Does anyone have an example of using the EventBusBuilder for greenrobot's Eventbus?
I have an app that is using EventBus.getDefault() all over the place, but now I want to configure that bus to stop sending the no subscriber message. It is discussed here:
Since the code to configure an EventBus, seems to return an instance of the bus itself (from the doc above):
EventBus eventBus = EventBus.builder().logNoSubscriberMessages(false).sendNoSubscriberEvent(false).build();
I am just not sure where to put that instance! Do I have to make a singleton somewhere to include it, just like the EventBus library itself does? And then re-plumb all of my calls to EventBus.getDefault() to my own class?
Just a little confused. Help is appreciated.
You don't read the document carefully. Here is what you want:
Then EventBus.getDefault() should work with this config
In my Android application I want to call some web-app methods.
I use hessian for this (hessdroid library for Android).
That's how it works:
In my Android app I have interfaces for all of the the server methods e.g. getUserById(), getMessageById(), getSomethingElse() etc.
With Hessian I can call these methods through http.
So I need to initalize Hessian Proxy for that:
HessianProxyFactory proxyFactory = new HessianProxyFactory();
UserAccountService api = (UserAccountService) proxyFactory.create(UserAccountService.class, "http://localhost:8080/server/UserAccountService", getClassLoader());
After that I am able to run server methods like that:
UserAccount user = api.getUserById(999);
The problem is that api calls like "api.someMethod();" require running from separeted thread. In any other case I have NetworkOnMainThread exception.
My question is about how to make these calls in right way?
Should I create AsyncTask for every server method call? Or it is possible to make that more generic? I really dont think that creating AsyncTask for every method is a right way. It makes code dirty.
Any ideas? I really appreciate any solution you can provide.
I am asking to create an SIP client, but I am totally lost ...
After some researches I found the Jain SIP API in java, and I think that I will use it.
However I don't really know what classes I should use and what interfaces I should implement or not.
I have read this article :
And this :
But I don't understand which part should I implement for an SIP client ? The SipListener OR the SipStack and the SipProvider ?
You need to implement both of those classes.
The SipProvider class will connect to your endpoint (Aterisk, for example). Note that this class must be on an static context, because only one connection is allowed per client.
You cant create a SipProvider instance calling a SipStack class, on sipStack.createSipProvider(listeningPoint). After this, you be able to create transactions and send requests to you endpoint.
The SipListener is the class that will process all responses from your server. This means that every request that you send to the server (Via SipProvider) will receive a response on SipListener. So, you must have this listener to process all data returned by your endpoint.
Try to implement the code that was described on oracle article that you cite. I started to develop based on this article, and works very fine!
Check the examples at the Reference Implementation to help you moving forward faster
Is there any way to use soap-rpc web services such that the client is generated via a shared interface? Restful web services do it this way, but what about soap based? Do you always have to use a tool like Axis or CXF to generate your stubs and proxies, or is there something out there that will set it up dynamically?
EDIT #1:
To clarify, I'm looking to do something like this:
Common interface:
public interface MyWebService {
String helloWorld();
This common interface can already be used to create the server side component. My question is: can this type of common interface be used on the client side to generate dynamic proxies? Restful web services do it this way (Restlets & CXF) and it seems the .Net world has this type of functionality too.
I would see this tutorial of JAX-WS useful for your purposes:
In the example code the Web Services Client is configured by adding an annotation #WebServiceRef with a property pointing to the WSDL location to the client implementation class and no tools are needed to access the stuff from the Web Service that is referenced.
Was this the way you would like to have it, or did this even answer to right question?
Not exactly sure what you're looking for, but if you don't want to rely on JAX-WS/JAXB-generated artifacts (service interfaces and binding objects), you can make use of the Service and Dispatch APIs. For example:
QName serviceName = new QName(...);
Service service = Service.create(serviceName);
QName portName = new QName(...);
String endpointAddress = "...";
service.addPort(portName, SOAPBinding.SOAP11HTTP_BINDING, endpointAddress);
Dispatch<SOAPMessage> dispatch = service.createDispatch(portName, SOAPMessage.class, Service.Mode.MESSAGE);
SOAPMessage request = ...;
SOAPMessage response = dispatch.invoke(request);
Check Apache CXF. Configuring a Spring Client (Option 1).
When you want to call a webservice, you must have knowledge of methods implemented on it. For that, We need to make stubs OR we can read it from WSDL.
I have created a WS client, using AXIS2 libraries, which is without stubs. The thing is, for each diff. WS we need to create response handles.
You can call any WS method using SOAP envelops and handle the response.
//common interface for response handlers...
//implement this for diff. web service/methods
public interface WSRespHandler{
public Object getMeResp(Object respData);
//pass particular handler to client when you call some WS
public class WebServiceClient {
public Object getResp(WSRespHandler respHandler) {
return repHandler.getMeResp(xmlData);
Please check the link below, which shows the example interface for WS client.
