Java Android 2D Game - Issue with virtual borders - java

I'm a computer scientist student and I'm new to programming. To challenge myself, I decided to try my hand at creating a simple 2D android game.
The issue I'm having is related to the borders. I have a player character who can move left and right along the X-axis, although the character is not supposed to go outside of the screen. This works for the most part, but holding the button that sends your characters towards left/right will make the character go through the border.
What I have in terms of code is essentially an if statement in the update() method that checks if the x value of the player character is < 0 (for the left border) and if that statement is true then it prevents the player from clicking the left button again until the right button has been clicked (player's x value is again greater than 0).
How do I solve this? My first idea was that I could have something that checks the gamestate every 5 ms or something and if the player's x value is equal to or less than 0, then set the movement speed to 0 until the right button has been clicked, but I do not know how to implement this check.
Do you have any idea how this could be implemented or if there is a better solution? Thank you very much!
Here's the relevant code:
//In class GamePanel
public void update() {
if (player.getX() <= 4) {
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
final float scaleFactorX = getWidth() / (WIDTH * 1.f);
final float scaleFactorY = getHeight() / (HEIGHT * 1.f);
Rect right = new Rect((int) ((WIDTH * scaleFactorX) / 3 + (int) (WIDTH * scaleFactorX) / 3), 0, (int) (WIDTH * scaleFactorX), (int) (HEIGHT * scaleFactorY));
Rect left = new Rect(0, 0, (int) (WIDTH * scaleFactorX / 3), (int) (HEIGHT * scaleFactorY));
int x = (int) event.getX();
int y = (int) event.getY();
//Same for right
if (left.contains(x, y) && player.getTooFarLeft()==false) {
if (!player.getPlaying()) {
} else {
final Handler handler = new Handler();
handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, 1000);
return true;

do if player's x is less than 0, set his x cordinates to 3.


Why is my dragging method lagging?

I am using the onTouchEvent() method with the following case:
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
if (motionEvent.getHistorySize() > 0) {
for (int i = 1, n = motionEvent.getHistorySize(); i < n; i++) {
int calcX = (int) motionEvent.getHistoricalX(i) - (int) motionEvent.getHistoricalX(i - 1);
treesX += calcX;
The treesX variable represents the point at which the background is drawn as a bitmap, and another background is drawn next to it with the screen width added to treesX, and after the screen width has been scrolled both images jump one screen width back to give the effect of a seamless background, as the following code shows:
public void draw() {
if (ourHolder.getSurface().isValid()) {
canvas = ourHolder.lockCanvas();
if ((int) treesX < -screenWidth) {
treesX += screenWidth;
if ((int) treesX > 0) {
treesX -= screenWidth;
canvas.drawBitmap(trees, null, new Rect((int) treesX, 0, screenWidth + (int) treesX, screenHeight), paint);
canvas.drawBitmap(trees, null, new Rect((int) treesX + screenWidth, 0, 2 * screenWidth + (int) treesX, screenHeight), paint);
This means that the two backgrounds should always be right next to each other, however when I scroll the screen, they come apart slightly or overlap slightly, is there any way I can rectify this? Any part of the code that is causing them to be out of sync?
When the user drags, you will receive many MotionEvents with ACTION_MOVE. Each event will have a larger history size than the last. This means your for loop will take longer to execute the more the user drags or the longer they keep their finger down.
There's really no need for you to loop over all the historical values just to figure out the current distance that has been dragged. Simply save the X value of the initial ACTION_DOWN, and then on each ACTION_MOVE you compare the most recent X value against the saved one.

