yesterday i posted this:
Lambertian Shader not working
My shader is still not working, I've done some debugging to try to find the reason. When I run my program and hit a sphere, shader.shade(renderable.colour) is called and this code is run:
public Colour shade(Intersection intersection, Light light){
Vector3D lightDirection = light.location.subtract(intersection.point);
Normal normal = intersection.normal;
Colour finalColour = new Colour();
float lambCoef = (float);
finalColour.r = Math.max(0.0f, diffuseColour.r * lambCoef * light.intensity.r);
finalColour.g = Math.max(0.0f, diffuseColour.g * lambCoef * light.intensity.g);
finalColour.b = Math.max(0.0f, diffuseColour.b * lambCoef * light.intensity.b);
return finalColour;
I'm getting different values for lambCoef each time but not by very much for example for the red sphere, for pixels about 20 pixels vertical from each other, I get:
For to get the normal for the sphere I use:
public Normal getNormalAt(Vector3D point) {
Normal normal = new Normal(point);
normal = normal.subtract(center);
normal = normal.multiply(-1);
return normal;
which seems to work.
Then for my dot and cross code I use:
public double dot(Vector3D vector){
return x*vector.x + y*vector.y +z*vector.z;
public double dot(Point3D point){
return x*point.x + y*point.y +z*point.z;
public double dot(Normal normal){
return x*normal.x + y*normal.y +z*normal.z;
public Vector3D cross(Vector3D vector) {
Vector3D crossedVector = new Vector3D();
crossedVector.x = y*vector.z - z*vector.y;
crossedVector.y = z*vector.x - x*vector.z;
crossedVector.z = x*vector.y - y*vector.x;
return crossedVector;
Which also seems to be correct.
Any help would really be appreciated, and I'll be happy to provide more info if needed.
I'm now getting this sort of image:
Which sort of makes sense since the plane is at a much shallower angle to the spheres. It's still wrong though.
+1 for using discrete Normal, Point, and Vector classes. In your shade() method, it doesn't look to me like you're accounting for the distance of the light source to the intersection point. Basically, you want intersection points that are further away from a given light to receive less light than points that are closer to the light. You can fudge this for point light sources by adjusting the light's intensity by a factor of c / (distance * distance), where c is an empirically-determined lightness correction factor (start with 1 and then adjust upward if the result is too dark) and distance is the distance between the point light source and your intersection point. When I say adjust I mean add that term to the finalColour calculation, not actually change the value of light.intensity.
Once you get that working, you may want to think about sampling light sources in terms of PDFs instead of using the 1/d*d hack.
EDIT: I found out that all the pixels were upside down because of the difference between screen and world coordinates, so that is no longer a problem.
EDIT: After following a suggestion from #TheVee (using absolute values), my image got much better, but I'm still seeing issues with color.
I having a little trouble with ray-tracing triangles. This is a follow-up to my previous question about the same topic. The answers to that question made me realize that I needed to take a different approach. The new approach I took worked much better, but I'm seeing a couple of issues with my raytracer now:
There is one triangle that never renders in color (it is always black, even though it's color is supposed to be yellow).
Here is what I am expecting to see:
But here is what I am actually seeing:
Addressing debugging the first problem, even if I remove all other objects (including the blue triangle), the yellow triangle is always rendered black, so I don't believe that it is an issues with my shadow rays that I am sending out. I suspect that it has to do with the angle that the triangle/plane is at relative to the camera.
Here is my process for ray-tracing triangles which is based off of the process in this website.
Determine if the ray intersects the plane.
If it does, determine if the ray intersects inside of the triangle (using parametric coordinates).
