String re = "inCart";
String sre = "Sold";
resultSetP = statement.executeQuery("select * from shoppingcart where proStatus='" + re + "' and customerID='" + this.customerID + "'");
while ( {
int ed = statement.executeUpdate("update shoppingcart set proStatus='" + sre + "' where proStatus='" + re + "' and customerID='" + this.customerID + "'");
resultSetS = statement.executeQuery("select * from shoppingcart where serStatus='" + re + "' and customerID='" + this.customerID + "'");
while ( {
int efd = statement.executeUpdate("update shoppingcart set serStatus='" + sre + "' where serStatus='" + re + "' and customerID='" + this.customerID + "'");
In your code you write inside the loop conditions maybe it should be or
Try using resultSet.hasNext() instead of So effectively your code should be like the below while iterating through the resultset
while (resultset.hasNext()) {;
//Your query
I want to move to the other frame if the query result is empty. How can I check if the query is empty?
String query2 ="Select* from biletbilgileri where Filminİsmi='" + filmKoltuk + "'" +
" " + "and" + " " + "SeansTarihi='" + SeansTarihKoltuk + "'" + " " + "and" + " " +
"SeansSaati='" + SeansSaatKoltuk + "'";
Statement stmt1=conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs1=stmt1.executeQuery(query2);;
tesekkurEkrani1.setSize(1000,500); }
else {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "This chair isn't empty!");
You want to use SQL count(*) in the query select count(*) from biletbilgileri .... If the returned value is 0, there are no rows returned by your original query.
String query2 = "select count(*) from biletbilgileri ...";
ResultSet rs1 = stmt1.executeQuery(query2);;
int count = rs1.getInt(1);
if (count == 0) {
// empty
When you call;, it returns a boolean. If the boolean is false, it means there are no more rows. so I think you want to do this:
boolean notEmpty =;
if(notEmpty )
This code serves to update a customer's data in sql. How I can simplify this code? Is there another way to do this?
if (!clienteOld.getNome().equalsIgnoreCase(clienteNew.getNome())) {
stmt.executeUpdate("UPDATE CLIENTES SET NOME = '" + clienteNew.getNome() + "' WHERE ID = " + id1 + ";");
criarLog("Ficha do cliente: " + clienteOld.getNome() + " foi atualizada -- NOME=" + clienteNew.getNome());
if (!clienteOld.getDataNascimento().equalsIgnoreCase(clienteNew.getDataNascimento())) {
stmt.executeUpdate("UPDATE CLIENTES SET DATA_NASCI = '" + clienteNew.getDataNascimento() + "' WHERE ID = " + id1 + ";");
criarLog("Ficha do cliente: " + clienteOld.getNome() + " foi atualizada -- DATA NASCIMENTO=" + clienteNew.getDataNascimento());
if (!clienteOld.getMorada().equalsIgnoreCase(clienteNew.getMorada())) {
stmt.executeUpdate("UPDATE CLIENTES SET MORADA = '" + clienteNew.getMorada() + "' WHERE ID = " + id1 + ";");
criarLog("Ficha do cliente: " + clienteOld.getNome() + " foi atualizada -- MORADA=" + clienteNew.getMorada());
if (!clienteOld.getPais().equalsIgnoreCase(clienteNew.getPais())) {
stmt.executeUpdate("UPDATE CLIENTES SET PAIS = '" + clienteNew.getPais() + "' WHERE ID = " + id1 + ";");
criarLog("Ficha do cliente: " + clienteOld.getNome() + " foi atualizada -- PAIS=" + clienteNew.getPais());
if (!clienteOld.getNacionalidade().equalsIgnoreCase(clienteNew.getNacionalidade())) {
stmt.executeUpdate("UPDATE CLIENTES SET NACIONALIDADE = '" + clienteNew.getNacionalidade() + "' WHERE ID = " + id1 + ";");
