Optimize performance java "for" and "array string" - java

I had problems with the slowness of this code.
I tried to optimize it for make it faster but I could not.
Can you give me some suggestions?
This is the part of the java code:
public ArrayList<String> kcal_spu(String tipo_pasto, String data) {
kcal_spuntino = new ArrayList<String>();
id_cibi_colazione = DiarioDataBaseAdapter.getId(tipo_pasto, data);
porzione_n2_colazione = DiarioDataBaseAdapter.getPorzione(tipo_pasto, data);
ArrayList<?> kcal2 = DiarioDataBaseAdapter.getKcal2(tipo_pasto, data);
int size = id_cibi_colazione.size();
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double num_porz = Double.parseDouble(porzione_n2_colazione.get(j));
String getkcal = FoodDataBaseAdapter.getKcal(id_cibi_colazione.get(j));
String id_check = id_cibi_colazione.get(j);
if (id_check.equals("null")) {
double kcal_porz = Double.parseDouble(kcal2.get(j).toString());
double result = num_porz * kcal_porz;
kcal_spuntino.add("" + (int) result);
j = j + 1;
} else {
double kcal_porz = Double.parseDouble(getkcal);
double result = num_porz * kcal_porz;
kcal_spuntino.add("" + (int) result);
j = j + 1;
return kcal_spuntino;
This is the function DiarioDataBaseAdapter.getId:
public ArrayList getId(String tipo_pasto, String data) {
ArrayList array_list = new ArrayList();
Cursor res = db.rawQuery("SELECT ID_CIBO from Diario_Cibo where TIPO_PASTO = '" + tipo_pasto + "' AND DATA = '" + data + "'", null);
while (res.isAfterLast() == false) {
if (res != null) {
return array_list;
This is the function DiarioDataBaseAdapter.getPorzione:
public ArrayList getPorzione(String tipo_pasto, String data) {
ArrayList array_list = new ArrayList();
Cursor res = db.rawQuery("SELECT PORZIONE from Diario_Cibo where TIPO_PASTO = '" + tipo_pasto + "' AND DATA = '" + data + "'", null);
while (res.isAfterLast() == false) {
if (res != null) {
return array_list;
This is the function DiarioDataBaseAdapter.getKcal2:
public ArrayList getKcal2(String tipo_pasto, String data) {
ArrayList array_list = new ArrayList();
Cursor res = db.rawQuery("SELECT KCAL from Diario_Cibo where TIPO_PASTO = '" + tipo_pasto + "' AND DATA = '" + data + "'", null);
while (res.isAfterLast() == false) {
if (res != null) {
return array_list;
Thanks in advance.

Your database queries will be the slowest part and there are three of them. Without profiling the code I would start with looking at the database selects and the tables to make sure they have the correct indexes on them for efficient searching.
Otherwise even putting a simple nanosecond timer in the code will give you an idea of what is taking the most time.
long start = System.nanoTime();
// do stuff
long end = System.nanoTime();
System.out.println("time " + (end -start));


