Octave dfdp.m for JAVA - java

I want to implement Levenberg Marquardt fitting in JAVA and found apache commons math suitable. Since I want to fit a function, where I dont have the derivative to calculate the gradient or Jacobian, I need somthing like dfdp.m from GNU octave to calculate numerical derivatives. Has someone done this already?

I did it myself, in case someone else needs it here is the approach
dfdp.m code
m=size(x,1); if (m==1), m=size(x,2); end %# PAK: in case #cols > #rows
n=length(p); %dimensions
ps=p; prt=zeros(m,n);del=zeros(n,1); % initialise Jacobian to Zero
for j=1:n
del(j)=dp(j) .*p(j); %cal delx=fract(dp)*param value(p)
if p(j)==0
del(j)=dp(j); %if param=0 delx=fraction
p(j)=ps(j) + del(j);
if del(j)~=0, f1=feval(func,x,p); %FJ ~= not equal (!=) ...> p is now (p + dp*p)
if dp(j) < 0, prt(:,j)=(f1-f)./del(j);
p(j)=ps(j) - del(j); %FJ ...> p is now (p - dp*p)
prt(:,j)=(f1-feval(func,x,p))./(2 .*del(j)); %FJ 2 steps from (ps + del) to (ps - del)
p(j)=ps(j); %restore p(j)
JAVA code
private static class GhoosProblem {
private double[][] data;
private double[] dp;
public GhoosProblem(double[][] datapoints, double[] delta_p) {
data = datapoints;
//dp= fractional increment of p for numerical derivatives
//dp(j)>0 central differences calculated
//dp(j)<0 one sided differences calculated
//dp(j)=0 sets corresponding partials to zero; i.e. holds p(j) fixed
dp = delta_p;
public MultivariateVectorFunction getModelFunction() {
return new MultivariateVectorFunction() {
public double[] value(double[] params) {
double[] values = new double[data.length];
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) {
final double t = data[i][0]; // get the double value
values[i] = params[0] *
Math.pow(t, params[2]) *
Math.exp(-params[1] * t); // Ghoos function
return values; // function values
public MultivariateMatrixFunction getModelFunctionJacobian2() {
return new MultivariateMatrixFunction() {
public double[][] value(double[] params) {
double[][] jacobian = new double[data.length][params.length];
final double a = params[0];
final double b = params[2];
final double c = params[1];
for (int i = 0; i < jacobian.length; ++i) {
final double t = data[i][0]; // get the double value
jacobian[i][0] = Math.pow(t, b) * Math.exp(-c*t);
jacobian[i][2] = a * Math.exp(-c*t) * Math.pow(t, b) * Math.log(t);
jacobian[i][1] = a * Math.pow(t, b) * (-t*Math.exp(-c*t));
//System.out.println("Jacobian= "+ Arrays.deepToString(jacobian));
return jacobian;
// compared to Ge2.m octave
public MultivariateMatrixFunction getModelFunctionJacobian() {
return new MultivariateMatrixFunction() {
public double[][] value(double[] params) {
int m = data.length; // cols
int n = params.length; // rows
double[] p = params;
double[] ps = params;
double[] del = new double[n];
double[] f = new double[n];
double[] f1 = new double[n];
BlockRealMatrix prt = new BlockRealMatrix(m, n); // initializes to zeros
for (int j=0; j<n; ++j) {
del[j]=dp[j] * p[j]; //delta_x=fractional(dp) * param value(p)
if (p[j]==0)
del[j]=dp[j]; //if param=0 delta_x=fractional(dp)
p[j]=ps[j] + del[j];
if (del[j]!=0) {
f1=feval(p); //p is now (p + dp*p)
if (dp[j]<0)
prt.setColumn(j,(new ArrayRealVector(f1)).subtract(new ArrayRealVector(f)).mapDivideToSelf(del[j]).toArray()); // one sided diff
else {
p[j]=ps[j] - del[j]; // p is now (p - dp*p)
prt.setColumn(j,(new ArrayRealVector(f1)).subtract(new ArrayRealVector(feval(p))).mapDivideToSelf(2*del[j]).toArray()); // central diff
p[j]=ps[j]; //restore p(j)
//System.out.println("Jacobian= "+ Arrays.deepToString(prt.getData()));
return prt.getData(); //jacobian, dimension is (m x n)
public double[] feval(double[] params) {
double[] values = new double[data.length];
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) {
final double t = data[i][0]; // get the double value
values[i] = params[0] *
Math.pow(t, params[2]) *
Math.exp(-params[1] * t); // Ghoos function
return values;
sorry if idention of code did not come out nice!
