jdbi BindBean userdefined property of the bean(nested object) - java

I have a bean class
public class Group{string name;Type type; }
and another bean
public class Type{String name;}
Now, i want to bind group by using jdbi #BindBean
#SqlBatch("INSERT INTO (type_id,name) VALUES((SELECT id FROM type WHERE name=:m.type.name),:m.name)")
int[] insertRewardGroup(#BindBean ("m") Set<Group> groups);
How can i bind the user defined object's property as member of the bean??

You could implement your own Bind-annotation here. I implemented one that I am adopting for this answer. It will unwrap all Type ones.
I think it could be made fully generic with a little more work.
Your code would look like this (please note that m.type.name changed to m.type):
#SqlBatch("INSERT ... WHERE name=:m.type),:m.name)")
int[] insertRewardGroup(#BindTypeBean ("m") Set<Group> groups);
This would be the annotation:
public #interface BindTypeBean {
String value() default "___jdbi_bare___";
public static class SomethingBinderFactory implements BinderFactory {
public Binder build(Annotation annotation) {
return new Binder<BindTypeBean, Object>() {
public void bind(SQLStatement q, BindTypeBean bind, Object arg) {
final String prefix;
if ("___jdbi_bare___".equals(bind.value())) {
prefix = "";
} else {
prefix = bind.value() + ".";
try {
BeanInfo infos = Introspector.getBeanInfo(arg.getClass());
PropertyDescriptor[] props = infos.getPropertyDescriptors();
for (PropertyDescriptor prop : props) {
Method readMethod = prop.getReadMethod();
if (readMethod != null) {
Object r = readMethod.invoke(arg);
Class<?> c = readMethod.getReturnType();
if (prop.getName().equals("type") && r instanceof Type) {
r = ((Type) r).getType();
c = r.getClass();
q.dynamicBind(c, prefix + prop.getName(), r);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("unable to bind bean properties", e);

Doing this in JDBI is not possible , you have to bring out the property and give is a argument.


Change the value of a parameter annotation [duplicate]

