Retrieving a reply to a comment from facebook erro (java) - java

I am trying to grab reply to certain comment from facebook using the help from the comment library of restfb and the function getcomments().
After executing my code, it returns me a null rather than a reply to the comment.
Below is my snapshot of my code.
Connection<Comment> allComments = fbClient.fetchConnection(myArr1.get(xy)+"/comments", Comment.class);
for(List<Comment> postcomments : allComments){
for (Comment comment : postcomments){
String commentTemp = comment.getId() +" "+ comment.getFrom().getId() +" "+ comment.getCreatedTime() +" "+ comment.getMessage() +" "+ comment.getLikeCount() +" "+ comment.getComments()+" "+myArr1.get(xy);
All the function returns me the correct value except for the comment.getcomments()

You should use the fetchConnection on the comment-id/comments. This is perhaps a bit expensive, but so you can fetch really all replies.

Hi I am using restfb and found similar problem; the issue is that the connection.getData() returns only the first page of data. I used the iterator and was able to get all the comments.
Please note you would have to do the same thing even for replies of comments; you will need to create a separate connection using comment id, instead of post id and then iterate out the comments in the same way shown below.
Connection<Comment> commentsConnection= fbClient.fetchConnection(post.getId()+"/comments",com.restfb.types.Comment.class);
Iterator<List<Comment>> commentsIterator=commentsConnection.iterator();
List<Comment> comments=;
for(Comment comment:comments)
String message=comment.getMessage();


Retrieve specific data from REST Json response based on condition

I looked at all related posts but I couldn't find what I am looking for.
Verified the query syntax by using and In below code, I get correct response if I print just id. I am looking for title, based on specific userID and id.
Getting "Invalid JSON expression" as o/p. Can anyone pls help here!
public void restPost2(){
RestAssured.baseURI = "";
RequestSpecification req = RestAssured.given().log().all();
String res1 = req.given().when().get().then().extract().asString();
JsonPath js = new JsonPath(res1);
System.out.println("list of Ids : " + js.get("id"));
System.out.println("specific title : " + js.get("(?(#.userId == '3') && ( == '23')).title"));
Following changes will solve your issue.
Use to set json string to be queries
Syntax of jsonPath queries need to be corrected.
suggest you to refer jsonPath documentation again.
Please find a working example
json = <data fetched for the api>
Object x =,"$");
Object y =,"$[?(#.userId == 3 && == 23)]");

View all comments on a YouTube video

I am trying to get all the comments on a YouTube video using a Java program. I cannot get them though as it has the "Show More" instead of all the comments. I'm looking for a way to get all the comments or pages of comments that I can go through. I have a video id and things, just need the comments.
I have tried all_comments instead of watch in the URL but it doesn't show all comments still and redirects to watch again.
I have also looked at the YouTube api and can only find how to get comments with their id but I need to get all comments from a video id.
If anyone knows how to do this please tell me.
I have added a 50 rep bounty for whoever can give me a good answer to this.
You need to get comment threads list request for your video and then scroll forward using next page token from the last response:
private static int counter = 0;
private static YouTube youtube;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// For Auth details consider:
// Also don't forget secrets
List<String> scopes = Lists.newArrayList("");
Credential credential = Auth.authorize(scopes, "commentthreads");
youtube = new YouTube.Builder(Auth.HTTP_TRANSPORT, Auth.JSON_FACTORY, credential).build();
String videoId = "video_id";
// Get video comments threads
CommentThreadListResponse commentsPage = prepareListRequest(videoId).execute();
while (true) {
String nextPageToken = commentsPage.getNextPageToken();
if (nextPageToken == null)
// Get next page of video comments threads
commentsPage = prepareListRequest(videoId).setPageToken(nextPageToken).execute();
System.out.println("Total: " + counter);
private static YouTube.CommentThreads.List prepareListRequest(String videoId) throws Exception {
return youtube.commentThreads()
private static void handleCommentsThreads(List<CommentThread> commentThreads) {
for (CommentThread commentThread : commentThreads) {
List<Comment> comments = Lists.newArrayList();
CommentThreadReplies replies = commentThread.getReplies();
if (replies != null)
System.out.println("Found " + comments.size() + " comments.");
// Do your comments logic here
counter += comments.size();
Consider api-samples, if you need a sample skeleton project.
The situation when you can't get all the comments can be also caused by the quota limits (at least I faced it):
units/day 50,000,000
units/100seconds/user 300,000
This is not a java, python, js, or whatever language specific rules. If you want to get above the quota, you cant try to apply for higher quota. Though, I would start from controlling your throughput. It's very easy to get above the 100seconds/user quota.
try this it can download all the comments for a given video which i have tested.
python --youtubeid YcZkCnPs45s --output OUT
Downloading Youtube comments for video: YcZkCnPs45s
Downloaded 1170 comment(s)
output is in the JSON format:
"text": "+Tony Northrup many thanks for the prompt reply - I'll try that.",
"time": "1 day ago",
"cid": "z13nfbog0ovqyntk322txzjamuensvpch.1455717946638546"

