So I had been working with Hibernate SessionFactory and its getCurrentSession method for inside a transaction for a while now.
Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
and having it interact with other DAO classes within the same test. Switching to JPA though, can I inject a container managed EntityManagerFactory and then replacing the above with
EntityManager entityManager = myFactory.createEntityManager();
and then continue as session interface equivalents in EntityManager in current tests? Performing entityManager.flush() causes
javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException: no transaction is in progress
.flush() call must be part of a transaction. Either you create one or propagate from calling class using #Transactional annotation.
To create:
// Some DB operations
entityManager.getTransaction().commit(); //commit() will do the flush anyway
If you want to to be part of calling class transaction, then include #Transactional annotation either at method or class level depending on design.
I'm learning about how to create REST API with JPA and Hibernate and a MySQL database and I see this #Transactional annotation. Can someone explain what is the use of this annotation?
For example I have this simple DAO class:
public class EmployeeDAOHibernateImpl implements EmployeeDAO {
// define field for entitymanager
private EntityManager entityManager;
// set up constructor injection
public EmployeeDAOHibernateImpl(EntityManager entityManager) {
this.entityManager = entityManager;
public List<Employee> findAll() {
// get the current hibernate session
Session currentSession = entityManager.unwrap(Session.class);
// create a query
Query<Employee> theQuery =
currentSession.createQuery("from Employee", Employee.class);
// execute query and get result list
List<Employee> employees = theQuery.getResultList();
// return the results
return employees;
You can see the #Transactional used for findAll() method, but if I delete this #Transactional I get the same output... then what is the use of this #Transactional?
#Transactional annotation is used when you want the certain method/class(=all methods inside) to be executed in a transaction.
Let's assume user A wants to transfer 100$ to user B. What happens is:
We decrease A's account by 100$
We add 100$ to B's account
Let's assume the exception is thrown after succeeding 1) and before executing 2). Now we would have some kind of inconsistency because A lost 100$ while B got nothing.
Transactions means all or nothing. If there is an exception thrown somewhere in the method, changes are not persisted in the database. Something called rollback happens.
If you don't specify #Transactional, each DB call will be in a different transaction.
Generally the #Transactional annotation is written at the service level.
It is used to combine more than one writes on a database as a single atomic operation.
When somebody call the method annotated with #Transactional all or none of the writes on the database is executed.
In the case of read operations it is not useful and so it is in case of a single atomic write. You are using it in a single read (select) so adding or removing the #Transactional annotation has no impact.
The class declares #Transactional on itself or its members, Spring creates a proxy that implements the same interface(s) as the class you’re annotating. In other words, Spring wraps the bean in the proxy and the bean itself has no knowledge of it.
A proxy provides a way for Spring to inject behaviors before, after, or around method calls into the object being proxied.
Internally, its the same as using a transaction advice (using AOP), where a proxy is created first and is invoked before/after the target bean’s method.
The generated proxy object is supplied with a TransactionInterceptor, which is created by Spring. So when the #Transactional method is called from client code, the TransactionInterceptor gets invoked first from the proxy object, which begins the transaction and eventually invokes the method on the target bean. When the invocation finishes, the TransactionInterceptor commits/rolls back the transaction accordingly
Suppose I have a Singleton bean with an EntityManager in it. The singleton also specifies (on method or class level) a transaction attribute REQUIRED. The entity manager is obtained via an #PersistenceContext injection which specifies persistence context type TRANSACTION. For all intents and purposes, if a method on this singleton is invoked with an existing transaction, the entity manager should join the transaction or possibly provide an already existing one linked to that transaction via proxy. If such a method is invoked outside of a transaction a new transaction will be started for the duration of the method invocation.
Now suppose we have a second bean which uses bean-managed transactions and injects the singleton. If it explicitly starts a user transaction and then invokes a method on the singleton, will the entity manager in that method join that user transaction? Will the jump from bean-managed to container-managed transaction context even work? I know the other way around doesn't and forms a barrier.