For every diff. WS method we can have diff. implementation for WSRespHandler interface, which will help parsing the response.
Not knowing java so well, but being forced to learn some to accomplish a task that I was given, I needed to consume a .Net service that I have already written, I had to do a little research.
I found that 99% of the examples/samples/problems with invoking a method call against a .Net service, or any service for that matter involved using J2EE (ServiceManager) or build classes and a proxy that reflect the service being invoked. Unfortunately for me, none of this would work. I was working "in a box". I could not add new classes, could not WSDL references, did not have J2EE, but DID have access to the standard java libs.
I am used to doing this sort of thing in pretty much every other language but java, but now there was no choice, and java it was.
A lot of digging and figuring out all new terminology, methods, classes, etc, I knew I was getting close, but was having issues with some small items to complete the task.
Then I came across this post:
As long as you have some sort of idea of what you need to send the soap service in term of the soap envelope, the above link will give you the information you need to be able to invoke a service without the classes, wsdl class generators and J2EE, apache or other dependencies.
In an hour from the time I read the mentioned article, I had a class working and about 10 minutes later, converted the code to the "in the box" solution.
Hope this helps
Apache Tuscany might help you, although it may be heavier than you want
I want to build a REST Client on an android phone.
The REST server exposes several resources, e.g. (GET) List of all customer The customer with id 4711 List of all VIP customer List of all companys The company with the ID 4711 List of all VIP companys
I (think) I know how to talk to the REST server and get the information I need. I would implement a REST Client class with an API like this
public List<Customer> getCustomers();
public Customer getCustomer(final String id);
public List<Customer> getVipCustomer();
public List<Company> getCompanies();
public Customer getCompany(final String id);
public List<Customer> getVipCompanies();
Referred to the presentation "Developing Android REST client applications" from Virgil Dobjanschi I learned that it is no good idea to handle the REST request in an Worker Thread of the Activity. Instead I should use the Service API.
I like the idea of having a Singleton ServiceHelper which binds to a (Local) Service but I am afraid that I did not understand the Service concept correct.
For now I do not understand how to report a REST call result (done asynchrounous in a Service) back to the caller Activity. I also wonder if I need ONE Service which handles all REST requests (with different return types) or if I need a dedicated service for each REST request.
Probably I have many other understanding problems so the best thing for me would be a sample application which meets my needs. My use case is not unusual and I hope there is in example application out there.
Would you please let me know!
Any other suggestions which points me in the correct implementation direction are also helpful (Android API-Demo does not match my use case).
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: Similar Topics found on SO (after posting this) which lead me in the direction I need (minimizing the complex "Dobjanschi pattern"):
Android: restful API service
Anyone interest also consider taking a look at RESTful android this might give you a better look about it.
What i learned from the experience on trying to implement the Dobjanschi Model, is that not everything is written in stone and he only give you the overview of what to do this might changed from app to app but the formula is:
Follow this ideas + Add your own = Happy Android application
The model on some apps may vary from requirement some might not need the Account for the SyncAdapter other might use C2DM, this one that i worked recently might help someone:
Create an application that have Account and AccountManager
It will allow you to use the SyncAdapter to synchronized your data. This have been discussed on Create your own SyncAdapter
Create a ContentProvider (if it suits your needs)
This abstraction allows you to not only access the database but goes to the ServiceHelper to execute REST calls as it has one-per-one Mapping method with the REST Arch.
Content Provider | REST Method
query ----------------> GET
insert ----------------> PUT
update ----------------> POST
delete ----------------> DELETE
ServiceHelper Layering
This guy will basicly start (a) service(s) that execute a Http(not necessarily the protocol but it's the most common) REST method with the parameters that you passed from the ContentProvider. I passed the match integer that is gotten from the UriMatcher on the content Provider so i know what REST resource to access, i.e.
class ServiceHelper{
public static void execute(Context context,int match,String parameters){
//find the service resource (/path/to/remote/service with the match
//start service with parameters
The service
Gets executed (I use IntentService most of the time) and it goes to the RESTMethod with the params passed from the helper, what is it good for? well remember Service are good to run things in background.
Also implement a BroadCastReceiver so when the service is done with its work notify my Activity that registered this Broadcast and requery again. I believe this last step is not on Virgill Conference but I'm pretty sure is a good way to go.
RESTMethod class
Takes the parameters, the WS resource( adds the parameters,prepared everything, execute the call, and save the response.
If the authtoken is needed you can requested from the AccountManager
If the calling of the service failed because authentication, you can invalidate the authtoken and reauth to get a new token.
Finally the RESTMethod gives me either a XML or JSON no matter i create a processor based on the matcher and pass the response.
The processor
It's in charged of parsing the response and insert it locally.
A Sample Application? Of course!