Invalid statement. Please check aliases, field identifiers, projections and query conditions

I'm using Dynamicloud and something is wrong in my code.
This is my code:
DynamicProvider<ContactForm> provider = new DynamicProviderImpl<ContactForm>(new RecordCredential(csk, aci));
Query<ContactForm> query = provider.createQuery(contactFormModel);
try {
RecordResults<ContactForm> list = query.add("contact.namef", "ProBusiness%")).list();
System.out.println("list = " + list.getFastReturnedSize());
if (list.getFastReturnedSize() > 0) {
System.out.println("Contact Name = " + list.getRecords().get(0).getName());
System.out.println("Contact Comments = " + list.getRecords().get(0).getComments());
} catch (DynamicloudProviderException e) {
This code throws the following Exception:
org.dynamicloud.exception.DynamicloudProviderException: Invalid statement. Please check aliases, field identifiers, projections and query conditions.
What's wrong?
The problems is the contact word right before namef in your like condition.
Dynamicloud API provides a method to set the alias of a model. For example, the aliases are used in situations where you need to execute JOINS
The problem is solved by calling the method setAlias from the query object query.setAlias("contact")
Dynamicloud resources about Query class
Hope this helps

Get request parameter with Play Framework?

I am learning play framework and understand that I can map a request such as /manager/user as:
GET /manage/:user Controllers.Application.some(user:String)
How would I map a request like /play/video?video_id=1sh1?
You have at least two possibilities, let's call them approach1 and approach2.
In the first approach you can declare a routes param with some default value. 0 is good candidate, as it will be easiest to build some condition on top of it. Also it's typesafe, and pre-validates itself. I would recommend this solution at the beginning.
Second approach reads params directly from request as a String so you need to parse it to integer and additionally validate if required.
GET /approach1 controllers.Application.approach1(video_id: Int ?=0)
GET /approach2 controllers.Application.approach2
public static Result approach1(int video_id) {
if (video_id == 0) return badRequest("Wrong video ID");
return ok("1: Display video no. " + video_id);
public static Result approach2() {
int video_id = 0;
if (form().bindFromRequest().get("video_id") != null) {
try {
video_id = Integer.parseInt(form().bindFromRequest().get("video_id"));
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.error("int not parsed...");
if (video_id == 0) return badRequest("Wrong video ID");
return ok("2: Display video no. " + video_id);
PS: LOL I just realized that you want to use String identifier... anyway both approaches will be similar :)
I would do it simply using:
GET /play/video
And at controller you would of course have, something like:
public static Result video(String video_id) {
return ok("We got video id of: " + video_id);
Alternatively, you dont have to add video_id:String since play seems to treat parameters as String by default, so it also works like this (at least with newest play):
GET /play/video
Typing localhost:9000/play/video?video_id=1sh1 to address bar should now you give view which prints:
We got video id of: 1sh1
To add more parameters is simple, like this:
GET /play/video, site:String, page:Integer)
public static Result video(String video_id, String site, Integer page) {
return ok("We got video id of: " + video_id + " site: " + site + " page: " + page);
Typing localhost:9000/play/video?video_id=1as1& to address bar should now you give view which prints:
We got video id of: 1as1 site: page: 3
You're welcome ^^.
I'm not quite sure if I got what you meant if you meant just to map a url to function in controller the answer of biesior is perfect but if you mean submitting a form with get method like
#helper.form(action = routes.YourController.page1()) {
and having the form's parameter in the url in the url-rewrited format like
page1/foo/bar instead of page1?param1=foo&param2=bar
There is no way to do that because that's http specs
I do often circumvent this limitation by getting the parameters in the first function in controller and then redirect them to another view just like the following
public static Result page1(){
String param1 = Form.form().bindFromRequest().get("param1");
String param2= Form.form().bindFromRequest().get("param2");
return ( redirect( routes.YourController.page2(param1,param2)));
Then have whatever in the page2
public static Result page2(String param1,String param2){
And have this in the routes file :
GET page2/:param1/:param2 controllers.YourControllers.page2(param1 : String, param2 : String )
I hope it'd help but I'm not sure that's the best practise
Ok so I just read up the documentation and what I understand is that you need to
GET /play/video
And then in the controller call the getQueryString of the HttpRequest object