Object not moving in correct direction

Alright, I'm trying to do some simple object moving in the direction of where you touched the screen.
If I touch directly northwest of the object, it'll kind of move into the direction of the touch position. If I touch directly southeast of the object, it will kind of move into the direction of the touch position as well. However, if I touch directly northeast of the object, it'll move into the opposite direction towards the southwest. If I touch directly southwest of the object, it'll also move to the opposite direction towards northeast.
Also, if I touch north of the object, but just a little to the west, it will go straight west with a little to the north. Same with touching west of the object with a little bit to the north, it'll go straight north with a little bit to the west. Same thing for other directions.
Really, all the directions are from somewhat to obviously incorrect. I've been doing some paper calculations as well and I've seemed to be getting some correct angles, but at this point I'm completely stumped.
Does anyone know what the problem may be?
package com.badlogic.androidgames.texasholdem;
import java.util.List;
import android.util.FloatMath;
import com.badlogic.androidgames.framework.Game;
import com.badlogic.androidgames.framework.Graphics;
import com.badlogic.androidgames.framework.Input.TouchEvent;
import com.badlogic.androidgames.framework.Screen;
public class MainMenuScreen extends Screen {
public static float TO_RADIANS = (1 / 180.0f) * (float) Math.PI;
public static float TO_DEGREES = (1 / (float) Math.PI) * 180;
float num_x = 0; // Position of object on X axis
float num_y = 0; // Position of object on Y axis
float angle = 0;
public MainMenuScreen(Game game) {
public void update(float deltaTime) {
Graphics g = game.getGraphics();
List<TouchEvent> touchEvents = game.getInput().getTouchEvents();
int len = touchEvents.size();
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
TouchEvent event = touchEvents.get(i);
if(event.type == TouchEvent.TOUCH_UP) {
if(inBounds(event, 0, 0, g.getWidth(), g.getHeight()) ) {
// Calculate the angle of the direction between two points
angle = (float) Math.atan2(event.x - num_x, event.y - num_y) * TO_DEGREES;
if (angle < 0)
angle += 360;
// This is just to give me numbers on the Math.atan2 result, angle, to/from X position, and to/from Y position
System.out.println("Pressed! - ATAN: " + Math.atan2(event.x - num_x, event.y - num_y)
+ " - ANGLE:" + angle + " - POS: " + event.x + "tx/"
+ (int)num_x + "fx " + event.y + "ty/" + (int)num_y + "fy");
// Moving object in direction at 1f speed
num_x += (1f * (float) Math.cos(angle * TO_RADIANS));
num_y += (1f * (float) Math.sin(angle * TO_RADIANS));
private boolean inBounds(TouchEvent event, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
if(event.x > x && event.x < x + width - 1 &&
event.y > y && event.y < y + height - 1)
return true;
return false;
public void present(float deltaTime) {
Graphics g = game.getGraphics();
g.drawPixmap(Assets.background, 0, 0);
g.drawPixmap(Assets.backcard, (int)num_x, (int)num_y);
public void pause() {;
public void resume() {
public void dispose() {
if event x> x then x must be positive to move toward event.x
the problem here is that when event.x< x then your moving x must be negative
int dx,dy;
dx = (1f * (float) Math.cos(angle * TO_RADIANS));
dy = (1f * (float) Math.sin(angle * TO_RADIANS));
this way is simpler but less precise....
public void update(){
//(find dif between item x, and touch x)
float xdif=destx-x;
float ydif=desty-y;
else if(x>destx){
//we devide both x and y differences by the same number
else if(x==destx){
else if(y>desty){
else if(y==desty){
there u go, pathing in a straight line between two points, item.x and touch x.
Firstly, the math - I think the problem is that, for example, tan(135deg) = tan (-45deg) = -1. Therefore, atan has return values ranging between -90deg and 90deg as a resolution to ambiguity (look at its graph here). I think La5t5tarfighter's solution - negating the x movement in some cases - is on the right track, but you need to negate the y component in those cases as well. You could try that, but it would be much simpler if you used libGDX's Vector2 class. This is how I'd do it:
move.set(touchX, touchY); // y should be through flipping or unproject() before this
move.sub(objectPos); // move now points from object to where you touched
move.nor(); // now 1 unit long
move.scl(SPEED*deltaTime); // multiplied by a constant and delta - framerate-independent
You could even chain it into just one line if you want:
Secondly, you're not using a Camera. I'm not completely sure what the default coordinate system is, but I believe the y axis points up which is not the same as the one used for inputs - Input.getY() is given with an y axis pointing down from the top left corner. If you had a Camera, you'd do this:
cam.unproject(someVector.set(Gdx.input.getX(), Gdx.input.getY(), 0));
Lacking that, you might need to flip the y axis:
event.y = - event.y;
Still, this could be wrong. Try drawing the object right at the touch position - if I'm right in this, it'll seem mirrored vertically. If it draws correctly where you touch, ignore this part.

