I am unable to parse this JSON file.
Any suggestions are appreciated. I have created POJO classes from http://www.jsonschema2pojo.org/ I tried JSON deserilization solution mentioned but it did not work out for me.
"error": "",
"data": [
"view": "Viewpapger",
"data": [
"view": "ImageView",
"data": {
"url": "random.jpg"
"properties": {
"width": "fill_parent",
"height": "500"
"view": "Textview",
"data": {
"text": "afvnjkafvf"
"properties": {
"width": "fill_parent"
"view": "Textview",
"data": {
"text": "afvnjkafvf"
"properties": {
"width": "fill_parent"
"view": "ImageView",
"data": {
"url": "random.jpg"
"properties": {
"width": "fill_parent",
"height": "500"
"properties": {
"width": "wrap_content",
"height": "500"
"view": "Textview",
"data": {
"text": "afvnjkafvf"
"properties": {
"width": "fill_parent"
"view": "ImageView",
"data": {
"url": "random.jpg"
"properties": {
"width": "fill_parent",
"height": "500"
I think the problem here is that the JSON structure does not correspond to any strictly specified schema but seems more like an ad-hoc collection of keys and values. For example, (it seems that) depending on the value of the view field in your view description object the data field can be either
a JSON array containing other view descriptions (for "Viewpager")
a JSON object containing a string called "url" (for "ImageView")
a JSON object containing a string called "text" (for "TextView")
So, basically it seems that data can be anything and moreover that you could have an arbitrarily deep tree of nodes where data could be anything at any level in the tree. (It may be different though if, for example, you can always be certain that the top level element is a "Viewpager" that contains one level of sub-views like "ImageView" or "TextView" - if you have any guarantees like that let me know).
In that case I think you are better off parsing the JSON in some other, less strict way (maybe using org.json.JSONArray and org.json.JSONObject) and then handling all the different cases "manually".
I am working on creating a simple method which will take String argument which will be a path or other kind "pointer" to attribute/s in JSON and this method will remove those attribute/s.
My problem is I can find values of those attribute/s using JsonPath, but I can't find methods in rest assured (or other libraries) which could remove/delete attributes by given path.
JSON is already added earlier so i need to pull him from RequestSpecification or FilterableRequestSpecification object ex.
RequestSpecification rs = *objFromContext*;
FilterableRequestSpecification frs= (FilterableRequestSpecification) rs;
I've tried to work with JSONObject class and remove() but it doesn't work on complex JSONs.
given example JSON
"created": "string",
"updated": "string",
"items": [
"code": "TEST",
"nested": {
"code": "test",
"name": "name",
"other": [
"code": "TEST",
"name": "myName",
"quantity": 1
"itemsProperties": [
"code": "value1",
"name": "name",
"value": 123
"code": "TEST",
"nested": {
"code": "test",
"name": "name",
"other": [
"code": "TEST",
"name": "myName",
"quantity": 1
"itemsProperties": [
"code": "value2",
"name": "name",
"value": 123
"timer": {
"startDate": "2015-01-01",
"endDate": "2021-01-02"
"id": "myId"
using JsonPath jp = JsonPath.from(httpRequest.getBody().toString());
and then jp.get(items.itemsproperties.code) i can find value1 and value2.
I stuck in this point: How to remove those attributes from sended body?
I know i can convert body into JSONObject and then go field after field conversion between getJSONArray and GetJSONOBject and remove those fields, but i would like to make this metod much more universal.
Is this possible?
If you want to manipulate json in Rest-Assured JsonPath, then the answer is No. You can't do that. JsonPath help you to extract value from json, that's it, no more.
You have to use different libraries to remove key-value pair.
For example: using JsonPath Jayway
DocumentContext parse = JsonPath.parse(body);
I am getting the below Json Response by hitting a RestAPI.