Imagine there is a class:
#Something(someProperty = "some value")
public class Foobar {
Which is already compiled (I cannot control the source), and is part of the classpath when the jvm starts up. I would like to be able to change "some value" to something else at runtime, such that any reflection thereafter would have my new value instead of the default "some value".
Is this possible? If so, how?
Warning: Not tested on OSX - see comment from #Marcel
Tested on OSX. Works fine.
Since I also had the need to change annotation values at runtime, I revisited this question.
Here is a modified version of #assylias approach (many thanks for the inspiration).
* Changes the annotation value for the given key of the given annotation to newValue and returns
* the previous value.
public static Object changeAnnotationValue(Annotation annotation, String key, Object newValue){
Object handler = Proxy.getInvocationHandler(annotation);
Field f;
try {
f = handler.getClass().getDeclaredField("memberValues");
} catch (NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
Map<String, Object> memberValues;
try {
memberValues = (Map<String, Object>) f.get(handler);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
Object oldValue = memberValues.get(key);
if (oldValue == null || oldValue.getClass() != newValue.getClass()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return oldValue;
Usage example:
public #interface ClassAnnotation {
String value() default "";
public #interface FieldAnnotation {
String value() default "";
public #interface MethodAnnotation {
String value() default "";
#ClassAnnotation("class test")
public static class TestClass{
#FieldAnnotation("field test")
public Object field;
#MethodAnnotation("method test")
public void method(){
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
final ClassAnnotation classAnnotation = TestClass.class.getAnnotation(ClassAnnotation.class);
System.out.println("old ClassAnnotation = " + classAnnotation.value());
changeAnnotationValue(classAnnotation, "value", "another class annotation value");
System.out.println("modified ClassAnnotation = " + classAnnotation.value());
Field field = TestClass.class.getField("field");
final FieldAnnotation fieldAnnotation = field.getAnnotation(FieldAnnotation.class);
System.out.println("old FieldAnnotation = " + fieldAnnotation.value());
changeAnnotationValue(fieldAnnotation, "value", "another field annotation value");
System.out.println("modified FieldAnnotation = " + fieldAnnotation.value());
Method method = TestClass.class.getMethod("method");
final MethodAnnotation methodAnnotation = method.getAnnotation(MethodAnnotation.class);
System.out.println("old MethodAnnotation = " + methodAnnotation.value());
changeAnnotationValue(methodAnnotation, "value", "another method annotation value");
System.out.println("modified MethodAnnotation = " + methodAnnotation.value());
The advantage of this approach is, that one does not need to create a new annotation instance. Therefore one doesn't need to know the concrete annotation class in advance. Also the side effects should be minimal since the original annotation instance stays untouched.
Tested with Java 8.
This code does more or less what you ask for - it is a simple proof of concept:
a proper implementation needs to also deal with the declaredAnnotations
if the implementation of annotations in Class.java changes, the code will break (i.e. it can break at any time in the future)
I have no idea if there are side effects...
oldAnnotation = some value
modifiedAnnotation = another value
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
final Something oldAnnotation = (Something) Foobar.class.getAnnotations()[0];
System.out.println("oldAnnotation = " + oldAnnotation.someProperty());
Annotation newAnnotation = new Something() {
public String someProperty() {
return "another value";
public Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType() {
return oldAnnotation.annotationType();
Field field = Class.class.getDeclaredField("annotations");
Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, Annotation> annotations = (Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, Annotation>) field.get(Foobar.class);
annotations.put(Something.class, newAnnotation);
Something modifiedAnnotation = (Something) Foobar.class.getAnnotations()[0];
System.out.println("modifiedAnnotation = " + modifiedAnnotation.someProperty());
