Java Graphics2D obtain rotated image bounding and new coordiinates - java

I have an image in Graphics2D that I need to rotate and then obtain the new co-ordinates of the image corners and the dimensions of the new bounding box.
I was originally trying to work with the image itself but I think it would be easier to work with a rectangle (or polygon) to give myself more flexibility. I was originally performing the rotation on the image simply with AffineTransform.rotate(). However, it would be cleaner if there was a way to translate each corner point individually, that would give me the values of A1, B1, C1 & D1. Is there a way in Graphics2D to rotate the individual corners?
I have found several questions relating to the bounding box dimensions of a rotated rectangle but I can't seem to get any of them to work in Java with Graphics2D.

You'll simply have to rotate the image corners yourself. The package java.awt.geom provides the classes Point2D and AffineTransform to do that by applying a rotation transform to individual points. The width and height of the rotated bounding box can be computed as the difference between the maximum and maximum rotated x and y coordinates, with the minimum x and y coordinate as offset.
The following program implements this algorithm and displays the results for several rotations from 0° to 360° in 30° steps:
package stackoverflow;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
* Demonstration of an implementation to rotate rectangles.
* #author Franz D.
public class ImageRotate
* Rotates a rectangle with offset (0,0).
* #param originalWidth original rectangle width
* #param originalHeight original rectangle height
* #param angleRadians rotation angle in radians
* #param rotatedCorners output buffer for the four rotated corners
* #return the bounding box of the rotated rectangle
* #throws NullPointerException if {#code rotatedCorners == null}.
* #throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if {#code rotatedCorners.length < 4}.
public static Rectangle2D rotateRectangle(int originalWidth, int originalHeight,
double angleRadians,
Point2D[] rotatedCorners) {
// create original corner points
Point2D a0 = new Point2D.Double(0, 0);
Point2D b0 = new Point2D.Double(originalWidth, 0);
Point2D c0 = new Point2D.Double(0, originalHeight);
Point2D d0 = new Point2D.Double(originalWidth, originalHeight);
Point2D[] originalCorners = { a0, b0, c0, d0 };
// create affine rotation transform
AffineTransform transform = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(angleRadians);
// transform original corners to rotated corners
transform.transform(originalCorners, 0, rotatedCorners, 0, originalCorners.length);
// determine rotated width and height as difference between maximum and
// minimum rotated coordinates
double minRotatedX = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
double maxRotatedX = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
double minRotatedY = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
double maxRotatedY = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
for (Point2D rotatedCorner: rotatedCorners) {
minRotatedX = Math.min(minRotatedX, rotatedCorner.getX());
maxRotatedX = Math.max(maxRotatedX, rotatedCorner.getX());
minRotatedY = Math.min(minRotatedY, rotatedCorner.getY());
maxRotatedY = Math.max(maxRotatedY, rotatedCorner.getY());
// the bounding box is the rectangle with minimum rotated X and Y as offset
double rotatedWidth = maxRotatedX - minRotatedX;
double rotatedHeight = maxRotatedY - minRotatedY;
Rectangle2D rotatedBounds = new Rectangle2D.Double(
minRotatedX, minRotatedY,
rotatedWidth, rotatedHeight);
return rotatedBounds;
* Simple test for {#link #rotateRectangle(int, int, double, java.awt.geom.Point2D[])}.
* #param args ignored
public static void main(String[] args) {
// setup original width
int originalWidth = 500;
int originalHeight = 400;
// create buffer for rotated corners
Point2D[] rotatedCorners = new Point2D[4];
// rotate rectangle from 0° to 360° in 30° steps
for (int angleDegrees = 0; angleDegrees < 360; angleDegrees += 30) {
// convert angle to radians
double angleRadians = Math.toRadians(angleDegrees);
// rotate rectangle
Rectangle2D rotatedBounds = rotateRectangle(
originalWidth, originalHeight,
// dump results
System.out.println("--- Rotate " + originalWidth + "x" + originalHeight + " by " + angleDegrees + "° ---");
System.out.println("Bounds: " + rotatedBounds);
for (Point2D rotatedCorner: rotatedCorners) {
System.out.println("Corner " + rotatedCorner);
If your image is not placed at offset (0, 0), you can simply modify the method to have the offset as input parameter, and adding the offset coordinates to the original points.
Also, this method rotates the image (or rectangle) about the origin (0, 0). If you want other rotation centers, AffineTransform provides an overloaded variant of getRotateInstace() which allows you to specify the rotation center (called "anchor" in the API documentation).


