Write a method to return the Toy that occurs in the list most frequent and another method to sort the toys by count.
This is my code
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class ToyStore {
private ArrayList<Toy> toyList;
public ToyStore() {
public void loadToys(String toys) {
toyList = new ArrayList<Toy>();
for (String item : toys.split(" ")) {
Toy t = getThatToy(item);
if (t == null) {
toyList.add(new Toy(item));
} else {
t.setCount(t.getCount() + 1);
public Toy getThatToy(String nm) {
for (Toy item : toyList) {
if (item.getName().equals(nm)) {
return item;
return null;
public String getMostFrequentToy() {
int position = 0;
int maximum = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
for (int i = toyList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (toyList.get(i).getCount() > maximum)
maximum = toyList.get(i).getCount();
position = i;
return toyList.get(position).getName();
public void sortToysByCount() {
ArrayList<Toy> t = new ArrayList<Toy>();
int count = 0;
int size = toyList.size();
for (int i = size; i > 0; i--) {
t.add(new Toy(getMostFrequentToy()));
toyList = t;
public String toString() {
return toyList + "" + "\n" + "max == " + getMostFrequentToy();
Here is the method I care about
public void sortToysByCount() {
ArrayList<Toy> t = new ArrayList<Toy>();
int count = 0;
int size = toyList.size();
for (int i = size; i > 0; i--) {
t.add(new Toy(getMostFrequentToy()));
toyList = t;
Here is my output
[sorry 4, bat 1, train 2, teddy 2, ball 2]
Here is what I want
[sorry 4, train 2, teddy 2, ball 2, bat 1];
What is wrong in my code? How do I do it?
The problem is in your getMostFrequentToy() method:
if (toyList.get(i).getCount() > maximum)
maximum = toyList.get(i).getCount();
position = i;
if (toyList.get(i).getCount() > maximum) {
maximum = toyList.get(i).getCount();
position = i;
because you want to get the position that corresponds to that maximum.
You have some in-efficiencies in your code. Every single time you call getMostFrequentToy(), you are iterating over the whole list, which may be fine as you are constantly removing objects, but you really don't need to make new Toy objects for those that already exist in the list.
So, this is "better", but still not sure you need to getThatToy when you should already know which one is the most frequent.
String frequent;
for (int i = size; i > 0; i--) {
frequent = getMostFrequentToy();
t.add(new Toy(frequent));
Anyways, I think the instructions asked you to return the Toy object, not its name.
It's quite simple, just keep track of the max count.
public Toy getMostFrequentToy() {
Toy mostFrequent = null;
int maximum = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
for (Toy t : toyList) {
if (t.getCount() > maximum)
mostFrequent = t;
return t;
Now, the above code can become
public void sortToysByCount() {
ArrayList<Toy> t = new ArrayList<Toy>();
// int count = 0;
int size = toyList.size();
Toy frequent;
for (int i = size; i > 0; i--) {
frequent = getMostFrequentToy();
// t.get(count).setCount(frequent.getCount()); // Not sure about this
// count++;
Realistically, though, when you want to sort, you really should see how to create a Comparator for your Toy objects.
I have used an existing genetic algorithm from
and reworked it I but don't know what I'm doing wrong
This is the error that I get
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at
simpleGa.Algorithm.crossover(Algorithm.java:69) at
simpleGa.Algorithm.evolvePopulation(Algorithm.java:34) at
I can't figure out exactly where the mistake is. Read a lot about NullPointerException but couldn't figure it out
package simpleGa;
public class Population {
public static Individual[] individuals;
* Constructors
// Create a population
public Population(int populationSize, boolean initialise) {
individuals = new Individual[populationSize];
// Initialise population
if (initialise) {
// Loop and create individuals
for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
Individual newIndividual = new Individual();
saveIndividual(i, newIndividual);
for(int i=0;i<size();i++)
if(i%2==1){Individual individual1=individuals[i-1];
Individual individual2=individuals[i];
if(individuals[i-1].getGene(i-1)==0 && individuals[i].getGene(i)==0){
if(individuals[i-1].getGene(i-1)==1 && individuals[i].getGene(i)==1){
if(individuals[i-1].getGene(i-1)==0 && individuals[i].getGene(i)==1){
if(individuals[i-1].getGene(i-1)==1 && individuals[i].getGene(i)==0){
/* Getters */
public Individual getIndividual(int index) {
return individuals[index];
public Individual getFittest() {
Individual fittest = individuals[0];
// Loop through individuals to find fittest
for (int i = 1; i < size(); i++) {