criarLog("Ficha do cliente: " + clienteOld.getNome() + " foi atualizada -- NACIONALIDADE=" + clienteNew.getNacionalidade());
if (!clienteOld.getBI().equalsIgnoreCase(clienteNew.getBI())) {
stmt.executeUpdate("UPDATE CLIENTES SET BI = '" + clienteNew.getBI() + "' WHERE ID = " + id1 + ";");
criarLog("Ficha do cliente: " + clienteOld.getNome() + " foi atualizada -- BI=" + clienteNew.getBI());
if (!clienteOld.getTipoIndentificaçao().equalsIgnoreCase(clienteNew.getTipoIndentificaçao())) {
stmt.executeUpdate("UPDATE CLIENTES SET TIPO_IDENT = '" + clienteNew.getTipoIndentificaçao() + "' WHERE ID = " + id1 + ";");
criarLog("Ficha do cliente: " + clienteOld.getNome() + " foi atualizada -- TIPO IDENTIFICAÇAO=" + clienteNew.getTipoIndentificaçao());
Try this logic:
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("UPDATE CLIENTES SET ");
Map<String, String> cols = new HashMap<>();
if (!clienteOld.getNome().equalsIgnoreCase(clienteNew.getNome())) {
cols.put("NOME", clienteNew.getNome());
if (!clienteOld.getDataNascimento().equalsIgnoreCase(clienteNew.getDataNascimento())) {
cols.put("DATA_NASCI", clienteNew.getDataNascimento());
// and the other if statements
Then you can iterate the map and build your actual update statement:
int cnt = 0;
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : cols.entrySet()) {
if (cnt > 0) sql.append(", ");
sql.append(entry.getKey()).append(" = '").append(entry.getValue()).append("'");
sql.append(" WHERE ID = ").append(id1).append(";");
But note that this approach is not SQL injection safe. If these values are coming from the outside, e.g. a UI, then you should absolutely be using a prepared statement. There is nothing inherently wrong with using a separate statement for each if condition. I only answered to show that you can cleanup your current approach, should it be appropriate.
if (!oldClient.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(newClient.getName())) {
stmt.executeUpdate("UPDATE CLIENTS SET NAME = '" + newClient.getName() +
"' WHERE ID = " + id1 + ";");
if (!oldClient.getBirthDate().equalsIgnoreCase(newClient.getBirthDate())) {
stmt.executeUpdate("UPDATE CLIENTS SET BIRTH = '" + newClient.getBirthDate() +
"' WHERE ID = " + id1 + ";");
can be rewritten as
if (!oldClient.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(newClient.getName()) ||
!oldClient.getBirthDate().equalsIgnoreCase(newClient.getBirthDate())) {
stmt.executeUpdate("UPDATE CLIENTS SET NAME = '" + newClient.getName() +
"', BIRTH = '" + newClient.getBirthDate() +
"' WHERE ID = " + id1 + ";");
This will perform better because it executes one SQL statement instead of two. The fact that you are possibly setting two columns when only one needs to be set is probably of little consequence, compared with that.
If you try to "optimize" the number of columns set, the code is more complicated; see Tim's answer.
This should probably be done with a PreparedStatement and statement parameters to avoid SQL injection. If you follow the above pattern, the changes needed to use a PreparedStatement are straight forward.
First, you can use one query to update every fields :
+ "MORADA = '" + clienteNew.getMorada() + "'"
+ "PAIS = '" + clienteNew.getPais() + "'"
+ "NACIONALIDADE = '" + clienteNew.getNacionalidade() + "'"
+ "BI = '" + clienteNew.getBI() + "'"
+ "TIPO_IDENT = '" + clienteNew.getTipoIndentificaçao() + "'"
+ "WHERE ID = " + id1 + ";"
Please use a PreparedStatement instead of this, this would be much safer !
