Can't place Java Libraries outside of the .war - java

Is there any way that I can access java libraries outside of a .war file in a Jetty server?
I have tried several things, such as expanded wars, but every time I failed, as the server didn't start each time.
Currently I build a war and excluded some JARs from it, then I've placed the JARs in the lib folder in my Jetty Distribution. For some reason though, it is not looking for libraries from that folder. I am using Jetty Version 9.
How should this be properly configured to work?

The lib directory in a jetty distribution is not automatically added to the classpath of the server. The start.jar command builds a classpath depending on what modules are enabled. You can see the constructed classpath this with:
java -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar --list-config
There is a module that does add any jars discovered in lib/ext to the classpath, so you can just add --module=ext to the command line or run a command like
java -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar --add-to-startd=ext
then any jars in lib/ext will be put on the server classpath.
The next question is will they be visible to the webapp... if they are not in a java or javax or org.eclipse.jetty package, then typically they will be visible by default. If you want to add hidden classes, then you need to adjust the contexts server and system classes configuration.


JAR libraries to TomCat

My servlet application uses JavaMail API and Java Activation Framework (JAF). I do development in IntelliJ IDE. TomCat runs on the same local Windows machine. When I try to run my Servlet from IntelliJ I have error related to fact TomCat not finds mentioned libraries. What is the right place to store libraries for TomCat? Is it possible ask IntelliJ to place required libraries to TomCat ?
Put the jar files in the WEB-INF/lib folder. If there isn't one, create one manually.
This way the jar files are added to the war file that gets created when you build your artifact, and tomcat knows where to find those jars at runtime.

while loading excel data into database using servlets ( java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: [duplicate]

How should I add JAR libraries to a WAR project in Eclipse without facing java.lang.ClassNotFoundException or java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError?
The CLASSPATH environment variable does not seem to work. In some cases we add JAR files to the Build Path property of Eclipse project to make the code compile. We sometimes need to put JAR files inside /WEB-INF/lib folder of the Java EE web application to make the code to run on classes inside that JAR.
I do not exactly understand why CLASSPATH does not work and in which cases we should add JARs to Build Path and when exactly those JARs should be placed in /WEB-INF/lib.
The CLASSPATH environment variable is only used by the java.exe command and even then only when the command is invoked without any of the -cp, -classpath, -jar arguments. The CLASSPATH environment variable is ignored by IDEs like Eclipse, Netbeans and IDEA. See also java.lang.ClassNotFoundException in spite of using CLASSPATH environment variable.
The Build Path is only for libraries which are required to get the project's code to compile. Manually placing JAR in /WEB-INF/lib, or setting the Deployment Assembly, or letting an external build system like Maven place the <dependency> as JAR in /WEB-INF/lib of produced WAR during the build, is only for libraries which are required to get the code to deploy and run on the target environment too. Do note that you're not supposed to create subfolders in /WEB-INF/lib. The JARs have to be placed in the root.
Some libraries are already provided by the target JEE server or servletcontainer, such as JSP, Servlet, EL, etc. So you do not need put JARs of those libraries in /WEB-INF/lib. Moreover, it would only cause classloading trouble. It's sufficient to (indirectly) specify them in Build Path only. In Eclipse, you normally do that by setting the Targeted Runtime accordingly. It will automatically end up in Build Path. You do not need to manually add them to Build Path. See also How do I import the javax.servlet / jakarta.servlet API in my Eclipse project?
Other libraries, usually 3rd party ones like Apache Commons, JDBC drivers and JEE libraries which are not provided by the target servletcontainer (e.g. Tomcat doesn't support many JEE libraries out the box such as JSF, JSTL, CDI, JPA, EJB, etc), need to end up in /WEB-INF/lib. You can just copy and paste the physical JAR files in there. You do not necessarily need to specify it in Build Path. Only perhaps when you already have it as User Library, but you should then use Deployment assembly setting for this instead. See also ClassNotFoundException when using User Libraries in Eclipse build path.
In case you're using Maven, then you need to make absolutely sure that you mark libraries as <scope>provided</scope> if those are already provided by the target runtime, such as JEE, Servlet, EL, etc in case you deploy to WildFly, TomEE, etc. This way they won't end up in /WEB-INF/lib of produced WAR (and potentially cause conflicts with server-bundled libraries), but they will end up in Eclipse's Build Path (and get the project's code to compile). See also How to properly install and configure JSF libraries via Maven?
Those JARs in the build path are referenced for the build (compile) process only. If you export your Web Application they are not included in the final WAR (give it a try).
If you need the JARs at runtime you must place them in WEB-INF/lib or the server classpath. Placing your JARs in the server classpath does only make sense if several WARs share a common code base and have the need to access shared objects (e.g. a Singleton).
If you are using Maven:
Open the project properties, and under Deployment Assembly click Add...
Then select Java Build Path Entries and select Maven Dependencies
Resolved by setting permissions.
Had related issue using PySpark and Oracle jdbc. The error does not state that the file cannot be accessed, just that the class cannot be loaded.
So if anyone still struggles, check the permissions. Some might find it obvious tho'.
I want to give the answer for the folowing link question ClassNotFoundException oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver only in servlet, using Eclipse
Ans: In Myeclipse go to Server-->left click on Myeclipse Tomcat7-->Configure Server Connector-->(Expand)Myeclipse Tomcat7--> Paths-->Prepend to classpath-->Add jar (add oracle14 jar)-->ok

