I have a class as below:
public class UserAuthenticator {
private static UserAuthenticator authenticator =
private UserRepository userRepository;
public void init() {
List<User> allUsers = userRepository.findAll();
for (User user : allUsers) {
users.put(user.getEmail(), user.getPassword());
serviceKeys.put(user.getServiceKey(), user.getEmail());
public static UserAuthenticator getInstance() {
if (authenticator == null) {
authenticator = new UserAuthenticator();
return authenticator;
When I call
UserAuthenticator authenticator = UserAuthenticator.getInstance();
init() method isn't called and userRepository is null
My web application run in JBOSS EAP 6.3.
How is this caused and how can I solve it?
In a Java EE application, don't think in singletons. That's only recipe for trouble and confusion. Instead, think in "just create one". Tell the Java EE container to just create only one instance of the specified class, application wide, and obtain the instance via the facility offered by the Java EE container. Your concrete problem is caused because you're manually creating an instance of the class using new operator without manually performing the injection and post construct call like as the technical correct but conceptually wrong example below:
authenticator = new UserAuthenticator();
authenticator.userRepository = new UserRepository();
In other words, you incorrectly expected that the new operator magically recognizes the bean management and dependency injection related annotations.
The right approach depends on the one you'd like to point out as the responsible for creating and managing the instance of the specified class. If it's CDI, then just tell it to create only one managed bean instance of the backing bean class, application wide, using #Named #ApplicationScoped.
import javax.inject.Named;
import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
public class UserAuthenticator {}
It will be created just once and be available via #Inject as below in any other Java EE managed artifact (read: in any other class annotated with #Named, #Stateless, #ManagedBean, #WebServlet, #WebListener, #WebFilter, #Path, etc..):
private UserAuthenticator userAuthenticator;
If you're absolutely positive that you need a static method to grab the current CDI managed bean instance of a given backing class, then you should be obtaining it via BeanManager as below instead of manually constructing the instance (assuming Java EE 7 / CDI 1.1 available):
public static <T> T getCurrentInstance(Class<T> beanClass) {
BeanManager beanManager = CDI.current().getBeanManager();
Bean<T> bean = (Bean<T>) beanManager.resolve(beanManager.getBeans(beanClass));
return (T) beanManager.getReference(bean, bean.getBeanClass(), beanManager.createCreationalContext(bean));
UserAuthenticator userAuthenticator = YourCDIUtil.getCurrentInstance(UserAuthenticator.class);
// ...
See also:
Java singleton class vs JSF application scoped managed bean - differences?
Java EE 6 and Singletons
Well i think you shouldn't explictly call UserAuthenticator.getInstance() but to define the UserAuthenticator for example as #ApplicationScoped and get the instance via DI provided by your app server (#Inject).
UserAuthenticator should be then initialized properly.
The #PostConstruct method will not be invoked until you do some action on that class (ex: call some methods
I have several service like that:
public SimpleService {
I have Managed Bean #ViewScoped which should create some complex objects. These objects should execute business-logic. I need to pass these services to this object.
Example of Managed Bean:
public class ExampleBean {
private SimpleService simpleService;
public void customLogic() {
// in this method I should create complex object which should have services and some data.
// current implementation
ComplexObject object = new ComplexObject(SimpleService simpleService, ...)
Services are injected to Managed Bean by #Inject annotation. For creating these objects - I'm using the constructor and pass these services as params. The question is: can I have better solution than passing services in constructor?
You can:
Inject by method:
private MyService myService;
public void setMyService(MyService ms) {
this.myService = ms;
Inject by field:
private MyService myService;
Fetch reference through CDI (not recommended, except in advanced usecases):
MyService myService = CDI.current().select(MyService.class).get();
Fetch reference through BeanManager (not recommended, except in advanced usecases or CDI 1.0):
BeanManager beanManager = CDI.getBeanManager(); // you can fetch a BeanManager reference by several other methods, I use CDI for simplicity here
MyService myService = beanManager.getReference(MyService.class);
If your #Singleton annotation is javax.ejb.Singleton and not javax.inject.Singleton, then your bean is actually a EJB and you can also use any mechanism that allows you to access EJB, such as #Resource annotations, or through the JNDI context.
Personally I tend to inject by method as I find it the most flexible option most of the time. In my opinion it is also the most "portable" to other frameworks (e.g: Spring)
Remember that when you use either the CDI.current() or the BeanManager methods to fetch #Dependent beans, you are responsible to manually destroy the fetched bean when you are done with it, so that you do not fall into this CDI-related memory leak. When using CDI.current() it is as easy as saving the Instance reference and invoking it afterwards:
Instance<MyService> msInstance = CDI.current().select(MyService.class);
MyService myService = msInstance.get();
The BeanManager method is too low-level and should only be used in CDI 1.0 environments (back when the CDI class did not exist yet). You can read the linked StackOverflow question for more details.