Exporting data to PDF JAVA, Eclipse, Jasper

I tried to make an exporting data to PDF but when I try to export it, the pdf can't show up like "no data found"
this code on bean
public JasperPrint exportTo() {
if(this.listReportMaster == null || this.listReportMaster.isEmpty()){
FacesMessage messageFailed = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO,"Info","No data found");
return null;
String path = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRealPath("/resources/report/PRPKReportPDF.jasper");
JRBeanCollectionDataSource beanCollectionDataSource = new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(this.listReportMaster);
try {
JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(path, null, beanCollectionDataSource);
return jasperPrint;
} catch (JRException e) {
return null;
public void exportToPdf(ActionEvent actionEvent){
if(this.lazyMasterReportDataModel != null){
System.out.println("masuk exporttopdf");
String sql = ((LazyMasterReportDataModel) this.lazyMasterReportDataModel).getSqlReportPrint();
List<Object> listObject = ((LazyMasterReportDataModel) this.lazyMasterReportDataModel).getObjectSqlListReportPrint();
this.listReportMaster = reportMasterPRPKController.getPRPKForReport(sql, listObject);
JasperPrint jasperPrint = exportTo();
String fileName = "PRPKNew_Report".concat("_").concat(".pdf");
if(jasperPrint != null) reportMasterPRPKController.exportToPDF(fileName, jasperPrint);
else System.out.println("jasperprint null");
System.out.println("keluar exporttopdf");
FacesMessage messageFailed = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO,"Info","No data found");
every I try to export it, always show "no data found" which is the program run this code FacesMessage messageFailed = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO,"Info","No data found"); and which meam the "this.lazyMasterReportDataModel" is null but when I check it again, there's nothing wrong on code, I don't know if it have a wrong code or deficiency code
this the lazy code
List<ReportMasterPRPK> listMasterPRPK = new ArrayList<>();
ReportMasterPRPKQuery reportMasterPRPKQuery = new ReportMasterPRPKQuery();
Page page = new Page();
String order = "GROUP a.prpk_number, a.prpk_type_id, a.created_date, a.pic_prpk_id, a.business_unit_id, a.pic_department_id, a.prpk_desc, a.prpk_request, a.prpk_background, a.prpk_analysis_benefit, a.priority_level_id, a.cost, b.prpk_type_name, c.business_unit, d.department_name, e.priority_name, f.user_name ORDER BY a.created_date ";
String columname = "";
String sql = "";
List<Object> objectSqlList = new ArrayList<>();
String sqlReport = "";
String sqlReportPrint = "";
List<Object> objectSqlListReport = new ArrayList<>();
List<Object> objectSqlListReportPrint = new ArrayList<>();
String flag;
public LazyMasterReportDataModel() {
public LazyMasterReportDataModel(String flag) { //ini
this.flag = flag;
public LazyMasterReportDataModel(String sqlReport, List<Object> objectSqlListReport) {
this.sqlReport = sqlReport;
this.objectSqlListReport = objectSqlListReport;
public List<ReportMasterPRPK> load(int first, int pageSize, String sortField, SortOrder sortOrder,
Map<String, Object> filters) {
if(this.sqlReport != null){
this.sql = this.sqlReport;
this.objectSqlList = this.objectSqlListReport;
sql = "";
objectSqlList = new ArrayList<>();
if(flag != null){ //ini
if(flag.equals("no selected")){
sql = sql+" AND c.is_selected = 'n' ";
if (filters != null){
for(String key: filters.keySet()){
String filterColumnName = "";
for(Field field : ReportMasterPRPK.class.getDeclaredFields()){
if(field.getName().equals(key)) filterColumnName = field.getAnnotation(Column.class).value();
if(filters.get(key) instanceof String){
if(((String)filters.get(key)).trim().length() > 20){
String startDate = "'" + filters.get(key).toString().substring(0, 10) + "'";
String endDate = "'" + filters.get(key).toString().substring(11, 21) + "'";
sql = sql + " AND " + filterColumnName + " BETWEEN " + startDate + " AND " + endDate+ " ";
if(((String) filters.get(key)).trim().length() > 0){
sql = sql+"AND "+filterColumnName+" ILIKE ? ";
String value = "%"+filters.get(key)+"%";
if(((String[]) filters.get(key)).length > 0){
sql = sql+" AND "+filterColumnName+" in ";
String value = "(";
for(String string : (String[]) filters.get(key)){
value = value+"'"+string+"',";
value = value.substring(0, value.length()-1)+") ";
sql = sql + value;
if(sortField != null){
for(Field field : ReportMasterPRPK.class.getDeclaredFields()){
if(field.getName().equals(sortField)) columname = field.getAnnotation(Column.class).value();
if(sortOrder.toString().equals("ASCENDING")) order = " ASC";
else order = " DESC";
sql = sql+" GROUP a.prpk_number, a.prpk_type_id, a.created_date, a.pic_prpk_id, a.business_unit_id, a.pic_department_id, a.prpk_desc, a.prpk_request, a.prpk_background, a.prpk_analysis_benefit, a.priority_level_id, a.cost, b.prpk_type_name, c.business_unit, d.department_name, e.priority_name, f.user_name ORDER BY "+columname+" "+order;
System.out.println("sql sort: "+sql+" : "+objectSqlList.size());
sql = sql + order;
sqlReportPrint = sql;
objectSqlListReportPrint = objectSqlList;
this.listMasterPRPK = reportMasterPRPKQuery.retrivePage(page, sql, objectSqlList.toArray());
int dataSize = reportMasterPRPKQuery.retrieveMaxRow(sql, objectSqlList.toArray());
if(this.sqlReport != null){
this.sql = this.sqlReport;
this.objectSqlList = this.objectSqlListReport;
sql = "";
order = "GROUP a.prpk_number, a.prpk_type_id, a.created_date, a.pic_prpk_id, a.business_unit_id, a.pic_department_id, a.prpk_desc, a.prpk_request, a.prpk_background, a.prpk_analysis_benefit, a.priority_level_id, a.cost, b.prpk_type_name, c.business_unit, d.department_name, e.priority_name, f.user_name ORDER BY a.created_date ";
return listMasterPRPK;
public List<ReportMasterPRPK> calculateRownum(List<ReportMasterPRPK> listMasterPRPK, int first){
int i = 1;
for (ReportMasterPRPK masterPRPK : listMasterPRPK) {
masterPRPK.setRownum(first + i);
return listMasterPRPK;
public String getSqlReportPrint() {
return sqlReportPrint;
public void setSqlReportPrint(String sqlReportPrint) {
this.sqlReportPrint = sqlReportPrint;
public List<Object> getObjectSqlListReportPrint() {
return objectSqlListReportPrint;
public void setObjectSqlListReportPrint(List<Object> objectSqlListReportPrint) {
this.objectSqlListReportPrint = objectSqlListReportPrint;
sorry before, if my english is to bad, but I hope you understand about what I mean...
thanks before...