The singleton class:
public class PersistenceSingleton {
#PersistenceContext(unitName = "test", type = PersistenceContextType.TRANSACTION)
private EntityManager em;
public void doStuff() {
// perform actions with the entity manager that imply changes in the database
The bean with user transactions (might as well be stateless or stateful):
public class PersistenceFacade {
private PeristenceSingleton ps;
private UserTransaction userTx;
public void doStuff() {
Does the transaction started in method doStuff() of the PersistenceFacade get taken into account when invoking doStuff() on the PersistenceSingleton? Does the entity manager automatically join the transaction and behave as expected from transaction isolation during concurrent access?
UserTransaction is used for changing the default transaction demarcation but we still control the JTA transactions. says:
If you have UserTransaction you can start demarcating what is to be executed within the transaction. Notice that you’re still controlling
the JTA transactions
so The persistence context propagation rule will be applied for UserTransaction demarcation.
pro JPA book says:
When a method is invoked on the transaction-scoped entity manager, it
must first see whether there is a propagated persistence context. If
one exists, the entity manager uses this persistence context to carry
out the operation. All subsequent transaction-scoped entity manager
operations, in this component or any other, will thereafter use this
newly created persistence context. This behavior works independently
of whether container-managed or bean-managed transaction demarcation
has been used.
the answer to your questions is yes(first question)
Does the entity manager automatically join the transaction and behave
as expected from transaction isolation during concurrent access?
entity manager checks the existence of a propagated persistence context and uses it.
I am developing a project with spring framework.
I have following architecture: all database code is in dao classes, all application logic is in service classes, http requests are processed using spring mvc rest controllers.
public class UserDao {
private EntityManager em;
public void editUser(User user) {
public class UserService {
private UserDao userDao;
public void editUser(User user) {
#RequestMapping(value = "/UserCtrl", produces = "application/json;charset=UTF-8")
public class UserCtrl {
private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(AppConfig.LOGGER_NAME);
private ApplicationContext appContext;
#RequestMapping(value = "/editUser")
public ActionResult editUser(#ModelAttribute User user) {
ActionResult rslt = new ActionResult();
try {
UserService userService = appContext.getBean(UserService.class);
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.error("editUser", ex);
return rslt;
This code works correctly.
One thing I cannot understand is how aop proxy of UserService bean starts transaction, when EntityManager is injected only in UserDao class. Can somebody explain me how this works and how EntityManager lifecycle is managed by spring framework ?
Any help appreciated.
The TransactionManager is responsible for managing the transaction boundaries
in Spring Framework.
When you annotate the business method with #Transactional you are instrumenting the method with an aspect.
Before executing the method, this aspect interact with TransactionManager which decides if it is necessary to create a new Transaction or use a preexisting one. In the case of create a new Transaction, a new Entity Manager is created from EntityManagerFactory and is associated to the current thread alonside with the Transaction.
The EntityManager is responsible to iterate with the database. When you inject it with #PersistenceContext, Spring injects an proxy to the EntityManager.
Whenever an operation is executed in the EntityManager proxy it looks the EntityManager associated with the thread.
Based on the snippet of code you provide you are using spring with some implementation of JPA you are using J2EE container for your web application and bases on my guess I think this is good article about how things works.
Basic concepts :
EntityManager - A class that manages the persistent state(or lifecycle) of an entity.
Persistence Unit - is a named configuration of entity classes.
Persistence Context - is a managed set of entity instances. The entities classes are part of the Persistence Unit configurations.
Managed Entities - an entity instance is managed if it is part of a persistence context and that Entity Manager can act upon it.
Based on this article you use Container Managed EntityManager by using #PersistenceContext
When a container of the application(be it a Java EE container or any other custom container like Spring) manages the lifecycle of the Entity Manager, the Entity Manager is said to be Container Managed. The most common way of acquiring a Container Managed EntityManager is to use #PersistenceContext annotation on an EntityManager attribute.
And the injection is like this :
A Transaction Scoped Entity Manager is returned whenever a reference created by #PersistenceContext is resolved.
Every time an operation is invoked on an Entity Manager, the container proxy(the container creates a proxy around the entity manager while instantiating it ) checks for any existing Persistence Context on the JTA Transaction. If it finds one, the Entity Manager will use this Persistence Context. If it doesnt find one, then it will create a new Persistence Context and associates it with the transaction.