using keyEvent from different classes

im trying to put restrictions on movement if my chicken reaches the corner here is my code for my move method
public void move1(){
if(((x<=350) && (y>=350)) || ((x>=450) && (y>=350))){
if(((x>=350) && (y<=350)) || ((x<=450) && (y<=350))){
if(dx<0 || dx>0){
if(((y<=250) && (x<=350)) || ((y<=250) && (x>=450))){
if (x >= 750){
x = 750;
if (y >= 575){
y = 575;
x += dx;y += dy;
i used a key adapter for the movement of my chicken but its from a different class
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
the animation is perfectly fine but my chicken wont respond the keyevent
I would strongly recommend you to have a look at KeyBindings, they are more accustomed to such situations, which are more concerned about focus related issues. This post regarding Motion Using the Keyboard, might will surely interest you, on the topic concern :-)
Here a small program from help :
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class KeyBindingExample
private DrawingBoard contentPane;
* There variables will simply
* decide how much the square
* will move with click key press,
* in this case I have set this to
* 1 (inside the constructor).
* brakes will simply tell whether
* the square will move or not in
* a given direction.
private int speed;
private int brakes;
public KeyBindingExample() {
speed = 5;
brakes = 0;
private void displayGUI()
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Swing Worker Example");
contentPane = new DrawingBoard(10, 10, Color.BLUE.darker());
private void addBindingsToBoard() {
* Since, when UP Arrow is pressed, that means, the square
* can move vertically upwards, hence, the square will move
* along Y-Axis that too in the negative direction of the
* same, though along X-Axis the square will move nowhere,
* hence, we passing 0 and -1, since we want to add the
* current location (say square is at present at 50, 50),
* now after UP Arrow key event, square will be at (50, 49);
putBindingsFor(contentPane, KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("UP"),
"UP Arrow Key", brakes, -speed);
* When RIGHT Arrow is pressed, the square is suppose to
* move horizontally, along the X-Axis, in the positive
* direction towards the RIGHT. Hence +1 change along X-Axis
* and no change along Y-Axis, i.e. from (50, 49), the square
* will now move to (51, 49), that's why we passing (+1, 0)
putBindingsFor(contentPane, KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("RIGHT"),
"RIGHT Arrow Key", speed, brakes);
* When DOWN Arrow is pressed, the square is suppose to
* move vertically, along the Y-Axis, in the positive
* direction towards the BOTTOM. Hence no change along X-Axis
* and +1 change along Y-Axis, i.e. from (51, 49), the square
* will now move to (51, 50), that's why we passing (0, +1)
putBindingsFor(contentPane, KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("DOWN"),
"DOWN Arrow Key", brakes, +speed);
* When LEFT Arrow is pressed, the square is suppose to
* move horizontally, along the X-Axis, in the negative
* direction towards the LEFT side. Hence -1 change along X-Axis
* and no change along Y-Axis, i.e. from (51, 50), the square
* will now move to (50, 50), that's why we passing (-1, 0).
* The square will atlast come to it's initial position.
putBindingsFor(contentPane, KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("LEFT"),
"LEFT Arrow Key", -speed, brakes);
private void putBindingsFor(JComponent comp,
KeyStroke keyStroke, String value, final int moveX, final int moveY) {
comp.getInputMap().put(keyStroke, value);
comp.getActionMap().put(value, new AbstractAction() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
contentPane.setValues(moveX, moveY);
public static void main(String[] args)
Runnable runnable = new Runnable()
public void run()
new KeyBindingExample().displayGUI();
class DrawingBoard extends JPanel {
private int x;
private int y;
private int width;
private int height;
private Color rectColor;
public DrawingBoard(int x, int y, Color rColor) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
rectColor = rColor;
width = height = 10;
public void setValues(int deltaX, int deltaY) {
System.out.format("Firstly X : %d\tY : %d%n", x, y);
repaint(x, y, width, height);
* Whatever values are passed from above, i.e.
* say on Left ARROW, we passing (-1, 0),
* therefore deltaX will be -1 and deltaY will
* be 0. Now whatever the current value of X is
* we are simply adding deltaX to that value
* and the same goes for deltaY as well.
* Now since the value for x and y is updated
* after these two statements below, we checking
* that whether these two updated values lies
* within the bounds of our board or not.
* If they are, then we simply calling repaint,
* to draw the square at this new location, else
* we simply bring back the previous values of
* x and y to their previous state.
x += deltaX;
y += deltaY;
if ((x + width) <= getWidth() && (y + height) <= getHeight()
&& x >= 0 && y >= 0) {
System.out.format("Later X : %d\tY : %d%n", x, y);
repaint(x, y, width, height);
else {
x -= deltaX;
y -= deltaY;
System.out.format("Later X : %d\tY : %d%n", x, y);
repaint(x, y, width, height);
* Make this a customary habbit of overridding
* this method whenever you have to override
* any JComponent, instead of calling
* setPreferredSize(...).
public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
return (new Dimension(100, 100));
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
g.fillRect(x, y, width, height);