"index": 0,
"object": {
"attributes": {
"ID": [
"type": "configuration/entityTypes/Customer/attributes/ID",
"ov": true,
"value": "5",
"uri": "entities/attributes/ID/2Cqf5xG2"
"type": "configuration/entityTypes/Customer/attributes/ID",
"ov": true,
"value": "3028",
"uri": "entities/attributes/ID/fto38ZRR"
"IgpId": [
"type": "configuration/entityTypes/Customer/attributes/IgpId",
"ov": true,
"value": "1911",
"uri": "entities/attributes/IgpId/20ft8omYM"
"IgpName": [
"type": "configuration/entityTypes/Customer/attributes/IgpName",
"ov": true,
"value": "Dr. heath",
"uri": "entities/attributes/IgpName/20ft8oe1q"
"IgpID": [
"type": "configuration/entityTypes/Customer/attributes/IgpID",
"ov": true,
"value": "1872",
"uri": "entities/attributes/IgpID/20ft8oiI6"
"IgpNAME": [
"type": "configuration/entityTypes/Customer/attributes/IgpNAME",
"ov": true,
"value": "Dr Jc crook",
"uri": "entities/attributes/IgpNAME/20ft8oqoc"
"successful": true
I am trying to save the values for CoachID (3028), IgpID(1872), IgpId(1911), IgpName(Dr. heath), IgpNAME(Dr Jc crook) in String variables in APex class.
I have used a map to do so but unable to get the proper values. I wanted to get the above values in a List & return that list from function.
Can anyone help me on this? I am not supposed to do this using wrapper.
It can't be done as straight "JSON.deserialize" call because some fields are reserved keywords in Apex. How strict the wrapper ban is? I wouldn't want to type this stuff freehand but you can go to https://json2apex.herokuapp.com/, tick checkbox about explicit parser (again, since you have reserved keywords it'd happen anyway) and well, you have a ready class & cool stab at unit test / example how to use the code. It's battle-tested, if you can't use that then your project has bigger problems ;)
If you really really have to do it alone and with maps it'll be something like https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.apexcode.meta/apexcode/apex_class_System_Json.htm, example for deserializeUntyped
Although my fields are visible in the discover tab, I can't make any kind of visualization with them and i got this message:
No results displayed because all values equal 0.
This is the data in the discover tab:
Visualise data result:
**index mappings:*
"mapping": {
"httpbeat": {
"_meta": {
"version": "5.2.1"
"response": {
"headers": {
"type": "nested",
"properties": {
"Content-Type": {
"type": "keyword",
"ignore_above": 1024
"Date": {
"type": "keyword",
"ignore_above": 1024
"X-Application-Context": {
"type": "keyword",
"ignore_above": 1024
"jsonBody": {
"type": "nested",
"properties": {
"classes": {
"type": "long"
"classes_loaded": {
"type": "long"
"classes_unloaded": {
"type": "long"
"counter_status_200_health": {
"type": "long"
"counter_status_200_login": {
"type": "long"
"counter_status_200_metrics": {
"type": "long"
"counter_status_302_unmapped": {
"type": "long"
"gauge_response_health": {
"type": "long"
}, ..}
any help please?
Kibana index pattern :
PS: The JSON code of the mapping is not completed due to the post rules.
Simply, the error message indicates that there is nothing shown regarding your aggregation, metric, time range etc. Therefore, even though documents exist on elasticsearch, they cannot be drawn on a visualisation. In order to solve the issue:
select the aggregation method considering field data type
set a suitable metric along with the right time range which returns some result
I found a solution for that, in fact httpbeat 5.6.x cannot work with kibana , only httpbeat v4.1.0 is supported ! so to visualize data you have to change the version of httpbeat (the other version give nested json documents and the nested fields are not supported with kibana )
I am very new to Talend Open Studio for DI. I am trying to read data from the below JSON File :
"data": [
"id": "X999_Y999",
"from": {
"name": "Tom Brady", "id": "X12"
"message": "Looking forward to 2010!",
"actions": [
"name": "Comment",
"link": "http://www.facebook.com/X999/posts/Y999"
"name": "Like",
"link": "http://www.facebook.com/X999/posts/Y999"
"type": "status",
"created_time": "2010-08-02T21:27:44+0000",
"updated_time": "2010-08-02T21:27:44+0000"
"id": "X998_Y998",
"from": {
"name": "Peyton Manning", "id": "X18"
"message": "Where's my contract?",
"actions": [
"name": "Comment",
"link": "http://www.facebook.com/X998/posts/Y998"
"name": "Like",
"link": "http://www.facebook.com/X998/posts/Y998"
"type": "status",
"created_time": "2010-08-02T21:27:44+0000",
"updated_time": "2010-08-02T21:27:44+0000"
I want to load three attributes into my table ( id, actions_name and actions_link). So, in the first step (tFileInputJSON) - I tried to do a Loop Json query as below:
Here, am able to extract the rows as I needed. But, then I used a tExtractJSONField to extract individual fields under "actions" for each "id" using XPath expressions as below:
I tried several other ways to extract the fields but could not do this. Also, not able to find any correct post in stack overflow and talent forums very relevant to my question. Could somebody please help?
