Extract polygon geometry from citygml data using citygml4j library - java

I have buildings' information stored in citygml file. I am trying to extract the building's polygon geometry using the citygml4j library. I have looked at the FeatureWalker class, but I am unable to get the polygon geometry.
How do I go about doing this? Here is my code:
CityGMLContext ctx = new CityGMLContext();
CityGMLBuilder builder = ctx.createCityGMLBuilder();
CityGMLInputFactory in = builder.createCityGMLInputFactory();
CityGMLReader reader = in.createCityGMLReader(new File("/home/vishal/NWW/sampleData/LOD2_Building_v100.gml"));
CityGML citygml = reader.nextFeature();
System.out.println("Found class:" + citygml.getCityGMLClass() + "\nVersion"+citygml.getCityGMLModule().getVersion());
//Counting the no of buildings
CityModel citymodel = new CityModel();
if(citygml.getCityGMLClass() == CityGMLClass.CITY_MODEL)
citymodel = (CityModel)citygml;
// Counting the no of buildings
int count=0;
for(CityObjectMember cityObjectMember : citymodel.getCityObjectMember())
AbstractCityObject cityobject = cityObjectMember.getCityObject();
if(cityobject.getCityGMLClass() == CityGMLClass.BUILDING)
System.out.println("Building count"+count);
FeatureWalker walker = new FeatureWalker(){
public void visit(Building building){
//MultiSurface multisurface = boundrysurface.getLod2MultiSurface().getMultiSurface();
List<BoundarySurfaceProperty> list = building.getBoundedBySurface();
PS: If you have any other resources/tutorials on citygml4j library, kindly let me know.

You can search for the AbstractBoundarySurfaces directly, like this:
FeatureWalker walker = new FeatureWalker() {
public void visit(AbstractBoundarySurface boundarySurface) {
MultiSurfaceProperty lod2MultiSurface = boundarySurface.getLod2MultiSurface();
if (lod2MultiSurface != null) {
MultiSurface multiSurface = lod2MultiSurface.getMultiSurface();
if (multiSurface == null) {
// Do something!
List<SurfaceProperty> surfaceMember = multiSurface.getSurfaceMember();
for (SurfaceProperty surfaceProperty : surfaceMember) {
AbstractSurface abstractSurface = surfaceProperty.getObject();
if (abstractSurface instanceof Polygon) {
Polygon polygon = (Polygon) abstractSurface;
// Do something with polygon!
// Check for other subtypes of AbstractSurface
// Process LOD3 and LOD4
Then you can traverse down the tree and look for the polygons.


Using PDFBox to remove Optional Content Groups that are not enabled

I'm using apache PDFBox from java, and I have a source PDF with multiple optional content groups. What I am wanting to do is export a version of the PDF that includes only the standard content and the optional content groups that were enabled. It is important for my purposes that I preserve any dynamic aspects of the original.... so text fields are still text fields, vector images are still vector images, etc. The reason that this is required is because I intend to ultimately be using a pdf form editor program that does not know how to handle optional content, and would blindly render all of them, so I want to preprocess the source pdf, and use the form editing program on a less cluttered destination pdf.
I've been trying to find something that could give me any hints on how to do this with google, but to no avail. I don't know if I'm just using the wrong search terms, or if this is just something that is outside of what the PDFBox API was designed for. I rather hope it's not the latter. The info shown here does not seem to work (converting the C# code to java), because despite the pdf I'm trying to import having optional content, there does not seem to be any OC resources when I examine the tokens on each page.
for(PDPage page:pages) {
PDResources resources = page.getResources();
PDFStreamParser parser = new PDFStreamParser(page);
Collection tokens = parser.getTokens();
I'm truly sorry for not having any more code to show what I've tried so far, but I've just been poring over the java API docs for about 8 hours now trying to figure out what I might need to do this, and just haven't been able to figure it out.