Also if you are interesting on a test application you look at Eli-G, it might not be the best example but it follow the Service REST approach, it is built with ServiceHelper, Processor, ContentProvider, Loader, and Broadcast.
Programming Android has a complete chapter (13. Exploring Content Providers) dedicated to 'Option B: Use the ContentProvider API' from Virgil's Google I/O talk.
We are not the only ones who see the benefits of this approach. At the Google I/O conference in May 2010, Virgil Dobjanschi of Google presented a talk that outlined the following three patterns for using content providers to integrate RESTful web services into Android applications...
In this chapter, we’ll explore the second pattern in detail with our second Finch video example; this strategy will yield a number of important benefits for your applications. Due to the elegance with which this approach integrates network operations into Android MVC, we’ve given it the moniker “Network MVC.”
A future edition of Programming Android may address the other two approaches, as well as document more details of this Google presentation. After you finish reading this chapter, we suggest that you view Google’s talk.
Highly recommended.
Programming Android by Zigurd Mednieks, Laird Dornin, G. Blake Meike, and Masumi Nakamura. Copyright 2011 O’Reilly Media, Inc., 978-1-449-38969-7.
"Developing Android REST client applications" by Virgil Dobjanschi led to much discussion, since no source code was presented during the session or was provided afterwards.
A reference implementation is available under (the Google IO session is mentioned under /presentation). It is a library which you can use in your own application.
Android Priority Job Queue was inspired by Dobjanschi's talk and sounds very promising to me.
Please comment if you know more implementations.
We have developped a library that adresses this issue : RoboSpice.
The library uses the "service approach" described by Virgil Dobjanschi and Neil Goodmann, but we offer a complete all-in-one solution that :
executes asynchronously (in a background AndroidService) network
requests that will return POJOs (ex: REST requests)
caches results (in Json, or Xml, or flat text files, or binary files)
notifies your activities (or any other context) of the result of the network
request if they are still alive
doesn't notify your activities of the
result if they are not alive anymore
notifies your activities on
their UI Thread
uses a simple but robust exception handling model
supports multiple ContentServices to aggregate different web services
supports multi-threading of request executions
is strongly
typed !
is open source ;)
and tested
We are actually looking for feedback from the community.
Retrofit could be very helpful here, it builds an Adapter for you from a very simple configuration like:
Retrofit turns your REST API into a Java interface.
public interface GitHubService {
List<Repo> listRepos(#Path("user") String user);
The RestAdapter class generates an implementation of the GitHubService interface.
RestAdapter restAdapter = new RestAdapter.Builder()
GitHubService service = restAdapter.create(GitHubService.class);
Each call on the generated GitHubService makes an HTTP request to the remote webserver.
List<Repo> repos = service.listRepos("octocat");
for more information visit the official site:
Note: the adapter RestAdapter you get from Retrofit is not derived from BaseAdapter you should make a wrapper for it somehow like this SO question
Why is my ListView empty after calling setListAdapter inside ListFragment?
This is a little late but here is an article which explains the first pattern from the talk:
The thing I like about the first pattern is that the interface to the rest methods is a plain class, and the Content Provider is left to simply provide access to the database.
You should check out the source code for Google's official I/O 2010 app, for starters, particularly the SyncService and the various classes in the io subpackage.
Good news guys.
An implementation of the service helper is available here:
It's an open source project (Apache 2).
I am at the beginning of the project. I've done a project where I defined the pattern to do, but i haven't yet extract the code to make a clean librairy.
It will be done soon.
I was going through the Spring documentation on JMX and came across the following paragraph:
By configuring NotificationListeners in place, every time a JMX Notification is broadcast
from the target MBean (bean:name=testBean1),the ConsoleLoggingNotificationListener bean
that was registered as a listener via the notificationListenerMappings property will be
And this is how the ConsoleLoggingNotificationListener is implemented:
public class ConsoleLoggingNotificationListener
implements NotificationListener, NotificationFilter {
public void handleNotification(Notification notification, Object handback) {
public boolean isNotificationEnabled(Notification notification) {
return AttributeChangeNotification.class.isAssignableFrom(notification.getClass());
But, since I am a newbie, I want to know when is a JMX Notification broadcasted? Is it when the a JMX-exposed attribute's value is changed?
Please help me know this.
I guess this question has nothing to do with Spring per se. If I understand correctly the notifications which are meant here are objects.
I haven't read it but at the first glance this article seems to cover the topic in a quite extensive manner.
And, as you can see attribute change is one of the events when a notification is broadcast.
Maybe it is a bit too late.. however since this question has no accepted answer I'll post my answer.
Spring documentation also says:
The key interface in Spring's JMX notification publication support is the NotificationPublisher interface (defined in the org.springframework.jmx.export.notification package). Any bean that is going to be exported as an MBean via an MBeanExporter instance can implement the related NotificationPublisherAware interface to gain access to a NotificationPublisher instance.
The answer you are looking for is in the final sentence of above excerpt