I am working on a javaFX project in which I need precise control over Node's size.
My code currently correctly updates the prefWidthProperty when needed, and the min and max size is set to use the pref size, yet the widthProperty is not updating.
I have verified this with print statements added as listeners to the properties. PrefWidthProperty updates, widthProperty does not (until I click the Node, possibly giving focus?)
I tried requesting layouts on both itself and its parent, same with focus, did not work.
I currently do not really know how to fix this bug which is very annoying. it seems that currently everything always lags 1 layout pass behind.
Code used to set the size and check for changes:
//Set the size
this.setMinSize(Region.USE_PREF_SIZE, Region.USE_PREF_SIZE);
this.setMaxSize(Region.USE_PREF_SIZE, Region.USE_PREF_SIZE);
public ObservableValue<? extends Number> getTotalWidthProperty() {
return rightArgument.layoutXProperty().add(rightArgument.translateXProperty()).add(rightArgument.widthProperty()).add(H_GAP);
//Check for change:
this.prefWidthProperty().addListener(p -> System.out.println("FB_Pref_"+System.currentTimeMillis() + " " + this.getPrefWidth()));
this.widthProperty().addListener(p -> System.out.println("FB______"+System.currentTimeMillis() + " " + this.getWidth()));
As said before, the FB_Pref gets printed correctly on time, FB_____ gets printed way too late.
If you set min/max to pref, this will create a fixed sized node. The min/max/pref sizes will be included during first layout phase. The width "property" reflects the currently set width on your node. So if you do not change the width, your listener will never get an event. You can sysout the width with getWidth, this always returns the current width.
There are two types of listeners in JavaFX, a changelistener and an invalidation listener. You added an invalidation listner with lambdas. This one fires only as needed and not at every change only on a relayout. Look here for more Information: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/javafx/properties-binding-tutorial/binding.htm#sthref12
Simply try this one:
(ObservableValue<? extends Number> observable, Number oldValue, Number newValue) -> {
System.out.println("FB_Pref_" + System.currentTimeMillis() + " " + this.getPrefWidth());
(ObservableValue<? extends Number> observable, Number oldValue, Number newValue) -> {
System.out.println("FB______" + System.currentTimeMillis() + " " + this.getWidth())
This is a long delay to answering the question. I discovered a solution to this when I performed a similar binding task to a prefWidthProperty and prefHeightProperty. It does seem that the width/height of the node is one layout step behind the preferred dimension. Doing the following will solve it (assuming that this extends Node):
prefWidthProperty.addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> {
Platform.runLater(() -> getParent().requestLayout());
For some reason, executing the Runnable later on the Application thread works. Each time the preferred dimension is set, requestLayout() is called anyway inside the invalidated() method of MinPrefMaxProperty of the Region class. This is just forcing the update again.
I noticed that when adding and deleting tabs from a TabPane, it fails to match the position of the order of tabs in the underlying list. This only happens when at least one tab is hidden entirely due to the width of the parent. Here's some code that replicates the issue:
public class TabPaneTester extends Application {
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
Scene scene = sizeScene();
private Scene sizeScene(){
TabPane tabPane = new TabPane();
Scene scene = new Scene(tabPane);
scene.setOnKeyPressed(e -> tabPane.getTabs().add(1, tabPane.getTabs().remove(0)));
return scene;
private static Tab[] newTabs(int numTabs){
Tab[] tabs = new Tab[numTabs];
for(int i = 0; i < numTabs; i++) {
Label label = new Label("Tab Number " + (i + 1));
Tab tab = new Tab();
tabs[i] = tab;
return tabs;
public static void main(String[] args) {
When you press a key, it removes the first tab (at index 0) and puts it back at index 1, effectively swapping the first two tabs. However, when run the tabs don't actually visually swap (even though the tab switcher menu does switch their position).
If you change the width of the screen to include even a pixel of the third tab that was hidden (replace 475 with 500), it works as intended. Any clues as to how to fix this?