Performance tuning for JavaRDD function

I want to convert dataframe to Array of Json using Java and Spark version 1.6, for which am converting the data from
Dataframe -> Json -> RDD -> Array
where the data looks like this.
"prtdy_created_s":"2018-05-12 04:12:19.0",
"prtdy_created_s":"2018-05-12 04:12:20.0",
"prtdy_created_s":"2018-05-12 04:12:20.0",
so I wrote my code something like this.
if(cmnTableNames != null && cmnTableNames.length > 0)
for(int i=0; i < cmnTableNames.length; i++)
String cmnTableName = cmnTableNames[i];
DataFrame cmnTableContent = null;
cmnTableContent = hiveContext.sql("SELECT * FROM " + cmnTableName + " where fbrn04_snapshot_d = '" + snapshotId + "'");
cmnTableContent = hiveContext.sql("SELECT * FROM " + cmnTableName);
String cmnTable = cmnTableName.substring(cmnTableName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
if (cmnTableContent.count() > 0)
String cmnStgTblDir = hdfsPath + "/staging/" + rptName + "/common/" + cmnTable;
JavaRDD<String> cmnTblCntJson = cmnTableContent.toJSON().toJavaRDD();
String result = cmnTblCntJson.reduce((ob1, ob2) -> (String)ob1+","+(String)ob2); //This Part, takes more time than usual contains large set of data.
String output = "["+result+"]";
ArrayList<String> outputList = new ArrayList<String>();
JavaRDD<String> finalOutputRDD = sc.parallelize(outputList);
String cmnStgMrgdDir = cmnStgTblDir + "/mergedfile";
if(dfs.exists(new Path(cmnStgTblDir + "/mergedfile"))) dfs.delete(new Path(cmnStgTblDir + "/mergedfile"), true);
finalOutputRDD.coalesce(1).saveAsTextFile(cmnStgMrgdDir, GzipCodec.class);
fileStatus = dfs.getFileStatus(new Path(cmnStgMrgdDir + "/part-00000.gz"));
dfs.setPermission(fileStatus.getPath(),FsPermission.createImmutable((short) 0770));
dfs.rename(new Path(cmnStgMrgdDir + "/part-00000.gz"), new Path(CommonPath + "/" + cmnTable + ".json.gz"));
System.out.println("There are no records in " + cmnTableName);
System.out.println("The common table lists are null.");
but while reduce function is applied it's taking more time
JavaRDD<String> cmnTblCntJson = cmnTableContent.toJSON().toJavaRDD();
String result = cmnTblCntJson.reduce((ob1, ob2) -> (String)ob1+","+(String)ob2); //This Part, takes more time than usual contains large set of data.
the table with the partition "PTR_security_t" is huge and takes a lot of time compared to other tables which don't have partitions (40-50 mins odd for 588kb)
I Tried Applying Lambda but i ended up with Task not serializable error. Check the code below.
if(cmnTableNames != null && cmnTableNames.length > 0)
List<String> commonTableList = Arrays.asList(cmnTableNames);
DataFrame commonTableDF = sqc.createDataset(commonTableList,Encoders.STRING()).toDF();
commonTableDF.toJavaRDD().foreach(cmnTableNameRDD -> {
DataFrame cmnTableContent = null;
String cmnTableName = cmnTableNameRDD.mkString();
cmnTableContent = hiveContext.sql("SELECT * FROM " + cmnTableName + " where fbrn04_snapshot_d = '" + snapshotId + "'");
cmnTableContent = hiveContext.sql("SELECT * FROM " + cmnTableName);
String cmnTable = cmnTableName.substring(cmnTableName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
if (cmnTableContent.count() > 0)