Draw a special shape on android canvas

I am struggling to draw this shape on an android canvas. I already used all what one could find in here. but it works on some angles and not on others.
Let's say that this shape can be drawn given a certain angle (in the example = 90°)
We also have the coordinates of the three points of the shape (A,B and C)
Here is the code I currently use :
// (cx,cy) is the point A
// (pos2LegX, pos2LegY) is the point C
// radDirection is the drawn example 90°
float radDirection = (float) (Math.toRadians(this.rad));
float pos2LegX = (float) (cx + radius * Math.sin(radDirection)) ;
float pos2LegY = (float) (cy - radius * Math.cos(radDirection)) ;
// (arcPosX, arcPosY) is the point B
float arcPosX = pos2LegX + (float) ((radius/2) * Math.abs(Math.cos(radDirection))) ;
float arcPosY = pos2LegY - (float) ((radius/2) * Math.abs(Math.sin(radDirection))) ;
// the rect to use with the drawers
final RectF oval = new RectF();
oval.set(pos2LegX , pos2LegY - radius/4, pos2LegX + radius/2, pos2LegY+ radius/4);
// draw the shape
// draw AC
canvas.drawLine(cx,cy,pos2LegX, pos2LegY ,paint);
// draw the arc CB
int startAngle = (int) (180 / Math.PI * Math.atan2(arcPosY - pos2LegY, arcPosX - pos2LegX));
// draw BA
This may work for example if radDirection = 180 but if radDirection = 000 it gives this :
But here, the shape should be in opposite direction with arc concave to the center cx, cy.
Any solution would be a big help for me.
Thanks in advance :)

How to add functionality to the Card class so it can detect a touch drag event occurring on the card in Android Studio?

I am trying to touch and drag the card and update its position. Firstly, I want the card class to detect the touch drag event when I click on the card.
I have provided the code below for the card class and want help on how to detect touch event. I want to know what methods I should add and how to implement the x and y coordinates.
public class Card extends Sprite {
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Properties:
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Define the default card width and height
private static final int DEFAULT_CARD_WIDTH = 180;
private static final int DEFAULT_CARD_HEIGHT = 260;
// Define the common card base
private Bitmap mCardBase;
// Define the card portrait image
private Bitmap mCardPortrait;
// Define the card digit images
private Bitmap[] mCardDigits = new Bitmap[10];
// Define the offset locations and scaling for the card portrait
// card attack and card health values - all measured relative
// to the centre of the object as a percentage of object size
private Vector2 mAttackOffset = new Vector2(-0.68f, -0.84f);
private Vector2 mAttackScale = new Vector2(0.1f, 0.1f);
private Vector2 mHealthOffset = new Vector2(0.72f, -0.84f);
private Vector2 mHealthScale = new Vector2(0.1f, 0.1f);
private Vector2 mPortraitOffset = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.3f);
private Vector2 mPortraitScale = new Vector2(0.55f, 0.55f);
// Define the health and attack values
private int mAttack;
private int mHealth;
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Constructors
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Create a new platform.
* #param x Centre y location of the platform
* #param y Centre x location of the platform
* #param gameScreen Gamescreen to which this platform belongs
public Card(float x, float y, GameScreen gameScreen) {
super(x, y, DEFAULT_CARD_WIDTH, DEFAULT_CARD_HEIGHT, null, gameScreen);
AssetManager assetManager = gameScreen.getGame().getAssetManager();
// Store the common card base image
mCardBase = assetManager.getBitmap("CardBackground");
// Store the card portrait image
mCardPortrait = assetManager.getBitmap("CardPortrait");
// Store each of the damage/health digits
for(int digit = 0; digit <= 9; digit++)
mCardDigits[digit] = assetManager.getBitmap(String.valueOf(digit));
// Set default attack and health values
mAttack = 1;
mHealth = 2;
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Methods
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Draw the game platform
* #param elapsedTime Elapsed time information
* #param graphics2D Graphics instance
* #param layerViewport Game layer viewport
* #param screenViewport Screen viewport
public void draw(ElapsedTime elapsedTime, IGraphics2D graphics2D,
LayerViewport layerViewport, ScreenViewport screenViewport) {
// Draw the portrait
drawBitmap(mCardPortrait, mPortraitOffset, mPortraitScale,
graphics2D, layerViewport, screenViewport);
// Draw the card base background
mBitmap = mCardBase;
super.draw(elapsedTime, graphics2D, layerViewport, screenViewport);
// Draw the attack value
drawBitmap(mCardDigits[mAttack], mAttackOffset, mAttackScale,
graphics2D, layerViewport, screenViewport);
// Draw the attack value
drawBitmap(mCardDigits[mHealth], mHealthOffset, mHealthScale,
graphics2D, layerViewport, screenViewport);
private BoundingBox bound = new BoundingBox();
* Method to draw out a specified bitmap using a specific offset (relative to the
* position of this game object) and scaling (relative to the size of this game
* object).
* #param bitmap Bitmap to draw
* #param offset Offset vector
* #param scale Scaling vector
* #param graphics2D Graphics instance
* #param layerViewport Game layer viewport
* #param screenViewport Screen viewport
private void drawBitmap(Bitmap bitmap, Vector2 offset, Vector2 scale,
IGraphics2D graphics2D, LayerViewport layerViewport, ScreenViewport screenViewport) {
// // Calculate a game layer bound for the bitmap to be drawn
// bound.set(position.x + mBound.halfWidth * offset.x,
// position.y + mBound.halfHeight * offset.y,
// mBound.halfWidth * scale.x,
// mBound.halfHeight * scale.y);
// Calculate the center position of the rotated offset point.
double rotation = Math.toRadians(-this.orientation);
float diffX = mBound.halfWidth * offset.x;
float diffY = mBound.halfHeight * offset.y;
float rotatedX = (float)(Math.cos(rotation) * diffX - Math.sin(rotation) * diffY + position.x);
float rotatedY = (float)(Math.sin(rotation) * diffX + Math.cos(rotation) * diffY + position.y);
// Calculate a game layer bound for the bitmap to be drawn
bound.set(rotatedX, rotatedY,
mBound.halfWidth * scale.x, mBound.halfHeight * scale.y);
// Draw out the specified bitmap using the calculated bound.
// The following code is based on the Sprite's draw method.
if (GraphicsHelper.getSourceAndScreenRect(
bound, bitmap, layerViewport, screenViewport, drawSourceRect, drawScreenRect)) {
// Build an appropriate transformation matrix
float scaleX = (float) drawScreenRect.width() / (float) drawSourceRect.width();
float scaleY = (float) drawScreenRect.height() / (float) drawSourceRect.height();
drawMatrix.postScale(scaleX, scaleY);
drawMatrix.postRotate(orientation, scaleX * bitmap.getWidth()
/ 2.0f, scaleY * bitmap.getHeight() / 2.0f);
// Draw the bitmap
graphics2D.drawBitmap(bitmap, drawMatrix, null);