This is indeed a bug and I couldn't find it reported in the public JIRA it is now reported at https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8193495.
All my analysis is based on the code in TabPaneSkin if you want to have a look yourself.
The problem arises when you remove and then add the tab "too quickly". When a tab is removed, asynchronous calls are made during the removal process. If you make another change such as adding a tab before the async calls finish (or at least "finish enough"), then the change procedure sees the pane at an invalid state.
Removing a tab calls removeTabs, which is outlined below:
Various internal removal methods are called.
Then it checks if closing should be animated.
If yes (GROW),
an animation queues a call to a requestLayout method, which itself is invoked asynchronously,
and the animations starts (asynchronously) and the method returns.
If not (NONE),
requestLayout is called immediately and the method returns.
The time during which the pane is at an invalid state is the time from when the call returns until requestLayout returns (on another thread). This duration is equivalent to the duration of requestLayout plus the duration of the animation (if there is one), which is ANIMATION_SPEED = 150[ms]. Invoking addTabs during this time can cause undesired effects because the data needed to properly add the tab is not ready yet.
Add an artificial pause between the calls:
ObservableList<Tab> tabs = tabPane.getTabs();
PauseTransition p = new PauseTransition(Duration.millis(150 + 20));
scene.setOnKeyPressed(e -> {
Tab remove = tabs.remove(0);
p.setOnFinished(e2 -> tabs.add(1, remove));
This is enough time for the asynchronous calls to return (don't call the KeyPressed handler too quickly in succession because you will remove the tabs faster than they can be added). You can turn off the removal animation with
tabPane.setStyle("-fx-close-tab-animation: NONE;");
which allows you to decrease the pause duration. On my machine 15 was safe (here you can also call the KeyPressed handler quickly in succession because of the short delay).
Possible fix
Some synchronization on tabHeaderArea.
I'm quite a newbie on JavaFX and I need to bind the visible property of a Label in a way that, if the value it represents reaches 0, the Label should be invisible. Also, it needs to be updated when the bounded integerProperty value changes.
This is my code:
private Label kingRewardLabel;
// many other stuff between
IntegerProperty kingBonus = mainApp.getLocalModel().getMap().kingBonus();
kingBonus.addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> {
if (newValue.equals(0)) {
} else {
// testing the listener
I have already tried to debug a little but everything seems fine, no error, no exception thrown, just the listener does not work, or at least not as I expect, because the Label still show the default text "Label", instead of "25"
You can use simply bindings to achieve this:
The Label kingRewardLabel will display the value of the IntegerProperty kingBonus and it is only visible if the displayed value is greater than zero.
But, if you want to stay with listeners:
kingBonus.addListener((obs, oldVal, newVal) -> {
kingRewardLabel.setVisible(newVal.intValue() > 0);
This is almost the same as your listener in the question, but in that case, if the Label became invisible, it will never become visible again as kingRewardLabel.setVisible(true) is never called.
Finally, to answer your question about why the listener is "not working" - there can be two possible reasons:
1) The Label, which one is displayed is not the Label stored in kingRewardLabel
2) At the time when you call kingBonus.setValue(25);, the value stored in kingBonus is already 25, no changed event will be fired, therefore the listener is not executed at all.
You can go like this:
kingBonus.addListener(l -> {
int value = kingBonus.getValue().intValue();
System.out.println("Entered listener for value:" + value);
if (value == 0)
I'd like to ask is it possible to stop knob moving further upon hit certain value in JScrollBar ?
For example, set the minimum and maximum value of a vertical scroll bar to 0 and 100. If the user scroll the knob till 60, he or she should not be able to move knob up further but able to move knob down.
Hence, I have simply wrote following adjust listener:
class MyAdjustmentListener2 implements AdjustmentListener
public void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent e)
label.setText("New Value is " + e.getValue() + " ");
if (e.getValue() < 60 )
The label is a JLabel I used to monitor the adjusted value, the vbar is a vertical JScrollBar instance. Above code will force the knob jump back to value 60 if user try to move it above the value 60. This slightly different from what I want to achieve.
