I have a problem with my Google API.
I would like to avoid going through a browser to retrieve my access authorization.
I would like to retrieve the code directly into a variable.
This is the kind of URL that I sent :
HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet("https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?access_type=online&approval_prompt=auto&client_id=22fdgdfg40-1gmgdfggdps0hfol.apps.googleusercontent.com&redirect_uri=https://tito.com/&response_type=code&scope=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.group%20https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.group.readonly");
HttpResponse responses = client.execute(httpget);
HttpParams param = responses.getParams();
System.out.println("Response Code : " + responses.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
I am trying to send SMS messages when a button is clicked in an Android app. I have the SMS sending code in Python using a REST API. The template looks like so:
import requests
url = "https://api.apidaze.io/{{api_key}}/sms/send"
querystring = {"api_secret":"{{api_secret}}"}
payload = "from=15558675309&to=15551234567&body=Have%20a%20great%20day."
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
response = requests.request("POST", url, data=payload, headers=headers,
Because I am making an Android app, I need this to be in Java, but I am having trouble making the same POST request with the same parameters, headers, and body in JAVA.
Does anyone know how to make convert this template into something I can use for an Android app in Java?
There is a port of Apache Http Client for Android:
Check the documentation, a simple POST request is very easy using this library:
HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost("https://api.apidaze.io/" + api_key + "/sms/send");
String json = "{"api_secret":" + api_secret + "}";
StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(json);
httpPost.setHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
CloseableHttpResponse response = client.execute(httpPost);
I'm sending an http get/head request using Apache HttpClient 4.x. I'm sending a request with a url like "http://example.com/getAccessToken". I'm expecting the response to be a redirect url with parameters in the returned url like "http://redirecturl.com/?code=accessTokenStuff". I want to be able to parse the response redirect url parameters, i.e. I want to get "accessTokenStuff". How can I do that?
HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpHead request = new HttpHead(authUrl);
HttpResponse response = client.execute(request);
System.out.println(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());//returns 200
In a nutshell: what I want is executing an original url and then getting the result which is another url that has a parameter called "code". Then I want to get the value of that parameter.
I also tried this but it returns the same original URL
DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpParams params = client.getParams();
HttpClientParams.setRedirecting(params, false);
HttpGet request = new HttpGet(authUrl);
HttpResponse response = client.execute(request);
String location = response.getLastHeader("Location").getValue();//returns same original url
Setting HttpClientParams.setRedirecting(params, true); return null
Http response do not take a form of a "redirect url". Redirect and response are both different (but related) concepts. Redirect usually means "get your response from this address instead of original one".
Having said this, you can prevent HttpClient from following a redirect, see this answer: How to prevent apache http client from following a redirect
When your HttpClient is not following the redirect, you can inspect the 'Location:' header of its response, eg:
HeaderIterator iterator = httpResponse.headerIterator("Location");
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
Header header = iterator.nextHeader();
String redirectUrl = header.getValue();
I have a an app that should send a GET request to a URL and send some cookies along with it. I've been looking at a few code examples for BasicCookieStore and Cookie classes, but I'm not able to figure out how to use them. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
To use cookies you need something along the lines of:
CookieStore cookieStore = new BasicCookieStore();
DefaultHttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpContext ctx = new BasicHttpContext();
ctx.setAttribute(ClientContext.COOKIE_STORE, cookieStore);
HttpGet get = new HttpGet("your URL here");
HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(get,ctx);
And if you want to keep cookies between requests, you have to reuse cookieStore and ctx for every request.
Also, you may read your cookieStore to see what's inside:
List<Cookie> cookies = cookieStore.getCookies();
if( !cookies.isEmpty() ){
for (Cookie cookie : cookies){
String cookieString = cookie.getName() + " : " + cookie.getValue();
Log.info(TAG, cookieString);
Hi I am trying to make 2 GET requests to a single connection. ie
HttpGet get1 = new HttpGet("http://www.google.com/search?q=HelloWorld");
HttpGet get2 = new HttpGet("http://www.google.com/search?q=SecondSearch");
HttpResponse response = null;
response = client.execute(get1);
response = client.execute(get2);
I would like to get the body from the second execution. Obviously this fails, because it says you must release the connection first. I need to maintain the exact session - for instance, if I navigate to a site where the first step is to login, I need to navigate to any subsequent pages with the same cookie.
It's probably something incredibly simple that I am doing wrong!
You need to use a CookieStore
CookieStore cookieStore = new BasicCookieStore();
DefaultHttpClient client1 = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpGet httpGet1 = new HttpGet("...");
HttpResponse response1 = client1.execute(httpGet1);
DefaultHttpClient client2 = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpGet httpGet2 = new HttpGet("...");
HttpResponse response2 = client2.execute(httpGet2);
In the above code, both client2 will re-use cookies from the client1 request.
When communicating with http to http://forecast.weather.gov/zipcity.php I need to obtain the URL that is generated from a request.
I have printed out the headers and their values from the http response message but there is no location header. How can I obtain this URL? (I'm using HttpClient)
It should be similar to:
HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpParams params = client.getParams();
HttpClientParams.setRedirecting(params, false);
HttpGet method = new HttpGet("http://forecast.weather.gov/zipcity.php?inputstring=90210");
HttpResponse resp = client.execute(method);
String location = resp.getLastHeader("Location").getValue();
EDIT: I had to make a couple minor tweaks, but I tested and the above works.