Corresponding rotated object to numeric values

I have a combination lock rotating in a 360 degrees circle.
The combination lock has numerical values on it, these are purely graphical.
I need a way to translate the image's rotation to the 0-99 values on the graphic.
In this first graphic, the value should be able to tell me "0"
In this graphic, after the user has rotated the image, the value should be able to tell me "72"
Here is the code:
package co.sts.combinationlock;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.GestureDetector;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.MenuItem;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener;
import android.view.View.OnTouchListener;
import android.view.ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener;
import android.widget.ImageView;
public class ComboLock extends Activity{
private static Bitmap imageOriginal, imageScaled;
private static Matrix matrix;
private ImageView dialer;
private int dialerHeight, dialerWidth;
private GestureDetector detector;
// needed for detecting the inversed rotations
private boolean[] quadrantTouched;
private boolean allowRotating;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// load the image only once
if (imageOriginal == null) {
imageOriginal = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.numbers);
// initialize the matrix only once
if (matrix == null) {
matrix = new Matrix();
} else {
// not needed, you can also post the matrix immediately to restore the old state
detector = new GestureDetector(this, new MyGestureDetector());
// there is no 0th quadrant, to keep it simple the first value gets ignored
quadrantTouched = new boolean[] { false, false, false, false, false };
allowRotating = true;
dialer = (ImageView) findViewById(;
dialer.setOnTouchListener(new MyOnTouchListener());
dialer.getViewTreeObserver().addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
public void onGlobalLayout() {
// method called more than once, but the values only need to be initialized one time
if (dialerHeight == 0 || dialerWidth == 0) {
dialerHeight = dialer.getHeight();
dialerWidth = dialer.getWidth();
// resize
Matrix resize = new Matrix();
//resize.postScale((float)Math.min(dialerWidth, dialerHeight) / (float)imageOriginal.getWidth(), (float)Math.min(dialerWidth, dialerHeight) / (float)imageOriginal.getHeight());
imageScaled = Bitmap.createBitmap(imageOriginal, 0, 0, imageOriginal.getWidth(), imageOriginal.getHeight(), resize, false);
// translate to the image view's center
float translateX = dialerWidth / 2 - imageScaled.getWidth() / 2;
float translateY = dialerHeight / 2 - imageScaled.getHeight() / 2;
matrix.postTranslate(translateX, translateY);
* Rotate the dialer.
* #param degrees The degrees, the dialer should get rotated.
private void rotateDialer(float degrees) {
matrix.postRotate(degrees, dialerWidth / 2, dialerHeight / 2);
//need to print degrees
* #return The angle of the unit circle with the image view's center
private double getAngle(double xTouch, double yTouch) {
double x = xTouch - (dialerWidth / 2d);
double y = dialerHeight - yTouch - (dialerHeight / 2d);
switch (getQuadrant(x, y)) {
case 1:
return Math.asin(y / Math.hypot(x, y)) * 180 / Math.PI;
case 2:
case 3:
return 180 - (Math.asin(y / Math.hypot(x, y)) * 180 / Math.PI);
case 4:
return 360 + Math.asin(y / Math.hypot(x, y)) * 180 / Math.PI;
// ignore, does not happen
return 0;
* #return The selected quadrant.
private static int getQuadrant(double x, double y) {
if (x >= 0) {
return y >= 0 ? 1 : 4;
} else {
return y >= 0 ? 2 : 3;
* Simple implementation of an {#link OnTouchListener} for registering the dialer's touch events.
private class MyOnTouchListener implements OnTouchListener {
private double startAngle;
public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
switch (event.getAction()) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
// reset the touched quadrants
for (int i = 0; i < quadrantTouched.length; i++) {
quadrantTouched[i] = false;
allowRotating = false;
startAngle = getAngle(event.getX(), event.getY());
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
double currentAngle = getAngle(event.getX(), event.getY());
rotateDialer((float) (startAngle - currentAngle));
startAngle = currentAngle;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
allowRotating = true;
// set the touched quadrant to true
quadrantTouched[getQuadrant(event.getX() - (dialerWidth / 2), dialerHeight - event.getY() - (dialerHeight / 2))] = true;
return true;
* Simple implementation of a {#link SimpleOnGestureListener} for detecting a fling event.
private class MyGestureDetector extends SimpleOnGestureListener {
public boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX, float velocityY) {
// get the quadrant of the start and the end of the fling
int q1 = getQuadrant(e1.getX() - (dialerWidth / 2), dialerHeight - e1.getY() - (dialerHeight / 2));
int q2 = getQuadrant(e2.getX() - (dialerWidth / 2), dialerHeight - e2.getY() - (dialerHeight / 2));
// the inversed rotations
if ((q1 == 2 && q2 == 2 && Math.abs(velocityX) < Math.abs(velocityY))
|| (q1 == 3 && q2 == 3)
|| (q1 == 1 && q2 == 3)
|| (q1 == 4 && q2 == 4 && Math.abs(velocityX) > Math.abs(velocityY))
|| ((q1 == 2 && q2 == 3) || (q1 == 3 && q2 == 2))
|| ((q1 == 3 && q2 == 4) || (q1 == 4 && q2 == 3))
|| (q1 == 2 && q2 == 4 && quadrantTouched[3])
|| (q1 == 4 && q2 == 2 && quadrantTouched[3])) { FlingRunnable(-1 * (velocityX + velocityY)));
