create in your code base. (To have some easy to maintain and clean tests):
#WithMockOAuth2Scope contains almost all the parameters you need to customize your authentication. You can delete those you will never use, but I put a lot to make sure you see the possibilities. (Put those 2 classes in your test folder)
#WithSecurityContext(factory = WithMockOAuth2ScopeSecurityContextFactory.class)
public #interface WithMockOAuth2Scope {
String token() default "";
String clientId() default "client-id";
boolean approved() default true;
String redirectUrl() default "";
String[] responseTypes() default {};
String[] scopes() default {};
String[] resourceIds() default {};
String[] authorities() default {};
String username() default "username";
String password() default "";
String email() default "";
Then, we need a class to interpret this annotation and fill our `InMemoryTokenStore with the data you need for your test.
public class WithMockOAuth2ScopeSecurityContextFactory implements WithSecurityContextFactory<WithMockOAuth2Scope> {
private TokenStore tokenStore;
public SecurityContext createSecurityContext(WithMockOAuth2Scope mockOAuth2Scope) {
OAuth2AccessToken oAuth2AccessToken = createAccessToken(mockOAuth2Scope.token());
OAuth2Authentication oAuth2Authentication = createAuthentication(mockOAuth2Scope);
tokenStore.storeAccessToken(oAuth2AccessToken, oAuth2Authentication);
return SecurityContextHolder.createEmptyContext();
private OAuth2AccessToken createAccessToken(String token) {
return new DefaultOAuth2AccessToken(token);
private OAuth2Authentication createAuthentication(WithMockOAuth2Scope mockOAuth2Scope) {
OAuth2Request oauth2Request = getOauth2Request(mockOAuth2Scope);
return new OAuth2Authentication(oauth2Request,
private OAuth2Request getOauth2Request(WithMockOAuth2Scope mockOAuth2Scope) {
String clientId = mockOAuth2Scope.clientId();
boolean approved = mockOAuth2Scope.approved();
String redirectUrl = mockOAuth2Scope.redirectUrl();
Set<String> responseTypes = new HashSet<>(asList(mockOAuth2Scope.responseTypes()));
Set<String> scopes = new HashSet<>(asList(mockOAuth2Scope.scopes()));
Set<String> resourceIds = new HashSet<>(asList(mockOAuth2Scope.resourceIds()));
Map<String, String> requestParameters = Collections.emptyMap();
Map<String, Serializable> extensionProperties = Collections.emptyMap();
List<GrantedAuthority> authorities = AuthorityUtils.createAuthorityList(mockOAuth2Scope.authorities());
return new OAuth2Request(requestParameters, clientId, authorities,
approved, scopes, resourceIds, redirectUrl, responseTypes, extensionProperties);
private Authentication getAuthentication(WithMockOAuth2Scope mockOAuth2Scope) {
List<GrantedAuthority> grantedAuthorities = AuthorityUtils.createAuthorityList(mockOAuth2Scope.authorities());
String username = mockOAuth2Scope.username();
User userPrincipal = new User(username,
true, true, true, true, grantedAuthorities);
HashMap<String, String> details = new HashMap<>();
details.put("user_name", username);
TestingAuthenticationToken token = new TestingAuthenticationToken(userPrincipal, null, grantedAuthorities);
return token;
Once everything is setup, create a simple Test class under src/test/java/your/package/. This class will do the mockMvc operations, and use the # WithMockOAuth2Scope to create the token you need for your test.
class SimpleControllerTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
#WithMockOAuth2Scope(token = "123456789",
authorities = "CAN_READ")
public void test() throws Exception {
.header("Authorization", "Bearer 123456789"))
I came up with this solutions thanks to:
How to test spring-security-oauth2 resource server security?
Faking OAuth2 Single Sign-on in Spring, Two Ways
Annotation solution
Fluent API solution
A lot of debug, where I lost myself inside Spring, but I finally found what I was looking for.
For the curious:
When testing, Spring loads a InMemoryTokenStore, and give you the possibility to take one you provide (as a #Bean). When running in production, for my case, Spring uses a RemoteTokenStore, which calls the remote Authorization server to check the token (http://authorization_server/oauth/check_token).
When you decide to use OAuth2, Spring fires the OAuth2AuthenticationProcessingFilter. This was my entry point during all me debugging sessions.
I've learned a lot, thank you for this.
You can find the source code here.
Hope it will help !
Given I have the following custom implementation of ReactiveJwtDecoder:
public class CustomReactiveJWTDecoder implements ReactiveJwtDecoder
And I write a test like:
public class AzureADConfigTest {
private ApplicationContext context;
private WebTestClient client;
AzureADService azureADService;
CustomReactiveJWTDecoder decoder;
public void setUp() {
Jwt jwt = createJwt();
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken user = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(new User("", "", AuthorityUtils.commaSeparatedStringToAuthorityList("A_AD")), "", AuthorityUtils.commaSeparatedStringToAuthorityList("A_AD"));
client = WebTestClient.bindToApplicationContext(context).build();
public void azureAdAccessGrated() {
.header("Authorization", "Bearer " + "token")
The mock is not respected. If I put a breakpoint inside my original impl that code gets executed instead of the mock.