#Something(someProperty = "some value")
public static class Foobar {
#interface Something {
String someProperty();
This one works on my machine with Java 8. It changes the value of ignoreUnknown in the annotation #JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true) from true to false.
final List<Annotation> matchedAnnotation = Arrays.stream(SomeClass.class.getAnnotations()).filter(annotation -> annotation.annotationType().equals(JsonIgnoreProperties.class)).collect(Collectors.toList());
final Annotation modifiedAnnotation = new JsonIgnoreProperties() {
#Override public Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType() {
return matchedAnnotation.get(0).annotationType();
} #Override public String[] value() {
return new String[0];
} #Override public boolean ignoreUnknown() {
return false;
} #Override public boolean allowGetters() {
return false;
} #Override public boolean allowSetters() {
return false;
final Method method = Class.class.getDeclaredMethod("getDeclaredAnnotationMap", null);
final Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, Annotation> annotations = (Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, Annotation>) method.invoke(SomeClass.class, null);
annotations.put(JsonIgnoreProperties.class, modifiedAnnotation);
SPRING can do this job very easily , might be useful for spring developer .
follow these steps :-
First Solution :-
1)create a Bean returning a value for someProperty . Here I injected the somePropertyValue with #Value annotation from DB or property file :-
private String somePropertyValue;
public String somePropertyValue(){
return somePropertyValue;
2)After this , it is possible to inject the somePropertyValue into the #Something annotation like this :-
#Something(someProperty = "#{#somePropertyValue}")
public class Foobar {
Second solution :-
1) create getter setter in bean :-
public class config{
private String somePropertyValue;
public String getSomePropertyValue() {
return somePropertyValue;
public void setSomePropertyValue(String somePropertyValue) {
this.somePropertyValue = somePropertyValue;
2)After this , it is possible to inject the somePropertyValue into the #Something annotation like this :-
#Something(someProperty = "#{config.somePropertyValue}")
public class Foobar {
Try this solution for Java 8
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
final Something oldAnnotation = (Something) Foobar.class.getAnnotations()[0];
System.out.println("oldAnnotation = " + oldAnnotation.someProperty());
Annotation newAnnotation = new Something() {
public String someProperty() {
return "another value";
public Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType() {
return oldAnnotation.annotationType();
Method method = Class.class.getDeclaredMethod("annotationData", null);
Object annotationData = method.invoke(getClass(), null);
Field declaredAnnotations = annotationData.getClass().getDeclaredField("declaredAnnotations");
Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, Annotation> annotations = (Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, Annotation>) declaredAnnotations.get(annotationData);
annotations.put(Something.class, newAnnotation);
Something modifiedAnnotation = (Something) Foobar.class.getAnnotations()[0];
System.out.println("modifiedAnnotation = " + modifiedAnnotation.someProperty());
#Something(someProperty = "some value")
public static class Foobar {
#interface Something {
String someProperty();
i am able to access and modify annotaions in this way in jdk1.8,but not sure why has no effect,
try {
Field annotationDataField = myObject.getClass().getClass().getDeclaredField("annotationData");
Field annotationsField = annotationDataField.get(myObject.getClass()).getClass().getDeclaredField("annotations");
Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, Annotation> annotations = (Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, Annotation>) annotationsField.get(annotationDataField.get(myObject.getClass()));
annotations.put(Something.class, newSomethingValue);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) {
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
} catch (SecurityException e) {
Annotation attribute values have to be constants - so unless you want to do some serious byte code manipulation it won't be possible. Is there a cleaner way, such as creating a wrapper class with the annotation you desire?