if (fittest.getFitness() <= getIndividual(i).getFitness()) {
fittest = getIndividual(i);
return fittest;
/* Public methods */
// Get population size
public int size() {
return individuals.length;
// Save individual
public void saveIndividual(int index, Individual indiv) {
individuals[index] = indiv;
package simpleGa;
public class Individual {
static int defaultGeneLength = 1000;
private long[] genes =new long [defaultGeneLength];
// Cache
public static int fitness = 0;
// Create a random individual
public void generateIndividual() {
for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
long gene = Math.round(Math.random());
genes[i] = gene;
/* Getters and setters */
// Use this if you want to create individuals with different gene lengths
public static void setDefaultGeneLength(int length) {
defaultGeneLength = length;
public long getGene(int i) {
return genes[i];
public void setGene(int index, long value) {
genes[index] = value;
fitness = 0;
/* Public methods */
public int size() {
return genes.length;
public static int getFitness() {
return fitness;
public void setFitness(int i) {
public String toString() {
String geneString = "";
for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
geneString += getGene(i);
return geneString;
package simpleGa;
public class Algorithm {
/* GA parameters */
private static final double uniformRate = 0.5;
private static final double mutationRate = 0.015;
private static final int tournamentSize = 5;
private static final boolean elitism = true;
/* Public methods */
// Evolve a population
public static Population evolvePopulation(Population pop) {
Population newPopulation = new Population(pop.size(), false);
// Keep our best individual
if (elitism) {
newPopulation.saveIndividual(0, pop.getFittest());
// Crossover population
int elitismOffset;
if (elitism) {
elitismOffset = 1;
} else {
elitismOffset = 0;
// Loop over the population size and create new individuals with
// crossover
for (int i = elitismOffset; i < pop.size(); i++) {
Individual indiv1 = tournamentSelection(pop);
Individual indiv2 = tournamentSelection(pop);
Individual newIndiv = crossover(indiv1, indiv2);
newPopulation.saveIndividual(i, newIndiv);
// Mutate population
for (int i = elitismOffset; i < newPopulation.size(); i++) {
for(int i=0;i<pop.size();i++)
{for(int j=0;j<pop.getIndividual(i).size();j++)
{if(i%2==1){Individual individual1=Population.individuals[i-1];
Individual individual2=Population.individuals[i];
if(Population.individuals[i-1].getGene(i-1)==0 && Population.individuals[i].getGene(i)==0){
if(Population.individuals[i-1].getGene(i-1)==1 && Population.individuals[i].getGene(i)==1){
if(Population.individuals[i-1].getGene(i-1)==0 && Population.individuals[i].getGene(i)==1){
if(Population.individuals[i-1].getGene(i-1)==1 && Population.individuals[i].getGene(i)==0){
} }}}``
return newPopulation;
// Crossover individuals
private static Individual crossover(Individual indiv1, Individual indiv2) {
Individual newSol = new Individual();
// Loop through genes
for (int i = 0; i < indiv1.size(); i++) {
// Crossover
if (Math.random() <= uniformRate) {
newSol.setGene(i, indiv1.getGene(i));
} else {
newSol.setGene(i, indiv2.getGene(i));
return newSol;
// Mutate an individual
private static void mutate(Individual indiv) {
// Loop through genes
for (int i = 0; i < indiv.size(); i++) {
if (Math.random() <= mutationRate) {
// Create random gene
long gene = Math.round(Math.random());
indiv.setGene(i, gene);
// Select individuals for crossover
private static Individual tournamentSelection(Population pop) {
// Create a tournament population
Population tournament = new Population(tournamentSize, false);
// For each place in the tournament get a random individual
for (int i = 0; i < tournamentSize; i++) {
int randomId = (int) (Math.random() * pop.size());
tournament.saveIndividual(i, pop.getIndividual(randomId));
// Get the fittest
Individual fittest = tournament.getFittest();
return fittest;
package simpleGa;
public class FitnessCalc {
/* Public methods */
// Set a candidate solution as a byte array
// To make it easier we can use this method to set our candidate solution
// with string of 0s and 1s
// Calculate inidividuals fittness by comparing it to our candidate solution
static int getFitness(Individual individual) {
int fitness = 0;
// Loop through our individuals genes and compare them to our cadidates
return fitness;
// Get optimum fitness
package simpleGa;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class GAprisonerdilemma {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Set a candidate solution
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Input number of games!");