the relevant part is the getModelFunctionJacobian() -Function
I have renamed the analytical derivatives part as getModelFunctionJacobian2(), and posted here for comparison
to complete with here is the levenberg marquardt setup to use the GhoosFunction
public void fit() {
final double[][] dataPoints = { // x, y
//{0.0/60, 0.0}, // never use {0, 0} => org.apache.commons.math3.exception.ConvergenceException: illegal state: unable to perform Q.R decomposition on the 17x3 jacobian matrix
{15.0/60, 8.891104},
{30.0/60, 13.21852},
{45.0/60, 28.09051},
{60.0/60, 43.0011},
{75.0/60, 57.43561},
{90.0/60, 67.06862},
{105.0/60, 82.60239},
{120.0/60, 72.4649},
{135.0/60, 61.4},
{150.0/60, 43.97924},
{165.0/60, 30.6},
{180.0/60, 20.77112},
{195.0/60, 15.5},
{210.0/60, 10.85442},
{225.0/60, 9.33},
{240.0/60, 7.260234},
final double[] initialGuess = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }; // p
final double[] fract_change = { 1E-4, 1E-4, 1E-4 }; // dp should be below 0.0001
final GhoosProblem problem = new GhoosProblem(dataPoints, fract_change);
final int len = dataPoints.length;
final double[] weights = new double[len];
final double[] target = new double[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){
weights[i] = 1.0;// / dataPoints[i][1];
target[i] = dataPoints[i][1];
final LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer optimizer = new LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer()
.withCostRelativeTolerance(1E-4) // stol in octave
.withParameterRelativeTolerance(1E-4); // dp should be below 0.0001
final Optimum optimum = optimizer.optimize(
.weight(new DiagonalMatrix(weights))
final RealVector solution = optimum.getPoint();
solution.setEntry(0, solution.getEntry(0) / 60.0); // go back to minutes
System.out.println("solution= " + solution);
System.out.println("CostRelativeTolerance= " + optimizer.getCostRelativeTolerance());
System.out.println("ParameterRelativeTolerance= " + optimizer.getParameterRelativeTolerance());
System.out.println("evaluations= " + optimum.getEvaluations());
System.out.println("iterations= " + optimum.getIterations());
//System.out.println("residuals= " + optimum.getResiduals());
System.out.println("RMS= " + optimum.getRMS());
System.out.println("sigma= " + optimum.getSigma(1E-10));
public LeastSquaresBuilder builder(GhoosProblem problem){
return new LeastSquaresBuilder()
.checkerPair(new SimpleVectorValueChecker(1e-6, 1e-6)) // The SimpleVectorValueChecker Class (Simple implementation of the ConvergenceChecker) contains a method that uses the value of the function between two successive iterations of the optimisation algorithm to check if convergence has occured
.model(problem.getModelFunction(), problem.getModelFunctionJacobian());


Why isn't my test not passing for returning elements in an array as a percentage?

Hi I am returning an array representing the number of views as a percentage and return null if views is null and empty array if views is an empty array
for example, if views = {10, 70, 20, 90}, the total views are 190.
* 10 is 5.26% of 190
* 70 is 36.84% of 190
* 20 is 10.52% of 190
* 90 is 47.36% of 190
I don't need to worry about the EXACT value. The test checks if each value is within 0.01 of the value expected.
I am wondering what I am doing wrong because my test is not passing?
public double[] viewsInPercentage() {
if(views.length==0) {
return null;
double watched[] = new double[views.length];
for(int i = 0; i < views.length; i++) {
watched[i] = ((double)views[i]*100)/getTotalViews();
return watched;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
currentMethodName = null;
a = new int[] {10,70,20,90,80,5};
simple = new VideoAnalytics("El Clasico", a);
b = null;
nullHistory = new VideoAnalytics("Installing Eclipse", b);
c = new int[0]; //empty array
emptyHistory = new VideoAnalytics("Headphones Review", c);
d = new int[] {10,10,20,10,20,30,10,20,30,40,5,40,50,60,80,70,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,140,150,160,170,180};
longHistory = new VideoAnalytics("Practical exam walkthrough", d);
#Test #Order(6) #Graded(description="viewsInPercentage", marks=8)
public void testViewsInPercentage() {
assertEquals(0, emptyHistory.viewsInPercentage().length);
for(int i=0; i < simple.views.length; i++) {
assertEquals(simple.views[i] * 100.0 / simple.getTotalViews(), simple.viewsInPercentage()[i], 0.01);
for(int i=0; i < longHistory.views.length; i++) {
assertEquals(longHistory.views[i] * 100.0 / longHistory.getTotalViews(), longHistory.viewsInPercentage()[i], 0.01);
currentMethodName = new Throwable().getStackTrace()[0].getMethodName();
If you expect null and empty output for null and empty input respectively, the code needs to be fixed:
public double[] viewsInPercentage() {
if(null == views) {
return null;
double[] watched = new double[views.length];
int totalViews = getTotalViews();
for (int i = 0; i < views.length; i++) { // the loop won't execute for empty input
watched[i] = views[i] * 100.0 / totalViews;
return watched;
Also, getTotalViews should be checked that it returns correct total of all views:
public int getTotalViews() {
return null == views ? 0 : Arrays.stream(views).sum();

Formula Evaluator for XIRR function in Java

Facing issue with reading a cell in excel which is set with XIRR function.
I written my code in Java. Below is the code to set the formula. Please help on how can I read the value from the cell and not the formula.
cell.setCellFormula("XIRR(E2:E10, B2:B10");
CellStyle style = workbook.createCellStyle();
Below is the error while evaluating the cell using FormulaEvaluator
org.apache.poi.ss.formula.eval.NotImplementedFunctionException: XIRR
at org.apache.poi.ss.formula.atp.AnalysisToolPak$NotImplemented.evaluate(AnalysisToolPak.java:59)
at org.apache.poi.ss.formula.UserDefinedFunction.evaluate(UserDefinedFunction.java:61)
at org.apache.poi.ss.formula.OperationEvaluatorFactory.evaluate(OperationEvaluatorFactory.java:129)
at org.apache.poi.ss.formula.WorkbookEvaluator.evaluateFormula(WorkbookEvaluator.java:550)
at org.apache.poi.ss.formula.WorkbookEvaluator.evaluateAny(WorkbookEvaluator.java:317)
... 18 more
Without patching apache poi with XIRR function directly calculating a result like Excel's XIRR function is possible using a User Defined Function in apache poi.
The following code provides exactly this.
It defines a class CalculateXIRR which then will be used as myXIRR function in apache poi. The CalculateXIRR uses either JXIRR - v1.0.0 (C) 2005 Gautam Satpathy or class Xirr derived from java program to calculate XIRR without using excel or any other library to calculate XIRR.
Also it provides code for test cases. At first the same test case as from the example in Excel's XIRR documentation. And then random test cases using random values and dates. Those test cases are written into an Excel workbook. Written are the result of the evaluation of the user defined myXIRR function as well as Excel's original XIRR function. So we can comparing the results.
My tests have shown that both XIRR calculation methods are pretty exact like Excel using reasonable values and dates. Only using values and dates which leads Excel's XIRR resulting in high negative percentages (lower than -60%) or very high percentages (greater than 1000%) both methods are different from Excel.
JXIRR - v1.0.0 from Gautam Satpathy is better suited to Excel as the class Xirr. The reason is pretty clear since the class Xirr will always fail if x in Math.pow((x + 1d), (dt0-dt) / 365d) is lower than -1d. If so, then the base of the Math.pow function is negative and since the exponent (dt0-dt) / 365d) is fractional, there is only a imaginary solution. This happens if Excel's XIRR is resulting in high negative percentages and the approximation tries to come from below -100%. JXIRR uses a goal seek method which seems to be more like the one of Excel itself.
import java.io.* ;
import org.apache.poi.ss.formula.functions.* ;
import org.apache.poi.ss.formula.udf.* ;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.* ;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.* ;
import org.apache.poi.ss.formula.* ;
import org.apache.poi.ss.formula.eval.* ;
import java.util.Date;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Random;
(C) 2005 Gautam Satpathy
import in.satpathy.financial.*;
public class XIRREvaluator {
private Workbook workbook;
private Sheet sheet;
private Row row;
private Cell cell;
private CellStyle percentStyle;
private CellStyle dateStyle;
private FormulaEvaluator evaluator;
private String[] labels;
private char c1;
private char c2;
private String[] formulas;
private Double[] values;
private SimpleDateFormat sdf;
private Date[] dates;
public XIRREvaluator() {
this.workbook = new XSSFWorkbook();
String[] functionNames = { "myXIRR" } ;
FreeRefFunction[] functionImpls = { new CalculateXIRR() } ;
UDFFinder udfs = new DefaultUDFFinder( functionNames, functionImpls ) ;
UDFFinder udfToolpack = new AggregatingUDFFinder( udfs ) ;
this.percentStyle = workbook.createCellStyle();
this.dateStyle = workbook.createCellStyle();
this.evaluator = workbook.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator();
this.sheet = workbook.createSheet("Sheet1");
this.labels = new String[]{"XIRR", "myXIRR", "diff"};
this.sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
public void save() {
try {
workbook.write(new FileOutputStream("ExcelWorkbookXIRR.xlsx"));
} catch (Exception e) {
private void testCaseFromExcelDocu(int startCol, int startRow) {
This provides a test case as from the example in Excel's XIRR documentation:
if (startCol > 24) return;
try {
c1 = (char)(65+startCol);
c2 = (char)(65+startCol+1);
formulas = new String[]{"XIRR("+c1+(startRow+4)+":"+c1+(startRow+8)+","+c2+(startRow+4)+":"+c2+(startRow+8)+")",
values = new Double[]{-10000d, 2750d, 4250d, 3250d, 2750d};
dates = new Date[]{sdf.parse("2008-01-01"), sdf.parse("2008-03-01"), sdf.parse("2008-10-30"), sdf.parse("2009-02-15"), sdf.parse("2009-04-01")};
for (int r = startRow; r < startRow+3; r++) {
row = (sheet.getRow(r)==null)?sheet.createRow(r):sheet.getRow(r);
cell = row.createCell(startCol);
for (int r = startRow+3; r < startRow+8; r++) {
row = (sheet.getRow(r)==null)?sheet.createRow(r):sheet.getRow(r);
cell = row.createCell(startCol);
cell = row.createCell(startCol+1);
for (int r = startRow; r < startRow+2; r++) {
cell = sheet.getRow(r).createCell(startCol+1);
if (r == startRow+1) {
cell = evaluator.evaluateInCell(cell);
System.out.println(new DataFormatter().formatCellValue(cell));
cell = sheet.getRow(startRow+2).createCell(startCol+1);
} catch (Exception e) {
private void randomTestCases(int startCol, int startRow, int count) {
This provides randon test cases
try {
long day = 24L*60L*60L*1000L;
long startDate = sdf.parse("2010-01-01").getTime();
for (int test = startCol; test < startCol+3*count; test+=3) {
if (test > 24) return;
c1 = (char)(65+test);
c2 = (char)(65+test+1);
Random rnd = new Random();
int rows = 5+rnd.nextInt(5);
formulas = new String[]{"XIRR("+c1+(startRow+4)+":"+c1+(startRow+3+rows)+","+c2+(startRow+4)+":"+c2+(startRow+3+rows)+")",
"myXIRR("+c1+(startRow+4)+":"+c1+(startRow+3+rows)+", "+c2+(startRow+4)+":"+c2+(startRow+3+rows)+")",
values = new Double[rows];
values[0] = -1d*(rows-1d)*(1000+rnd.nextInt(5000));
for (int i = 1; i < rows; i++) {
values[i] = 1d*(1000+rnd.nextInt(5000));
dates = new Date[rows];
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
dates[i] = sdf.parse(sdf.format(new Date(startDate+=day*(1L+rnd.nextInt(150)))));
for (int r = startRow; r < startRow+3; r++) {
row = (sheet.getRow(r)==null)?sheet.createRow(r):sheet.getRow(r);
cell = row.createCell(test);
for (int r = startRow+3; r < startRow+3+rows; r++) {
row = (sheet.getRow(r)==null)?sheet.createRow(r):sheet.getRow(r);
cell = row.createCell(test);
cell = row.createCell(test+1);
for (int r = startRow; r < startRow+2; r++) {
cell = sheet.getRow(r).createCell(test+1);
if (r == startRow+1) {
cell = evaluator.evaluateInCell(cell);
System.out.println(new DataFormatter().formatCellValue(cell));
cell = sheet.getRow(startRow+2).createCell(test+1);
} catch (Exception e) {
public static void main( String[] args ) {
XIRREvaluator xirrEvaluator = new XIRREvaluator();
//test case as from the example in Excel's XIRR documentation
//starting on column 0, row 0
//9 random test cases
//starting on column 0, row 10
//9 random test cases
//starting on column 0, row 25
Class for user defined function myXIRR
class CalculateXIRR implements FreeRefFunction {
public ValueEval evaluate( ValueEval[] args, OperationEvaluationContext ec ) {
if (args.length < 2 || args.length > 3) {
return ErrorEval.VALUE_INVALID;
double result;
try {
double[] values = ValueCollector.collectValues(args[0]);
double[] dates = ValueCollector.collectValues(args[1]);
double guess;
if(args.length == 3) {
ValueEval v = OperandResolver.getSingleValue(args[2], ec.getRowIndex(), ec.getColumnIndex()) ;
guess = OperandResolver.coerceValueToDouble(v);
} else {
guess = 0.1d;
result = calculateXIRR( values, dates, guess ) ;
} catch (EvaluationException e) {
return e.getErrorEval();
return new NumberEval( result ) ;
public double calculateXIRR(double[] values, double[] dates, double guess ) {
double result;
Either calculating XIRR using https://github.com/ept/jxirr (C) 2005 Gautam Satpathy
XIRRData data = new XIRRData(values.length, guess, values, dates);
result = XIRR.xirr(data) - 1d;
Or calculating XIRR Class Xirr
from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36789967/java-program-to-calculate-xirr-without-using-excel-or-any-other-library
//result = Xirr.Newtons_method(guess, values, dates);
return result;
static final void checkValue(double result) throws EvaluationException {
if (Double.isNaN(result) || Double.isInfinite(result)) {
throw new EvaluationException(ErrorEval.NUM_ERROR);
static final class ValueCollector extends MultiOperandNumericFunction {
private static final ValueCollector instance = new ValueCollector();
public ValueCollector() {
super(false, false);
public static double[] collectValues(ValueEval...operands) throws EvaluationException {
return instance.getNumberArray(operands);
protected double evaluate(double[] values) {
throw new IllegalStateException("should not be called");
Class Xirr from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36789967/java-program-to-calculate-xirr-without-using-excel-or-any-other-library
final class Xirr {
private static final double tol = 0.00000001;
private static double f_xirr(double p, double dt, double dt0, double x) {
double resf = p * Math.pow((x + 1d), (dt0-dt) / 365d);
return resf;
private static double df_xirr(double p, double dt, double dt0, double x) {
double resf = (1d / 365d) * (dt0-dt) * p * Math.pow((x + 1d), ((dt0-dt) / 365d) - 1d);
return resf;
private static double total_f_xirr(double[] payments, double[] days, double x) {
double resf = 0d;
for (int i = 0; i < payments.length; i++) {
resf = resf + f_xirr(payments[i], days[i], days[0], x);
return resf;
private static double total_df_xirr(double[] payments, double[] days, double x) {
double resf = 0d;
for (int i = 0; i < payments.length; i++) {
resf = resf + df_xirr(payments[i], days[i], days[0], x);
return resf;
public static double Newtons_method(double guess, double[] payments, double[] days) {
double x0 = guess;
double x1 = 0d;
double err = 1e+100;
while (err > tol) {
x1 = x0 - total_f_xirr(payments, days, x0) / total_df_xirr(payments, days, x0);
err = Math.abs(x1 - x0);
x0 = x1;
return x0;

Extracting Polynomial Coefficients From input String in JAVA

I made this code for extracting Polynomial coefficients and also evaluating equation in a point,and it is work.
but i want to modify that so the user can enter any shape of polynomial equation.
in my code you have to enter equation like this:
but i want :
also if there any term with same power , their coeffs must be added together.
Here is my code in java:
package Priest;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class Equation {
private String Eq;
private final String[] C;
private int Deg;
private final String EqHolder;
public Equation(String Equation) {
this.Eq = Equation;
EqHolder = Equation;
Eq = Eq.replaceAll("[^0-9\\-\\.]+", " ");
Eq = Eq.replaceAll("-", " -");
this.C = Eq.split(" ");
public String SourceEquation() {
return EqHolder.toUpperCase().replaceAll("\\*", "").replaceAll("[a-zA-Z]", "\\*(X)").replaceAll("\\+", "\\ + ").replaceAll("\\-", "\\ - ");
public List<BigDecimal> CaptureCoeff() {
List<BigDecimal> Temp = new ArrayList<>();
for (String S : C) {
Temp.add(new BigDecimal(S));
int Location = Temp.indexOf(BigDecimal.valueOf(Deg));
List<BigDecimal> Coeffs = new ArrayList<>();
for (int Counter = Location - 1; Counter < Temp.size(); Counter += 2) {
return Coeffs;
public int getDegree() {
int Degree = 0;
for (int Counter = 0; Counter < C.length; Counter += 2) {
if ((new Double(C[Counter])) != 0) {
Degree = new Integer(C[Counter + 1]);
this.Deg = Degree;
return Degree;
public BigDecimal Evaluate(List<BigDecimal> Coefficients, double EvalPoint) {
BigDecimal Output = BigDecimal.ZERO;
for (int Index = 0; Index < Coefficients.size(); Index++) {
Output = Output.add(Coefficients.get(Index).multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(EvalPoint).pow(Deg--)));
return Output;
and main class:
package Priest;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
public class MainClass {
public static void main(String[] args) {
long Start = System.nanoTime();
String Str = "3.1415x^5-12.6x^4+6x^3+12*x^2-6*x^1-0";
Equation E = new Equation(Str);
System.out.println("Equation is: " + E.SourceEquation());
System.out.println("Coefficients :" + E.CaptureCoeff());
System.out.println("Polynomial Degree: " + E.getDegree());
double Target = 47.784;
System.out.println("Equation # (X:" + Target + ")= " + E.Evaluate(E.CaptureCoeff(), Target).setScale(15, RoundingMode.HALF_UP));
System.out.println("Elapsed Time: " + String.format("%.20G", (System.nanoTime() - Start) / 1.0e6) + " ms.");
the output:
Equation is: 3.1415*(X)^5 - 12.6*(X)^4 + 6*(X)^3 + 12*(X)^2 - 6*(X)^1 - 0
Coefficients :[3.1415, -12.6, 6, 12, -6, 0]
Polynomial Degree: 5
Equation # (X:47.784)= 717609084.382589022327914
Elapsed Time: 32.306242000000000000 ms.
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds)
Let's go with the following equation String Str2 = "3.1415x^5+6x^2+12*x-5";
Here is the code that I have added upon your code in order to preprocess this equation and made it compatible to your actual logic so that It will treat it without any major change to your code.
To be totally accurate I had to change the following in your equation class:
public List<BigDecimal> CaptureCoeff() {
List<BigDecimal> Temp = new ArrayList<BigDecimal>();
for (String S : C) {
if (! "".equals(S.trim())) {
Temp.add(new BigDecimal(S));
So I have added the control to check that none of these S strings is trim - empty.
Here is my preprocessing code.
I have added a method called powerSplitt that allows to splitt the equation on the basis of the '^' char.
Then I created another method called generateNullCoeffPolynomeWithDegree that generate a monome in the form 0*X^k. And a similar one that generate all the similar intermediate monomes between the greater power and the lesser power
String str3 = generateAllNullCoeffPolynomesWithDegreeExclusiveBetween(5, 2);
System.out.println("all poly = " + str3);
will generate: all poly = 0*x^4+0*x^3
Then I created a buildPreProcessedPolynome that takes the initial equation and pre process it to produce one with the null monomes inside of it. And then I just gave it to your equation program and it could process it fine!!!
Here is the code and a call example all done in the MainClass
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class MainClass {
private static List<String> workList = new ArrayList<String>();
public static void powerSplitt(String equationText) {
char[] charsList = equationText.toCharArray();
boolean foundTargetChar = false;
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < charsList.length; i++) {
index = i;
if (charsList[i] == '^') {
foundTargetChar = true;
if (foundTargetChar) {
workList.add(equationText.substring(0, index));
if (index +1 < equationText.length()) {
} else {
} else {
public static String generateNullCoeffPolynomeWithDegree(int degree) {
return "0*x^" + degree;
public static String generateAllNullCoeffPolynomesWithDegreeExclusiveBetween(int startDegree, int endDegree) {
if (startDegree-endDegree <= 1) {
return "";
int index = 0;
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = startDegree -1; i > endDegree; i--) {
if (index > 0) {
return builder.toString();
public static String buildPreProcessedPolynome(String initialEquationText) {
StringBuilder resultBuilder = new StringBuilder();
assert workList.size() >= 3;
for (int i = 1; i <= workList.size()-2; i++) {
int actualPower = Integer.parseInt( workList.get(i).substring(0,1));
int nextFoundPower = Integer.parseInt( workList.get(i+1).substring(0,1));
System.out.print("actual power = " + actualPower + " and next power = " + nextFoundPower);
String additionalPolyParts = generateAllNullCoeffPolynomesWithDegreeExclusiveBetween(actualPower, nextFoundPower);
resultBuilder.append("^" + actualPower);
resultBuilder.append("^" + workList.get(workList.size()-1));
return resultBuilder.toString();
public static void main(String[] args) {
String Str2 = "3.1415x^5+6x^2+12*x-5";
for (String part: workList) {
System.out.println("PART:" + part);
long Start = System.nanoTime();
String str3 = generateAllNullCoeffPolynomesWithDegreeExclusiveBetween(5, 2);
System.out.println("all poly = " + str3);
String preprocessed = buildPreProcessedPolynome(Str2);
System.out.println("preprocessed = " + preprocessed);
Equation E = new Equation(preprocessed);
System.out.println("Equation is: " + E.SourceEquation());
System.out.println("Coefficients :" + E.CaptureCoeff());
System.out.println("Polynomial Degree: " + E.getDegree());
double Target = 47.784;
System.out.println("Equation # (X:" + Target + ")= " + E.Evaluate(E.CaptureCoeff(), Target).setScale(15, RoundingMode.HALF_UP));
System.out.println("Elapsed Time: " + String.format("%.20G", (System.nanoTime() - Start) / 1.0e6) + " ms.");
And here is the produced results (I haved added some System.out.println to check the results of my methods calls. I just noticed I have to take into account the last constant as a monome of type K*X^0, but I will leave that to you):
all poly = 0*x^4+0*x^3
actual power = 5 and next power = 2
preprocessed = 3.1415x^5+0*x^4+0*x^3+6x^2+12*x-5
Equation is: 3.1415*(X)^5 + 0*(X)^4 + 0*(X)^3 + 6*(X)^2 + 12*(X) - 5
Coefficients :[3.1415, 0, 0, 6, 12]
Polynomial Degree: 5
Equation # (X:47.784)= 782631805.485054892561514
Elapsed Time: 18,441978000000000000 ms.

How to combine 2 images to form hybrid image?

I am implementing hybrid image with ImageJ and stuck at merging low filter image and high filter image to form a hybrid image.
This is what I already done.I have 2 images from Gaussian Blur and Laplician of Gaussian filer. I need to merge these 2 images by layer after that. Any idea how to achieve it?
import ij.*;
import ij.process.*;
import ij.gui.*;
import java.awt.*;
import ij.plugin.filter.*;
import ij.plugin.*;
import ij.io.*;
import java.io.*;
public class HybridImage_Plugin implements PlugInFilter{
int cfsize=3;
String img_lowPass;
String img_highPass;
private double[][] filter;
private double sigma;
float w=2 ,delta=0 , thr=0;
int mode=0;
private boolean GUI()
GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Enter Values", IJ.getInstance());
gd.addNumericField("Sigma (3,5,9,17,35)", cfsize, 0);
gd.addStringField("Low-Pass", "/home/atrx/ImageJ/plugins/hybridimage/l1.tif");
gd.addStringField("High-Pass", "/home/atrx/ImageJ/plugins/hybridimage/l2.tif");
return getUserParams(gd);
//get parameters
private boolean getUserParams(GenericDialog gd)
if (gd.wasCanceled())
return false;
cfsize = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
img_lowPass = gd.getNextString();
img_highPass= gd.getNextString();
return true;
public int setup(String arg, ImagePlus imp) {
return PlugInFilter.NO_IMAGE_REQUIRED;
public void run(ImageProcessor ip) {
int[][] result;
if(GUI() == false)
Opener opener1 = new Opener();
Opener opener2 = new Opener();
ImagePlus imp1= opener1.openImage(img_lowPass);
ImagePlus imp2= opener2.openImage(img_highPass);
//imp1.show("Low Pass Image");
//imp2.show("HighPass Image");
ImageProcessor ip1 = imp1.getProcessor();
ImageProcessor ip2 = imp2.getProcessor();
//lowpass filter(Gaussian Blur)
showProcessor(ip1,"Low Pass Filtered Image");
//highpass filter(LoG)
int csize = ip2.getHeight();
int rsize = ip2.getWidth();
Rectangle rect = ip2.getRoi();
int d0,a0,acr,dow,it;
int i,x,y;
double h12, h21, ft, h1h2, h2h1, fmu, dh, dv;
double r, dt, dmx, dmn;
float logaus[] = new float[(rect.width>rect.height)? rect.width : rect.height];
float gaus[] = new float[(rect.width>rect.height)? rect.width : rect.height];
float dgaus[] = new float[(rect.width>rect.height)? rect.width : rect.height];
long zcn =0;
byte pixels[] = (byte[])ip2.getPixels();
int img_in[] = new int[rect.width*rect.height];
if (cfsize<0) cfsize=3;
if (cfsize>35) cfsize=35;
if(w<0) w=0;
int fsize = (int)(cfsize*w);
if (fsize%2 == 0)
fsize += 1;
double dimg[] = new double[rect.height*rect.width];
double dr[] = new double[rect.height*rect.width];
img_in[i] = (pixels[(y*rsize)+x]&0xff);
int size = rect.width + fsize -1;
int image[] = new int[(rect.width+fsize-1)*(rect.height+fsize-1)];
int extension= (fsize/2);
for( i=0; i<rect.height;i++)
System.arraycopy(img_in,(i*rect.width),image,( ((i+extension)*(rect.width+fsize-1))+ extension ),rect.width);
h1h2= h2h1 = h12 =0.0;
for(i=1; i<( (fsize+1) /2);i++)
w = (float)cfsize/(float)2.0/(float)1.414;
ft = i/w;
gaus[i] = (float)Math.exp(-ft*ft/2);
h1h2 += 2.0 *(gaus[i]);
logaus[i] =(float)(1-ft*ft)*(float)Math.exp(-ft*ft/2);
h2h1 += 2.0*(logaus[i]);
dgaus[i] =(float)ft*(float)Math.exp(-ft*ft/2);
fmu = (h2h1 + 1)* (h1h2+1);
int prel[] = new int[rect.width+1];
dmx = -99999.9;
dmn = 99999.9;
int limit = ((rect.width+fsize-1)*(rect.height+fsize-1));
acr = a0 + fsize/2;
dow = d0 + fsize/2;
