I have to make a calculator in Java using AntLR .But when i try to calculate the square root using the command s 4 it shows me :no viable alternative at input 's4'.
I really need your help for this. I try everything and I dont know whats is wrong.
This is my grammar:
grammar Hello;
r : r SEMI r EOF
| r SEMI
| plus_op
| minus_op
| sqrt_op;
// match keyword hello followed by an identifier
ID : [a-z]+ ; // match lower-case identifiers
NUM : [0-9];
WS : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ; // skip spaces, tabs, newlines
ADD : '+';
MINUS : '-';
SEMI: ';';
SQRT: 's';
plus_token: NUM | ID;
minus_token: NUM | ID;
sqrt_token: NUM;
plus_op : plus_token ADD plus_token;
minus_op : minus_token MINUS minus_token;
sqrt_op: SQRT sqrt_token;
SQRT will never be matched as ID matches the same input. This is because ANTLR won't try to match the input with multiple rules in the lexer but rather uses the first found rule that can match the current input.
The problem should be solved if SQRT is being defined before ID in the grammar.
I have a Lexer Rule as follows:
PREFIX : [abcd]'_';
EXTRA : ('xyz' | 'XYZ' );
SUFFIX : [ab];
and a parser rule:
tpin : TCHAN
In the exit_tpin() Listiner method, is there a syntax where I can extract the DIGIT component of the token? Right now I can get the ctx.TCHAN() element, but this is a string. I just want the digit portion of TCHAN.
Or should I remove TCHAN as a TOKEN and move that rule to be tpin (i.e)
Where I know how to extract DIGIT from the listener.
My guess is that by the time the TOKEN is presented to the parser it is too late to deconstruct it... but I was wondering if some ANTLR guru's out there knew of a technique.
If I re-write my TOKENIZER, there is a possiblity that TCHAN tokens will be missed for INT/ID tokens (I think thats why I ended up parsing as I do).
I can always do some regexp work in the listener method... but that seemed like bad form ... as I had the individual components earlier. I'm just lazy, and was wondering if a techniqe other than refactoring the parsing grammar was possible.
In The Definitive ANTLR Reference you can find examples of complex lexers where much of the work is done. But when learning ANTLR, I would advise to consider the lexer mostly for its splitting function of the input stream into small tokens. Then do the big work in the parser. In the present case I would do :
grammar Question;
/* extract digit */
: tpin EOF
// {System.out.println("The only useful information is " + $DIGIT.text);}
{System.out.println("The only useful information is " + $number.text);}
PREFIX : [abcd]'_';
EXTRA : ('xyz' | 'XYZ' );
DIGIT : [0-9] ;
SUFFIX : [ab];
WS : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ;
Say the input is d_xyz123456b. With the first version
you get
$ grun Question question -tokens data.txt
The only useful information is 6
Because the parsing of DIGIT+ translates to a loop which reuses DIGIT
_la = _input.LA(1);
do {
((TpinContext)_localctx).DIGIT = match(DIGIT);
_la = _input.LA(1);
} while ( _la==DIGIT );
and $DIGIT.text translates to ((TpinContext)_localctx).DIGIT.getText(), only the last digit is retained. That's why I define a subrule number
which makes it easy to capture the value :
The only useful information is 123456
You can even make it simpler :
{System.out.println("The only useful information is " + $INT.text);}
PREFIX : [abcd]'_';
EXTRA : ('xyz' | 'XYZ' );
INT : [0-9]+ ;
SUFFIX : [ab];
WS : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ;
$ grun Question question -tokens data.txt
The only useful information is 123456
In the listener you have a direct access to these values through the rule context TpinContext :
public static class TpinContext extends ParserRuleContext {
public Token INT;
public TerminalNode PREFIX() { return getToken(QuestionParser.PREFIX, 0); }
public TerminalNode INT() { return getToken(QuestionParser.INT, 0); }
public TerminalNode EXTRA() { return getToken(QuestionParser.EXTRA, 0); }
public TerminalNode SUFFIX() { return getToken(QuestionParser.SUFFIX, 0); }
I'm missing some basic knowledge. Started playing around with ATLR today missing any source telling me how to do the following:
I'd like to parse a configuration file a program of mine currently reads in a very ugly way. Basically it looks like:
A [Data] [Data]
B [Data] [Data] [Data]
where A/B/... are objects with their associated data following (dynamic amount, only simple digits).
A grammar should not be that hard but how to use ANTLR now?
lexer only: A/B are tokens and I ask for the tokens he read. How to ask this and how to detect malformatted input?
lexer & parser: A/B are parser rules and... how to know the parser processed successfully A/B? The same object could appear multiple times in the file and I need to consider every single one. It's more like listing instances in the config file.