What I DO know how to do is add text, lines, and images to a new PDPage, but I do not know how to retrieve that information from a given source page to copy it over, nor how to tell which optional content group such information is part of (if any). I am also not sure how to copy form fields in the source pdf over to the destination, nor how to copy the font information over.
Honestly, if there's a web page out there that I wasn't able to find with google with the searches that I tried, I'd be entirely happy to read up more about it, but I am really quite stuck here, and I don't know anyone personally that knows about this library.
Please help.
Trying what I understand from what was suggested below, I've written a loop to examine each XObject on the page as follows:
PDResources resources = pdPage.getResources();
Iterable<COSName> names = resources.getXObjectNames();
for(COSName name:names) {
PDXObject xobj = resources.getXObject(name);
PDFStreamParser parser = new PDFStreamParser(xobj.getStream().toByteArray());
Object [] tokens = parser.getTokens().toArray();
for(int i = 0;i<tokens.length-1;i++) {
Object obj = tokens[i];
if (obj instanceof COSName && obj.equals(COSName.OC)) {
Object obj = tokens[i];
if (obj instanceof COSName) {
PDPropertyList props = resources.getProperties((COSName)obj);
if (props != null) {
However, after an OC key, the next entry in the tokens array is always an Operator tagged as "BMC". Nowhere am I finding any info that I can recognize from the named optional content groups.
Here's a robust solution for removing marked content blocks (open to feedback if anyone finds anything that isn't working right). You should be able to adjust for OC blocks...
This code properly handles nesting and removal of resources (xobject, graphics state and fonts - easy to add others if needed).
public class MarkedContentRemover {
private final MarkedContentMatcher matcher;
public MarkedContentRemover(MarkedContentMatcher matcher) {
this.matcher = matcher;
public int removeMarkedContent(PDDocument doc, PDPage page) throws IOException {
ResourceSuppressionTracker resourceSuppressionTracker = new ResourceSuppressionTracker();
PDResources pdResources = page.getResources();
PDFStreamParser pdParser = new PDFStreamParser(page);
PDStream newContents = new PDStream(doc);
OutputStream newContentOutput = newContents.createOutputStream(COSName.FLATE_DECODE);
ContentStreamWriter newContentWriter = new ContentStreamWriter(newContentOutput);
List<Object> operands = new ArrayList<>();
Operator operator = null;
Object token;
int suppressDepth = 0;
boolean resumeOutputOnNextOperator = false;
int removedCount = 0;
while (true) {
token = pdParser.parseNextToken();
while(token != null && !(token instanceof Operator)) {
token = pdParser.parseNextToken();
operator = (Operator)token;
if (operator == null) break;
if (resumeOutputOnNextOperator) {
resumeOutputOnNextOperator = false;
if (suppressDepth == 0)
if (OperatorName.BEGIN_MARKED_CONTENT_SEQ.equals(operator.getName())
|| OperatorName.BEGIN_MARKED_CONTENT.equals(operator.getName())) {
COSName contentId = (COSName)operands.get(0);
final COSDictionary properties;
if (operands.size() > 1) {
Object propsOperand = operands.get(1);
if (propsOperand instanceof COSDictionary) {
properties = (COSDictionary) propsOperand;
} else if (propsOperand instanceof COSName) {
properties = pdResources.getProperties((COSName)propsOperand).getCOSObject();
} else {
properties = new COSDictionary();
} else {
properties = new COSDictionary();
if (matcher.matches(contentId, properties)) {
if (OperatorName.END_MARKED_CONTENT.equals(operator.getName())) {
if (suppressDepth > 0)
resumeOutputOnNextOperator = true;
else if (OperatorName.SET_GRAPHICS_STATE_PARAMS.equals(operator.getName())) {
resourceSuppressionTracker.markForOperator(COSName.EXT_G_STATE, operands.get(0), suppressDepth == 0);
else if (OperatorName.DRAW_OBJECT.equals(operator.getName())) {
resourceSuppressionTracker.markForOperator(COSName.XOBJECT, operands.get(0), suppressDepth == 0);
else if (OperatorName.SET_FONT_AND_SIZE.equals(operator.getName())) {
resourceSuppressionTracker.markForOperator(COSName.FONT, operands.get(0), suppressDepth == 0);
if (suppressDepth == 0) {
