I have three Run executable or batch file actions that invokes my launch scripts, tails into the log files respectively, and verifies that each service has started entirely. I would have used the native launch action in install4j but these services need to start in order - synchronously - and take up to 30 seconds per service.
After each action, I have a Run script action that verifies the return code and determines whether the rest of the scripts should execute as well. On the form itself, it shows the installed components and I would like to add an icon and change the color of each label after it successfully launches.
If this has confused you, please see the screen shot below to get a better under standing.
And as always, thanks for your support.
The trick is how to get the form environment of a screen from a "Run script" action. A screen that can contain form components is an instance of com.install4j.api.screens.FormPanelContainer and that class provides access to the com.install4j.api.formcomponents.FormEnvironment.
In a "Run script" action, you can do this:
import java.awt.EventQueue;
import java.awt.Color;
EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
FormEnvironment formEnvironment =
JComponent label = (JComponent)formEnvironment.getFormComponentById("componentId").
return true;
with the appropriate values for "screenId" and "componentId".
for a more reusable solution add
import java.awt.EventQueue;
import java.awt.Color;
public static void changeColor(final String screenId, final String componentId,
final Color color, final Context context)
EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
FormEnvironment formEnvironment =
JComponent label = (JComponent)formEnvironment.getFormComponentById(componentId).
to the static code on the "Installer->Custom Code & resources" step (install4j 6+) and call
changeColor("screenId", "componentId", java.awt.Color.GREEN, context);
in your "Run script" actions.
For setting an icon, you have to define the "Icon" property on one label component and use the "Initialization script" property to save it in the context and remove it from the label:
context.setVariable("checkIcon", configurationObject.getIcon());
Then after the call to label.setForeground(); in the above code snippets, you can call
I am navigating between forms in the NEW GUI builder. The old one had a back button on every form by default.
How do I enable the back button on new gui builder in every form, every time i navigate in a new form? Tried through constants in theme.res. It is still not enabled by default.
Furthermore, is the method "new form1.show" the best way to navigate between forms ? (see code)
Assuming name files:
Main.java, myapplication.java, Form1 ,Form2 ,Form3
Code for navigation, assuming names button1 and Form3:
public void onbutton1ActionEvent(com.codename1.ui.events.ActionEvent ev) {
new Form3().show();
Back command from old gui builder, not working here:
public Form showForm(String resourceName, Command sourceCommand) {
try {
Form f = (Form)formNameToClassHashMap.get(resourceName).newInstance();
Form current = Display.getInstance().getCurrent();
if(current != null && isBackCommandEnabled() && allowBackTo(resourceName)) {
f.putClientProperty("previousForm", current);
setBackCommand(f, new Command(getBackCommandText(current.getTitle())) {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
if(sourceCommand != null && current != null && current.getBackCommand() == sourceCommand) {
} else {
return f;
} catch(Exception err) {
throw new RuntimeException("Form not found: " + resourceName);
I've tried:
public Command setBackCommand(String title, ActionListener<ActionEvent> listener)
public void setBackCommand(Command cmd)
public Command setBackCommand(String title, BackCommandPolicy policy, ActionListener<ActionEvent> listener)
public void setBackCommand(Command cmd, BackCommandPolicy policy)
boolean onBack() {
return true;
on main.java and myapplication.java did not accept the commands.
Form3.getToolbar().setBackCommand("", e -> Form3.showBack());
althouth is should not work only for form3, but every form.
Did not work either. Putting "back command" on every sidemenu would not be the ideal solution, because we might be navigating to each form from different forms.
Is there a way to enable global toolbar and global commands for all forms, so i do not copy paste the toolbar code for each new form? If not answered here, i might make a new thread.
The old GUI builder handled navigation as it was designed at a time when Nokia was the worlds leader in the mobile phone industry and a 4in device was considered large. Back then we assumed the UI was simpler for each form and the navigation was the hard part.
This changed. But the bigger problem for most developers was the concept of stateless navigation which triggered a lot of issues both in design and functionality.
The new GUI builder doesn't include any navigation code or any global code. Each form stands on its own.
Having said that you can implement your own state machine by just keeping form instances and showing the form you want to navigate to e.g.:
public static class Controller {
private static Form1 f1;
private static Form2 f2;
public static void showF1() {
if(f1 == null) f1 = new Form1();
// etc...