What you are doing is perfectly fine. You are using the ManagedBean as a bridge to inject the services and then passing the injected variables to a ComplexObject that need the services.
The only restriction that should be considered is, could the ComplexObject class be a ManagedBean itself? That way you could inject everything directly on it, but if it is not possible, you may use the bean for that.
I prefer the inject by field option mentioned because I think it is a little more readable.
I am trying to use and understand CDI, when I use #Inject in a simple pojo class, it throws me NPE.
public Class Greeting {
public String greet() {
import javax.inject.Inject;
public class Test {
private Greeting greeting;
public void testGreet() {
When I call testGreet() it throws NPE, why is the greeting instance null. Does #Inject way of adding dependency only be used in container managed bean?
Note: jar is not the problem here.
#Inject-annotated fields are only populated for container-instantiated beans.
Long version:
The CDI container provides you a lot of utilities for easily injecting dependencies to your beans, but it doesn't work by magic. The container can only populate the annotated fields of a client bean if the client bean itself was instantiated by the container. When the container is instantiating the object the sequence of events is as follows:
Your bean's constructor is called.
#Inject-annotated fields (and some other
annotations, #PersistenceContext and #EJB for instance) are
#PostConstruct-annotated no-args method is called.
Your bean is finished.
You're facing a classic bootstrapping problem, how to move from non-container-managed code into container-managed code. Your options are:
Get access to an instance of BeanManager from your JavaEE container via JNDI lookup. This is technical and a bit clumsy.
Use a CDI extension library such as Apache DeltaSpike. (Example: BeanProvider.getContextualReference(Test.class, false);)
Modify your application to start in a situation where you can inject your Test class rather than calling new Test();. This can be done for example by setting up a startup singleton ejb, which calls your test in it's #PostConstruct-annotated initialisation.
Hope this helps.
You need a JavaEE container, and than you need to define Greeting and Test as managed beans. After that you can inject one in another.
Try to take a look at:
Your class should be implemented from Serializable for being injectable as a "CDI Bean"
I'm working with some existing code and it is doing things I haven't seen before. I've dealt with autowiring prototype beans into singletons using method injection or getting the bean from the context using getBean(). What I am seeing in this code I am working on is a bean that is a prototype and retrieved using getBean(), and it has autowired dependencies. Most of these are singleton beans, which makes sense. But there is an autowire of another prototype bean, and from what I see, it does seem like it is getting a new bean. My question is when you autowire a prototype into a prototype, will that give you a new instance? Since the autowire request is not at startup but rather when this bean is created, does it go and create a new instance? This goes against what I thought about autowire and prototype beans and I wanted to hear an answer from out in the wild. Thanks for any insight. I'm trying to minimize my refactoring of this code as it is a bit spaghetti-ish.
public class MyPrototypeClass {
private ReallyGoodSingletonService svc;
private APrototypeBean bean;
public void doSomething() {
public class APrototypeBean {
private int stuffgoeshere;
public void doAThing() {
So when doSomething() in MyPrototypeClass is called, is that "bean" a singleton or a new one for each instance of MyPrototypeClass?
In your example, the APrototypeBean bean will be set to a brand new bean which will live through until the instance of MyPrototypeClass that you created is destroyed.
If you create a second instance of MyPrototypeClass then that second instance will receive its own APrototypeBean. With your current configuration, every time you call doSomething(), the method will be invoked on an instance of APrototypeBean that is unique for that MyPrototypeClass object.
Your understanding of #Autowired or autowiring in general is flawed. Autowiring occurs when an instance of the bean is created and not at startup.
If you would have a singleton bean that is lazy and that bean isn't directly used nothing would happen as soon as you would retrieve the bean using for instance getBean on the application context an instance would be created, dependencies get wired, BeanPostProcessors get applied etc.
This is the same for each and every type of bean it will be processed as soon as it is created not before that.
Now to answer your question a prototype bean is a prototype bean so yes you will receive fresh instances with each call to getBean.
Adding more explanation to #Mark Laren's answer.
As explained in Spring 4.1.6 docs
In most application scenarios, most beans in the container are
singletons. When a singleton bean needs to collaborate with another
singleton bean, or a non-singleton bean needs to collaborate with
another non-singleton bean, you typically handle the dependency by
defining one bean as a property of the other. A problem arises when
the bean lifecycles are different. Suppose singleton bean A needs to
use non-singleton (prototype) bean B, perhaps on each method
invocation on A. The container only creates the singleton bean A once,
and thus only gets one opportunity to set the properties. The
container cannot provide bean A with a new instance of bean B every
time one is needed.