Here is the code for determining if the ray hits the plane:
private Vector getPlaneIntersectionVector(Ray ray)
double epsilon = 0.00000001;
Vector w0 = ray.getOrigin().subtract(getB());
double numerator = -(getPlaneNormal().dotProduct(w0));
double denominator = getPlaneNormal().dotProduct(ray.getDirection());
//ray is parallel to triangle plane
if (Math.abs(denominator) < epsilon)
//ray lies in triangle plane
if (numerator == 0)
return null;
//ray is disjoint from plane
return null;
double intersectionDistance = numerator / denominator;
//intersectionDistance < 0 means the "intersection" is behind the ray (pointing away from plane), so not a real intersection
return (intersectionDistance >= 0) ? ray.getLocationWithMagnitude(intersectionDistance) : null;
And once I have determined that the ray intersects the plane, here is the code to determine if the ray is inside the triangle:
private boolean isIntersectionVectorInsideTriangle(Vector planeIntersectionVector)
//Get edges of triangle
Vector u = getU();
Vector v = getV();
//Pre-compute unique five dot-products
double uu = u.dotProduct(u);
double uv = u.dotProduct(v);
double vv = v.dotProduct(v);
Vector w = planeIntersectionVector.subtract(getB());
double wu = w.dotProduct(u);
double wv = w.dotProduct(v);
double denominator = (uv * uv) - (uu * vv);
//get and test parametric coordinates
double s = ((uv * wv) - (vv * wu)) / denominator;
if (s < 0 || s > 1)
return false;
double t = ((uv * wu) - (uu * wv)) / denominator;
if (t < 0 || (s + t) > 1)
return false;
return true;
Is think that I am having some issue with my coloring. I think that it has to do with the normals of the various triangles. Here is the equation I am considering when I am building my lighting model for spheres and triangles:
Now, here is the code that does this:
public Color calculateIlluminationModel(Vector normal, boolean isInShadow, Scene scene, Ray ray, Vector intersectionPoint)
//c = cr * ca + cr * cl * max(0, n \dot l)) + cl * cp * max(0, e \dot r)^p
Vector lightSourceColor = getColorVector(scene.getLightColor()); //cl
Vector diffuseReflectanceColor = getColorVector(getMaterialColor()); //cr
Vector ambientColor = getColorVector(scene.getAmbientLightColor()); //ca
Vector specularHighlightColor = getColorVector(getSpecularHighlight()); //cp
Vector directionToLight = scene.getDirectionToLight().normalize(); //l
double angleBetweenLightAndNormal = directionToLight.dotProduct(normal);
Vector reflectionVector = normal.multiply(2).multiply(angleBetweenLightAndNormal).subtract(directionToLight).normalize(); //r
double visibilityTerm = isInShadow ? 0 : 1;
Vector ambientTerm = diffuseReflectanceColor.multiply(ambientColor);
double lambertianComponent = Math.max(0, angleBetweenLightAndNormal);
Vector diffuseTerm = diffuseReflectanceColor.multiply(lightSourceColor).multiply(lambertianComponent).multiply(visibilityTerm);
double angleBetweenEyeAndReflection = scene.getLookFrom().dotProduct(reflectionVector);
angleBetweenEyeAndReflection = Math.max(0, angleBetweenEyeAndReflection);
double phongComponent = Math.pow(angleBetweenEyeAndReflection, getPhongConstant());
Vector phongTerm = lightSourceColor.multiply(specularHighlightColor).multiply(phongComponent).multiply(visibilityTerm);
return getVectorColor(ambientTerm.add(diffuseTerm).add(phongTerm));
I am seeing that the dot product between the normal and the light source is -1 for the yellow triangle, and about -.707 for the blue triangle, so I'm not sure if the normal being the wrong way is the problem. Regardless, when I added made sure the angle between the light and the normal was positive (Math.abs(directionToLight.dotProduct(normal));), it caused the opposite problem:
I suspect that it will be a small typo/bug, but I need another pair of eyes to spot what I couldn't.
Note: My triangles have vertices(a,b,c), and the edges (u,v) are computed using a-b and c-b respectively (also, those are used for calculating the plane/triangle normal). A Vector is made up of an (x,y,z) point, and a Ray is made up of a origin Vector and a normalized direction Vector.
Here is how I am calculating normals for all triangles:
private Vector getPlaneNormal()
Vector v1 = getU();
Vector v2 = getV();
return v1.crossProduct(v2).normalize();
Please let me know if I left out anything that you think is important for solving these issues.
EDIT: After help from #TheVee, this is what I have at then end:
There are still problems with z-buffering, And with phong highlights with the triangles, but the problem I was trying to solve here was fixed.
It is an usual problem in ray tracing of scenes including planar objects that we hit them from a wrong side. The formulas containing the dot product are presented with an inherent assumption that light is incident at the object from a direction to which the outer-facing normal is pointing. This can be true only for half the possible orientations of your triangle and you've been in bad luck to orient it with its normal facing away from the light.