if (resumeOutputOnNextOperator)
return removedCount;
private static class ResourceSuppressionTracker{
// if the boolean is TRUE, then the resource should be removed. If the boolean is FALSE, the resource should not be removed
private final Map<COSName, Map<COSName, Boolean>> tracker = new HashMap<>();
public void markForOperator(COSName resourceType, Object resourceNameOperand, boolean preserve) {
if (!(resourceNameOperand instanceof COSName)) return;
if (preserve) {
markForPreservation(resourceType, (COSName)resourceNameOperand);
} else {
markForRemoval(resourceType, (COSName)resourceNameOperand);
public void markForRemoval(COSName resourceType, COSName refId) {
if (!resourceIsPreserved(resourceType, refId)) {
getResourceTracker(resourceType).put(refId, Boolean.TRUE);
public void markForPreservation(COSName resourceType, COSName refId) {
getResourceTracker(resourceType).put(refId, Boolean.FALSE);
public void updateResources(PDResources pdResources) {
for (Map.Entry<COSName, Map<COSName, Boolean>> resourceEntry : tracker.entrySet()) {
for(Map.Entry<COSName, Boolean> refEntry : resourceEntry.getValue().entrySet()) {
if (refEntry.getValue().equals(Boolean.TRUE)) {
private boolean resourceIsPreserved(COSName resourceType, COSName refId) {
return getResourceTracker(resourceType).getOrDefault(refId, Boolean.FALSE);
private Map<COSName, Boolean> getResourceTracker(COSName resourceType){
if (!tracker.containsKey(resourceType)) {
tracker.put(resourceType, new HashMap<>());
return tracker.get(resourceType);
Helper class:
public interface MarkedContentMatcher {
public boolean matches(COSName contentId, COSDictionary props);
Optional Content Groups are marked with BDC and EMC. You will have to navigate through all of the tokens returned from the parser and remove the "section" from the array. Here is some C# Code that was posted a while ago - [1]: How to delete an optional content group alongwith its content from pdf using pdfbox?
I investigated that (converting to Java) but couldn't get it work as expected. I managed to remove the content between BDC and EMC and then save the result using the same technique as the sample but the PDF was corrupted. Perhaps that is my lack of C# Knowledge (related to Tuples etc.)
Here is what I came up with, as I said it doesn't work perhaps you or someone else (mkl, Tilman Hausherr) can spot the flaw.
OCGDelete (PDDocument doc, int pageNum, String OCName) {
PDPage pdPage = (PDPage) doc.getDocumentCatalog().getPages().get(pageNum);
PDResources pdResources = pdPage.getResources();
PDFStreamParser pdParser = new PDFStreamParser(pdPage);
int ocgStart
int ocgLength
Collection tokens = pdParser.getTokens();
Object[] newTokens = tokens.toArray()
try {
for (int index = 0; index < newTokens.length; index++) {
obj = newTokens[index]
if (obj instanceof COSName && obj.equals(COSName.OC)) {
// println "Found COSName at "+index /// Found Optional Content
startIndex = index
if (index < newTokens.size()) {
obj = newTokens[index]
if (obj instanceof COSName) {
prop = pdRes.getProperties(obj)
if (prop != null && prop instanceof PDOptionalContentGroup) {
if ((prop.getName()).equals(delLayer)) {
println "Found the Layer to be deleted"
println "prop Name was " + prop.getName()
if (index < newTokens.size()) {
obj = newTokens[index]
if ((obj.getName()).equals("BDC")) {
ocgStart = index
println("OCG Start " + ocgStart)
ocgLength = -1
while (index < newTokens.size()) {
obj = newTokens[index]
println " Loop through relevant OCG Tokens " + obj
if (obj instanceof Operator && (obj.getName()).equals("EMC")) {
println "the next obj was " + obj
println "after that " + newTokens[index + 1] + "and then " + newTokens[index + 2]
println("OCG End " + ocgLength++)
if (endIndex > 0) {
println "End Index was something " + (startIndex + ocgLength)
catch (Exception ex){
println ex.message()
for (int i = ocgStart; i < ocgStart+ ocgLength; i++){
PDStream newContents = new PDStream(doc);
OutputStream output = newContents.createOutputStream(COSName.FLATE_DECODE);
ContentStreamWriter writer = new ContentStreamWriter(output);

Building GeoTools Geometry "segments" from route coordinates

From a set of coordinates that define a route, I want to draw a Geometry that mimicks a theoretical highway of that track, given an arbitrary number of meters wide (e.g. 20)