Test custom constraint annotations with JUnit 5

Implementing a custom constraint annotation, like #MySize requires me testing it with unit tests to see if it functions correctly:
public class MySizeTest {
public void noMinMax() {
Dummy dummy = new Dummy();
// some asserts or so
dummy.setMyField("My text");
public void onlyMin() {
// change #MySize to have min: #MySize(min = 1)
... how?
... then test with some setMyField:
Dummy dummy = new Dummy();
// some asserts or so
dummy.setMyField("My text");
public void onlyMax() {
// change #MySize to have max: #MySize(max = 50)
public void bothMinMax() {
// change #MySize to have min and max: #MySize(min = 1, max = 50)
private class Dummy {
String myField;
public String getMyField() {
return myField;
public void setMyField(String myField) {
this.myField = myField;
I assume this has to be done with reflection, but I have no idea how.
Basicly don't have to use reflection just create a Validator instance and use that for validating.
For examaple:
When the annotation is:
#Constraint(validatedBy = MyValidator.class)
public #interface MyAnnotation {
String message() default "Invalid value (it must be foo)";
Class<?>[] groups() default {};
Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};
and the related validator is:
public class MyValidator implements ConstraintValidator<MyAnnotation, String> {
public boolean isValid(String s, ConstraintValidatorContext constraintValidatorContext) {
if (null == s) return true;
return "foo".equalsIgnoreCase(s);
Then the tests sould be like these:
public class MyValidatorTest {
private Validator validator;
void init() {
ValidatorFactory factory = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory();
validator = factory.getValidator();
private static class TestObject {
private String testField;
TestObject() {
TestObject(String value) {
testField = value;
public String getTestField() {
return testField;
public void setTestField(String testField) {
this.testField = testField;
void shouldValidForNullValue() {
var obj = new TestObject();
var violations = validator.validate(obj); // Set<ConstraintViolation<TestObject>>
Assertions.assertTrue(violations.isEmpty(), String.format("Object should valid, but has %d violations", violations.size()));
void shouldValidForFooValue() {
var obj = new TestObject("foo");
var violations = validator.validate(obj); // Set<ConstraintViolation<TestObject>>
Assertions.assertTrue(violations.isEmpty(), String.format("Object should valid, but has %d violations", violations.size()));
void shouldInvalidForBarValue() {
var obj = new TestObject("bar");
var violations = validator.validate(obj); // Set<ConstraintViolation<TestObject>>
Assertions.assertEquals(1, violations.size());
Update (2020.05.21.) - Using attributes and AnnotationFactory
Based on comments I've updated my answer.
If you want to test only the validation logic then just create an Annotation instance and call the isValid method which is returns true or false
Hibernate Validator provides AnnotationFactory.create(...) method to make annotaion instance.
After that you can create an instance of your custom validator and call initialize and isValid methods in your test case.
#Constraint(validatedBy = MyHasAttributesValidator.class)
public #interface MyAnnotationHasAttributes {
String message() default "Invalid value (it must be foo)";
Class<?>[] groups() default {};
Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};
int attributeOne() default 10;
int attributeTwo() default 20;
related validator:
public class MyHasAttributesValidator implements ConstraintValidator<MyAnnotationHasAttributes, String> {
private MyAnnotationHasAttributes ann;
public void initialize(MyAnnotationHasAttributes constraintAnnotation) {
ann = constraintAnnotation;
public boolean isValid(String s, ConstraintValidatorContext constraintValidatorContext) {
if (null == s) return true;
return s.length() >= ann.attributeOne() && s.length() < ann.attributeTwo();
and the modified test (which has failing assertion):
public class HasAttributeValidatorTest {
private MyAnnotationHasAttributes createAnnotation(Integer one, Integer two) {
final Map<String, Object> attrs = new HashMap<>();
if (null != one) {
attrs.put("attributeOne", one);
if (null != two) {
attrs.put("attributeOne", two);
var desc = new AnnotationDescriptor.Builder<>(MyAnnotationHasAttributes.class, attrs).build();
return AnnotationFactory.create(desc);
void testValidator(Integer one, Integer two, String input, boolean expected) {
MyAnnotationHasAttributes ann = createAnnotation(one, two);
MyHasAttributesValidator validator = new MyHasAttributesValidator();
var result = validator.isValid(input, null);
Assertions.assertEquals(expected, result, String.format("Validation must be %s but found: %s with params: %d, %d, %s", expected, result, one, two, input));
private static Stream<Arguments> provideValues() {
return Stream.of(
Arguments.of(null, null, null, true),
Arguments.of(null, 20, "foo", true),
Arguments.of(null, null, RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(30), false)
Limitations of this solution
Vendor lock
In this case your test using Hibernate Validator which is a specific implementation if the Bean Validation standards. Honestly I don't think it's a huge problem, because Hibernate Validator is the refecerence implementation and the most popular bean validation library. But technically it's a vendor lock.
Cross field validation is unavailable
This soulution works only in one-field situations. If you have e.g a cross-field validator (e.g. password and confirmPassword matching) this example won't fit.
Type independent validation needs more work
Like previously mentioned #Size annotation belongs to several different validator implementations based on type (primitives, collections, string, etc.).
Using this solution you always have to chose the certain validator manually and test it.
Only the isValid method can be tested
In this case you won't be able to test another things just the isValid method. I mean e.g. error message has expected format and parameters or something like this.
In sort, I know creating many different fields with different annotation attributes is boring but I strongly prefer that way because you can test everything you need about your validator.