Technically speaking, in a physical world your triangle would not have zero volume. It's composed of some layer of material which is just thin. On either side it has a proper normal that points outside. Assigning a single normal is a simplification that's fair to take because the two only differ in sign.
However, if we made a simplification we need to account for it. Having what technically is an inwards facing normal in our formulas gives negative dot products, which case they are not made for. It's like light was coming from the inside of the object or that it hit a surface could not possibly be in its way. That's why they give an erroneous result. The negative value will subtract light from other sources, and depending on the magnitude and implementation may result in darkening, full black, or numerical underflow.
But because we know the correct normal is either what we're using or its negative, we can simply fix the cases at once by taking a preventive absolute value where a positive dot product is implicitly assumed (in your code, that's angleBetweenLightAndNormal). Some libraries like OpenGL do that for you, and on top use the additional information (the sign) to choose between two different materials (front and back) you may provide if desired. Alternatively, they can be set to not draw the back faces for solid object at all because they will be overdrawn by front faces in solid objects anyway (known as face culling), saving about half of the numerical work.
I'm making a 2d game in libgdx and I would like to know what the standard way of moving (translating between two known points) on the screen is.
On a button press, I am trying to animate a diagonal movement of a sprite between two points. I know the x and y coordinates of start and finish point. However I can't figure out the maths that determines where the texture should be in between on each call to render. At the moment my algorithm is sort of like:
textureProperty = new TextureProperty();
firstPtX = textureProperty.currentLocationX
firstPtY = textureProperty.currentLocationY
nextPtX = textureProperty.getNextLocationX()
nextPtX = textureProperty.getNextLocationX()
diffX = nextPtX - firstPtX
diffY = nextPtY - firstPtY
deltaX = diffX/speedFactor // Arbitrary, controlls speed of the translation
deltaX = diffX/speedFactor
renderLocX = textureProperty.renderLocX()
renderLocY = textureProperty.renderLocY()
if(textureProperty.getFirstPoint() != textureProperty.getNextPoint()){
animating = true
if (animating) {
newLocationX = renderLocX + deltaX
newLocationY = renderLocY + deltaY
textureProperty.setRenderPoint(renderLocX, renderLocY)
if (textureProperty.getRenderPoint() == textureProperty.getNextPoint()){
animating = false
batch.draw(texture, textureProperty.renderLocX(), textureProperty.renderLocY())
However, I can foresee a few issues with this code.
1) Since pixels are integers, if I divide that number by something that doesn't go evenly, it will round. 2) as a result of number 1, it will miss the target.
Also when I do test the animation, the objects moving from point1, miss by a long shot, which suggests something may be wrong with my maths.
Here is what I mean graphically:
Desired outcome:
Actual outcome:
Surely this is a standard problem. I welcome any suggestions.
Let's say you have start coordinates X1,Y1 and end coordinates X2,Y2. And let's say you have some variable p which holds percantage of passed path. So if p == 0 that means you are at X1,Y1 and if p == 100 that means you are at X2, Y2 and if 0<p<100 you are somewhere in between. In that case you can calculate current coordinates depending on p like:
X = X1 + ((X2 - X1)*p)/100;
Y = Y1 + ((Y2 - Y1)*p)/100;
So, you are not basing current coords on previous one, but you always calculate depending on start and end point and percentage of passed path.
First of all you need a Vector2 direction, giving the direction between the 2 points.
This Vector should be normalized, so that it's length is 1:
Vector2 dir = new Vector2(x2-x1,y2-y1).nor();
Then in the render method you need to move the object, which means you need to change it's position. You have the speed (given in distance/seconds), a normalized Vector, giving the direction, and the time since the last update.
So the new position can be calculated like this:
position.x += speed * delta * dir.x;
position.y += speed * delta * dir.y;
Now you only need to limit the position to the target position, so that you don't go to far:
boolean stop = false;
if (position.x >= target.x) {
position.x = target.x;
stop = true;
if (position.y >= target.y) {
position.y = target.y;
stop = true;
Now to the pixel-problem:
Do not use pixels! Using pixels will make your game resolution dependent.
Use Libgdx Viewport and Camera instead.
This alows you do calculate everything in you own world unit (for example meters) and Libgdx will convert it for you.