My problem is not the grammer but how to get informed by parser/lexer what they actually found/parsed? Best would be: invoke a function upon recognition of a rule like recursive descent
ANTLR production rules can have return value(s) you can use to get the contents of your configuration file.
Here's a quick demo:
grammar T;
parse returns [java.util.Map<String, List<Integer>> map]
#init{$map = new java.util.HashMap<String, List<Integer>>();}
: (line {$map.put($line.key, $line.values);} )+ EOF
line returns [String key, List<Integer> values]
: Id numbers (NL | EOF)
$key = $Id.text;
$values = $numbers.list;
numbers returns [List<Integer> list]
#init{$list = new ArrayList<Integer>();}
: (Num {$list.add(Integer.parseInt($Num.text));} )+
Num : '0'..'9'+;
Id : ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z')+;
NL : '\r'? '\n' | '\r';
Space : (' ' | '\t')+ {skip();};
If you runt the class below:
import org.antlr.runtime.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String input = "A 12 34\n" +
"B 5 6 7 8\n" +
"C 9";
TLexer lexer = new TLexer(new ANTLRStringStream(input));
TParser parser = new TParser(new CommonTokenStream(lexer));
Map<String, List<Integer>> values = parser.parse();
the following will be printed to the console:
{A=[12, 34], B=[5, 6, 7, 8], C=[9]}
The grammar should be something like this (it's pseudocode not ANTLR):
ITEM = '[' \d+ ']'
NAME = \w+
If you are looking for way to execute code when something is parsed, you should either use actions or AST (look them up in the documentation).
Lets suppose the following scenarios with 2 ANTLR grammars:
expr : antExp+;
antExpr : '{' T '}' ;
T : 'foo';
expr : antExpr;
antExpr : '{' T* '}' ;
T : 'bar';
In both cases I need to know how to iterate over antExp+ and T*, because I need to generate an ArrayList of each element of them. Of course my grammar is more complex, but I think that this example should explain what I'm needing. Thank you!
Production rules in ANTLR can have one or more return types which you can reference inside a loop (a (...)* or (...)+). So, let's say you want to print each of the T's text the antExp rule matches. This could be done like this:
: (antExp {System.out.println($antExp.str);} )+
antExpr returns [String str]
: '{' T '}' {$str = $T.text;}
T : 'foo';
The same principle holds for example grammar #2:
expr : antExpr;
antExpr : '{' (T {System.out.println($T.text);} )* '}' ;
T : 'bar';
Note that you're not restricted to returning a single reference. Running the parser generated from:
grammar T;
: ids {System.out.println($ids.firstId + "\n" + $ids.allIds);}
ids returns [String firstId, List<String> allIds]
#init{$allIds = new ArrayList<String>();}
#after{$firstId = $allIds.get(0);}
: (ID {$allIds.add($ID.text);})+
ID : ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z')+;
SPACE : ' ' {skip();};
on the input "aaa bbb ccc" would print the following:
[aaa, bbb, ccc]
I'm starting with ANTLR, but I get some errors and I really don't understand why.
Here you have my really simple grammar
grammar Expr;
options {backtrack=true;}
#header {}
#members {}
expr returns [String s]
: (LETTER SPACE DIGIT | TKDC) {$s = $DIGIT.text + $TKDC.text;}
SPACE : ' ' ;
LETTER : 'd' ;
DIGIT : '0'..'9' ;
TKDC returns [String s] : 'd' SPACE 'C' {$s = "d C";} ;
This is the JAVA source, where I only ask for the "expr" result:
import org.antlr.runtime.*;
class Testantlr {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ExprLexer lex = new ExprLexer(new ANTLRFileStream(args[0]));
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lex);
ExprParser parser = new ExprParser(tokens);
try {
} catch (RecognitionException e) {
The problem comes when my input file has the following content d 9.
I get the following error:
x line 1:2 mismatched character '9' expecting 'C'
x line 1:3 no viable alternative at input '<EOF>'
Does anyone knwos the problem here?
There are a few things wrong with your grammar:
lexer rules can only return Tokens, so returns [String s] is ignored after TKDC;
backtrack=true in your options section does not apply to lexer rules, that is why you get mismatched character '9' expecting 'C' (no backtracking there!);
the contents of your expr rule: (LETTER SPACE DIGIT | TKDC) {$s = $DIGIT.text + $TKDC.text;} doesn't make much sense (to me). You either want to match LETTER SPACE DIGIT or TKDC, yet you're trying to grab the text of both choices: $DIGIT.text and $TKDC.text.
It looks to me TKDC needs to be "promoted" to a parser rule instead.
I think you dumbed down your example a bit too much to illustrate the problem you were facing. Perhaps it's a better idea to explain your actual problem instead: what are you trying to parse exactly?