how to interact with java and batch - java

When a java program executes, it creates a file in the directory that the program is located, I want the user to be able to dictate directory.Is it possible to do this? My intentions for the code are in the comments.Read the comments. This is not a duplicate because I also ask if changing the directory in the batch will change the directory that the java program executes in.
public static void main(String[] args) {
//open and run batch to navigate to desired directory
//conditional tests to see if in desired directory and then backs up using cd ..
//get input,batch file navigates to the directory that was entered
//get name,create file,(self defined functions, already implemented)
Could somebody point me in the right direction on how to implement this. Is it possible to change the directory that application is working in from the one where it exists?


How to let run only one instance of application at a time?

I am working on a GUI application that uses JavaFX(not fxml) and exported as a JAR. For slow machine, impatient user click more than once on JAR, and multiple instances of application started.
I'm looking for a solution to let only one instance can be run at a time on a system and if the user clicks again while the application is running nothing happens. I think it's called singleton but don't know how to implement it.
You could try JUnique. It's an open source library doing exactly what you ask for. Import junique-1.0.4.jar to your project as a library. It's just 10kb file.
It's manual neatly describes how to implement it on a project. For a JavaFX application, implementation would look something like this:
Make sure to import these classes to your main
import it.sauronsoftware.junique.AlreadyLockedException;
import it.sauronsoftware.junique.JUnique;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String appId = "myapplicationid";
boolean alreadyRunning;
try {
alreadyRunning = false;
} catch (AlreadyLockedException e) {
alreadyRunning = true;
if (!alreadyRunning) {
launch(args); // <-- This the your default JavaFX start sequence
}else{ //This else is optional. Just to free up memory if you're calling the program from a terminal.
One easy solution that I've used is, when you start the application, it creates a file (I named it .lock but you can call it whatever you want), unless the file already exists, in which case the application terminates its execution instead of creating the file.
You will need to bind your application with a resource. It can be a file, port etc.
You can change the code on startup to check if the file is locked. The below code will give you some idea
FileOutputStream foStream = new FileOutputStream("/tmp/testfile.txt");
FileChannel channel = fileOutputStream.getChannel();
FileLock lock = channel.lock();
If you'd properly package your JavaFX code as a real application instead of just throwing it into a jar, you might get that functionality for free and without all these hacks. If I package my JavaFX code on my Mac with the jpackage tool, the result will be a full featured macOS application. That means that when I double-click its icon somewhere several times, only one instance of the application will be started. This is the default behaviour on Macs and properly packaged JavaFX applications just stick to that rule too. I can't say however what the behaviour on Windows or Linux is because I currently don't have such a box running. Maybe someone who knows can add this as a comment.

Is there any way to record the screenshots of minimized browser windows

I am using Java and selenium to write some tests. I need to have my screen records while the tests are running it makes much easier for me to track if any bugs occurs. The problem is that I need to run more than one tests at the same time and as I have only one monitor I cannot record all of their screen records at the same time so I have to run the test one after each other. I was wondering if there is any way that I can run all my tests and actually minimize their browsers windows but still record what is going on at each minimized chrome window. My question may sound a bit very strange but that makes my testing very faster.
Yes, definitely we can take multiple screenshots. There is no affect whether the browser is in minimize or Maximize condition. Just you have to switch the new opened window & add "Take screenshot" method after each method where you have to take screenshot.
Take screenshot method can work in both mode while browser is either in Minimize or Maximize condition.
For screenshot you can may use the below code:
public void getscreenshot() throws Exception
File scrFile = ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
//The below method will save the screen shot in d drive with name "screenshot.png"
FileUtils.copyFile(scrFile, new File("D:\\screenshot.png"));
or you can opt for the multi-screen capture and the code for that is below :
public void GoogleAbout() throws Exception {
driver.get(baseUrl); // Enter the URL as per your choice
driver.findElement(By.linkText(Prop.getProperty("AboutLinkText"))).click(); //find the web element
MultiScreenShot multiScreens = new MultiScreenShot("C:\\New\\","GoogleAbout"); // Here we need to create the object which will take two arguement one is the path to save the file and second one is class name
driver.findElement(By.linkText("More about our philosophy")).click();
To enable the multi-screenshot you have to download the JAR file and then attached it to your project and then :
import multiScreenShot.MultiScreenShot;