I don't know if GeoTools provides tools for constructing a Geometry with such inputs, so my initial idea is to split the track coordinates (several thousands) in pairs (coord0, coord1), (coord1, coord2), ...., (coordN, coordN-1) and, with each pair, build a rectangle assuming that the two points are the midpoints of a 20m wide segment (as in Knowing two points of a rectangle, how can I figure out the other two?), and joining all the resulting geometries.
Maybe it's overkill but I haven't found a cheaper way to do this
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
The easy way to do this is to use a 20m buffer around a line created from your points. So some code like this to create a line from the points (:
String[] wkt = {
"Point (-0.13666168754467312 50.81919869153657743)",
"Point (-0.13622277073931291 50.82205165077141373)",
"Point (-0.13545466632993253 50.82512406840893959)",
"Point (-0.13457683271921211 50.82687973563037787)",
"Point (-0.13413791591385191 50.82907431965718104)",
"Point (-0.13951464677951447 50.8294035072611976)",
"Point (-0.14346489802775639 50.83082998687861931)",
"Point (-0.14697623247063807 50.83072025767727808)",
"Point (-0.15004865010815954 50.83390240451614517)",
"Point (-0.15740050659794308 50.8349996965295432)",
"Point (-0.16486209228906662 50.83741373895902171)",
"Point (-0.17276259478555042 50.83894994777778464)",
"Point (-0.18549118214099652 50.8387304893751022)"
//build line
WKTReader2 reader = new WKTReader2();
GeometryFactory gf = new GeometryFactory();
Coordinate[] points = new Coordinate[wkt.length];
int i=0;
for(String w:wkt) {
Point p;
try {
p = (Point) reader.read(w);
} catch (ParseException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
LineString line = gf.createLineString(points);
SimpleFeatureBuilder builder = new SimpleFeatureBuilder(schema);
builder.set("locations", line);
SimpleFeature feature = builder.buildFeature("1");
And then a BufferLine method like:
public SimpleFeature bufferFeature(SimpleFeature feature, Measure<Double, Length> distance) {
// extract the geometry
GeometryAttribute gProp = feature.getDefaultGeometryProperty();
CoordinateReferenceSystem origCRS = gProp.getDescriptor().getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
Geometry geom = (Geometry) feature.getDefaultGeometry();
Geometry pGeom = geom;
MathTransform toTransform, fromTransform = null;
// reproject the geometry to a local projection
if (!(origCRS instanceof ProjectedCRS)) {
Point c = geom.getCentroid();
double x = c.getCoordinate().x;
double y = c.getCoordinate().y;
String code = "AUTO:42001," + x + "," + y;
// System.out.println(code);
CoordinateReferenceSystem auto;
try {
auto = CRS.decode(code);
toTransform = CRS.findMathTransform(DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84, auto);
fromTransform = CRS.findMathTransform(auto, DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84);
pGeom = JTS.transform(geom, toTransform);
} catch (MismatchedDimensionException | TransformException | FactoryException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
// buffer
Geometry out = buffer(pGeom, distance.doubleValue(SI.METER));
Geometry retGeom = out;
// reproject the geometry to the original projection
if (!(origCRS instanceof ProjectedCRS)) {
try {
retGeom = JTS.transform(out, fromTransform);
} catch (MismatchedDimensionException | TransformException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
// return a new feature containing the geom
SimpleFeatureType schema = feature.getFeatureType();
SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder ftBuilder = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder();
// ftBuilder.setDefaultGeometry("buffer");
SimpleFeatureType nSchema = ftBuilder.buildFeatureType();
SimpleFeatureBuilder builder = new SimpleFeatureBuilder(nSchema);
List<Object> atts = feature.getAttributes();
for (int i = 0; i < atts.size(); i++) {
if (atts.get(i) instanceof Geometry) {
atts.set(i, retGeom);
SimpleFeature nFeature = builder.buildFeature(null, atts.toArray());
return nFeature;
* create a buffer around the geometry, assumes the geometry is in the same
* units as the distance variable.