} else {
// the normal rotation FlingRunnable(velocityX + velocityY));
return true;
* A {#link Runnable} for animating the the dialer's fling.
private class FlingRunnable implements Runnable {
private float velocity;
public FlingRunnable(float velocity) {
this.velocity = velocity;
public void run() {
if (Math.abs(velocity) > 5 && allowRotating) {
//rotateDialer(velocity / 75);
//velocity /= 1.0666F;
// post this instance again;
I think I need to translate some information from the matrix to a 0-99 value.
You should reorganize your code completely. Post-multiplying new rotations into a matrix over and over again is a numerically unstable computation. Eventually the bitmap will become distorted. Trying to retrieve the rotation angle from the matrix is too complex and unnecessary.
First note that this is a useful prior article on drawing bitmaps with rotation about a chosen point.
Just maintain a single double dialAngle = 0 that is the current rotation angle of the dial.
You are doing way too much work to retrieve the angle from the touch location. Let (x0,y0) be the location where the touch starts. At that time,
// Record the angle at initial touch for use in dragging.
dialAngleAtTouch = dialAngle;
// Find angle from x-axis made by initial touch coordinate.
// y-coordinate might need to be negated due to y=0 -> screen top.
// This will be obvious during testing.
a0 = Math.atan2(y0 - yDialCenter, x0 - xDialCenter);
This is the starting angle. When the touch drags to (x,y), use this coordinate to adjust the dial with respect to the initial touch. Then update the matrix and redraw:
// Find new angle to x-axis. Same comment as above on y coord.
a = Math.atan2(y - yDialCenter, x - xDialCenter);
// New dial angle is offset from the one at initial touch.
dialAngle = dialAngleAtTouch + (a - a0);
// normalize angles to the interval [0..2pi)
while (dialAngle < 0) dialAngle += 2 * Math.PI;
while (dialAngle >= 2 * Math.PI) dialAngle -= 2 * Math.PI;
// Set the matrix for every frame drawn. Matrix API has a call
// for rotation about a point. Use it!
matrix.setRotate((float)dialAngle * (180 / 3.1415926f), xDialCenter, yDialCenter);
// Invalidate the view now so it's redrawn in with the new matrix value.
Note Math.atan2(y, x) does all of what you're doing with quadrants and arcsines.
To get the "tick" of the current angle, you need 2 pi radians to correspond to 100, so it's very simple:
double fractionalTick = dialAngle / (2 * Math.Pi) * 100;
To find the actual nearest tick as an integer, round the fraction and mod by 100. Note you can ignore the matrix!
int tick = (int)(fractionalTick + 0.5) % 100;
This will always work because dialAngle is in [0..2pi). The mod is needed to map a rounded value of 100 back to 0.
To better understand what the matrix does, it's helpful to understand 2d graphics transform matrices: . If the only thing that you are doing is rotating (not, say, transforming or scaling) it is relatively easy to extract rotation. But, more practically, you may modify the rotation code, and store a state variable
private float rotationDegrees = 0;
* Rotate the dialer.
* #param degrees The degrees, the dialer should get rotated.
private void rotateDialer(float degrees)
matrix.postRotate(degrees, dialerWidth / 2, dialerHeight / 2);
this.rotationDegrees += degrees;
// Make sure we don't go over 360
this.rotationDegrees = this.rotationDegrees % 360
Keep a variable to store the total rotation in degrees, which you increment in your rotate function. Now, we know 3.6 degrees is a tick. Simple math yields
tickNumber = (int)rotation*100/360
// It could be negative
if (tickNumber < 0)
tickNumber = 100 - tickNumber
The one last thing you have to check for: If you have a rotation of exactly 360 degrees, or a tick number of 100, you have to treat it as 0 (since there is no tick 100)
This should be a simple multiplication with a "scale" factor that scales down your degree value (0-359) to your 0-99 scale:
float factor = 99f / 359f;
float scaled = rotationDegree * factor;
EDIT: Correcting the getAngle function
For getAngle you could use the atan2 function instead, which transforms cartesian coordinates into an angle.
Just store the first touch coordinate on touch down and on move you can apply the following calculation:
// PointF a = touch start point
// PointF b = current touch move point
// Translate to origin:
float x = b.x - a.x;
float y = b.y - a.y;
float radians = (float) ((Math.atan2(-y, x) + Math.PI + HALF_PI) % TWO_PI);
The radians have a range of two pi. the modulo calculations rotate it so a value of 0 points up. The rotation direction is counter-clockwise.
So you'd need to convert that to degrees and change rotation direction for getting the correct angle.
The dial should be rotated exactly 3.6 degrees to go from one mark to the next or previous.
Everytime the user's touch rotates(around the center) by 3.6 degrees, the dial should be rotated by 1 mark(3.6 degrees).
Code snippet:
float touchAngle = getTouchAngle();
float mark = touchAngle / 3.6f;
if (mCurrentMark != mark) {
getTouchAngle() calculates the angle of user's touch point wrt to dial center using atan2.
setDialMark rotates the dial by number of marks changed.
void setDialMark(int mark) {
rotateDialBy(mCurrentMark - mark);
mCurrentMark = mark;
void rotateDialBy(int rotateMarks) {
rotationAngle = rotateMarks * 3.6;
/* Rotate the dial by rotationAngle. */