Annotations to transform DTO to Entity using Byte Buddy

I have a simple entity User.
public class User {
String name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
And his corresponding DTO
public class UsuarioDTO {
String name;
String getName(){
return this.name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
I want to achieve something like I show below to avoid multiple classes of transformers.
#Dto(entity = "Usuario")
public class UsuarioDTO {
#BasicElement(name = "name")
String name;
String getName(){
return this.name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public #interface BasicElement {
String name();
public #interface Dto {
String entity() default "";
With this example classes I can do:
public class Transformer {
public static void main(String[] args) {
UserDTO usuarioDTO = new UserDTO("Gabriel");
Class<UserDTO> obj = UserDTO.class;
if (obj.isAnnotationPresent(Dto.class)) {
Dto annotation = obj.getAnnotation(Dto.class);
Class<?> clazz;
try {
clazz = Class.forName(annotation.entity());
Constructor<?> constructor = clazz.getConstructor();
Object instance = constructor.newInstance();
for (Field originField : UserDTO.class.getDeclaredFields()) {
if (originField.isAnnotationPresent(BasicElement.class)) {
BasicElement basicElement = originField.getAnnotation(BasicElement.class);
Field destinationField = instance.getClass().getDeclaredField(basicElement.name());
destinationField.set(instance, originField.get(usuarioDTO));
System.out.println(((User) instance).getName());
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
But this would be to expensive because consumes the annotations in each transformation.
It's possible with Byte-buddy to read the annotations and create a class transformer whose decompiled code look like this:
public class TransformerImpl implements ITransformer{
public Object toEntity(Object dto){
User user = new User();
#Rafael Winterhalter, something like this?
public class Transformer<D,E> {
List<Field> dtoFields = new ArrayList<Field>();
Constructor<D> dtoConstructor;
List<Field> entityFields = new ArrayList<Field>();
Constructor<E> entityConstructor;
public Transformer(Class<D> dtoClass){
try {
Dto annotation = dtoClass.getAnnotation(Dto.class);
Class<E> entityClass = (Class<E>) annotation.entity();
//entityConstructor = entityClass.getConstructor();
entityConstructor = entityClass.getDeclaredConstructor();
dtoConstructor = dtoClass.getConstructor();
lookupFields(entityClass, dtoClass);
} catch (Exception e) {
private void lookupFields(Class<E> entityClass, Class<D> dtoClass) throws NoSuchFieldException {
for (Field dtoField : dtoClass.getDeclaredFields()) {
if (dtoField.isAnnotationPresent(BasicElement.class)) {
BasicElement basicElement = dtoField.getAnnotation(BasicElement.class);
String entityFieldName = (basicElement.name().equals("")) ? dtoField.getName() : basicElement.name();
Field entityField = entityClass.getDeclaredField(entityFieldName);
public E toEntity(D dto) throws ReflectiveOperationException {
E entity = entityConstructor.newInstance();
for (int i = 0; i < entityFields.size(); i++){
Field destination = entityFields.get(i);
Field origin = dtoFields.get(i);
destination.set(entity, origin.get(dto));
return entity;
public D toDto(E entity) throws ReflectiveOperationException {
D dto = dtoConstructor.newInstance();
for (int i = 0; i < entityFields.size(); i++){
Field origin = entityFields.get(i);
Field destination = dtoFields.get(i);
destination.set(dto, origin.get(entity));
return dto;
To answer your question: Yes, it is possible. You can ask Byte Buddy to create instances of ITransformer for you where you implement the only method to do what you want. You would however need to implement your own Implementation instance for doing so.
However, I would not recommend you to do so. I usually tell users that Byte Buddy should not be used for performance work and for a majority of use-cases, this is true. Your use case is one of them.
If you implemented classes, you would have to cache these classes for any mapping. Otherwise, the class generation-costs would be the significant share. Instead, you rather want to maintain a transformer that caches the objects of the reflection API (reflective lookups are the expensive part of your operation, reflective invocation is not so problematic) and reuses previously looked-up values. This way, you gain on performance without dragging in code generation as another (complex) element of your application.

