I'm running 9 JUnit (Spockframework actually) tests in Intellij IDEA.
It takes about 3 seconds.
I want to make use of all of the cores, therefore I switch test configuration fork mode - class.
Edit configurations > Fork mode > class
This causes build time to grow to 8 seconds. Trying to use fork mode method makes it 22 seconds.
Also test runner process looks like they are being run sequentially instead of in parallel.
Any ideas on why doesn't forking tests work as expected?
Forking just means you will get a separate process for each test run, but the process wilt not necessarily run in parallel.
From what I've seen, the JUnit plugin does not have an option to run tests in parallel. If you're using Gradle, use the maxParallelForks option as shown in the docs (and you probably know it, but you can run Gradle tasks directly from IntelliJ).
If you use Maven, try the -t option.
You can give this plugin a try: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/16229-unit-test-parallel-runner
If you run unit tests in a single class, it runs all the test methods in parallel, if you run unit tests in many classes, it runs classes in parralel but methods in a single class are run in serial (it's faster this way unless you have a really high end machine).
I have configured unit testing for AndroidStudio as described on the Android documentation (http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/unit-testing-support).
I would like to run every test method in its own JVM, so all static properties in my project are set back to their default values.
I couldn't find anything about this in the documentation and I'm afraid this is not possible yet.
I'm running my tests from the command line (gradlew --daemon test) as I didn't get the testrunner in Android Studio to work.
Does anyone know how to fork every testmethod in its own jvm process, so they run 'standalone'? Please let me know if this is possible or if there are alternative ways to run every testmethod in it's own process using gradle.
Thats easy. In your test task set
forkEvery 1
That will cause a new jvm to be forked for every single test.
In an ant based java project in Netbeans, unit tests take for ever to complete. How do I spead up the unit tests. Eclipse runs the same tests quite fast and same is the case on the command-line.
Open the netbeans options window.
Go to Java -> Ant tab.
Add a new property junit.forkmode=once.
Apply and rerun the tests, you'll notice the tests run significantly faster.
For more detail about for attribute please read.
Running junit from ant beware the fork attribute
This may cause Permgen space problem. To fix that add a vm argument in the project properties dialog box.
-Xms128m -Xmx1536m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
How significant is the improvement ?
Here are the results for a project with 11,751 unit tests.
Test run without the junit.forkmode
Total time: 40 minutes 17 seconds
Test run with junit.forkmode=once
Total time: 4 minutes 31 seconds
Not specific to ant, rather than a general suggestion:
Download the latest Netbeans
Remove all the plugins you don't need
Use the latest version of Java
Specifically for every project - remove unused jars (worth reviewing
your target dependency tree from time to time)
I have an eclipse application, where in i can create projects and perform some operations. I have written a test cases using Junit for some functions. To run these test functions, i am doing Right click on test class and Run as Junit Plug-in test and it is working properly. I am unable to do both the things at the same time. What i need is to run my eclipse application and Junit plug-in test simultaneously without human intervention. Junit plug-in test has to be done at run time. If there is a way to do that, then please suggest me the solution.
When you run it as Junit plugin test, then it already launches your eclipse plugins (and application), so there is absolutely no need to try to launch an additional application.
What probably confuses you, is that the test run and the "normal" manual run use two different workspaces. So if you try to access some files in your test which you created during normal operation, they will not exist. But you should never rely on such things, instead you have to create the necessary artifacts in the test setup method.
I have a large suite of tests that takes about half an hour to run and would love to be able to the test classes in parallel.
Is there a way to do that with IntelliJ IDEA 9?
IDEA will understand parallel JUnit tests only since version 10.
There is a tracker issue which you can vote for and watch for progress:
We plan to add it in IDEA 10, but the priority would depend on the number of votes.
Answering late for posterity.
You can make JUnit tests run in parallel (or serial) to any level of granularity in IntelliJ by changing the Fork mode in the test's run configuration.
Be careful not to confuse this with the Allow parallel run option, which lets you start the test execution multiple times within your IDE.
UPDATE in 2022: This plugin lets you run and debug tests in parallel in IntelliJ IDEA with JUnit4, JUnit5 and TestNG: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/16229-unit-test-parallel-runner
If you are using JUnit4, you can give this plugin a try:
Running tests in parallel is as easy as clicking on the green triangle next to a
class -> all the test methods in the class are run in parallel
package -> all the classes in the package are run in parallel
What GUI should use to run my JUnit tests, and how exactly do I do that? My entire background is in .NET, so I'm used to just firing up my NUnit gui and running my unit tests. If the lights are green, I'm clean.
Now, I have to write some Java code and want to run something similar using JUnit. The JUnit documentation is nice and clear about adding the attributes necessary to create tests, but its pretty lean on how to fire up a runner and see the results of those tests.
JUnit stopped having graphical runners following the release of JUnit 4.
If you do have an earlier version of JUnit you can use a graphical test runner by entering on the command line[1]:
java junit.swingui.TestRunner [optional TestClass]
With the optional test class the specified tests will run straight away. Without it you can enter the class into the GUI.
The benefits of running your tests this way is that you don't have the overhead of an entire IDE (if you're not already running one). However, if you're already working in an IDE such as Eclipse, the integration is excellent and is a lot less hassle to get the test running.
If you do have JUnit 4, and really don't want to use an IDE to run the tests, or want textual feedback, you can run the text UI test runner. In a similar vein as earlier, this can be done by entering on the command line[1]:
java junit.textui.TestRunner [TestClass]
Though in this case the TestClass is not optional, for obvious reasons.
[1] assuming you're in the correct working directory and the classpath has been setup, which may be out of scope for this answer
Eclipse is by-far the best I've used. Couple JUnit with a code coverage plug-in and Eclipse will probably be the best unit-tester.
There's a standalone JUnit runner that has a UI, but I recommend using one of the builtin test runners in the Java IDEs (Eclipse, Netbeans, and IntelliJ all have good ones). They all support JUnit, and most support TestNG as well.
If you want a standalone test runner (not the build-in IDE one), then for Junit3 you can use
junit.textui.TestRunner %your_class% - command line based runner
junit.swingui.TestRunner [%your_class%] - runner with user interface (swing-powered)
For Junit4, the UI-powered runners were removed and so far I haven't found a convenient solution to run new Junit4 tests on old swing-powered runner without additional libraries. But you can use JUnit 4 Extensions that provides a workaround to use junit.swingui.TestRunner. More here
Why you need a GUI runner? Can't you just run the tests from the IDE itself?
In .Net we have TestDriven.net, in Java there must be something equivalent. You can check out IntelliJ IDEA, it has the unit testing support built-in.