I didn't saw any big errors, tho' i saw some like you are comparing two objects using == and !=, But i suggest u to use a.equals(b) and !a.equals(b) like that. And secondly i found that your renderLock coords are always being set same in textureProperty.setRenderPoint(renderLocX, renderLocY) you are assigning the same back. Maybe you were supposed to use newLocation coords.
BTW Thanks for your code, i was searching Something that i got by you <3
This is to find evenly-distributed points lying on a specific line (from a starting position, 2 points on the line, and an angle against the horizontal) and then past the second point, to draw something so it's moving at a fixed rate in a given direction.
I'm thinking about calculating a slope, which would give me vertical movement to horizontal movement. However, I don't even know how to assure they'd be the same speed in two different lines. For example, if there are two different pairs of points, how it would take the same amount of time for the drawing to travel the same distance on both.
Is what I'm describing the correct idea? Are there any methods in OpenGL that could help me?
You should use vectors. Start with a point and travel in the direction of a vector. For example:
typedef struct vec2 {
float x;
float y;
} vec2;
That defines a basic 2D vector type. (This will work in 3D, just add a z coord.)
To move a fixed distance in a given direction, simply take some starting point and add the direction vector scaled by a scalar amount. Like this:
typedef struct point2D {
float x;
float y;
} point2D; //Notice any similarities here?
point2D somePoint = { someX, someY };
vec2 someDirection = { someDirectionX, someDirectionY };
float someScale = 5.0;
point2D newPoint;
newPoint.x = somePoint.x + someScale * someDirection.x;
newPoint.y = somePoint.y + someScale * someDirection.y;
The newPoint will be 5 units in the direction of someDirection. Note that you'll probably want to normalize someDirection before using it in this manner, so it's length is 1.0:
void normalize (vec2* vec)
float mag = sqrt(vec->x * vec->x + vec->y * vec->y);
// TODO: Deal with mag being 0
vec->x /= mag;
vec->y /= mag;
I have a 2D convex polygon in 3D space and a function to measure the area of the polygon.
public double area() {
if (vertices.size() >= 3) {
double area = 0;
Vector3 origin = vertices.get(0);
Vector3 prev = vertices.get(1).clone();
for (int i = 2; i < vertices.size(); i++) {
Vector3 current = vertices.get(i).clone();
Vector3 cross = prev.cross(current);
area += cross.magnitude();
prev = current;
area /= 2;
return area;
} else {
return 0;
To test that this method works at all orientations of the polygon I had my program rotate it a little bit each iteration and calculate the area. Like so...
Face f = poly.getFaces().get(0);
for (int i = 0; i < f.size(); i++) {
Vector3 v = f.getVertex(i);
v.rotate(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f);
if (blah % 1000 == 0)
System.out.println(blah + ":\t" + f.area());
My method seems correct when testing with a 20x20 square. However the rotate method (a method in the Vector3 class) seems to introduce some error into the position of each vertex in the polygon, which affects the area calculation. Here is the Vector3.rotate() method
public void rotate(double xAngle, double yAngle, double zAngle) {
double oldY = y;
double oldZ = z;
y = oldY * Math.cos(xAngle) - oldZ * Math.sin(xAngle);
z = oldY * Math.sin(xAngle) + oldZ * Math.cos(xAngle);
oldZ = z;
double oldX = x;
z = oldZ * Math.cos(yAngle) - oldX * Math.sin(yAngle);
x = oldZ * Math.sin(yAngle) + oldX * Math.cos(yAngle);
oldX = x;
oldY = y;
x = oldX * Math.cos(zAngle) - oldY * Math.sin(zAngle);
y = oldX * Math.sin(zAngle) + oldY * Math.cos(zAngle);
Here is the output for my program in the format "iteration: area":
0: 400.0
1000: 399.9999999999981
2000: 399.99999999999744
3000: 399.9999999999959
4000: 399.9999999999924
5000: 399.9999999999912
6000: 399.99999999999187
7000: 399.9999999999892
8000: 399.9999999999868
9000: 399.99999999998664
10000: 399.99999999998386
11000: 399.99999999998283
12000: 399.99999999998215
13000: 399.9999999999805
14000: 399.99999999998016
15000: 399.99999999997897
16000: 399.9999999999782
17000: 399.99999999997715
18000: 399.99999999997726
19000: 399.9999999999769
20000: 399.99999999997584
Since this is intended to eventually be for a physics engine I would like to know how I can minimise the cumulative error since the Vector3.rotate() method will be used on a very regular basis.