How to be avoid duplicates entries at insert to MongoDB

I just want to be shure when inputting new DBObject to DB that it is really unique and Collection doesn't contain key field duplicates .
Here is how it looks now:
public abstract class AbstractMongoDAO<ID, MODEL> implements GenericDAO<ID, MODEL> {
protected Mongo client;
protected Class<MODEL> model;
protected DBCollection dbCollection;
* Contains model data : unique key name and name of get method
protected KeyField keyField;
protected AbstractMongoDAO() {
ParameterizedType genericSuperclass = (ParameterizedType) this.getClass().getGenericSuperclass();
model = (Class<MODEL>) genericSuperclass.getActualTypeArguments()[1];
public void connect() throws UnknownHostException {
client = new MongoClient(Config.getMongoHost(), Integer.parseInt(Config.getMongoPort()));
DB clientDB = client.getDB(Config.getMongoDb());
clientDB.authenticate(Config.getMongoDbUser(), Config.getMongoDbPass().toCharArray());
dbCollection = clientDB.getCollection(getCollectionName(model));
public void disconnect() {
if (client != null) {
public void create(MODEL model) {
Object keyValue = get(model);
try {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
String requestAsString = mapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(model);
// check if not presented
BasicDBObject dbObject = new BasicDBObject((String) keyValue, requestAsString);
dbCollection.ensureIndex(dbObject, new BasicDBObject("unique", true));
dbCollection.insert(new BasicDBObject((String) keyValue, requestAsString));
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Duplicate parameters '%s' : '%s'", keyField.id(), keyValue));
private Object get(MODEL model) {
Object result = null;
try {
Method m = this.model.getMethod(this.keyField.get());
result = m.invoke(model);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Couldn't find method by name '%s' at class '%s'", this.keyField.get(), this.model.getName()));
return result;
* Extract the name of collection that is specified at '#Entity' annotation.
* #param clazz is model class object.
* #return the name of collection that is specified.
private String getCollectionName(Class<MODEL> clazz) {
Entity entity = clazz.getAnnotation(Entity.class);
String tableName = entity.value();
if (tableName.equals(Mapper.IGNORED_FIELDNAME)) {
// think about usual logger
tableName = clazz.getName();
return tableName;
private void getKeyField() {
for (Field field : this.model.getDeclaredFields()) {
if (field.isAnnotationPresent(KeyField.class)) {
keyField = field.getAnnotation(KeyField.class);
if (keyField == null) {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Couldn't find key field at class : '%s'", model.getName()));
KeyFeld is custom annotation:
public #interface KeyField {
String id();
String get();
String statusProp() default "ALL";
But I'm not shure that this solution really prove this. I'm newly at Mongo.
Any suggestions?
A uniqueness can be maintained in MonboDb using _id field. If we will not provide the value of this field, MongoDB automatically creates a unique id for that particuler collection.
So, in your case just create a property called _id in java & assign your unique field value here. If duplicated, it will throw an exception.
With Spring Data MongoDB (the question was tagged with spring-data, that's why I suggest it), all you need is that:
// Your types
class YourType {
BigInteger id;
#Indexed(unique = true) String emailAddress;
interface YourTypeRepository extends CrudRepository<YourType, BigInteger> { }
// Infrastructure setup, if you use Spring as container prefer #EnableMongoRepositories
MongoOperations operations = new MongoTemplate(new MongoClient(), "myDatabase");
MongoRepositoryFactory factory = new MongoRepositoryFactory(operations);
YourTypeRepository repository = factory.getRepository(YourTypeRepository.class);
// Now use it…
YourType first = …; // set email address
YourType second = …; // set same email address
repository.save(second); // will throw an exception
The crucial part that's most related to your original question is #Indexed as this will cause the required unique index created when you create the repository.
What you get beyond that is:
no need to manually implement any repository (deleted code does not contain bugs \o/)
automatic object-to-document conversion
automatic index creation
powerful repository abstraction to easily query data by declaring query methods
For more details, check out the reference documentation.