Obtain a share UpdateKey from LinkedIn using LinkedIn J and getNetworkUpdates() with Coldfusion

Using the "Network Updates API" example at the following link I am able to post network updates with no problem using client.postNetworkUpdate(updateText).
So posting works great.. However posting an update does not return an "UpdateKey" which is used to retrieve stats for post itself such as comments, likes, etc. Without the UpdateKey I cannot retrieve stats. So what I would like to do is post, then retrieve the last post using the getNetworkUpdates() function, and in that retrieval will be the UpdateKey that I need to use later to retrieve stats. Here's a sample script in Java on how to get network updates, but I need to do this in Coldfusion instead of Java.
Network network = client.getNetworkUpdates(EnumSet.of(NetworkUpdateType.STATUS_UPDATE));
System.out.println("Total updates fetched:" + network.getUpdates().getTotal());
for (Update update : network.getUpdates().getUpdateList()) {
System.out.println(update.getUpdateKey() + ":" + update.getUpdateContent().getPerson().getFirstName() + " " + update.getUpdateContent().getPerson().getLastName() + "->" + update.getUpdateContent().getPerson().getCurrentStatus());
if (update.getUpdateComments() != null) {
System.out.println("Total comments fetched:" + update.getUpdateComments().getTotal());
for (UpdateComment comment : update.getUpdateComments().getUpdateCommentList()) {
System.out.println(comment.getPerson().getFirstName() + " " + comment.getPerson().getLastName() + "->" + comment.getComment());
Anyone have any thoughts on how to accomplish this using Coldfusion?
I have not used that api, but I am guessing you could use the first two lines to grab the number of updates. Then use the overloaded client.getNetworkUpdates(start, end) method to retrieve the last update and obtain its key.
Totally untested, but something along these lines:
// not sure about accessing the STATUS_UPDATE enum. One of these should work:
// method 1
STATUS_UPDATE = createObject("java", "$STATUS_UPDATE");
// method 2
NetworkUpdateType = createObject("java", "");
STATUS_UPDATE = NetworkUpdateType.valueOf("STATUS_UPDATE");
enumSet = createObject("java", "java.util.EnumSet");
network = yourClientObject.getNetworkUpdates(enumSet.of(STATUS_UPDATE));
numOfUpdates = network.getUpdates().getTotal();
// Add error handling in case numOfUpdates = 0
result = yourClientObject.getNetworkUpdates(numOfUpdates, numOfUpdates);
lastUpdate = result.getUpdates().getUpdateList().get(0);
key = lastUpdate.getUpdateKey();
You can also use socialauth library to retrieve updates and post status on linkedin.