A couple of odd notes:
The error is proportional to the amount rotated. ie. bigger rotation per iteration -> bigger error per iteration.
There is more error when passing doubles to the rotate function than when passing it floats.
You'll always have some cumulative error with repeated floating point trig operations — that's just how they work. To deal with it, you basically have two options:
Just ignore it. Note that, in your example, after 20,000 iterations(!) the area is still accurate down to 13 decimal places. That's not bad, considering that doubles can only store about 16 decimal places to begin with.
Indeed, plotting your graph, the area of your square seems to be going down more or less linearly:
This makes sense, assuming that the effective determinant of your approximate rotation matrix is about 1 − 3.417825 × 10-18, which is well within normal double precision floating point error range of one. If that's the case, the area of your square would continue a very slow exponential decay towards zero, such that you'd need about two billion (2 × 109) 7.3 × 1014 iterations to get the area down to 399. Assuming 100 iterations per second, that's about seven and a half months 230 thousand years.
Edit: When I first calculated how long it would take for the area to reach 399, it seems I made a mistake and somehow managed to overestimate the decay rate by a factor of about 400,000(!). I've corrected the mistake above.
If you still feel you don't want any cumulative error, the answer is simple: don't iterate floating point rotations. Instead, have your object store its current orientation in a member variable, and use that information to always rotate the object from its original orientation to its current one.
This is simple in 2D, since you just have to store an angle. In 3D, I'd suggest storing either a quaternion or a matrix, and occasionally rescaling it so that its norm / determinant stays approximately one (and, if you're using a matrix to represent the orientation of a rigid body, that it remains approximately orthogonal).
Of course, this approach won't eliminate cumulative error in the orientation of the object, but the rescaling does ensure that the volume, area and/or shape of the object won't be affected.
You say there is cumulative error but I don't believe there is (note how your output desn't always go down) and the rest of the error is just due to rounding and loss of precision in a float.
I did work on a 2d physics engine in university (in java) and found double to be more precise (of course it is see oracles datatype sizes
In short you will never get rid of this behaviour you just have to accept the limitations of precision
Now I look at your .area function there is possibly some cumulative due to
+= cross.magnitude
but I have to say that whole function looks a bit odd. Why does it need to know the previous vertices to calculate the current area?
I've been working on a top down car game for quite a while now, and it seems it always comes back to being able to do one thing properly. In my instance it's getting my car physics properly done.
I'm having a problem with my current rotation not being handled properly. I know the problem lies in the fact that my magnitude is 0 while multiplying it by Math.cos/sin direction, but I simply have no idea how to fix it.
This is the current underlying code.
private void move(int deltaTime) {
double secondsElapsed = (deltaTime / 1000.0);// seconds since last update
double speed = velocity.magnitude();
double magnitude = 0;
if (up)
magnitude = 100.0;
if (down)
magnitude = -100.0;
if (right)
direction += rotationSpeed * (speed/topspeed);// * secondsElapsed;
if (left)
direction -= rotationSpeed * (speed/topspeed);// * secondsElapsed;
double dir = Math.toRadians(direction - 90);
acceleration = new Vector2D(magnitude * Math.cos(dir), magnitude * Math.sin(dir));
Vector2D deltaA = acceleration.scale(secondsElapsed);
velocity = velocity.add(deltaA);
if (speed < 1.5 && speed != 0)
Vector2D deltaP = velocity.scale(secondsElapsed);
position = position.add(deltaP);
My vector class emulates vector basics - including addition subtraction, multiplying by scalars... etc.
To re-iterate the underlying problem - that is magnitude * Math.cos(dir) = 0 when magnitude is 0, thus when a player only presses right or left arrow keys with no 'acceleration' direction doesn't change.
If anyone needs more information you can find it at,23930.0.html
Yes, those physics calculations are all mixed up. The fundamental problem is that, as you've realized, multiplying the acceleration by the direction is wrong. This is because your "direction" is not just the direction the car is accelerating; it's the direction the car is moving.