String cmnStgTblDir = hdfsPath + "/staging/" + rptName + "/common/" + cmnTable;
JavaRDD<String> cmnTblCntJson = cmnTableContent.toJSON().toJavaRDD();
String result = cmnTblCntJson.reduce((ob1, ob2) -> (String)ob1+","+(String)ob2);
String output = "["+result+"]";
ArrayList<String> outputList = new ArrayList<String>();
JavaRDD<String> finalOutputRDD = sc.parallelize(outputList);
String cmnStgMrgdDir = cmnStgTblDir + "/mergedfile";
if(dfs.exists(new Path(cmnStgTblDir + "/mergedfile"))) dfs.delete(new Path(cmnStgTblDir + "/mergedfile"), true);
finalOutputRDD.coalesce(1).saveAsTextFile(cmnStgMrgdDir, GzipCodec.class);
fileStatus = dfs.getFileStatus(new Path(cmnStgMrgdDir + "/part-00000.gz"));
dfs.setPermission(fileStatus.getPath(),FsPermission.createImmutable((short) 0770));
dfs.rename(new Path(cmnStgMrgdDir + "/part-00000.gz"), new Path(CommonPath + "/" + cmnTable + ".json.gz"));
System.out.println("There are no records in " + cmnTableName);
System.out.println("The common table lists are null.");
is there any efficient way where i can enhance my Performance ?

Trying to retrieve multiple records from db and add those to JSON array. but for every loop json array is getting cleared

getting values and trying to add to json array
public JSONArray getChooseContact(Context context ,String userid,String bookid , String chapterid, String questionid ) {
DBHelper dbh = new DBHelper(context , LektzDB.DB_NAME, null,
SQLiteDatabase db = dbh.getReadableDatabase();
JSONArray resultSet = new JSONArray();
Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM "
+ TB_AssessmentChooseValues.NAME + " where "
+ TB_AssessmentChooseValues.CL_1_USER_ID + "='"+ userid +"' AND "
+ TB_AssessmentChooseValues.CL_2_BOOK_ID + "='"+ bookid +"' AND "
+ TB_AssessmentChooseValues.CL_3_CHAPTER_ID + "='" + chapterid +"' AND "
+ TB_AssessmentChooseValues.CL_4_QUESTION_ID + "='" + questionid + "'",null);
Log.i("logchoose", "gettingchooseSuccessful");
if(cursor.getCount() > 0) {
while (cursor.isAfterLast() == false) {
int totalColumn = cursor.getColumnCount();
JSONObject rowObject = new JSONObject();
for (int i = 0; i < totalColumn; i++) {
if (cursor.getColumnName(i) != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d("TAG", e.getMessage());
catch(Exception e)
return resultSet;
and trying to retrieve values as
JSONArray RetrievedChoose = rdb.getChooseContact(getContext(),userid, BookId ,chapter_idchoose ,question_idchoose);
Log.d("logchoose", "getsuccess"+finalassessment)
The cursor will get two rows of output but in json array im able to get only one value at a time.. I need this operation multiple times in my project please suggest me how to set that json array is not to be replaced for every time
The result is showing two seperate values which firstone is replacing second one
if (cursor.getCount() > 0) {
while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
int totalColumn = cursor.getColumnCount();
JSONObject rowObject = new JSONObject();
for (int i = 0; i < totalColumn; i++) {
if (cursor.getColumnName(i) != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d("TAG", e.getMessage());
Use above code and return resultSet