So the lifecycle of of entity manager is managed by your container and
we work with an instance of EntityManager, the only role of EntityManager is to determine the lifetime of the Persistence Context. It plays no role in dictating how a Persistence Context should behave. To reiterate, Persistence Context is a managed set of Entity instances. Whenever a transaction begins, a Persistence Context instance gets associated with it. And when a Transaction ends(commits for example), the Persistence Context is flushed and get disassociated with the transaction.
In the nutshell container instantiate your EntityManager by the EntityManagerFactory you provide and manage it's lifecycle but inject the proxy of EntityManager for you. The TransactionManager is responsible for creating, commiting and ... tranactions based on annotations you provide ,whenever it begins the transaction the PersistancecContext associated with it and when the tranasction ends it commites the state of PersistenceContext. The EntityManager works with PersistenceContext and if it's not provided the EntityManager creates one. The EntityManager is threadsafe as long as it holds no state and the state (PersistenceContext) is attached to current tranasction.
Hope this helps.
Can #PersistenceUnit be used with JTA in JPA? If so, how is it possible?
With <persistence-unit transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL"> [...]
You must use the EntityManagerFactory to get an EntityManager
An EntityManagerFactory can be injected via the #PersistenceUnit annotation only (not #PersistenceContext)
With <persistence-unit transaction-type="JTA"> [...]
An EntityManager can be injected via the #PersistenceContext annotation only (not #PersistenceUnit)
I have a similar code which uses JTA and #PersistenceUnit at the same time. But sometimes I am having NullPointerException when accesing transaction (defined as #Resource).
Using JTA means that you delegate the work to the container. You can override it by using a UserTransaction. Your quotation contains all the answers you want to know. Using PersistenceUnit to get an EntityManager won't work.
If you are using RESOURCE_LOCAL you are responsible for the transaction itself, by using EntityManager.getTransaction(). An entity manager is created by an EntityManagerFactory. To obtain that factory, you can use PersistenceUnit.
So the simple answer is no, if you rely on container managed entity managers.
As example see
Application Managed Entity Managers = RESOURCE_LOCAL can use UserTransaction (which are part of JTA).
What does entity manager means???
If i am a naive programmer i could simply interpret something which manages entity & Indeed it means the same.
An Entity Manager is been instantiated with the help of an Entity Manager Factory. A connection to a database is managed by the entity manager i.e. it provides functionality for performing operations on a database. Therefore we could say if an application needs multiple database connections, an EntityManagerFactory will be constructed for a specific database which provides an efficient way to construct multiple EntityManager instances(if required, even single instance of entity manager can the job depending upon the requirement you may opt for multiple instances) for that database required for every HTTP request. We shall understand this with the help of an example. Suppose we have a
Database : A , having a relational tables B and C.
So for A, an instance of entity manager factory will be instantiated. Now we if ever want to perform any update to table B & lets say delete operation for table C, either two different entity manager could be instantiated or same the entity manager instance can be utilized for both.
The instantiation of Entity Manager Factory itself is considered to be less efficient but since it's a one time activity therefore it's manageable task because Entity Manager Factory once instantiated, it will serve the entire application
The entity manager instantiated is associated with a persistence context.
#PersistenceUnit(unitName = "MyDatabase")
EntityManagerFactory emf;
EntityManager entityManager = emf.createEntityManager();
#PersistenceContext(unitName = "MyDatabase")
private EntityManager entityManager;
PersistenceUnit injects an EntityManagerFactory, and PersistenceContext injects an EntityManager. It's generally better to use PersistenceContext unless you really need to manage the EntityManager lifecycle manually.
EntityManagerFactory defines another method for instantiation of EntityManager that, like the factory, takes a map of properties as an argument. This form is useful when a user name and a password other than the EntityManagerFactory's default user name and password have to specified:
Map properties = new HashMap();
properties.put("javax.persistence.jdbc.user", "kashyap");
EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager(properties);
Within the persistence context, the entity instances and their lifecycle are managed. By Entity instance, we mean instance of an entity & each entity designates relational table in the database. Entity Manager is actually an interface which provides methods to create and remove persistent entity instances, to find entities by their primary key, and to query over entities so together these functionalities are grouped under operations we perform. Operations that modify the content of a database require active transactions. Transactions are managed by an Entity Transaction instance obtained from the EntityManager.