int k = keyboard.nextInt();
// Create an initial population
System.out.println("Input number of individuals in the population!");
int p = keyboard.nextInt();
Population myPop = new Population(p, true);
System.out.println("Input acceptable number of generations!");
int l = keyboard.nextInt();
// Evolve our population until we reach an optimum solution
int generationCount = 0;
int j=l+1;
System.out.println("Input requiered fitness value !");
int f = keyboard.nextInt();
int h=0;
// Evolve our population until we reach an optimum solution
for(int i=0;i<j;i++)
else{ System.out.println("Solution found!");
System.out.println("Generation: " + generationCount);
System.out.println( "Fitness(Points): " + myPop.getFittest().getFitness());
}else {myPop = Algorithm.evolvePopulation(myPop);
System.out.println("Generation: " + generationCount + " Fittest: " + myPop.getFittest().getFitness());
if(i==j-1){ if(myPop.getFittest().getFitness()>=f)System.out.println("Solution found !");
else System.out.println("Solution not found closest solution is!");
System.out.println("Generation: " + generationCount);
System.out.println( " Fitness(Points): " + myPop.getFittest().getFitness());}
System.out.println("0 for betrays in that turn 1 for cooperates!");
I am playing around with an ArrayList and trying to get it to grow twice it's size every time it exceeds it's size. Here is my add method:
public class ArrayExpander
private int size;
private int noOfItems;
private Object[] store;
private final int INITIALSIZE = 2;
public ArrayExpander()
store = new Object[INITIALSIZE];
noOfItems = 0;
public void add(Object obj)
store[size++] = obj;
/*for (int i = size - 1; i < store.length; i++)
store[i] = store[i - 1];
store[i] = obj;
public String toString()
String temp = "[" + store[0];
for (int i = 1; i < size; i++)
temp = temp + "," + store[i];
temp = temp + "]";
return temp;
private void growBufferIfNecessary()
if (size == store.length)
Object[] newStore = new Object[2 * store.length];
for (int i = 0; i < store.length; i++)
newStore[i] = store[i];
store = newStore;
public static void main(String[] args)
ArrayExpander ae = new ArrayExpander();
Here is my output:
I can't figure out why I am getting the null statements. The first line should be a,b and then the arraylist should double in size and be a,b,c,d. I have it set for final int INITIALSIZE = 2.
The output I am looking for is
This code will work for you. size should be referring to the size of your array while noOfItems refers to the number of items in your array. You were kind of mixing the 2 up. I only changed a couple things in your add() and growBufferIfNecessary().
public class ArrayExpander
private int size;
private int noOfItems;
private Object[] store;
private final int INITIALSIZE = 2;
public ArrayExpander()
store = new Object[INITIALSIZE];
noOfItems = 0;
public void add(Object obj)
store[noOfItems++] = obj;
public String toString()
String temp = "[" + store[0];
for (int i = 1; i < size; i++)
temp = temp + "," + store[i];
temp = temp + "]";
return temp;
private void growBufferIfNecessary()
if (noOfItems == size)
size = 2 * size;
Object[] newStore = new Object[size];
for (int i = 0; i < store.length; i++)
newStore[i] = store[i];
store = newStore;
public static void main(String[] args)
ArrayExpander ae = new ArrayExpander();
Try this. If you notice I replaced size in a couple spots with noOfItems. You were really close you just needed to change a couple things.
Manually copying arrays with loops is such a pain, use System.arraycopy(Object,int,Object,int,int) like
private int size = 0;
private Object[] store = new Object[INITIALSIZE];
private void growBufferIfNecessary() {
if (size >= store.length) {
Object[] newStore = new Object[2 * store.length];
System.arraycopy(store, 0, newStore, 0, store.length);
store = newStore;
I eliminated noOfItems. You don't need it, your add method is just
public void add(Object obj) {
store[size++] = obj;
Finally, your toString() could use Arrays.copyOf(T[], int) like
public String toString() {
return Arrays.toString(Arrays.copyOf(store, size));
And then I got your expected output
[a, b]
[a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h]
[a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i]
So I'm creating a hash table with LinkedLists using the multiplication method. As an instance variable I define the LinkedList "T" that I'll be using, and in the constructor of the class I specify the size of T. However, every time I run my Driver testing class, I get NullPointerExceptions on everything I try to reference anything in T[]. Am I overlooking something? I've spent over an hour trying to figure it out.