All you have to do is check if only one field have changed (to prevent the transaction doing nothing) using a condition check each field :
if (!clienteOld.getNome().equalsIgnoreCase(clienteNew.getNome()))
|| (clienteOld.getDataNascimento().equalsIgnoreCase(clienteNew.getDataNascimento()))
|| (!clienteOld.getMorada().equalsIgnoreCase(clienteNew.getMorada()))
|| (!clienteOld.getPais().equalsIgnoreCase(clienteNew.getPais()))
|| (!clienteOld.getNacionalidade().equalsIgnoreCase(clienteNew.getNacionalidade()))
|| (!clienteOld.getBI().equalsIgnoreCase(clienteNew.getBI()))
|| (!clienteOld.getTipoIndentificaçao().equalsIgnoreCase(clienteNew.getTipoIndentificaçao()))
This can be a bit verbose ... so why not reduce this code a bit using Stream and some function references to compare and build a map of value to update :
First, the class Bean for our example :
class Bean {
String firstname, lastname;
public Bean(String firstname, String lastname) {
this.firstname = firstname;
this.lastname = lastname;
public String getFirstname() {
return firstname;
public String getLastname() {
return lastname;
Then, let's create a mapping of Column name and Function, the function will allow us to use the getters of Bean :
Map<String, Function<Bean, String>> functions = new HashMap<>();
functions.put("FIRSTNAME", Bean::getFirstname);
functions.put("LASTNAME", Bean::getLastname);
Then, using final instance (to be used in a Predicate)
final Bean clienteNew = new Bean("Foo", "Bar");
final Bean clienteOld = new Bean("Foo", "Boo");
Map<String, String> values = functions.entrySet()
//filter only the value that changed between clienteOld and clienteNew
.filter(entry -> !entry.getValue().apply(clienteOld).equals(entry.getValue().apply(clienteNew)))
//then collect the map `name -> new value`
.collect(Collectors.toMap(e -> e.getKey(), e -> e.getValue().apply(clienteNew)));
This will give you a Map<String, String> that can be used to create a PreparedStatement with only the column we want/need to edit.
If you have a new field, just need to add the mapping in the functions map and you are good to go. (this become a bit more complex with primitive type...)
I was wondering if someone here could help me, I can't find a solution for my problem and I have tried everything.
What I am trying to do is read and parse lines in a csv file into java objects and I have succeeded in doing that but after it reads all the lines it should insert the lines into the database but it only inserts the 1st line the entire time and I don't no why. When I do a print it shows that it is reading all the lines and placing them in the objects but as soon as I do the insert it wants to insert only the 1st line.
Please see my code below:
public boolean lineReader(File file){
BufferedReader br = null;
String line= "";
String splitBy = ",";
storeList = new ArrayList<StoreFile>();
try {
br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
while((line = br.readLine())!=null){
line = line.replace('|', ',');
//split on pipe ( | )
String[] array = line.split(splitBy, 14);
//Add values from csv to store object
//Add values from csv to storeF objects
StoreFile StoreF = new StoreFile();
if (array[0].equals("H") || array[0].equals("T")) {
return false;
} else {
StoreF.setRetailID(array[1].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setStoreID(array[3].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setStoreName(array[4].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setAddress1(array[5].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setAddress2(array[6].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setAddress3(array[7].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setProvince(array[8].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setAddress4(array[9].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setCountry(array[10].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setCurrency(array[11].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setAddress5(array[12].replaceAll("/", ""));
StoreF.setTelNo(array[13].replaceAll("/", ""));
//Add stores to list
} //print list stores in file
} catch (Exception ex) {
nmtbatchservice.NMTBatchService2.LOG.error("An exception accoured: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
//copy to error folder
return false;
public void printStoreList(List<StoreFile> storeListToPrint) {
for(int i = 0; i <storeListToPrint.size();i++){
System.out.println( storeListToPrint.get(i).getRetailID()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getChain()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getStoreID()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getStoreName()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getAddress1()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getAddress2()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getAddress3()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getProvince()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getAddress4()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getCountry()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getCurrency()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getAddress5()
+ storeListToPrint.get(i).getTelNo());
public void unzip(String source, String destination) {
try {
ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(source);
} catch (ZipException ex) {
nmtbatchservice.NMTBatchService2.LOG.error("Error unzipping file : " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
public void deleteStoreFile(String directory) {
try {
File file = new File(directory);
} catch (Exception ex) {