If + try - catch in method not working properly

I'm working on an SQLite based app. Everything is working fine, except my if-else statements in my method. The saving and stuff works, just the checking is giving me a pretty high blood pressure. I'm hoping one of you is much smarter than i am and finds the probably obvious mistake i made:
public void save() {
// get length of EditText
int dateLength, mileageLength, amountLength, lpriceLength, tpriceLength;
dateLength = date_widget.getText().length();
mileageLength = mileage_widget.getText().length();
amountLength = amount_widget.getText().length();
lpriceLength = price_widget.getText().length();
tpriceLength = totalPrice_widget.getText().length();
// Start save method if EditTexts are not empty.
if (dateLength > 0 || mileageLength > 0 || amountLength > 0
|| lpriceLength > 0 || tpriceLength > 0) {
// Get the value of each EditText and write it into the
// String/doubles
String date = date_widget.getText().toString();
double mileage = Double
double amount = Double.valueOf(amount_widget.getText().toString());
double lprice = Double.valueOf(price_widget.getText().toString());
double tprice = Double.valueOf(totalPrice_widget.getText()
// Check if mileage is increasing, else cancel and show toast
int checkMileage = Integer.parseInt(db
.getSearchResult("mileage", 0));
if (checkMileage < mileage) {
try {
// if (id == null) {
db.insert(date, mileage, amount, lprice, tprice);
Toast.makeText(this, R.string.action_input_saved,
} catch (Exception e) {
Toast.makeText(this, "ERROR " + e, Toast.LENGTH_LONG)
} else {
"Your current mileage must be more than the last saved mileage",
} else {
Toast.makeText(this, "finish your input", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
My Method in the DbAdapter class:
public String getSearchResult(String sql, int cmd) {
if (cmd == 0) {
String countQuery = "SELECT " + sql + " FROM " + TABLE_NAME
+ " WHERE _id = (SELECT max(_id) FROM " + TABLE_NAME + ")";
Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(countQuery, null);
String tmp = cursor.getString(0);
// return count
return tmp;
} else if (cmd == 1) {
int sum = 0;
String countQuery = "SELECT " + sql + " FROM " + TABLE_NAME;
String idQuery = "SELECT _id FROM " + TABLE_NAME
+ " WHERE _id = (SELECT max(_id) FROM " + TABLE_NAME + ")";
Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(countQuery, null);
Cursor id = db.rawQuery(idQuery, null);
// berechnung
int maxId = Integer.parseInt(id.getString(0));
for (int i = 0; i < maxId; i++) {
int tmp = Integer.parseInt(cursor.getString(0));
sum = sum + tmp;
return String.valueOf(sum);
} else if (cmd == 2 && sql == "mileage") {
int sum = 0;
String countQuery = "SELECT " + sql + " FROM " + TABLE_NAME;
String idQuery = "SELECT _id FROM " + TABLE_NAME
+ " WHERE _id = (SELECT max(_id) FROM " + TABLE_NAME + ")";
Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(countQuery, null);
Cursor id = db.rawQuery(idQuery, null);
// berechnung
int maxId = Integer.parseInt(id.getString(0));
if (maxId > 1) {
int array[] = new int[maxId];
// Array füllen
for (int i = 0; i < maxId; i++) {
array[i] = Integer.parseInt(cursor.getString(0));
// sum = sum + tmp;
for (int k = 1; k < maxId; k++) {
int tmp;
tmp = array[k] - array[k - 1];
sum = sum + tmp;
return String.valueOf(sum);
} else {
return "--";
return "Wrong CMD";
I is pretty messy, i know
Turning comment into an answer:
Switch all || to && in your first if. Otherwise you will try to process everything even if only one field is filled in.