I used static context for simplicity but you can implement your own strategy. Notice that you can also insert global logic here e.g. add the toolbar as a function like:
private static void initForm(Form f) {
// add global commands to the toolbar
Alternatively you can derive all the forms from a common base class as the new GUI builder doesn't restrict your inheritance.
I would really appreciate your help;
I'm using java (netbeans ide), i'm working with filechooser, when i choose a directory, i need to display it's path on a jtextfield. However nothing appears until the program is over (untill all the files of the directory are parsed and treated), I would like it to appear as soon as the program starts.
Please help me out, here is my code:
JFileChooser fch = new JFileChooser("C:\\");
int ret = fch.showOpenDialog(null);
int apr=0;
if (ret==JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
else jTextField1.setText("Nothing clicked!!!");
.......... the rest of the code .........
when I don't click the msg appears, yet when i do, the path won't apprear till after the program is finished
The code of JFileChooser... probably resides in an ActionListener. This is handled on the sole event handling thread. So do an invokeLater.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { // Added
... rest of the code
}); // Added
Here I think "rest of the code" might be causing the delay, but you might try differently.
Update 12/21:
7u10 was recently released. Confirmed that:
The issue still persists
Thankfully, the workaround still functions!
Update 11/7:
And we have a workaround!
Leonid Romanov from Oracle on the openjdk.java.net mailing list provided some insight as to what's going on:
Well, although I'm not 100% sure yet, but it looks like when we enter full screen some other window becomes the first responder, hence the beep. Could you please try the following workaround: after calling setFullScreenWindow() on a frame, call setVisible(false) followed by setVisible(true). This, in theory, should restore the correct first responder.
The snippet of code that seems to work is simply:
I have updated the sample code with the ability to toggle this fix on and off; it is required every time a window enters fullscreen.
In the larger context of my more complex application, I am still running into keyboard focus issues on subcomponents within the fullscreen window, where a mouse click causes my window to lose focus. (I'm guessing it's going to the undesired first responder window referenced above.) I'll report back when I have more information about this case - I cannot reproduce it in the smaller sample yet.
Update 10/31:
Major update to the sample code:
Includes toggle between FullScreen exclusive and Lion-style FullScreen modes
Listens to the KeyboardFocusManager to display the hierarchy for the currently focused component
Uses both input maps and KeyListeners to try to capture input
Also did some more digging with coworkers to try to isolate issues:
On one front, we tried overriding some methods in RT.jar to see if there were problems with the way the screen device is being selected. Also tried were the entry points to the Toolkit.beep() functionality to see if the alert sounds were coming from the Java side - appears not.
On another front, it was clear that not even the native side is receiving keyboard events. A coworker attributes this to a switch from an AWTView to a NSWindow in 7u6.
A selection of existing Oracle bugs has been found, which you can look up here:
8000276 : [macosx] graphicsDevice.setFullScreenWindow(frame) crashes JVM
8000430 : [macosx] java.awt.FileDialog issues on macosx
7175707 : [macosx] PIT: 8 b43 Not running on AppKit thread issue again
Update 10/26:
Thanks to the comment by #maslovalex below regarding an Applet working on 7u5, I went back and painstakingly examined compatibility with the JDK versions for OSX:
10.7.1 with 7u4: Fullscreen Works!
10.7.1 with 7u5: Fullscreen Works!
10.7.5 with 7u5: Fullscreen Works!
10.7.5 with 7u6: Fullscreen Breaks :(
Combined with the other tests noted elsewhere, it's clear there was an issue introduced with 7u6 that remains in 7u7 and 7u9, and it affects both Lion 10.7 and Mountain Lion 10.8.
7u6 was a major milestone release, bringing full support of the JRE and JDK to Mac OS X and also including Java FX as part of the distribution. Further info is available in the Release Notes and the Roadmap. It's not tremendously surprising that such an issue could crop up as support shifts to Java FX.
The question becomes:
Will Oracle fix this in a near-term release of the JDK? (If you have links to existing bugs, please include them here.)
Is a workaround possible in the interim?
Other updates from today:
I incorporated the Apple extensions approach to fullscreen mode as an alternate path of exploration (updated sample code pending cleanup). The good news: input works! The bad news: there really don't seem to be any kiosking/isolation options.
I tried killing the Dock - directly or with an App - as I understand the Dock is responsible for Command-Tab app switching, Mission Control, and Launch Pad, only to find out that it's responsible for the handling of fullscreen apps as well! As such, the Java calls become non-functional and never return.