* #param geom
* a projected geometry.
* #param dist
* a distance for the buffer in the same units as the projection.
* #return
private Geometry buffer(Geometry geom, double dist) {
Geometry buffer = geom.buffer(dist);
return buffer;
The tricky part is reprojecting into a locally flat CRS so that you can use metres for the buffer size. If you know of a locally good projection you could just use that (in this case we could have used OSGB (EPSG:27700) for better results).
This gives the following map:

Java - Variable number of variables

I wrote a code to find all URLs within a PDF file and replace the one(s) that matches the parameters that was passed from a PHP script.
It is working fine when a single URL is passed. But I don't know how to handle more than one URL, I'm guessing I would need a loop that reads the array length, and call the changeURL method passing the correct parameters.
I actually made it work with if Statements (if myarray.lenght < 4 do this, if it is < 6, do that, if < 8.....), but I am guessing this is not the optimal way. So I removed it and want to try something else.
Parameters passed from PHP (in this order):
args[0] - Location of original PDF
args[1] - Location of new PDF
args[2] - URL 1 (URL to be changed)
args[3] - URL 1a (URL that will replace URL 1)
args[4] - URL 2 (URL to be changed)
args[5] - URL 2a - (URL that will replace URL 2)
and so on... up to maybe around 16 args, depending on how many URLs the PDF file contains.
Here's the code:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
if (args.length >= 4) {
} else {
System.out.println("PARAMETER MISSING FROM PHP");
public class URLReplacer {
public static void changeURL(String... a) {
try (PDDocument doc = PDDocument.load(a[0])) {
List<?> allPages = doc.getDocumentCatalog().getAllPages();
for (int i = 0; i < allPages.size(); i++) {
PDPage page = (PDPage) allPages.get(i);
List annotations = page.getAnnotations();
for (int j = 0; j < annotations.size(); j++) {
PDAnnotation annot = (PDAnnotation) annotations.get(j);
if (annot instanceof PDAnnotationLink) {
PDAnnotationLink link = (PDAnnotationLink) annot;
PDAction action = link.getAction();
if (action instanceof PDActionURI) {
PDActionURI uri = (PDActionURI) action;
String oldURL = uri.getURI();
if (a[2].equals(oldURL)) {
//System.out.println("Page " + (i + 1) + ": Replacing " + oldURL + " with " + a[3]);
} catch (IOException | COSVisitorException e) {
I have tried all sort of loops, but with my limited Java skills, did not achieve any success.
Also, if you notice any dodgy code, kindly let me know so I can learn the best practices from more experienced programmers.
Your main problem - as I understand -, is the "variable number of variables". And you have to send from PHP to JAVA.
1 you can transmit one by one as your example
2 or, in a structure.
there are several structures.
JSON is rather simple at PHP: multiple examples here:
encode json using php?
and for java you have: Decoding JSON String in Java.
or others (like XML , which seems too complex for this).
I'd structure your method to accept specific parameters. I used map to accept URLs, a custom object would be another option.