Precise Definition :-
An Entity Manager is defined by a persistence unit. A persistence unit defines the set of all classes that are related or grouped by the application, and which must be colocated in their mapping to a single database.
Below i'm writing a code snippet for better understanding :-
try {
// Operations that modify the database should come here.
*getTransaction() EntityManager's method Return the resource-level EntityTransaction object. See JavaDoc Reference Page
finally {
if (em.getTransaction().isActive())
Lets proceed as per JPA Specification :-
1) Extended vs Transactional - Scoped :
By Default the Transactional Persistence Context is in used which means all changes are flushed and all managed entities become detahced when the current transaction commits.
The Extended scope is available only for Stateful EJBs & it even makes a perfect sense since stateful beans can save the state therefore one can say end of
one business method doesn't necessary means the end of the transaction.
With the Stateless beans, it has a different aspect - We have business method that must end when the business method finishes.
===> One Method = One Transaction;
Only Transactional-Scoped Entity Manager is allowed for Stateless Beans
You can control if the EntityManager is extended or transactional during the EntityManager Injection :-
#PersistenceContext (type = javax.persistence.PersistenceContextType.EXTENDED)
EntityManager emng;
By Default it's javax.persistence.PersistenceContextType.TRANSACTION
Extended and Transaction Scoped PersistenceContext are allowed only in case of container-managed EntityManagers.
Time to step up a bit with: Container-managed vs Application-managed
2) Container-managed vs Application-managed :
EntityManager emng;
Above statement authorises Container to inject the entity manager for you, hence Container-Managed.
Alternatively, you can create an EntityManager by yourself using EntityManagerFactory But this time the injection will be bit different -
EntityManagerFactory emf;
Now to get the EntityManager you need to invoke
And here it is - you're using the application managed Persistence Context. Now you're responsible for creation and removal of EntityManagers.
Focus before you read the next para because that's what the tangled context , i'm trying to resolve-
You might use createEntityManager if you want to have control over created EM - e.g. if you need to move the created EntityManager across multiple beans involved in the trasaction - the container won't do it for you and every time you invoke createEntityManager(), you're creating an EntityManager that is connected to the new PersistenceContext. You might use the CDI for EntityManager's sharing.
Stay tuned for Entity Transaction - JPA and Resource-local, will be posting a detailed discussion on it.
Hope it gives a brief idea about the context. & Feel free to post queries.
Read the second part from here
Application is based on Spring 2.5.5 and hibernate 3.2.0 GA.
I have the following method in my DAO that gets MessageEntities attached to the specified User:
public MessageEntity findByUserId(int userId) {
List<MessageEntity> result = (List<MessageEntity>) em.createNamedQuery(MessageEntity.Q_BY_USER_ID).setParameter("userId", userId).getResultList();
if (!result.isEmpty()) {
return result.get(0);
} else {
return null;
I need to call this method from my integration test to check whether system's behaviour is valid. As long as this method is not transactional, all I get is org.hibernate.SessionException: Session is closed!. The easiest way to avoid this is to mark findByUserId method with #Transactional(readOnly = true). But as I understand, transaction management should be the duty of service tier to avoid unnecessary transactions creation. So, my question is: how can I properly get away from SessionException?
You need to perform all your database actions within a transaction scope. As you identified its usually considered good design to let the service layer of your database model deal with transactions. The only constraint then becomes that you must invoke your service model to get within the transaction scope, which might be undesirable during test.
I would recommend to make use of the testing fascilites provided by spring. See Transaction management
You could also manually create a transaction before testing your method, e.g., by
Session sess = factory.openSession();
Transaction tx = null;
// try catch
tx = sess.beginTransaction();
Put the following annotations on the top of your test class.
#ContextConfiguration(locations = "classpath:/META-INF/spring/applicationContext.xml")
Also I wouldn't worry about putting additional #Transactional in DAOs.
Spring usually checks to see if you are already in a transaction (with in the same thread) before it creates another.
"But as I understand, transaction
management should be the duty of
service tier to avoid unnecessary
transactions creation."
This is more of a design choice (Spring Roo for example violates this)
You can use this annotation on your controller method:
#Transactional(readOnly = true)