If there's a way to disable Command-Tab (and Mission Control and Launchpad and Spaces) without affecting the Dock's fullscreen handling, that would be extremely useful. Alternatively, one can try to remap certain keys such as Command, but that will affect the ability to use that modifier elsewhere in the program and the system itself (not exactly ideal, when you need to Command-C to copy some text).
I've had no luck with KeyListeners (I'm not receiving any callbacks), but I have a few more options to try.
Based on a coworker's suggestion, I tried ((sun.lwawt.macosx.LWCToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).isApplicationActive() via reflection. The idea was that it:
is a native method with the comment "Returns true if the application (one of its windows) owns keyboard focus.". Calls to this method were added in CPlatformWindow.java in the past few months related to focus logic. If it returns false in your test code, it's probably part of the problem.
Unfortunately, everywhere I checked it, the method returned true. So even according to the low level system, my windows should have keyboard focus.
My previous optimism regarding the JAlbum fix has been dashed. The developer posted a response on their forum that explains how they simply removed proper fullscreen support on OS X while running Java 7. They have a bug into Oracle (and I'm hoping to get the bug number).
Update 10/25:
I have now also tried Java 7u9 on Lion 10.7.4 and have seen the exact same issue, so it's JDK- not OS-specific.
The core question has become whether you can embed in a fullscreen window core Swing Components that have default handling for keyboard input (JTextField/JTextArea or even editable combo boxes) and expect them to behave normally (without having to resort to rebuilding their basic key bindings manually). Also in question is whether other stalwarts of windowed layouts, such as using tab for focus traversal, should work.
The ideal goal would be to have the ability take a windowed Swing app with all of its buttons, tabs, fields, etc. and run it in fullscreen exclusive/kiosk mode with most functionality intact. (Previously, I have seen that Dialog pop ups or ComboBox drop downs do not function in fullscreen on Java 6 on OS X, but other Components behave fine.)
I'll be looking into the eawt FullScreen capabilities, which will be interesting if they support kiosk lock down options, such as eliminating Command-Tab application switching.
Original Question:
I have a Swing app that for years has supported FullScreen (exclusive) mode on Mac OS X up through Java 6. I've been doing compatibility testing with the latest Mountain Lion release (10.8.2 Supplemental) and Oracle's JDK 7 and noticed a glaring issue while in that mode: mouse movement and clicks work fine, but keyboard input is not delivered to the components.
(I've narrowed this down in a test case below to not being able to type into a simple JTextField while in fullscreen mode.)
One symptom is that each key press results in a system beep, as if the OS is disallowing keyboard events from being delivered to the application.
Separately, my application has an exit hook installed, and the Command-Q combo will trigger that hook - it's clear that the OS is listening to standard key combos.
I have tested this separately on three different Macs with various installs:
On Apple Java 6u35 and 6u37: both windowed and fullscreen modes receive input.
On Oracle Java 7u7 and 7u9: windowed mode works as expected while fullscreen has the symptoms above.
This may have been previously reported:
Java Graphics Full Screen Mode not Registering Keyboard Input.
However, that question is not specific about the Java version or platform.
Additional searching has turned up a separate fullscreen option introduced in Lion:
Fullscreen feature for Java Apps on OSX Lion.
I have yet to try using this approach, as keyboard input seems integral to the target use cases of FullScreen Exclusive mode, such as games.
There is some mention in the JavaDoc for this mode that input methods might be disabled. I tried to call the suggested Component.enableInputMethods(false), but it seemed to have no effect.
I'm somewhat optimistic that there's a solution to this issue based on an entry in the release notes of a Java app I came across (JAlbum). A stated fix for 10.10.6: "Keyboard support wasn't working when running the full screen slide show on Mac and Java 7"
My test case is below. It is lightly modified from the second example in this issue (which, unmodified, also exhibits my problem): How to handle events from keyboard and mouse in full screen exclusive mode in java?
In particular, it adds a button to toggle fullscreen.