Below approach will solve this problem, but this is not desirable because this code couples business code with Spring framework and violating IOC pattern. The following is an example of this approach:
// a class that uses a stateful Command-style class to perform some processing
package fiona.apple;
// Spring-API imports
import org.springframework.beans.BeansException;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware;
public class CommandManager implements ApplicationContextAware {
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
public Object process(Map commandState) {
// grab a new instance of the appropriate Command
Command command = createCommand();
// set the state on the (hopefully brand new) Command instance
return command.execute();
protected Command createCommand() {
// notice the Spring API dependency!
return this.applicationContext.getBean("command", Command.class);
public void setApplicationContext(
ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException {
this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
So, there are 2 desirable ways to solve this problem.
1. Using Spring's method injection
As name suggests, Spring will implement & inject our abstract method by using #Lookup annotation from Spring 4 or tag if you use xml version. Refer this DZone article.
By using #Lookup.
from Java Doc...
An annotation that indicates 'lookup' methods, to be overridden by the
container to redirect them back to the BeanFactory for a getBean call.
This is essentially an annotation-based version of the XML
lookup-method attribute, resulting in the same runtime arrangement.
public class MyClass1 {
doSomething() {
//I want this method to return MyClass2 prototype
public MyClass2 myClass2(){
return null; // No need to declare this method as "abstract" method as
//we were doing with earlier versions of Spring & <lookup-method> xml version.
//Spring will treat this method as abstract method and spring itself will provide implementation for this method dynamically.
The above example will create new myClass2 instance each time.
2. Using Provider from Java EE (Dependency Injection for Java (JSR 330)).
public static class SomeRequest {}
public static class SomeService {
javax.inject.Provider<SomeRequest> someRequestProvider;
SomeRequest doSomething() {
return someRequestProvider.get();
The above example will create new SomeRequest instance each time.
I am new to the Struts2 framework and to EJB as well. I have a class LoginDAO which implements checkUser method of an interface LoginDAOLocal. I don't understand why I see different behavior for the following scenarios:
If I use an EJB (LoginDAO is stateless session bean) as follows, method call works perfectly without any error.
private LoginDAOLocal loginDao;
If I use Struts2 as follows, it gives a Null pointer exception for the method call.
public class LoginAction extends ActionSupport {
// Getters setters for userName and password)
private LoginDAOLocal loginDao;
If I use a simple Java application (no EJB or Struts2), the method call creates a compile time error saying loginDao is not initialized
public static void main(String[] args) {
LoginDAOLocal loginDao;
Can someone explain why this different behavior ?
Without getting too much into the Java EE spec: EJBs are managed by an EJB container that exists in J2EE servers (JBoss \ Websphere etc..). The container takes control of bean lifecycle and is responsible for creating \ destroying beans according to the application needs.
When running out of container (simple java application) your beans won't get initialized and you don't have a JNDI context to get beans from, even if you add #EJB annotation to the field member.
We can say that there are two ways to manage the beans, using the container (managed by the container), or by another component (managed by a servlet, listener or filter).
Using components managed by the container, the container injects the references. e.g.:
public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet {
#Resource(lookup = "jdbc/TestDS")
private DataSource testDS;
By contrast, a component managed by a bean, e.g.:
#ResultPath(value = "/")
#Result(name = "success", location = "pages/login.jsp")
public class LoginAction extends ActionSupport {
is managed by the filter org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.ng.filter.StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter. The latter should be responsible for performing dependency injection. Spring, for example, takes care of injecting all necessary dependencies.
I'm trying to understand CDI using Weld. Got the next structure:
public class MainFacade {
private FooFacade fooFacade;
private static int ins=0;
public MainFacade() {
System.out.println("MainFacade instance = "+ins);
public FooFacade getFooFacade() {
return fooFacade;
Where FooFacade is also #ApplicationScope.
When app is starting I've get a MainFacade instance = 1. When I inject it in other class (GWT RPC servlet) and call mainFacade.getFooFacade() then new instance of MainFacade are created along with a new instance of fooFacade.
Thought that Weld would return me the same instance of application scope bean anywhere I inject it. What I'm doing wrong?
I don't think this test will work well to verify that an application scoped bean is really a "singleton".
If you inject this bean into other beans, Weld will create a proxy which will handle the delegation of all invocations to the correct instance. This is important especially if you inject request scoped bean into session scoped beans for example.
The proxy will basically extend MainFacade which is required because otherwise the proxy cannot be injected into the fields where the injection is happening. When creating an instance of the proxy, the default constructor of you bean will be executed. As Weld will create many proxies, you are seeing multiple logs to the console. You could verify this by adding something like this to your constructor:
System.out.println("Type: "+this.getClass().getName());
When you use #ApplicationScoped Weld creates a proxy that calls constructor too, specification here.