I have looked into the API of JScrollBar, I didn't found any straight method provided to use. Please share some hints to me here. Thank you for your time and suggestion.
So, my issue is this: I'm attempting to define a custom set of nodes for a Javafx XYChart LineChart, where each node corresponds to a point that was plotted directly from the datasets. After looking around a little bit, Jewlesea actually had a solution at one point about how to add dynamic labels to nodes on a linechart graph that gave me enough of a push in the right direction to create black symbols (they are dots at the moment, but they can be many different things). Now I have a requirement that requires me to change ONE of the nodes on the XY chart into an 'X'. this could be either through loading an image in place of the 'node', or through physically manipulating the 'shape' parameter in .css.
The problem begins when I try to add this property dynamically, since which node has the 'x' will always be changing. Here are the things I've tried, and they all end up with no results whatsoever, regardless of the property used.
private XYChart.Data datum( Double x, Double y )
final XYChart.Data data = new XYChart.Data(x, y);
new HoveredThresholdNode(x, y));
//data.getNode().setStyle("-fx-background-image: url(\"redX.png\");");
new SimpleStringProperty("-fx-background-color: #0181e2;")
.concat("-fx-font-size: 20px;")
.concat("-fx-background-radius: 0;")
.concat("-fx-background-insets: 0;")
.concat("-fx-shape: \"M2,0 L5,4 L8,0 L10,0 L10,2 L6,5 L10,8 L10,10 L8,10 L5,6 L2,10 L0,10 L0,8 L4,5 L0,2 L0,0 Z\";")
return data;
So in the above, you can see that this is adding a property through the use of the 'bind' function after the dataNode has already been created. Also note above, I tried doing it through the 'setStyle' interface at this level to give it a background image, with no success. Also, no errors are being thrown, no 'invalid css' or anything of the sort, just simply no display on the graph at all when done this way.
now, in the HoveredThresholdNode (Again a big thanks to Jewelsea for being a master of Javafx and putting this bit of code online, it's where 90% of this class came from.) I tried essentially the same thing, at a different level. (actually being IN the node creation class, as opposed to a layer above it).
class HoveredThresholdNode extends StackPane {
* #param x the x value of our node (this gets passed around a bunch)
* #param y the y value of our node (also gets passed around a bunch)
HoveredThresholdNode(Double x, Double y) {
//The preferred size of each node of the graph
new SimpleStringProperty("-fx-background-color: #0181e2;")
.concat("-fx-font-size: 20px;")
.concat("-fx-background-radius: 0;")
.concat("-fx-background-insets: 0;")
.concat("-fx-shape: \"M2,0 L5,4 L8,0 L10,0 L10,2 L6,5 L10,8 L10,10 L8,10 L5,6 L2,10 L0,10 L0,8 L4,5 L0,2 L0,0 Z\";")
//this label is the 'tooltip' label for the graph.
final Label label = createDataThresholdLabel(x, y);
final double Myx = x;
final double Myy = y;
setOnMouseEntered(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
#Override public void handle(MouseEvent mouseEvent) {
if (Myx == 0) {
} else if (Myx > 0) {
} else {
label.setText("Current position: " + Myx + " , " + Myy);
setOnMouseExited(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
#Override public void handle(MouseEvent mouseEvent) {
Now note, I also tried the setStyle(java.lang.String) method, with all of the same type of CSS, with no success. I have NO idea why this isn't styling dynamically. It's almost as if the custom nodes are simply ignoring all new .css that I define at runtime?
Any help would be greatly appreciated, please don't be shy if you need more details or explanation on any points.
So, I did finally find a good workaround to solve my problem, although not in the way I thought it would happen. The main problem I was having, was that I was extending from stackPane to create my node, which only had a very small number of graphical display options available to it, and by switching the 'prefSize()' property, I was simply changing the size of that stackPane, and then filling in the background area of that stack pane black, giving it a very deceptive shape-look to it.