nmtbatchservice.NMTBatchService2.LOG.error("An exception accoured when trying to delete file " + directory + " : " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
public void executeStoredPro(List<StoreFile> storeListToInsert) {
Connection con = null;
CallableStatement st = null;
try {
String connectionURL = MSSQLConnectionURL;
con = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionURL, MSSQLUsername, MSSQLPassword);
for(int i = 0; i <storeListToInsert.size();i++){
st = con.prepareCall( "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tblPay#RetailStores WHERE StoreID = " + storeListToInsert.get(i).getStoreID() + " AND RetailID = "+ storeListToInsert.get(i).getRetailID() + ")"
+ " UPDATE tblPay#RetailStores "
+ " SET RetailID = '" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getRetailID() + "',"
+ " StoreID = '" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getStoreID() + "',"
+ " StoreName = '" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getStoreName() + "',"
+ " TestStore = 0,"
+ " Address1 = '" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getAddress1() + "',"
+ " Address2 = '" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getAddress2() + "',"
+ " Address3 = '" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getAddress3() + "',"
+ " Address4 = '" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getAddress4() + "',"
+ " Address5 = '" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getAddress5() + "',"
+ " Province = '" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getProvince() + "',"
+ " TelNo = '" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getTelNo() + "',"
+ " Enabled = 1"
+ " ELSE "
+ " INSERT INTO tblPay#RetailStores ( [RetailID], [StoreID], [StoreName], [TestStore], [Address1], [Address2], [Address3], [Address4], [Address5], [Province], [TelNo] , [Enabled] ) "
+ " VALUES "
+ "('" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getRetailID() + "',"
+ "'" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getStoreID() + "',"
+ "'" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getStoreName() + "',"
+ "0,"
+ "'" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getAddress1() + "',"
+ "'" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getAddress2() + "',"
+ "'" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getAddress3() + "',"
+ "'" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getAddress4() + "',"
+ "'" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getAddress5() + "',"
+ "'" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getProvince() + "',"
+ "'" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getTelNo() + "',"
+ "1)");
} catch (Exception ex) {
nmtbatchservice.NMTBatchService2.LOG.error("Error executing Stored proc with error : " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
nmtbatchservice.NMTBatchService2.mailingQueue.addToQueue(new Mail("", "Service Email Error", "An error occurred during Store Import failed with error : " + ex.getMessage()));
Any advise would be appreciated.
Formatting aside, your code is wrong (I truncated the part of the query):
for(int i = 0; i <storeListToInsert.size();i++){
st = con.prepareCall( "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tblPay#RetailStores ...
+ "'" + storeListToInsert.get(i).getTelNo() + "',"
+ "1)");
Don't do a classical for loop while foreach exists and can be better to use, and even if you do a classical for loop, use local variables, eg:
for(int i = 0; i <storeListToInsert.size();i++){
StoreFile item = storeListToInsert.get(i);
st = con.prepareCall( "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tblPay#RetailStores ...
+ "'" + item.getTelNo() + "',"
+ "1)");
Which could translate as:
for (StoreFile item : storeListToInsert) {
st = con.prepareCall( "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tblPay#RetailStores ...
+ "'" + item.getTelNo() + "',"
+ "1)");
Now, the second problem is your PreparedStatement. A PreparedStatement allow reusing, which means you don't need to create PreparedStatement per item which is what you are doing.
Also, you need to close the statement otherwise, you will exhaust resources..
You must not create it in the for loop, but before, like this:
PreparedStatement st = null;
try {
st = con.prepareCall( "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tblPay#RetailStores ...
+ "SET RetailID = :RetailID ,"
+ "1)");
for (StoreFile item : storeListToInsert) {
st.setString(":RetailID", item.getRetailID());
} finally {
if (null != st) {st.close();}
In brief:
You need to close the PreparedStatement after usage, because it is a memory leak otherwise.
You need to rewrite your query using either named parameters, either positional parameter (like: ? or ?1 for first parameter, and so on). I favor named parameters, but they are not always available. The example I linked all use positional parameters.
You need to set the value for each parameters in the for loop, and care about the type. I expected here that getRetailID() is a String, but it might be a Long in that case that would be st.setLong.
Your query is reusable, avoiding the need to reparse it/resend it to the SQL Server. You just send the parameter's values. Beside, you can also batch update.
A PreparedStatement for a statement that you generate (like you are doing) is overkill, and beside, it is missing SQL escapement to protect the String you inject to your query to avoid it being badly interpreted (aka SQL errors) or worst, to do what it was not intended for (like, even if it is far fetched, dropping the whole database, etc).
The executeUpdate() return the number of updated rows. You can check it to see if there was updates.
You can also use Batch statement, which can help performances.