Arrange the job like ,
tFileInputJSON is like,
tExtractJSONFields is like,
Then you will get output as,
Im requesting data from instagram api when I search for any tag. In return I get a massive chunk of json data corresponding to like 20 pictures. The response below is the chunk I used to generate my pojos online
"pagination": {
"next_max_tag_id": "1193052000552992097",
"deprecation_warning": "next_max_id and min_id are deprecated for this endpoint; use min_tag_id and max_tag_id instead",
"next_max_id": "1193052000552992097",
"next_min_id": "1193052554319844057",
"min_tag_id": "1193052554319844057",
"next_url": "https://api.instagram.com/v1/tags/cats/media/recent?access_token=631477962.1fb234f.f7c5cda97c7f4df983b1c764f066ed37&max_tag_id=1193052000552992097"
"meta": {
"code": 200
"data": [
"attribution": null,
"tags": [
"type": "image",
"location": null,
"comments": {
"count": 0,
"data": []
"filter": "Normal",
"created_time": "1456442969",
"link": "https://www.instagram.com/p/BCOkvoim1LZ/",
"likes": {
"count": 0,
"data": []
"images": {
"low_resolution": {
"url": "https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s320x320/e35/12729405_224148847934280_1450226662_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTE5MzA1MjU1NDMxOTg0NDA1Nw%3D%3D.2",
"width": 320,
"height": 320
"thumbnail": {
"url": "https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s150x150/e35/12729405_224148847934280_1450226662_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTE5MzA1MjU1NDMxOTg0NDA1Nw%3D%3D.2",
"width": 150,
"height": 150
"standard_resolution": {
"url": "https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/12729405_224148847934280_1450226662_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTE5MzA1MjU1NDMxOTg0NDA1Nw%3D%3D.2",
"width": 640,
"height": 640
"users_in_photo": [],
"caption": {
"created_time": "1456442969",
"text": "Bitch! I'm fabulous! That's my case worker..she is obsessed with cats\n\n#cats #caseworker #homestuck",
"from": {
"username": "strider_inc",
"profile_picture": "https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-19/s150x150/12558836_953196128050469_1739102_a.jpg",
"id": "2322171747",
"full_name": "WE All 4EVER KAWAII TRASH GODS"
"id": "1193052563471815092"
"user_has_liked": false,
"id": "1193052554319844057_2322171747",
"user": {
"username": "strider_inc",
"profile_picture": "https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-19/s150x150/12558836_953196128050469_1739102_a.jpg",
"id": "2322171747",
"full_name": "WE All 4EVER KAWAII TRASH GODS"
So when I do that I get like 10-12 different pojo classes into which I should map this data. Now firstly...Im just trying that out and Im 100% Ill have some problem mapping them I mean gson will do it for me but i dont know if there are any more that I would need etc.
but most importantly my app only needs the low standard url pictures all the other information is useless for me.
Ofcourse, I know one way to do it which is to convert the whole thing into a string and parse the whole string through multiple times looking for key words etc and making images etc. I dont want to do that because its ugly. It works but I want a concise way of doing that at the same time without mapping completely.
Using Gson's JsonParser class, you can parse your JSON into a tree of JsonElements, and then extract just the data that you need.
For example, in order to print out all the low resolution URLs, you could use the following code:
String json = "...";
JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
JsonObject object = parser.parse(json).getAsJsonObject();
JsonArray data = object.getAsJsonArray("data");
for (JsonElement element : data) {
JsonObject images = element.getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonObject("images");
JsonObject lowResolution = images.getAsJsonObject("low_resolution");
String url = lowResolution.getAsJsonPrimitive("url").getAsString();
Using your example JSON, this would print: