I am working on a batch application using Apache Spark, i wanted to write the final RDD as text file, currently i am using saveAsTextFile("filePath") method available in RDD.
My text file contains the fields delimited with \u0001 delimiter. So in the model class toString() method i added all the fields seperated with \u0001 delimiter.
is this the correct way to handle this? or any other best approach available?
Also what if i iterate the RDD and write the file content using FileWriter class available in Java?
Please advise on this.
To write as a single file there are a few options. If your writing to HDFS or a similar distributed store you can first coalesce your RDD down to a single partition (note your data must then fit on a single worker), or you could collect the data to the driver and then use a filewriter.
public static boolean copyMerge(SparkConf sparkConf, JavaRDD rdd, String dstPath) throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
Configuration hadoopConf = sparkConf.hadoopConfiguration();
hadoopConf.set("fs.s3.awsAccessKeyId", awsAccessKey);
hadoopConf.set("fs.s3.awsSecretAccessKey", awsSecretKey);
String tempFolder = "s3://bucket/folder";
FileSystem hdfs = FileSystem.get(new URI(tempFolder), hadoopConfig);
return FileUtil.copyMerge(hdfs, new Path(tempFolder), hdfs, new Path(dstPath), false, hadoopConfig, null);
This solution is for S3 or any HDFS system. Achieved in two steps:
Save the RDD by saveAsTextFile, this generates multiple files in the folder.
Run Hadoop "copyMerge".
Instead of doing collect and collecting it to driver I would rather suggest to use coalesce which would be good in reducing memory problems
I am trying to use flink to sync a process to read xml files from a LocalFileSystem and sync it to s3.
I need to parse a taf inside each xml file and use it to send it to respective folder in s3.
For ex: my file contains folder1 .... xxx
I need to read the value from and send it to /folder1
I was able to read the file content and sync it to s3 but the content was coming up as line by line.
I used TextInputFormat as suggested in
NFS (Netapp server)-> Flink ->s3
I have tried different formats like DelimiterInputFormat etc but not successful. I searched through google but couldnt find any solution. Isnt this something supported ?
Is there a way to read entire file or atleast value between tags ?
StreamExecutionEnvironment env =
// monitor directory, checking for new files
// every 100 milliseconds
TextInputFormat format = new TextInputFormat(
new org.apache.flink.core.fs.Path("file:///tmp/dir/"));
DataStream<String> inputStream = env.readFile(
First off, I assume that this is for a batch (DataSet) workflow. I typically handle this by creating a list of file paths as the input to the workflow, using a custom source that handles splitting these up for parallelism. Then I've got a MapFunction that takes the file path as input, opens/reads the XML file and parses it, and sends the interesting extracted data bits downstream.
The other approach is to use one of several Hadoop XmlInputFormat implementations that are out there (e.g. this one that is part of Mahout). There's a bit of work required to use a HadoopInputFormat with Flink, but it's doable. E.g. something like (untested!!!):
Job job = Job.getInstance();
FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, new Path(inputDir));
HadoopInputFormat<LongWritable, Text> inputFormat = HadoopInputs.createHadoopInput(new XmlInputFormat(), LongWritable.class, Text.class, job);
Configuration parameters = new Configuration();
parameters.setBoolean("recursive.file.enumeration", true);
I would like to utilize functions from Apache Spark to extract CSV contents from my S3 bucket. Apparently using the content's url as a parameter in DataFrameReader's .csv() method is not working (e.g. sparkSession.reader().csv(...)). It looks like I may have to use Java SDK to access the storage first and do some parsing to convert the data to Dataset type Anybody have and idea or any reference I can read? Thank you.
You can use this function with Scala
def readCsv(url: String)(implicit spark: SparkSession): DataFrame = {
spark.read.option("header", "true").csv(url)
url should be like this s3://your_backet/backet_with_csv/
I am new to Spark and Dataframes. I came across the below piece of code provided by the databricks library to read CSV from a specified path in the file system.
.option("header", "true")
Is there any API in csv databricks that parses a byte array from a http request instead of reading from a file system?
Usecase here is to read a multipart(CSV) file uploaded using spring REST handler using Spark Dataframes. I'm looking for a dataframe API that can load a file/byte array as input instead of reading from file system.
From the file read, need to select only those columns in each row that match a given condition(eg. any column value that is not equal to string "play" in each parsed
row) and save only those fields back to the database.
Can anyone suggest if the above mentioned Usecase is feasible in spark using RDD's/Dataframes?..Any suggestions on this would be of much help.
You cannot directly convert it to String you have to convert it tostring then you can create RDD.
check this: URL contents to a String or file
val html = scala.io.Source.fromURL("https://spark.apache.org/").mkString
val list = html.split("\n").filter(_ != "")
val rdds = sc.parallelize(list)
val count = rdds.filter(_.contains("Spark")).count()
How can I use SparkContext (to create SparkSession or Cassandra Sessions) on executors?
If I pass it as a parameter to the foreach or foreachPartition, then it will have a null value. Shall I create a new SparkContext in each executor?
What I'm trying to do is as follows:
Read a dump directory with millions of XML files:
dumpFiles = Directory.listFiles(dumpDirectory)
dumpFilesRDD = sparkContext.parallize(dumpFiles, numOfSlices)
In parse(), every XML file is validated, parsed and inserted into several tables using Spark SQL. Only valid XML files will present objects of same type that can be saved. Portion of the data needs to be replaced by other keys before being inserted into one of the tables.
In order to do that, SparkContext is needed in the function parse to use sparkContext.sql().
If I'd rephrase your question, what you want is to:
Read a directory with millions of XML files
Parse them
Insert them into a database
That's a typical Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) process that terribly easy in Spark SQL.
Loading XML files can be done using a separate package spark-xml:
spark-xml A library for parsing and querying XML data with Apache Spark, for Spark SQL and DataFrames. The structure and test tools are mostly copied from CSV Data Source for Spark.
You can "install" the package using --packages command-line option:
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell --packages com.databricks:spark-xml_2.11:0.4.1
Quoting spark-xml's Scala API (with some changes to use SparkSession instead):
// Step 1. Loading XML files
val path = "the/path/to/millions/files/*.xml"
val spark: SparkSession = ???
val files = spark.read
.option("rowTag", "book")
That makes the first requirement almost no-brainer. You've got your million XML files taken care by Spark SQL.
Step 2 is about parsing the lines (from the XML files) and marking rows to be saved to appropriate tables.
// Step 2. Transform them (using parse)
def parse(line: String) = ???
val parseDF = files.map { line => parse(line) }
Your parse function could return something (as the main result) and the table that something should be saved to.
With the table markers, you split the parseDF into DataFrames per table.
val table1DF = parseDF.filter($"table" === "table1")
And so on (per table).
// Step 3. Insert into DB
That's just a sketch of what you may really be after, but that's the general pattern to follow. Decompose your pipeline into digestable chunks and tackle one chunk at a time.
It is important to keep in mind that in Spark we are not supposed to program in terms of executors.
In Spark programming model, your driver program is mostly a self-contained program where certain sections will be automatically converted to a physical execution plan. Ultimately a bunch of tasks distributed across worker/executors.
When you need to execute something for each partition, you can use something like mapPartitions(). Refer Spark : DB connection per Spark RDD partition and do mapPartition for further details. Pay attention to how the dbConnection object is enclosed in the function body.
It is not clear what you mean by a parameter. If it is just data (not a DB connection or similar), I think you need to use a boradcast variable.
I am using readCsvFile(path) function in Apache Flink api to read a CSV file and store it in a list variable. How does it work using multiple threads?
For example, is it splitting the file based on some statistics? if yes, what statistics? Or does it read the file line by line and then send the lines to threads to process them?
Here is the sample code:
//default parallelism is 4
ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
List<Tuple2<String, Double>> csv= env.readCsvFile(csvPath)
Suppose that we have a 800mb CSV file on local disk, how does it distribute the work between those 4 threads?
The readCsvFile() API method internally creates a data source with a CsvInputFormat which is based on Flink's FileInputFormat. This InputFormat generates a list of so-called InputSplits. An InputSplit defines which range of a file should be scanned. The splits are then distributed to data source tasks.
So, each parallel task scans a certain region of a file and parses its content. This is very similar to how it is done by MapReduce / Hadoop.
This is the same as How does Hadoop process records split across block boundaries?
I extract some code from flink-release-1.1.3 DelimitedInputFormat file.
// else ..
int toRead;
if (this.splitLength > 0) {
// if we have more data, read that
toRead = this.splitLength > this.readBuffer.length ? this.readBuffer.length : (int) this.splitLength;
else {
// if we have exhausted our split, we need to complete the current record, or read one
// more across the next split.
// the reason is that the next split will skip over the beginning until it finds the first
// delimiter, discarding it as an incomplete chunk of data that belongs to the last record in the
// previous split.
toRead = this.readBuffer.length;
this.overLimit = true;
It's clear that if it don't read line delimiter in one split, it will get another split to find.( I haven't find The corresponding code, I will try.)
Plus: the image below is how I find the code, from readCsvFile() to DelimitedInputFormat.