Also notice the way loops are changed, might give you a hint on some Java skills.
public static void changeURL(String originalPdf, String targetPdf, Map<String, String> urls ) {
try (PDDocument doc = PDDocument.load(originalPdf)) {
List<PDPage> allPages = doc.getDocumentCatalog().getAllPages();
for(PDPage page: allPages){
List annotations = page.getAnnotations();
for(PDAnnotation annot : page.getAnnotations()){
if (annot instanceof PDAnnotationLink) {
PDAnnotationLink link = (PDAnnotationLink) annot;
PDAction action = link.getAction();
if (action instanceof PDActionURI) {
PDActionURI uri = (PDActionURI) action;
String oldURL = uri.getURI();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> url : urls.entrySet()){
if (url.getKey().equals(oldURL)) {
} catch (IOException | COSVisitorException e) {
If you have to get the URL and PDF locations from command line, then call the changeURL function like this:
public static void main(String[] args) {
if (args.length >= 4) {
String originalPdf = args[0];
String targetPdf = args[1];
Map<String, String> urls = new HashMap<String, String>();
for(int i = 2; i< args.length; i+=2){
urls.put(args[i], args[i+1]);
URLReplacer.changeURL(originalPdf, targetPdf, urls);
} else {
System.out.println("PARAMETER MISSING FROM PHP");
Of the top of my head, you could do something like this
public static void main(String[] args) {
if (args.length >= 4 && args.length % 2 == 0) {
for(int i = 2; i < args.length; i += 2) {
URLReplacer.changeURL(args[0], args[1], args[i], args[i+1]);
args[0] = args[1];
} else {
System.out.println("PARAMETER MISSING FROM PHP");

Dynamically add External (Cross-Workbook) references

In our project, we have different versions of excelsheets which reference each other:
C:\V1\Sample.xls //no references
C:\V2\Sample.xls //references V1
C:\V3\Sample.xls //references V2
Example of a cell value:
Now I want to evaluate formulas of V3 using apache POI, I found the following example here
// Create a FormulaEvaluator to use
FormulaEvaluator mainWorkbookEvaluator = workbook.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator();
// Track the workbook references
Map<String,FormulaEvaluator> workbooks = new HashMap<String, FormulaEvaluator>();
// Add this workbook
workbooks.put("report.xlsx", mainWorkbookEvaluator);
// Add two others
workbooks.put("input.xls", WorkbookFactory.create("c:\temp\input22.xls").getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator());
workbooks.put("lookups.xlsx", WorkbookFactory.create("/home/poi/data/tmp-lookups.xlsx").getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator());
// Attach them
// Evaluate
Now my problem: I do not know the locations of the files, I therefore need to get all references from the mainworkbook and then automatically (and probably recursively) add them, not static like in the example above. Is there a function to get the references or does anyone know a way to achieve this?
Additionally, I am wondering if I have to add all FormulaEvaluator to V3 or do I have to add V2 to V3 and V1 to V2 for this to work?