dh = dv = 0.0;
h1h2 = h2h1 = 0.0;
for (int j=1; j<(fsize+1)/2; j++)
int a0d0, a0d1, a1d0, a1d1;
a0d0 = acr-i+((dow-j)*size);
a0d1 = acr-i+((dow+j)*size);
a1d0 = acr+i+((dow-j)*size);
a1d1 = acr+i+((dow+j)*size);
h12 += logaus[i]*(image[a0d0] + image[a0d1]+
image[a1d0] + image[a1d1]);
h21 += gaus[i]* (image[a0d0] + image[a0d1] +
image[a1d0] + image[a1d1]);
a0d0 = acr-j+dow*size;
a0d1 = acr+(dow-j)*size;
a1d0 = acr+j+dow*size;
a1d1 = acr+(dow+j)*size;
h1h2 += gaus[j] * (h12+ image[a0d0]+image[a0d1]+
h2h1 += logaus[j]*(h21+ image[a0d0]+ image[a0d1] +
image[a1d0] + image[a1d1] );
if(thr != 0.0)
dh += dgaus[j] * ( image[a1d0] - image[a0d0] );
dv += dgaus[j] * ( image[a1d1] - image[a0d1] );
dt = dimg[d0*rect.width+a0] = h1h2 + h2h1 + (2*image[dow*size+acr]) ;
if (dt > dmx) dmx = dt;
if (dt < dmn) dmn = dt;
if( thr!= 0.0)
dr[(d0*rect.width)+a0] = Math.abs(dh) + Math.abs(dv);
dmx = (dmx-dmn) / 2;
dmn += dmx;
int row=0, column=0;
int id = (d0*rect.width) +a0;
int index = rsize*(rect.y+d0) + (a0+rect.x);
int k = 15;
it = (int)(dt = (dimg[id] - (dmn-delta*dmx))*255 / (dmx*(1+Math.abs(delta))));
case 0:
pixels[index] = (byte)((dt-dmn+dmx)/dmx*127);
case 1:
pixels[index] = (byte)Math.abs(it);
case 2:
pixels[index] = (byte)( ((dt!=0)?((dt>0) ? 1: -1) : 0) * 192);
case 3:
r = dr[id];
it = ( (dt!=0) ? ((dt>0) ? 1: -1) : 0);
if( it==0 && r>=thr)
k = 255;
if( (it*prel[a0]<0 || it*prel[a0+1]<0) && r>=thr)
k = 255;
prel[a0+1] = it;
if(k==255 || mode!=3)
pixels[index] = (byte)k;
showProcessor(ip2,"High Pass Filtered Image");
static void showProcessor(ImageProcessor ip, String title){
ImagePlus win = new ImagePlus(title,ip);
Have you tried performing a weighted sum?
OUT = w*LPF + (1 - w)*HPF
This kind of sum is used everywhere. In particular, image blending, alpha matting and even in some optimization schemes.
However because there are patches of varying spatial frequencies all around your image, you may have to make the weight adaptive. You also have to choose which one you want to emphasize more. Do you want the low pass or high pass information to stand out more? Depending on which you want, you might want to use information in either one of those images and run it through some distance or similarity measure to get the right weight.

Constructor of Array Point

I'm working on a programm in which I want my object "this" will be an array of Point but I have this error when I run the programm and I'm not understand why.
Error --> DouglasPeucker.
My programm :
public class DouglasPeucker {
private double epsilon;
protected Point[] coinImage;
public DouglasPeucker(Point [] tab) {
this.coinImage = new Point[tab.length];
for(int i = 0; i < this.coinImage.length; i++) {
double abscisse = tab[i].getX();
double ordonnee = tab[i].getY();
System.out.println(abscisse + " " + ordonnee);
You're never assigning a value to coinImage[i], so it will have its default value of null, which you're the dereferencing. You need something like:
for(int i = 0; i < this.coinImage.length; i++) {
double abscisse = tab[i].getX();
double ordonnee = tab[i].getY();
System.out.println(abscisse + " " + ordonnee);
this.coinImage[i] = new Point();
Or preferrably, IMO:
for (int i = 0; i < this.coinImage.length; i++) {
// I'm assuming Point has a sensible constructor here...
coinImage[i] = new Point(tab[i].getX(), tab[i].getY());
// Insert the diagnostics back in if you really need to

