Java - Xeiam's XChart Marker With Values - java

I've been trying to figure out if it is possible to put the exact value for each Bar/Line Marker.
Current Result :
Desired Result :

In Xchart library, to get the count of each bar use annotations.
CategoryChart chart = new CategoryChartBuilder()
.yAxisTitle("ABC Title")
//each stack count and total count of each bar


How to draw grouped bar chart in Android with different number of columns in each group?

This is the chart that I want to create (click on the link to view image):
Desired chart
I have researched a lot about Grouped Bar Chart in MPAndroidChart but that library seems to restrict. Each group must have the same number of columns and the column order must be consistent. Does anyone know how to create a grouped bar chart like in my image using MPAndroidChart (or any other libraries)?
Please help me. Thank you in advance.
Could you try this code?
List<String> xValues = ...; // "Shop1", "Shop2", "Shop3"
XAxis xAxis = chart.getXAxis();
xAxis.setValueFormatter(new MyValueFormatter(xValues));
// create 2 datasets
BarDataSet set1 = new BarDataSet(valuesProduct1, "Product1"); //valuesProduct1 are the values corresponding to the shops,
BarDataSet set2 = new BarDataSet(valuesProduct2, "Product2");
BarData data = new BarData(set1, set2);
chart.groupBars(...); // available since release v3.0.0
chart.invalidate(); // refresh
If you have some troubles where the shop has no products, just put zero on the concrete position

setDescriptionTextSize(float size) cannot resolve method MPAndroidChart

I am making a PieChart in android studio but am running into some issues with styling. The size of description (and legend and values are really small).
I read the docs about this and it said there i had to use the setDescriptionTextSize() method and that it is available for every chart type.
However that method is not resolved for some reason.
extra info about project:
-the problem occurs in a fragment
-my pieChart is built in the "onChildAdded" method because it needs to be created when that function runs.
-the MPAndroidChart version is: v3.0.3
Here is my code:
pieChart = (PieChart) myView.findViewById(;
pieChart.setExtraOffsets(5, 10, 5, 5);
pieChart.setDescriptionTextSize(25f); //THIS IS NOT RESOLVED
List<PieEntry> entries = new ArrayList<>();
entries.add(new PieEntry(likeCount.getLikes(), "Leuk"));
entries.add(new PieEntry(likeCount.getDislikes(), "Niet leuk"));
PieDataSet set = new PieDataSet(entries, "likes/dislikes");
PieData data = new PieData(set);
pieChart.invalidate(); // refresh
Does anyone know a possible solution to this problem?
you can use
instead of
The value has to be between 6f and 16f. Other values aren't accepted.
setDescriptionTextSize(float size): Sets the size of the description text in pixels, min 6f, max 16f.

Add space between graph and tick labels in GraphView?

I am trying out the GraphView Library for creating charts on Android. It looks quite decent, but I am wondering if there is a way to add some space between the tick labels and the graph itself. As you can see, there is basically none:
I use the following code to set up the graph (very similar to the example):
GraphView graph = (GraphView)view.findViewById(;
LineGraphSeries<DataPoint> series = new LineGraphSeries<DataPoint>(new DataPoint[] {
new DataPoint(0, 1),
new DataPoint(1, 5),
new DataPoint(2, 3)
I tried using graph.getGridLabelRenderer().setPadding(), but that just added padding around the whole graph.
So, is there a way to put some padding around those labels?
yes it is possible in the current version in github (will be released in 4.0.1).
There is the method:
Follow this example to give your graph a custom label formatter. By doing so, you can at least add space padding to your y-axis labels (if not newline spacing to your x-axis labels).
// GraphView 4.x
new DefaultLabelFormatter() {
public String formatLabel(double value, boolean isValueX) {
if (isValueX) {
// show normal x values
return super.formatLabel(value, isValueX);
} else {
// show currency for y values
return super.formatLabel(value, isValueX) + " €";
I pulled this example from the GraphView documentation.
Otherwise, I found it interesting that someone chose this answer as the best response for a similar question.

JProgress Bar with Values

How can you display text inside a JProgressBar? i.e. "000/100"
progPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory. createEmptyBorder(10,10,10,10));
timerBar = new JProgressBar(0,100);
timerBarLabel = new JLabel("Play");
This is my code for my progress bar.
As noted the documentation for JProgressBar (I'm assuming you are using Java 6), you can use the getValue() method to retrieve the progress bar's current value from the BoundedRangeModel.
int maximum = timerBar.getMaximum();
int value = timerBar.getValue(); // This will be the value from 0 to 100 inclusive
String text = String.format("%d/%d", value, maximum);
The above would result in text containing the string "x/y", where x is the current value of the JProgressBar and y is the maximum value of the same.
If you want to draw this inside the progress bar, you may be interested in setString(String s) and setStringPainted(boolean b),
And since the value of the progress bar will be changing, you will want to update the text each time the value changes.
If I understand your question correctly, I would think something as simple this should do the job:
progressBar.setString("Text Here!");

iText formatting problems

I've been working on dynamic PDF generation for a while now, and I've come across my final requirement. Alas, it's a nightmare. I'm using the iText library, version 2.1.7.
I'm basically trying to get a formatting like the top row (which I just mocked up in paint). The other rows are how it looks at the moment, but I'm having some real trouble with getting them to line up properly!
The code being used to generate each color coded block is here:
String currentPrice = p.getPrice();
String timeStr = p.getTime();
Chunk price = new Chunk(currentPrice);
Chunk time = (Chunk) generatePdfElement("Timestamp", timeStr);
if (priceDbl > lastPrice) {
// set color to blue.
} else if (priceDbl < lastPrice) {
// set to red.
Paragraph pricePara = new Paragraph();
// Add the new price data to the list of all the prices for this cell.
allPrices is then added to a paragraph and put into the cell:
Paragraph pricesCellValue = new Paragraph();
PdfPCell pricesCell = new PdfPCell(pricesCellValue);
// Add each cell to the table to create the row.
The approaches I've tried
I tried the obvious, which was removing the last breakline from each Chunk. This didn't work, and it just looked exactly the same, although each Chunk was closer together.
I also tried changing from Paragraph to Phrase, which means the code looked like this:
Phrase pricePara = new Phrase();
// Add the new price data to the list of all the prices for this cell.
And this was the result:
So now I'm fresh out of ideas! Does anyone else have any suggestions, or some experience with iText in this area?
Just for clarity, generateBreakLine() generates a new empty Paragraph object.
I used a nested PdfPTable in the last cell, to format the positioning of each Phrase. Works like a dream!