My question is:
How can I mock a ReactiveJWTDecoder when im using a Spring Boot Security Resource Server? There are many suggestions on how to do it but none that I as simple as just creating a #MockBean.
can anyone tell me how to mock SpringSecurity and OncePerRequestFilter (JWT Authentication Filter)?
There are examples on the Internet, but something I can not collect all together.
So, there is SpringBoot 2.0.
There is a user who comes from #AuthenticationPrincipal as function parameter.
There is a JWtFilter extends OncePerRequestFilter which checks the validity of the jwt token.
webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT,
classes = NfaBackendApplication.class)
WithSecurityContextTestExecutionListener.class })
public class OfferControllerTest extends AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private WebApplicationContext context;
private UserRepository kvUserRepository;
private JWTAuthenticationFilter jwtAuthenticationFilter = new JWTAuthenticationFilter();
private JWTokenProvider jwtTokenProvider;
public void setUp() throws ServletException, IOException
mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(context).apply(springSecurity())
#Test(enabled = true)
public void getExternalOffers() throws Exception
// KVUserDetails user = new KVUserDetails("", "test", false, true, AuthorityUtils
// .createAuthorityList("ADMIN"));
// TestingAuthenticationToken testingAuthenticationToken = new TestingAuthenticationToken(user, null);
// SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(testingAuthenticationToken);
MockFilterChain filterChain = new MockFilterChain();
MockHttpServletRequest request = new MockHttpServletRequest();
MockHttpServletResponse response = new MockHttpServletResponse();
Tell me please the working example how to wet SpringSecurity and OncePerRequestFilter (JWT Authentication Filter)?
That at request there will come the user which AuthenticationPrincipal.
You can use #WithUserDetails to initialize user for MockMvc test. No need to mock servlet filter.
Something like this:
#Test(enabled = true)
public void getExternalOffers() throws Exception
I have a Rest controller with a Device (Device must be resolvem, I'm using spring-mobile-device) as a Parameter. The unit test gave me a status 415.
Here is the Code of
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<?> authenticationRequest(#RequestBody AuthenticationRequestDto authenticationRequest,
Device device) throws AuthenticationException {
Authentication authentication = this.authenticationManager.authenticate(new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(
authenticationRequest.getUsername(), authenticationRequest.getPassword()));
UserDetails userDetails = this.userDetailsService.loadUserByUsername(authenticationRequest.getUsername());
String token = this.tokenGenerator.generateToken(userDetails, device);
return ResponseEntity.ok(new AuthenticationResponseDto(token));
Unit test
ResultActions res = mockMvc.perform(post("/auth", authentication, device).contentType(TestUtil.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8)
Well basically I was wrong with my configuration. It is mandatory configure the Web Config for testing in same way that production configuration but are grammatically different. Well I learned a lot about MockMVC config with this problem.
Here's the solution if you want do unit testing with spring mobile.
First Class
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {WebTestConfig.class})
public class WebTestConfigAware {
private WebApplicationContext context;
protected MockMvc mockMvc;
private FilterChainProxy springSecurityFilterChain;
public void setup() {
mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(context).build();
DeviceResolverRequestFilter deviceResolverRequestFilter = new DeviceResolverRequestFilter();
mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(context)
.addFilters(this.springSecurityFilterChain, deviceResolverRequestFilter).build();
Second class
#Import({RootTestConfig.class, WebCommonSecurityConfig.class})
public class WebTestConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter{
public void addArgumentResolvers(List<HandlerMethodArgumentResolver> argumentResolvers) {
argumentResolvers.add(new ServletWebArgumentResolverAdapter(new DeviceWebArgumentResolver()));
argumentResolvers.add(new SitePreferenceHandlerMethodArgumentResolver());
and Test Class
public class AuthenticationControllerTest extends WebTestConfigAware {
public void testAuthenticationRequest() throws Exception {
AuthenticationRequestDto authentication = new AuthenticationRequestDto();
String jsonAuthentication = TestUtil.convertObjectToJsonString(authentication);
ResultActions res = mockMvc.perform(post("/auth")
In your test class you are improperly constructing your request
// a couple of issues here explained below
ResultActions res = mockMvc.perform(post("/auth", authentication, device).contentType(TestUtil.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8)
post("/auth", authentication, device) authentication and device are interpreted as path URI so they are not needed here, your controller URI does not have any path URI variables.
If your intent is to pass 2 objects as the body of the request then you need to modify your test request and your controller request handler. You cannot pass 2 objects as the body of a request, you need to encapsulate both objects in one like
class AuthenticationRequest {
private AuthenticationRequestDto authenticationDto;
private Device device;
// constructor, getters and setters
In your controller
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<?> authenticationRequest(#RequestBody AuthenticationRequest request) throws AuthenticationException {
AuthenticationRequestDto authenticationDto = request.getAuthenticationDto();
Device device = request.getDevice();
// ....
Also in you test you need to pass a JSON object string, you are converting it to bytes (this is why you are getting a 415):
// note the change in the TestUtils, the method being called is convertObjectToJsonString (you'll need to add it)
ResultActions res = mockMvc.perform(post("/auth").contentType(TestUtil.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8)
.content(TestUtil.convertObjectToJsonString(new Authenticationrequest(authentication, device))));