I currently have setIgnoreMissingWorkbooks(true) implemented, but as the values will change and we do not want to open each excel file manually to update the references I want to implement this solution. Any help is appreciated
To get all external references use following method:
private static Set<String> getReferencedWorkbooks(Workbook workbook) {
Set<String> workbookNames = new HashSet<>();
final EvaluationWorkbook evalWorkbook;
if (workbook instanceof HSSFWorkbook) {
evalWorkbook = HSSFEvaluationWorkbook.create((HSSFWorkbook) workbook);
} else if (workbook instanceof XSSFWorkbook) {
evalWorkbook = XSSFEvaluationWorkbook.create((XSSFWorkbook) workbook);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException();
for (int i = 0; i < workbook.getNumberOfSheets(); i++) {
Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(i);
final EvaluationSheet evalSheet = evalWorkbook.getSheet(i);
for (Row r : sheet) {
for (Cell c : r) {
if (c.getCellType() == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA) {
final EvaluationCell cell = evalSheet.getCell(c.getRowIndex(), c.getColumnIndex());
final Ptg[] formulaTokens = evalWorkbook.getFormulaTokens(cell);
for (Ptg formulaToken : formulaTokens) {
final int externalSheetIndex;
if (formulaToken instanceof Ref3DPtg) {
Ref3DPtg refToken = (Ref3DPtg) formulaToken;
externalSheetIndex = refToken.getExternSheetIndex();
} else if (formulaToken instanceof Ref3DPxg) {
Ref3DPxg refToken = (Ref3DPxg) formulaToken;
externalSheetIndex = refToken.getExternalWorkbookNumber();
} else {
externalSheetIndex = -1;
if (externalSheetIndex >= 0) {
final ExternalSheet externalSheet = evalWorkbook.getExternalSheet(externalSheetIndex);
return workbookNames;
If your all of your workbooks are XLSX/XLSM you can use following code:
private static Set<String> getReferencedWorkbooksXssf(XSSFWorkbook workbook) {
Set<String> workbookNames = new HashSet<>();
final List<ExternalLinksTable> externalLinksTable = workbook.getExternalLinksTable();
for (ExternalLinksTable linksTable : externalLinksTable) {
final String linkedFileName = linksTable.getLinkedFileName();
return workbookNames;

Get the full path of a file at change set

I am searching for a .txt file that is located at change set.
Then I need to create locally over my pc the full path directory of this file.
For example if there a file called"test.txt" that it's located at:
Till now I have managed to search for this file.
Now I need to fetch the full directory and create similar one over my pc:
Result at my pc:
That's what I did to search for the file within a changeset and retrieve it:
public IFileItem getTextFileFile(IChangeSet changeSet, ITeamRepository repository) throws TeamRepositoryException{
IVersionableManager vm = SCMPlatform.getWorkspaceManager(repository).versionableManager();
List changes = changeSet.changes();
IFileItem toReturn = null;
for(int i=0;i<changes.size();i++) {="" <br=""> Change change = (Change) changes.get(i);
IVersionableHandle after = change.afterState();
if( after != null && after instanceof IFileItemHandle) {
IFileItem fileItem = (IFileItem) vm.fetchCompleteState(after, null);
if(fileItem.getName().contains(".txt")) {
toReturn = fileItem;
} else {
if(toReturn == null){
throw new TeamRepositoryException("Could not find the file");
return toReturn;
I use RTC:4
Thanks in advance.
I have the following IConfiguration that I fetched by the following:
IWorkspaceManager workspaceManager = SCMPlatform.getWorkspaceManager(repository);
IWorkspaceSearchCriteria wsSearchCriteria = WorkspaceSearchCriteria.FACTORY.newInstance();
List <iworkspacehandle> workspaceHandles = workspaceManager.findWorkspaces(wsSearchCriteria, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Application.getMonitor()); 
IWorkspaceConnection workspaceConnection = workspaceManager.getWorkspaceConnection(workspaceHandles.get(0),Application.getMonitor());
IComponentHandle component = changeSet.getComponent();
IConfiguration configuration = workspaceConnection.configuration(component);
List lst = new ArrayList<string>();
Now to get the full path of the file item ,I made the following method I got from :
private String getFullPath(List ancestor, ITeamRepository repository)
throws TeamRepositoryException {
String directoryPath = "";
for (Object ancestorObj : ancestor) {
IAncestorReport ancestorImpl = (IAncestorReport) ancestorObj;
for (Object nameItemPairObj : ancestorImpl.getNameItemPairs()) {
NameItemPairImpl nameItemPair = (NameItemPairImpl) nameItemPairObj;
Object item = SCMPlatform.getWorkspaceManager(repository)
.fetchCompleteState(nameItemPair.getItem(), null);
String pathName = "";
if (item instanceof IFolder) {
pathName = ((IFolder) item).getName();
else if (item instanceof IFileItem) {
pathName = ((IFileItem) item).getName();
if (!pathName.equals(""))
directoryPath = directoryPath + "\\" + pathName;
return directoryPath;

