Parse unix, UTC android - java

I have JSON as in the picture below which I use in my android application. I have problems with parse of sunrise and sunset which in unix, UTC format. My question is how to show only local hour and minute?
Thats what I tried to sunrise but it was wrong: sunrise.setText(json.getJSONObject("sys").getString("sunrise"));
Thanks for any help!

I believe that you have a couple of issues.
The first is how to convert a Unix timestamp into a Java Date.
Like Unix timestamps, Java dates are stored internally as a long offset from a specific instant, known as the "epoch". Fortunately, they both use the same epoch. However, Unix timestamps have higher resolution.
To get a long that represents a Java date from a Unix timestamp, you need to multiply it by 1000. Then you can use the result to initialize a Java Date.
The essential thing here is to make sure that your timestamps are longs, not ints (or doubles, or any other numeric type).
So, essentially:
long unixTimestamp = 1427607706;
long javaTimestamp = unixTimestamp * 1000L;
Date date = new Date(javaTimestamp);
Next, you'll need to get the numeric value from the Json, as a long, instead of a String, so use getLong instead of getString.
Finally, you'll want to format the date. Since you want just the hours and minutes, you can use:
String sunrise = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm").format(date);
and then use that value to set the value of your TextView.


Jackson Date timestamp to string

I am consuming an API that produces dates as Epoch timestamps but in string format:
{ "date":"1499762012700"}
Is there any way of getting this to go into a pojo as a Date object without writing some sort of custom serializer etc?
This works fine if the timestamp is a number but unfortunately this is the way it is given.
Is it a 9 digit timestamp? It would be helpful to have an actual example. If its unix time and do you want a java Date or a JODA object. I'd go with JODA
If its a unix 10 digit time stamp look here
Java: Date from unix timestamp

Store time in 12-hour format in SQLite and some calculations on it in Android

I am working on some time stuff on Android. I get the time from a TimePicker and I want to store it in the database. I want to store time in a 12-hour format.
I also need to do some calculations on that time. If I store it as a String, it will involve a lot of coding to do calculations on that String.
Is there a better solution?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
In my androidapp i am storing datetime as long in java and database.
(Unix Time, number of seconds since 1970-01-01. as #hawaii.five-0 stated)
These numbers can easily be compared for earlier/later dates but are hard to read for a human when looking into raw database.
For displaying dates these long numbers are converted back to java Date with new Date(longValue).
Best practice is to store time as Unix timestamps:
Easy calculations (you can just add and subtract time in seconds, so to add an hour you add 60*60 = 3600 seconds)
Easy formatting: the Java Date and DateFormat classes can easily handle Unix timestamps.
Example of 12 hour formatting:
public String getDateFormatted(Date datum) {
DateFormat dfm = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy K:m a"); //example: 05/23/2012 11:34 PM
return dfm.format(datum);
Unfortunately sqlite does not support Date format... Take a look at sqlite affinity.
So you have to store it in text or numeric format.. And apply your computations after retriving it from the database..

Sqlite Query is not working properly

I have created a database with a String column which contains dates in String format (dd/mm/yyyy). I want to fetch the data from that table which is between two given dates, but when I tried with the below query, I found that it doesn't make any difference what month and year I have selected; it compares the "dd" field only from "dd/mm/yy".
The below query will display all the data which is between day 14 to 25 from every month and year. I want data between the given date, month, and year.
Select * from RunningLog
where CAST(RunDate AS DATETIME) between CAST('14/04/2011' AS DATETIME) and
CAST('25/04/2011' AS DATETIME)
Please see my answer here about how dates are (or are not) stored in sqlite3. Sqlite doesn't have a date field, so its actually stored as a string. Trying to sort / filter on this will prove to be difficult. Instead use an int field, and store the time in milliseconds.
I prefer INTEGER / Unix time storage, then use the built in date and time functions to format when pulling from DB.
long millis = Calendar.getTimeInMillis();
Store millis in the database as an integer. Then, refer to the first link on how to use the date and time functions in sqlite3.
Sqlite3 documentation does not say it can cast a datetime: (refer to Cast expressions numeral). Why don't you do that from Java? I mean, how are you storing the dates in the database? I highly recommend saving a long (Unix time); that way you can easily get a couple of long numbers that represent an exact date and time and use them to query your table.
Recomendation: Use Datetime fields in the database and JodaTime as a Time library.
Is quite easy to parse the datetime into a DateTime object and then you have many useful methods to compare and work with dates.
Also, your SQL queries will be better.
You can compute the number of seconds between two dates. Here is an example:
SELECT strftime('%s','now') - strftime('%s','2004-01-01 02:34:56');
Based on the sign of the difference you can say if one date is before another. In your case you have to do two comparisons, so you have to verify the sign of two differences. Here you can find other examples, maybe they give you other ideas (

Java date - 12am is stored as 24?