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.beans.*;
/** #see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13064607/ */
public class FullScreenTest extends JPanel {
private GraphicsDevice dev = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice();
private JFrame f = new JFrame("FullScreenTest");
private static final String EXIT = "Exit";
private Action exit = new AbstractAction(EXIT) {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
Object o = dev.getFullScreenWindow();
if(o != null) {
f.dispatchEvent(new WindowEvent(f, WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING));
private JButton exitBTN = new JButton(exit);
private JTextField jtf = new JTextField("Uneditable in FullScreen with Java7u6+ on Mac OS X 10.7.3+");
private JLabel keystrokeLabel = new JLabel("(Last Modifier+Key Pressed in JTextField)");
private JLabel jtfFocusLabel = new JLabel("(JTextField Focus State)");
private JLabel focusLabel = new JLabel("(Focused Component Hierarchy)");
private JCheckBox useOSXFullScreenCB = new JCheckBox("Use Lion-Style FullScreen Mode");
private JCheckBox useWorkaroundCB = new JCheckBox("Use Visibility Workaround to Restore 1st Responder Window");
private static final String TOGGLE = "Toggle FullScreen (Command-T or Enter)";
private Action toggle = new AbstractAction(TOGGLE) {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
Object o = dev.getFullScreenWindow();
if(o == null) {
* !! Neither of these calls seem to have any later effect.
* One exception: I have a report of a
* Mini going into an unrecoverable black screen without setVisible(true);
* May be only a Java 6 compatibility issue. !!
if(!useOSXFullScreenCB.isSelected()) {
// No keyboard input after this call unless workaround is used
* Workaround provided by Leonid Romanov at Oracle.
if(useWorkaroundCB.isSelected()) {
//Not necessary to invoke later...
/*SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
else {
else {
private JButton toggleBTN = new JButton(toggle);
public FullScreenTest() {
// -- Layout --
this.setLayout(new BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS));
exitBTN.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(Short.MAX_VALUE, 50));
jtf.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(Short.MAX_VALUE, Short.MAX_VALUE));
keystrokeLabel.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(Short.MAX_VALUE, 50));
jtfFocusLabel.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(Short.MAX_VALUE, 50));
focusLabel.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(Short.MAX_VALUE, 50));
useOSXFullScreenCB.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(Short.MAX_VALUE, 50));
useWorkaroundCB.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(Short.MAX_VALUE, 50));
toggleBTN.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(Short.MAX_VALUE, 50));
// -- Listeners --
// Default BTN set to see how input maps respond in fullscreen
// Explicit input map test with Command-T toggle action from anywhere in the window
KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_T, Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask()),
this.getActionMap().put(toggle.getValue(Action.NAME), toggle);
// KeyListener test
jtf.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() {
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
String ktext = "KeyPressed: "+e.getKeyModifiersText(e.getModifiers()) + "_"+ e.getKeyText(e.getKeyCode());
// FocusListener test
jtf.addFocusListener(new FocusListener() {
public void focusGained(FocusEvent fe) {
public void focusLost(FocusEvent fe) {
private void focused(FocusEvent fe) {
boolean allGood = jtf.hasFocus() && jtf.isEditable() && jtf.isEnabled();
jtfFocusLabel.setText("JTextField has focus (and is enabled/editable): " + allGood);
// Keyboard Focus Manager
KeyboardFocusManager focusManager = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager();
focusManager.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() {
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) {
if (!("focusOwner".equals(e.getPropertyName()))) return;
Component comp = (Component)e.getNewValue();
if(comp == null) {
focusLabel.setText("(No Component Focused)");
String label = comp.getClass().getName();
while(true) {
comp = comp.getParent();
if(comp == null) break;
label = comp.getClass().getSimpleName() + " -> " + label;
focusLabel.setText("Focus Hierarchy: " + label);
* Hint that this Window can enter fullscreen. Only need to call this once per Window.
* #param window
#SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
public static void enableOSXFullscreen(Window window) {
try {
Class util = Class.forName("com.apple.eawt.FullScreenUtilities");
Class params[] = new Class[]{Window.class, Boolean.TYPE};
Method method = util.getMethod("setWindowCanFullScreen", params);
method.invoke(util, window, true);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e1) {
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Failed to enable Mac Fullscreen: "+e);
* Toggle OSX fullscreen Window state. Must call enableOSXFullscreen first.
* Reflection version of: com.apple.eawt.Application.getApplication().requestToggleFullScreen(f);
* #param window
#SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
public static void toggleOSXFullscreen(Window window) {
try {
Class appClass = Class.forName("com.apple.eawt.Application");
Method method = appClass.getMethod("getApplication");
Object appInstance = method.invoke(appClass);
Class params[] = new Class[]{Window.class};
method = appClass.getMethod("requestToggleFullScreen", params);
method.invoke(appInstance, window);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e1) {
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Failed to toggle Mac Fullscreen: "+e);
* Quick check of the low-level window focus state based on Apple's Javadoc:
* "Returns true if the application (one of its windows) owns keyboard focus."
#SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
public static void isAppActive() {
try {
Class util = Class.forName("sun.lwawt.macosx.LWCToolkit");
Method method = util.getMethod("isApplicationActive");
Object obj = method.invoke(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit());
System.out.println("AppActive: "+obj);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e1) {
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Failed to check App: "+e);
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Java Version: " + System.getProperty("java.version"));
System.out.println("OS Version: " + System.getProperty("os.version"));
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
FullScreenTest fst = new FullScreenTest();
if(!fst.dev.isFullScreenSupported()) {
System.out.println("FullScreen not supported on this graphics device. Exiting.");
This is because the component to which you added the other has now lost focus, you can fix this by either:
calling requestFocus() on the component instance to which you add KeyBindings
alternatively use JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW with KeyBindings:
component.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW).put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_Q, 0),
How to Use Key Bindings
Instead, use key bindings, as shown in this FullScreenTest. Also, consider a DocumentListener, shown here, for text components.
I think I finally found a solution, registering click listeners against to the JFrame itself. (This is a class which extends JFrame, hence all the "this" references.)
* Toggles full screen mode. Requires a lot of references to the JFrame.
public void setFullScreen(boolean fullScreen){
GraphicsEnvironment env = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
GraphicsDevice dev = env.getDefaultScreenDevice();//Gets the main screen
if(!fullScreen){//Checks if a full screen application isn't open
this.dispose();//Restarts the JFrame
this.setResizable(true);//Re-enables resize-ability.
this.setUndecorated(false);//Adds title bar back
this.setVisible(true);//Shows restarted JFrame
this.setExtendedState(this.getExtendedState()|JFrame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH);//Returns to maximized state
this.fullScreen = false;
this.dispose();//Restarts the JFrame
this.setResizable(false);//Disables resizing else causes bugs
this.setUndecorated(true);//removes title bar
this.setVisible(true);//Makes it visible again
dev.setFullScreenWindow(this);//Makes it full screen
if(System.getProperty("os.name").indexOf("Mac OS X") >= 0){
catch(Exception e){
dev.setFullScreenWindow(null);//Fall back behavior
this.fullScreen = true;
private MouseAdapter macWorkAround = new MouseAdapter(){
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e){
This is for a kiosk application where this message is not desired. It's odd because Mac doesn't display this message in either browser -- seems to only happen on Ubuntu.
Using this example applet on Ubuntu 10, Firefox 12, I was able to reproduce the message "Applet initialized," illustrated below. It doesn't appear to be from an overridden init(), and the super implementation is empty; I presume it's a feature of either the plug-in or the browser itself. Oddly, the message actually moves from one lower corner of the browser window to the other, as the mouse cursor approaches it.
For embedded use, consider starting the applet (or hybrid application) via java-web-start as shown in the example.
Addendum: Andrew's example produces the message "Applet started."
Seems like futzing to me, but if by 'status bar' you mean the little bar at the bottom of older browsers, try using Applet.showStatus("") at the end of init() or start().
Edit: Using the following command produces the expected result in appletviwer.
$ appletviewer NoMessageApplet.java
// intended only to show attributes - view in browser
// <applet code='NoMessageApplet' width=400 height=400></applet>
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import javax.swing.*;
public class NoMessageApplet extends JApplet {
String noMessage = " Nobody Here But Us Chickens..";
JTextArea output;
public void init() {
try {
SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait( new Runnable() {
public void run() {
} catch(Exception e) {
public void initGui() {
JPanel gui = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(5,5));
output = new JTextArea(5,20);
gui.add(new JScrollPane(output));
setMessage("initGui()" + noMessage);
public void start() {
setMessage("start()" + noMessage);
/** Both sets the message as the 'status' message &
appends it to the output control */
public void setMessage(final String message) {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() {
public void run() {
output.append(message + "\n");
This is not a direct answer to your question but definitely a possible solution to your problem (Was a comment. Added as an answer as suggested by #Andrew Thompson):
If it is a kiosk application then why is there a status bar at all?
If you have control over the system where the application is used from (or where the browser is installed), you can either deactivate the status bar in the browser or make the browser to be displayed always in full screen mode.
Most kiosk applications operate this way.