Liferay permissions issue after moving files in doc lib

Using liferay 6.2 api to insert images in document library. The code also moves images from one folder to another folder
But After moving the images their folders do not get guest view permissions and images can't be viewed.
I have two groups (sites) -
GroupA user creates folders, inserts files and also moves files.
GroupB user should be able to see the files.
All the folders and files are created under Global scope in document library.
public void moveFilesToFolder(final HttpServletRequest request, final List<DLFileEntry> filesToMove, final DLFolder toFolder)
throws Exception {
final ServiceContext sc = ServiceContextFactory.getInstance(request);
for (final DLFileEntry file : filesToMove) {
DLAppServiceUtil.moveFileEntry(file.getFileEntryId(), toFolder.getFolderId(), sc)
// update folders to have guest permissions
DLAppLocalServiceUtil.updateFolder(toFolder.getFolderId(), toFolder.getParentFolderId(), toFolder.getName(),
toFolder.getDescription(), sc);
This doesn't seem to work and guest permissions are not set for all the users. The weird behavior is that when the user who performed the move operation looks at the permissions from UI, gues view permission is checked but for any other user the permission is not checked.
As per suggestions below I have used DLAppServiceUtil to move files. But It doesnt change status of file to approved from draft.
Also what is the correct method to use to copy files? There is no method in DLAppServiceUtil to copy files from one folder to another
Anybody knows how to solve this issue?
Using DLAppLocalServiceUtil and DLFileEntryServiceUtil is not the right way. Thery bypass permissions updating and right repository managment.
Use DLAppServiceUtil instead to move and to update.

Is there a way to expand a JFileChooser directory without a mouse

Using a JFileChooser, I can select a directory by double clicking the directory (going down a level) with my mouse. Is there a way to select a directory without the mouse? For example, is there a key binding to go down a directory level or do I have to somehow add a key listener to the JFileChooser?
You should be able to use tab to move between the different parts of the chooser, and then use the arrow keys to change which directory is highlighted, and then press Enter to change the directory to the highlighted one.
I have tested the following example code on my machine (Vista/JDK 1.6) and it works as I would expect:
import javax.swing.*;
public class test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
(new JFileChooser("")).showOpenDialog(new JFrame());
If your project is not responding similiarly in your JFileChooser, I would debug as follows:
Create with only the code necessary to pop up a chooser.
If the test app differently than within your app, its something in your code causing it to fail, such as UI skinning code, keyboard listeners, etc. Modify the example, one change at a time to closer replicate your settings for your chooser in your app and see if you can pinpoint where it breaks.
If even a basic test app doesn't work right, it is probably something about your setup, such as a bug in your JDK version, your OS, etc. Troubleshoot your setup.
Have you tried the space-bar or enter key?
Try using ctrl+enter key to select directory.
This behavior is happened when you set to JFileChooser file selection mode to “files and direcories”:
JFileChooser fileBrowser = new JFileChooser();

How to write java program in Sikuli?

I have recorded the GUI desktop application using SIKULI as below: ("C:\\Program Files\\acd\\bin\\VPNClient.exe")
type ("mganda1")
click( ) //click OK
I want to convert this script into Java. So I am trying as below:
package com.arcot.test.vpn;
import org.sikuli.script.*;
public class AuthLogin {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Screen s = new Screen();
App myApp = new App("application-identifier") ; ("C:\\Program Files\\acd\\bin\\VPNClient.exe");
//How to simulate the type, sleep and click functions here?
I am searching for java examples to understand the objects relation and how to use it to simulate the recorded scripts. Please provide if any of you know the links that help me.
Best regards,
After your program, proceed in following way:
package com.arcot.test.vpn;
import org.sikuli.script.*;
public class AuthLogin {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Screen s = new Screen();
App myApp = new App("application-identifier") ; ("C:\\Program Files\\acd\\bin\\VPNClient.exe");
Kindly proceed in this way,
-Create one image folder inside your package "img"
-Copy all the respective images in the img folder
-Assign the image names in a folder to a different variables
For doing operations, use follwing command:
I'm not sure why you recorded the script to lunch that app with sikuli. All of the commands yu use don't invoke any images and can all be written without the sikuli ide.
I would make the following changes to your original sikuli/jython script ("C:\\Program Files\\acd\\bin\\VPNClient.exe")
//change to
wait(path to image, FOREVER)
//By changing to a wait there is an implicit find as defined by the path to the image
type ("mganda1")
//if there are issues verifying focus invoke type with the img option
//use wait instead of sleep
click( ) //click OK
//What are you clicking on?
Regarding Java, here's the link to Sikuli javadocs