And finally, you can use opencsv to parse common CSV files.
if (e.getSource() == btn_updt) {
try {
String str = "img";
int max_avail;
double price;
Frame f = new Frame();
Connection con;
.registerDriver(new sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver());
con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:dsnproj", "", "");
Statement s = con.createStatement();
// int mno=Integer.parseInt(txt_contcno.getText());
price = Double.parseDouble(txt_price.getText());
max_avail = Integer.parseInt(txt_qty_avl.getText());
String qry_up = "update category set prod_name='"
+ txt_pro_nm.getText() + "',desc='"
+ txt_pro_desc.getText() + "',photo='" + str
+ "',max_quan_avail=" + max_avail + ",cur_price="
+ price + ",per='" + ch_weight.getSelectedItem()
+ "' where p_name='" + ch_pro_nm.getSelectedItem()
+ "'";
// JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(f,
// "Updates Successfully : ","A plain message",JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
} catch (Exception ae) {
return result;
and i got error as:
update category set prod_name='jjhhj',desc='jjjh',photo='img',max_quan_avail=88,cur_price=99.0,per='piece' where p_name='brush' [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in UPDATE statement.
please help me...
Since DESC is a keyword, you must surround it with [].
Use this for your query:
String qry_up = "update category set prod_name='"
+ txt_pro_nm.getText() + "',[desc]='"
+ txt_pro_desc.getText() + "',photo='" + str
+ "',max_quan_avail=" + max_avail + ",cur_price="
+ price + ",per='" + ch_weight.getSelectedItem()
+ "' where p_name='" + ch_pro_nm.getSelectedItem()
+ "'";
i'm trying to update paradox table from java but i'm getting an Exception
java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Paradox Driver] Operation must use an updateable query.
java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Paradox Driver] Operation must use an updateable query.
java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Paradox Driver] Operation must use an updateable query.
I'm using this code:
private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
try {
Connection paradoxCon = paradox.createConnection();
Results res = new Results();
if (res.allRes.isEmpty()) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(mainPanel, "There are no Finished or Postponed Games!", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
} else {
int y = res.allRes.size();
for (int x = 0; x < y; x = x + 1) {
try {
if (res.getAll().get(x).Reversed == 0) {
if (res.getAll().get(x).Status.equals("Fin")) {
String sql = "UPDATE Kvote SET _45_d = '" + res.getAll().get(x).HThome + "', _45_g = '" + res.getAll().get(x).HTaway + "', _90_d= '" + res.getAll().get(x).FThome + "', _90_g = '" + res.getAll().get(x).FTaway + "', Ok='Y' WHERE Kolo = '" + res.getAll().get(x).tRound + "' AND Sifra='" + res.getAll().get(x).TID + "'";
PreparedStatement ps = paradoxCon.prepareStatement(sql);
if (res.getAll().get(x).Status.equals("Post")) {
String sql = "UPDATE Kvote SET _45_d = '" + res.getAll().get(x).HThome + "', _45_g = '" + res.getAll().get(x).HTaway + "', _90_d= '" + res.getAll().get(x).FThome + "', _90_g = '" + res.getAll().get(x).FTaway + "', Ok='O' WHERE Kolo = '" + res.getAll().get(x).tRound + "' AND Sifra='" + res.getAll().get(x).TID + "'";
PreparedStatement ps = paradoxCon.prepareStatement(sql);
if (res.getAll().get(x).Reversed == 1) {
if (res.getAll().get(x).Status.equals("Fin")) {
String sql = "UPDATE Kvote SET _45_d = '" + res.getAll().get(x).HTaway + "', _45_g = '" + res.getAll().get(x).HThome + "', _90_d= '" + res.getAll().get(x).FTaway + "', _90_g = '" + res.getAll().get(x).FThome + "', Ok='Y' WHERE Kolo = '" + res.getAll().get(x).tRound + "' AND Sifra='" + res.getAll().get(x).TID + "'";
PreparedStatement ps = paradoxCon.prepareStatement(sql);
if (res.getAll().get(x).Status.equals("Post")) {
String sql = "UPDATE Kvote SET _45_d = '" + res.getAll().get(x).HTaway + "', _45_g = '" + res.getAll().get(x).HThome + "', _90_d= '" + res.getAll().get(x).FTaway + "', _90_g = '" + res.getAll().get(x).FThome + "', Ok='O' WHERE Kolo = '" + res.getAll().get(x).tRound + "' AND Sifra='" + res.getAll().get(x).TID + "'";
PreparedStatement ps = paradoxCon.prepareStatement(sql);
} catch (Exception ex) {
} catch (ParseException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(AutoResultsImporterView.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
I Solve the problem using INTERSOLV 3.11 32-BIT ParadoxFile (*.db) driver
I created an System DSN Data Source Using this driver and connect to this Data Source