FF13 fixed it (so does the most recent version of Chrome). Both now currently do not enable status bar's by default (they did when I made this initial post). Not quite an answer, but an answer that worked for me.
I have my form Welcome on this form i have two radio buttons-Verification and enrollment and a OK button .when user select one of radio buttons and press OK then a form will show but i am not able to do that. Please help.
this is my Statemachine class code:
package userclasses;
import generated.StateMachineBase;
import com.sun.lwuit.*;
import com.sun.lwuit.events.*;
import com.sun.lwuit.RadioButton;
import com.sun.lwuit.Form;
import com.sun.lwuit.util.Resources;
public class StateMachine extends StateMachineBase implements ActionListener {
Resources resources;
RadioButton Verification = new RadioButton("Verification");
RadioButton Enrollment = new RadioButton("Enrollment");
StateMachineBase cl = new StateMachineBase() { };
com.sun.lwuit.ButtonGroup bg=new ButtonGroup();
Form fo, f;
public StateMachine(String resFile) {
// do not modify, write code in initVars and initialize class members there,
// the constructor might be invoked too late due to race conditions that might occur
* this method should be used to initialize variables instead of
* the constructor/class scope to avoid race conditions
try {
resources = Resources.open("/NEW AADHAR.res");
catch(java.io.IOException err) {
fo = (Form)cl.startApp(resources,null,true);
f = cl.findWelcome(fo);
Verification = cl.findRadioButton1(f);
Enrollment = cl.findRadioButton(f);
protected void initVars() { }
protected void onWelcome_OKAction(Component c, ActionEvent event) { }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
protected boolean onWelcomeEXIT() {
// If the resource file changes the names of components this call will break notifying you that you should fix the code
boolean val = super.onWelcomeEXIT();
return val;
protected void onWelcome_ButtonAction(Component c, ActionEvent event) {
// If the resource file changes the names of components this call will break notifying you that you should fix the code
super.onWelcome_RadioButton1Action(c, event);
super.onWelcome_RadioButtonAction(c, event);
if(Verification.hasFocus()) {
else if(Enrollment.hasFocus()) {
else {
Dialog.show("INFORMATION","Please select option","OK","CANCEL");
When you generate a netbeans project from the GUI builder the src folder will now contain the res file you need to work with. Whenever you modify the GUI code that StateMachineBase will be regenerated so you can just rename the components in the GUI builder (you can do this by clicking on the tree node and pressing F2 or by selecting the name attribute in the properties table).
The properties table allows you to assign an event for every component that supports it (e.g. radio button action events) which will generate the appropriate callback method in the StateMachine class (write your code only in the StateMachine class).
Radio buttons can be associated with one group by giving them the same group name.
The easiest way to do it is to use Resource Editor. Simply run it from LWUIT/util directory.
To create project using this tool follow each step from this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOfb8qiySd8. Be sure to watch it to the end.
It will create 4 Netbeans projects (ProjectName, ProjectName_Desktop, ProjectName_MIDP, ProjectName_RIM). Fix depedencies (most important for ProjectName and _MIDP one) and you can start coding.
File StateMachineBase.java will be located in 'generated' package, which means that it will be regenerated every time you change something in Resource Editor.
Implement everything in StateMachine class ('userclasses' package), but don't create new methods there, use Resource Editor to create them for you: Resource Editor -> GUI Builder (tab on left side) -> Select component -> Events (tab on the right).
Now, if you want to do something for example, you want to change TextField value, you will write something like this:
protected boolean onUstawieniaKontoZapisz() {
// If the resource file changes the names of components this call will break notifying you that you should fix the code //this comment was generated
boolean val = super.onUstawieniaKontoZapisz(); //generated
Form current = Display.getInstance().getCurrent();
TextField login = findUstawieniaKontoLoginTextField(current); //TextField name in Editor is: 'UstawieniaKontoLoginTextField' - a bit long I know, but it's unique
TextField password = findUstawieniaKontoHasloTextField(current); //same here, 'UstawieniaKontoHasloTextField' is second's TextField name
Configuration.setEmail(login.getText()); //Configuration class is used to store preferences
return val; //generated
You can find all 'find*' methods inside StateMachineBase class. There is one for each Component you have added using Resource Editor (GUI Builder tab).
For grouping radio buttons into groups use Resource Editor too, select each radio button and on Properties tab find 'Group' property. Set it to the same word on every radio button you want to have in the same group.