ChainedHashTable class:
public class ChainedHashTable
private LinkedList<Integer>[] T;
private int m;
private double A;
public ChainedHashTable(int n)
for (m = 1; m < n; m *= 2);
T = new LinkedList[m];
Random random = new Random();
int s = random.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
A = (s * 1.00) / Integer.MAX_VALUE;
public void insert(Integer key)
public void delete(int key)
public Integer search(int key)
int n = T[hash(key)].indexOf(key);
if (n == -1)
return -1;
return T[hash(key)].get(n);
private int hash(int key)
System.out.println((int)(m * ((key * A) % 1)));
return (int)(m * ((key * A) % 1));
public void printTable()
for (int i = 0; i < T.length; i++)
System.out.println("index: " + i + " " + T[i]);
Driver class:
public class Driver
public static void main(String[] args)
ChainedHashTable test1 = new ChainedHashTable(20);
You are creating an array of references to type LinkedList and setting them to their initial state, which is null.
T = new LinkedList[m];
T now is an array of the computed size m. You need to initialize the objects inside of the array.
T = new LinkedList[m];
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
T[i] = new LinkedList<>();
I have been developing an implementation of the neighbourhood algorithm in Java for a physics project I am working on. I'm brand new to Java so I apologize for any idiocy that results.
I have been getting the error
incompatible types
found : void
required: java.util.List<VoronoiPoint>
'' on line 22 from the Java compiler in attempting to compile the program shown below. I cannot figure out why the variable ''thelist'' somehow turns into a void when I declared it to be of type List<VoronoiPoint>. If anybody can explain to me what is going on it would be much appreciated!
import java.lang.Double;
import java.util.*;
public class VoronoiTiling
public static void main(String args[])
Integer n = 10; //Number of dimensions of model parameter space
Integer ns = 20; //Number of points per iteration
Integer nr = 4; //Number of cells to populate
Integer iterations = 5; //Number of iterations
List<VoronoiPoint> thelist = VoronoiList.startlist(ns,n);
for (Integer i=0 ; i<thelist.size() ; i++)
List<VoronoiPoint> orderedlist = Collections.sort(thelist);
Double distance = EuclidianDistance((thelist.get(1)).location,(thelist.get(2)).location);
public static Double EuclidianDistance(Double[] point1, Double[] point2)
Double distance=0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < point1.length; i++)
distance = distance + Math.pow((point1[i]-point2[i]),2);
return Math.sqrt(distance);
The other classes I used are here:
The VoronoiList class:
import java.util.*;
public class VoronoiList
public static List<VoronoiPoint> startlist(Integer ns, Integer n)
List<VoronoiPoint> thestartlist = new ArrayList<VoronoiPoint>();
for (int i = 0; i < ns; i++)
thestartlist.add(new VoronoiPoint(0.,n));
return thestartlist;
The VoronoiPoint class:
import java.util.Random;
public class VoronoiPoint implements Comparable<VoronoiPoint>
Double[] location;
private Random generator = new Random();
Double misfit = -1.;
public VoronoiPoint(Double misfit, Integer n)
location = new Double[n];
ParameterBoundaries boundaries = new ParameterBoundaries(n);
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
location[i] = boundaries.getboundaries(2*i)+2*generator.nextDouble();
//public Double[] getlocation()
//return location;
public void setlocationi(Integer i, Double j)
location[i] = j;
public void setmisfit()
Integer n = location.length;
Double tempmisfit = 0.0;
for(Integer i = 0; i < n; i++)
tempmisfit = tempmisfit + Math.pow((location[i]),2);
misfit = Math.sqrt(tempmisfit); // Temporarily just distance to centre
//public Double getmisfit()
//return misfit;
public int compareTo(VoronoiPoint b)
if (this.misfit<b.misfit) return -1;
else if (this.misfit==b.misfit) return 0;
return 1;
And the parameter boundaries class:
public class ParameterBoundaries
private Double[] boundaries; /*Set to 2n where n is dimensions of parameter space,
* it just makes it easier*/
public ParameterBoundaries(Integer n)
boundaries = new Double[2*n];
for(Integer i = 0; i<n; i++)
boundaries[2*i] = -1.0;
boundaries[2*i+1] = 1.0;
public Double getboundaries(Integer i)
return boundaries[i];
Collections.sort(..) sorts the original list. It doesn't return a new list. (Its return type is void)
Your code is wrong. Collections.sort() is an in-place sort function; it modifies the given list argument and returns nothing (void).