Suggestions on extending fit.RowFixture and fit.TypeAdapter so that I can bind/invoke on a class that keeps attrs in a map

TLDR: I'd like to know how to extend fit.TypeAdaptor so that I can invoke a method that expects parameters as default implementation of TypeAdaptor invokes the binded (bound ?) method by reflection and assumes it's a no-param method...
Longer version -
I'm using fit to build a test harness for my system (a service that returns a sorted list of custom objects). In order to verify the system, I thought I'd use fit.RowFixture to assert attributes of the list items.
Since RowFixture expects the data to be either a public attribute or a public method, I thought of using a wrapper over my custom object (say InstanceWrapper) - I also tried to implement the suggestion given in this previous thread about formatting data in RowFixture.
The trouble is that my custom object has around 41 attributes and I'd like to provide testers with the option of choosing which attributes they want to verify in this RowFixture. Plus, unless I dynamically add fields/methods to my InstanceWrapper class, how will RowFixture invoke either of my getters since both expect the attribute name to be passed as a param (code copied below) ?
I extended RowFixture to bind on my method but I'm not sure how to extend TypeAdaptor so that it invokes with the attr name..
Any suggestions ?
public class InstanceWrapper {
private Instance instance;
private Map<String, Object> attrs;
public int index;
public InstanceWrapper() {
public InstanceWrapper(Instance instance) {
this.instance = instance;
init(); // initialise map
private void init() {
attrs = new HashMap<String, Object>();
String attrName;
for (AttrDef attrDef : instance.getModelDef().getAttrDefs()) {
attrName = attrDef.getAttrName();
attrs.put(attrName, instance.getChildScalar(attrName));
public String getAttribute(String attr) {
return attrs.get(attr).toString();
public String description(String attribute) {
return instance.getChildScalar(attribute).toString();
public class MyDisplayRules extends fit.RowFixture {
public Object[] query() {
List<Instance> list = PHEFixture.hierarchyList;
return convertInstances(list);
private Object[] convertInstances(List<Instance> instances) {
Object[] objects = new Object[instances.size()];
InstanceWrapper wrapper;
int index = 0;
for (Instance instance : instances) {
wrapper = new InstanceWrapper(instance);
wrapper.index = index;
objects[index++] = wrapper;
return objects;
public Class getTargetClass() {
return InstanceWrapper.class;
public Object parse(String s, Class type) throws Exception {
return super.parse(s, type);
protected void bind(Parse heads) {
columnBindings = new TypeAdapter[heads.size()];
for (int i = 0; heads != null; i++, heads = heads.more) {
String name = heads.text();
String suffix = "()";
try {
if (name.equals("")) {
columnBindings[i] = null;
} else if (name.endsWith(suffix)) {
columnBindings[i] = bindMethod("description", name.substring(0, name.length()
- suffix.length()));
} else {
columnBindings[i] = bindField(name);
} catch (Exception e) {
exception(heads, e);
protected TypeAdapter bindMethod(String name, String attribute) throws Exception {
Class partypes[] = new Class[1];
partypes[0] = String.class;
return PHETypeAdaptor.on(this, getTargetClass().getMethod("getAttribute", partypes), attribute);
For what it's worth, here's how I eventually worked around the problem:
I created a custom TypeAdapter (extending TypeAdapter) with the additional public attribute (String) attrName. Also:
public Object invoke() throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
if ("getAttribute".equals(method.getName())) {
Object params[] = { attrName };
return method.invoke(target, params);
} else {
return super.invoke();
Then I extended fit.RowFixture and made the following overrides:
public getTargetClass() - to return my class reference
protected TypeAdapter bindField(String name) throws Exception - this is a protected method in ColumnFixture which I modified so that it would use my class's getter method:
protected TypeAdapter bindField(String name) throws Exception {
String fieldName = camel(name);
// for all attributes, use method getAttribute(String)
Class methodParams[] = new Class[1];
methodParams[0] = String.class;
TypeAdapter a = TypeAdapter.on(this, getTargetClass().getMethod("getAttribute", methodParams));
PHETypeAdapter pheAdapter = new PHETypeAdapter(fieldName);
pheAdapter.target = a.target;
pheAdapter.fixture = a.fixture;
pheAdapter.field = a.field;
pheAdapter.method = a.method;
pheAdapter.type = a.type;
return pheAdapter;
I know this is not a neat solution, but it was the best I could come up with. Maybe I'll get some better solutions here :-)