The easiest way to straighten this out is to start by considering acceleration and steering separately. First, acceleration: For this, you've just got a speed, and you've got "up" and "down" keys. For that, the code looks like this (including your threshold code to reduce near-zero speeds to zero):
if (up)
acceleration = 100.0;
if (down)
acceleration = -100.0;
speed += acceleration * secondsElapsed;
if (abs(speed) < 1.5) speed = 0;
Separately, you have steering, which changes the direction of the car's motion -- that is, it changes the unit vector you multiply the speed by to get the velocity. I've also taken the liberty of modifying your variable names a little bit to look more like the acceleration part of the code, and clarify what they mean.
if (right)
rotationRate = maxRotationSpeed * (speed/topspeed);
if (left)
rotationRate = maxRotationSpeed * (speed/topspeed);
direction += rotationRate * secondsElapsed;
double dir = Math.toRadians(direction - 90);
velocity = new Vector2D(speed * Math.cos(dir), speed * Math.sin(dir));
You can simply combine these two pieces, using the speed from the first part in the velocity computation from the second part, to get a complete simple acceleration-and-steering simulation.
Since you asked about acceleration as a vector, here is an alternate solution which would compute things that way.
First, given the velocity (a Vector2D value), let's suppose you can compute a direction from it. I don't know your syntax, so here's a sketch of what that might be:
double forwardDirection = Math.toDegrees(velocity.direction()) + 90;
This is the direction the car is pointing. (Cars are always pointing in the direction of their velocity.)
Then, we get the components of the acceleration. First, the front-and-back part of the acceleration, which is pretty simple:
double forwardAcceleration = 0;
if (up)
forwardAcceleration = 100;
if (down)
forwardAcceleration = -100;
The acceleration due to steering is a little more complicated. If you're going around in a circle, the magnitude of the acceleration towards the center of that circle is equal to the speed squared divided by the circle's radius. And, if you're steering left, the acceleration is to the left; if you're steering right, it's to the right. So:
double speed = velocity.magnitude();
double leftAcceleration = 0;
if (right)
leftAcceleration = ((speed * speed) / turningRadius);
if (left)
leftAcceleration = -((speed * speed) / turningRadius);
Now, you have a forwardAcceleration value that contains the acceleration in the forward direction (negative for backward), and a leftAcceleration value that contains the acceleration in the leftward direction (negative for rightward). Let's convert that into an acceleration vector.
First, some additional direction variables, which we use to make unit vectors (primarily to make the code easy to explain):
double leftDirection = forwardDirection + 90;
double fDir = Math.toRadians(forwardDirection - 90);
double ldir = Math.toRadians(leftDirection - 90);
Vector2D forwardUnitVector = new Vector2D(Math.cos(fDir), Math.sin(fDir));
Vector2D leftUnitVector = new Vector2D(Math.cos(lDir), Math.sin(lDir));
Then, you can create the acceleration vector by assembling the forward and leftward pieces, like so:
Vector2D acceleration = forwardUnitVector.scale(forwardAcceleration);
acceleration = acceleration.add(leftUnitVector.scale(leftAcceleration));
Okay, so that's your acceleration. You convert that to a change in velocity like so (note that the correct term for this is deltaV, not deltaA):
Vector2D deltaV = acceleration.scale(secondsElapsed);
velocity = velocity.add(deltaV).
Finally, you probably want to know what direction the car is headed (for purposes of drawing it on screen), so you compute that from the new velocity:
double forwardDirection = Math.toDegrees(velocity.direction()) + 90;
And there you have it -- the physics computation done with acceleration as a vector, rather than using a one-dimensional speed that rotates with the car.
(This version is closer to what you were initially trying to do, so let me analyze a bit of where you went wrong. The part of the acceleration that comes from up/down is always in a direction that is pointed the way the car is pointed; it does not turn with the steering until the car turns. Meanwhile, the part of the acceleration that comes from steering is always purely to the left or right, and its magnitude has nothing to do with the front/back acceleration -- and, in particular, its magnitude can be nonzero even when the front/back acceleration is zero. To get the total acceleration vector, you need to compute these two parts separately and add them together as vectors.)
Neither of these computations are completely precise. In this one, you compute the "forward" and "left" directions from where the car started, but the car is rotating and so those directions change over the timestep. Thus, the deltaV = acceleration * time equation is only an estimate and will produce a slightly wrong answer. The other solution has similar inaccuracies -- but one of the reasons that the other solution is better is that, in this one, the small errors mean that the speed will increase if you steer the car left and right, even if you don't touch the "up" key -- whereas, in the other one, that sort of cross-error doesn't happen because we keep the speed and steering separate.