So me and my partner have been working on this project for a while now. We work with dates A LOT in this project, and we recently noticed an issue, and we are rather deep in at this point.
We store our times in SQLlite (Android project) as a formatted string, since a lot of the time they are directly bound to listviews and such.
The problem we noticed, which i found kind of odd, is that that SimpleDateTimeFormat object, when used to format to 24h time (its a medical based project, so 24h time is the convention here) 12:00am-12:59am are formatted to 24:00-24:59, instead of 00:00-00:59...
This isn't too much of an issue until we query the database and order the results by the dates, any data that is between 12:00am and 12:59am will show up at the end of the list, but it should show up at the beginning...
Anyone else encountered this problem? or know a way around it? The best thing possible would be a way to store the data as 00:00 not 24:00.
I strongly suspect you're using the wrong pattern. We've got to guess as you haven't posted any code (hint, hint), but I suspect you're using a pattern such as
instead of
Sample code:
import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
SimpleDateFormat broken = new SimpleDateFormat("kk:mm:ss");
SimpleDateFormat working = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");
Date epoch = new Date(0);
Additionally, as others have pointed out, you shouldn't be storing your values in string format to start with... avoid string conversions wherever you can, as each conversion is a potential pain point.
Please read this and this about how SQLite stores dates (or doesn't store dates). SQLite doesn't have a "Date" type, so it is stored as a string. You should store your date as an integer (milliseconds), and then you can use date and time functions to pull them out (from the first link).
From the documentation
1.2 Date and Time Datatype
SQLite does not have a storage class set aside for storing dates
and/or times. Instead, the built-in Date And Time Functions of SQLite
are capable of storing dates and times as TEXT, REAL, or INTEGER
TEXT as ISO8601 strings ("YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS"). REAL as Julian
day numbers, the number of days since noon in Greenwich on November
24, 4714 B.C. according to the proleptic Gregorian calendar. INTEGER
as Unix Time, the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
Applications can chose to store dates and times in any of these
formats and freely convert between formats using the built-in date and
time functions.
I prefer INTEGER / Unix time storage, then use the built in date and time functions to format when pulling from DB.
EDIT: Also, this will take care of sorting. I'm guessing your current "sorting" of the dates in SQLite is string based, which is bad mmmmkay.
What is the format string you are passing to your SimpleDateFormat? According to the docs, using 'H' for the hours should get you 0-23, using 'k' should get you 1-24.

Best way to extract a timezone from a mail Date header in Java?

I need to store the timezone an email was sent from. Which is the best way to extract it from the email's 'Date:' header (an RFC822 date)? And what is the recommended format to store it in the database (I'm using hibernate)?
I recommend you use Mime4J.
The library is designed for parsing all kinds of email crap.
For parsing dates you would use its DateTimeParser.
int zone = new DateTimeParser(new StringReader("Fri, 27 Jul 2012 09:13:15 -0400")).zone();
After that I usually convert the datetimes to Joda's DateTime. Don't use SimpleDateFormatter as will not cover all the cases for RFC822.
Below will get you the Joda TimeZone (from the int zone above) which is superior to Java's TZ.
// Stupid hack in case the zone is not in [-+]zzzz format
final int hours;
final int minutes;
if (zone > 24 || zone < -24 ) {
hours = zone / 100;
minutes = minutes = Math.abs(zone % 100);
else {
hours = zone;
minutes = 0;
DateTimeZone.forOffsetHoursMinutes(hours, minutes);
Now the only issue is that the Time Zone you will get always be a numeric time zone which may still not be the correct time zone of the user sending the email (assuming the mail app sent the users TZ and not just UTC).
For example -0400 is not EDT (ie America/New_York) because it does not take Daylight savings into account.
Probably easiest to parse with JodaTime as it supports ISO8601 see Date and Time Parsing and Formatting in Java with Joda Time.
DateTimeFormatter parser2 = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTimeNoMillis();
Times must always be stored in UTC (GMT) with a timezone - i.e. after parsing convert from the timezone to GMT and remove daylight savings offset and save the original timezone.
You must store the date with the timezone after converting to UTC.
If you remove or don't handle the timezone it will cause problems when dealing with data that has come from a different timezone.
Extract the data from the header using some sort of substring or regular expression. Parse the date with a SimpleDateFormatter to create a Date object.
The timezone in the email will not show in which timezone it was send. Some programs use ever UTC or GMT. Of course the time zone is part of the date time value and must also be parse.
Why do you want know it.
- Do you want normalize the timestamp? Then use a DateFormat for parsing it.
- Do you want detect the timezome of the user that send the email? This will not correctly work.
It looks like you already mentioned this in one of your comments, but I think it's your best answer. The JavaMail library contains RFC822 Date header parsing code in javax.mail.internet.MailDateFormat. Unfortunately it doesn't expose the TimeZone parsing directly, so you will need to copy the necessary code directly from javax.mail.internet.MailDateParser, but it's worth taking advantage of the careful work already done.
As for storing it, the parser will give you the date as an offset, so you should be able to store it just fine as an int (letting Hibernate translate that to your database for you).