So rather than use a stack pane, whenever I reached the node that I needed to place the red 'X' on, I simply called a different Datum method that returned a datum with an ImageView Attached, like so:
private XYChart.Data CoLDatum(Double x, Double y){
final XYChart.Data data = new XYChart.Data(x, y);
ImageView myImage = new ImageView(new Image(getClass().getResource("style/redX.png").toExternalForm()));
data.getNode().setOnMouseEntered(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
#Override public void handle(MouseEvent mouseEvent) {
main_label.setText("Some Text.");
data.getNode().setOnMouseExited(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>(){
#Override public void handle(MouseEvent mouseEvent) {
return data;
and since ImageView is an implementing class of Node, this worked out just fine, and allowed me to load up an image for that one single node in the graph, while still maintaining a listener to give custom text to our information label when the red 'x' was hovered over with a mouse. Sometimes, it's the simple solutions that slip right past you.
I imagine that, had I employed stackPane properties properly with the setStyle(java.lang.String) method, they would have absolutely shown up, and I was just butchering the nature of a stack pane. Interesting.
Hopefully this helps somebody else stuck with similar problems!
I would like to customize JTableHeader so it would offer serval actions (for example 2 buttons which one of them would sort column and second show properties of this column etc). Unfortunately it is not possible to set CellEditor for JTableHeader so i'm stuck with using mouse adapter. But maybe it is possible to dispatch event from this particular JTableHeader component so it will show up a popup menu which will contains all options i desire and it would dispatch event if option other than sorting would be chosen. This way standard JTable sorting operation will be available, along with my operations and it will maintain a decent visual apperance. So my question is - Is it possible and how it should be done.
In response to trashgod comment - i understand that you mean to treat defaultheader as an ordinary component and just use "add" function to add Components. It doesnt work well with JTableHeader. After reading trashgod example i wrote this:
private class mouseList extends MouseAdapter {
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
TableColumnModel thisColumnModel = thisTable.getColumnModel();
int xCor = e.getX();
//int Cols = thisColumnModel.getColumnCount();
int thisColNum = thisColumnModel.getColumnIndexAtX(xCor);
int prevWidth=0;
for(int i = 0 ;i<thisColNum;i++)
int width = xCor-prevWidth;
customHeader thisHeader = (customHeader)((JTableHeader)e.getSource()).getDefaultRenderer();
System.out.println(thisHeader.mainB.getText() + " text of thisHeader");
test thisTest = new test(null,false,thisHeader);
//System.out.println(width + " width of the header");
Object thisComp = thisHeader.getComponentAt(width, e.getY());
System.out.println(thisComp + "\n" + width + " + " + e.getY() +"\n" + thisHeader.getMainButton().getText());
if(thisComp instanceof JButton)
String name = ((JButton)thisComp).getName();
System.out.println("its working on main");
System.out.println("its working on menu");
MouseListener is applied to JTableHeader. HeaderRender is an extension of JPanel that contains 2 JButtons. Strange thing happens in line
Object thisComp = thisHeader.getComponentAt(width, e.getY());
When i left lines
test thisTest = new test(null,false,thisHeader);
(This dialog shows selected component)
uncommented, function "getComponentAt" seems to work allmost fine (allmost because it never goes for else condition even when mouse is targeting second button, and it does not repaint clicked buttons[Strangely its repainting buttons in test dialog window]),otherwise it allways returns null object.
I dont know if it is important but i set Header renderer globally by invoking "setDefaultRenderer" on JTableHeader.
Im pretty much running out of ideas so i would appreciate any help.
This example shows the basic infrastructure, while this answer offers several important caveats regarding usability. This example shows how to change the RowFilter dynamically, but changing the RowSorter is similar. Both examples use JToggleButton to manage two states, but a JComboBox could be used to select from among more alternatives.