getting unnecessary touch events from LIBGDX

In order to build a tic-tac-toe game for testing, I have following routine. But problem is that I am getting too many events for just one touch. I suspect isTouched() returns all of down, up, and move. Is there any way to just get up event?
UPDATE: Resolved the issue by employing justTouched() instead.
public void render() {
// we update the game state so things move.
// First we clear the screen
GL10 gl =;
gl.glViewport(0, 0, width, height);
// Next we update the camera and set the camera matrix
private void updateGame() {
// the delta time so we can do frame independant time based movement
float deltaTime =;
// Has the user touched the screen? then position the paddle
if (Gdx.input.isTouched() && !isProcess) {
// get the touch coordinates and translate them
// to the game coordinate system.
int width =;
int height =;
int offx=-width/2;
int offy=-height/2;
float x = Gdx.input.getX();
float y = Gdx.input.getY();
float touchX = 480 * (x
/ (float) width - 0.5f);
float touchY = 320 * (0.5f - y
/ (float) height);
for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {
for(int j=0;j<3;j++)
if(touchX >= offx+i*width/3 && touchX < offx+(i+1)*width/3 &&
touchY >= offy+j*height/3 && touchY < offy+(j+1)*height/3)
An alternative to using justTouched is to implement the InputProcessor interface, as it has a touchUp(x,y,pointer,button) which gives you greater control over the input. There are several classes that implement this or you can have your class implement it.
You can create a board for example (with hash map) and each object in your game wants to be clickable add itself to that board if an object was touched and was in board it will catch the event. If not it will not catch the event. So easy! :)