Fetching double value from Database and calculate with them

I got another weird problem which i just don't understand.
I am saving doubles into my database with max. 3 digits after the decimal point.
The doubles are stored in the database correctly but when i am trying to fetch the data and add/multiply the stored doubles i get a weird problem
If i am storing data with only one digit after the decimal point, everything works fine and i get the right results.
But if i am adding 2 or more digits after the decimal point my whole calculations won't work. I get no results into my TextViews.
I'm trying to understand whats happening for hours now but i just don't see why this happens.
Here is the code:
My MainActivity, where the TextViews get the Text:
public void calc() {
// Get text for the statistics
amount_widget.setText(db.getSearchResult("amount", 0));
lpayment_widget.setText(db.getSearchResult("price", 0));
tpayment_widget.setText(db.getSearchResult("total_price", 1));
mileage_widget.setText(db.getSearchResult("mileage", 2));
trefueled_widget.setText(db.getSearchResult("amount", 1));
// Calculate text for the consumption
double consumption = (Double.parseDouble(db
.getSearchResult("amount", 1)) / Double.parseDouble(db
.getSearchResult("mileage", 2))) * 100;
consumption = Math.round(consumption * 100) / 100.0;
consumption_widget.setText(consumption + "L /100km");
My Database Activity where the code is being fetched and calculated:
public String getSearchResult(String sql, int cmd) {
if (cmd == 0) {
String countQuery = "SELECT " + sql + " FROM " + TABLE_NAME
+ " WHERE _id = (SELECT max(_id) FROM " + TABLE_NAME + ")";
Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(countQuery, null);
String tmp = cursor.moveToFirst() ? cursor.getString(0) : "0";
return tmp;
} else if (cmd == 1) {
double sum = 0;
String countQuery = "SELECT " + sql + " FROM " + TABLE_NAME;
String idQuery = "SELECT _id FROM " + TABLE_NAME
+ " WHERE _id = (SELECT max(_id) FROM " + TABLE_NAME + ")";
Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(countQuery, null);
Cursor id = db.rawQuery(idQuery, null);
// berechnung
int maxId = Integer.parseInt(id.getString(0));
for (int i = 0; i < maxId; i++) {
double tmp = Integer.parseInt(cursor.getString(0));
sum = sum + tmp;
return String.valueOf(sum);
} else if (cmd == 2 && sql == "mileage") {
double sum = 0;
String countQuery = "SELECT " + sql + " FROM " + TABLE_NAME;
String idQuery = "SELECT _id FROM " + TABLE_NAME
+ " WHERE _id = (SELECT max(_id) FROM " + TABLE_NAME + ")";
Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(countQuery, null);
Cursor id = db.rawQuery(idQuery, null);
// berechnung
int maxId = Integer.parseInt(id.getString(0));
if (maxId > 1) {
int array[] = new int[maxId];
// Array füllen
for (int i = 0; i < maxId; i++) {
array[i] = Integer.parseInt(cursor.getString(0));
// sum = sum + tmp;
for (int k = 1; k < maxId; k++) {
double tmp;
tmp = array[k] - array[k - 1];
sum = sum + tmp;
return String.valueOf(sum);
} else {
return "--";
return "Wrong CMD";
Maybe you're making a simple mistake. Instead of:
consumption_widget.setText(consumption + "L /100km");
try this:
consumption_widget.setText(String.valueOf(consumption) + "L /100km");
I found my mistake.
In my DbAdapter class within the getSearchResult() method i have the following statement:
for (int i = 0; i < maxId; i++) {
double tmp = Integer.parseInt(cursor.getString(0));
sum = sum + tmp;
Here I am trying to parse an Integer but write it into a double. This is why the calculations couldn't be executed. I need to parse a double like this:
for (int i = 0; i < maxId; i++) {
double tmp = Double.parseDouble(cursor.getString(0));
sum = sum + tmp;
this is the solution to my problem