what happens when add to classpath in eclipse or intellij

Can somebody please explain what happens when add some jars to classpath in eclipse or intellij. Is this classpath only for this project/application/jvm?
I know it's for the application to be able to use classes in the jars. What I don't understand is what this classpath is. Is it the same as the classpath in the system environment variables? Is this classpath only for this project/application/jvm? Is it possible for other projects/applications to use this classpath?
I'm working on a project which is based on Grails. And I saw this line in the configuration file.
<import resources="classpath:META-INF/............xml" />
What is the classpath here?
When you add jars to classpath, your application starting with this jars in -cp(classpath) argument. And you will not get ClassNotFoundException when use classes from external jars, that you add to classpath of your project.
When you create web application, jars that you add to classpath, will copy to lib folder of installed application and load by jmv that start your web application.
you get the file name,
When you add jars to classpath, your application starting with this jars in -cp(classpath) argument. And you will not get ClassNotFoundException when use classes from external jars, that you add to classpath of your project.
When you create web application, jars that you add to classpath, will copy to lib folder of installed application and load by jmv that start your web application.
As you can see in this answer

How is in the real world deployed Maven application?

I have a Java console application, till now it was developed in Netbeans IDE. When Netbeans builds application, it creates dist directory and builds an app into this directory as a jar archive and into dist/lib copies all dependencies. This this directory could be copied into final destination and run.
Now I'm trying to transfer this project into Maven. Everything goes ok, I can compile and package my app and a jar is created into target directory. I use maven-jar-plugin to set main class in manifest and maven-shade-plugin to package all sources into one jar file.
I would like to ask you how is such Maven project deployed in the real world? Should I use all target directory, copy it ad the final destination and run as I have been used to do with Netbeans? What are consequences when I don't use maven-shade-plugin - where are all libraries defined as dependencies located? I am asking, because in my testing project these libraries don't exist in target directory.
My question - I have a Java console application "A" packaged via Maven (without maven-shade-plugin) and Linux server "S" where this application should run. Can I copy all target directory manually to server "S" or is there some better / more automatic way how is this solved in the real world?
Simply copying over the target directory will not solve your problem. I have packaged many standalone applications using Maven and I have used Maven Assembly Plugin for it. You can create a distribution archive (zip, tar.gz) using the assembly plugin which your customer can unzip and start running.
It depends on you, how you want your target application directory structure (release). I usually end up with something like
The bin directory contains a shell / batch script to run your program by calling your main class, setting appropriate classpath, providing relevant memory settings etc. I prefer using classworlds (which is used by Maven) to bootstrap my application and simplify writing of start scripts.
conf directory contains configuration files for your application as well as logging configuration files like log4j etc. This directory I add on classpath to make it easier to access configuration resources at runtime.
lib directory contains all the dependency jars a well as jar file for your code.
log is where your logging configuration will point to output log files.
Note that this structure is good for standalone server like applications. Also having a bin directory and run scripts allows you to add this directory to PATH on Windows / Linux to ensure you can run the application from anywhere.
If you are packaging a command line utility, simple shaded jar may work for you. Personally, I am not the biggest fan of java -jar application.jar
The question is too broad to be answered comprehensively, but I would like to provide an example of real-world maven deployment.
There are maven plugins for all major application servers. They have defined targets for local and remote deployment. One such plugin is the jboss-as-maven plugin. You can define the deployment properties (IP, port etc.) in your .pom or directly from command line, e.g.
mvn jboss-as:deploy -Dpassword=mypassword
There is also the cargo plugin that specializes in application deployment.

is Bootstrap configuration mandatory to run dynamic project in eclipse?

To run dynamic project in eclipse, I have already added required jars in project class path, some jars path are reference from other open project. even though it is throw class not found error. when I put that jars in bootstrap entries, it works fine.
So my questions are:
1) Is Bootstrap configuration mandatory to run dynamic project?
2) Why does it not find class path while running server?
3) How can I run my project without configuring Bootstrap entries?
It must not be put in the build classpath, neither under User entries, nor under Bootstrap entries.
It must be dropped inside the WebContent/WEB-INF/lib directory of your webapp project. Eclipse will detect them, automatically add them into the build path for you, and automatically include them into the WEB-INF/lib directory of the deployed webapp, since that's where the Java EE containers look for the libraries needed by a Java EE webapp.