How to draw a rectangle containing an object in Android (Java, OpenCV)

Basically, I want to achieve this, and so far, I've written the following Java code...
// Display the camera frame
public Mat onCameraFrame(CvCameraViewFrame inputFrame) {
// The object's width and height are set to 0
objectWidth = objectHeight = 0;
// frame is captured as a coloured image
frame = inputFrame.rgba();
/** Since the Canny algorithm only works on greyscale images and the captured image is
* coloured, we transform the captured cam image into a greyscale one
Imgproc.cvtColor(frame, grey, Imgproc.COLOR_RGB2GRAY);
// Calculating borders of image using the Canny algorithm
Imgproc.Canny(grey, canny, 180, 210);
/** To avoid background noise (given by the camera) that makes the system too sensitive
* small variations, the image is blurred to a small extent. Blurring is one of the
* required steps before any image transformation because this eliminates small details
* that are of no use. Blur is a low-pass filter.
Imgproc.GaussianBlur(canny, canny, new Size(5, 5), 5);
// Calculate the contours
Imgproc.findContours(canny, contours, new Mat(), Imgproc.RETR_EXTERNAL, Imgproc.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
/** The contours come in different sequences
* 1 sequence for each connected component.
* Taking the assumption only 1 object is in view, if we have more than 1 connected
* component, this'll be considered part of the details of the object.
* For this, we put all contours together in a single sequence
* If there is at least 1 contour, I can continue processing
for (MatOfPoint mat : contours) {
// Retrieve and store all contours in one giant map
MatOfPoint2f allCon = new MatOfPoint2f(allContours.toArray());
// Calculating the minimal rectangle to contain the contours
RotatedRect box = Imgproc.minAreaRect(allCon);
// Getting the vertices of the rectangle
Point[] vertices = initialiseWithDefaultPointInstances(4);
// Now the vertices are in possession, temporal smoothing can be performed.
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
// Smooth coordinate x of the vertex
vertices[i].x = alpha * lastVertices[i].x + (1.0 - alpha) * vertices[i].x;
// Smooth coordinate y of the vertex
vertices[i].y = alpha * lastVertices[i].y + (1.0 - alpha) * vertices[i].y;
// Assign the present smoothed values as lastVertices for the next smooth
lastVertices[i] = vertices[i];
/** With the vertices, the object size is calculated.
* The object size is calculated through pythagoras theorm. In addition, it gives
* the distance between 2 points in a bi-dimensional space.
* For a rectangle, considering any vertex V, its two sizes (width and height) can
* be calculated by calculating the distance of V from the previous vertex and
* calculating the distance of V from the next vertex. This is the reason why I
* calculate the distance between vertici[0]/vertici[3] and vertici[0]/vertici[1]
objectWidth = (int) (conversionFactor * Math.sqrt((vertices[0].x - vertices[3].x) * (vertices[0].x - vertices[3].x) + (vertices[0].y - vertices[3].y) * (vertices[0].y - vertices[3].y)));
objectHeight = (int) (conversionFactor * Math.sqrt((vertices[0].x - vertices[1].x) * (vertices[0].x - vertices[1].x) + (vertices[0].y - vertices[1].y) * (vertices[0].y - vertices[1].y)));
/** Draw the rectangle containing the contours. The line method draws a line from 1
* point to the next, and accepts only integer coordinates; for this reason, 2
* temporary Points have been created and why I used Math.round method.
Point pt1 = new Point();
Point pt2 = new Point();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
pt1.x = Math.round(vertices[i].x);
pt1.y = Math.round(vertices[i].y);
pt2.x = Math.round(vertices[(i + 1) % 4].x);
pt2.y = Math.round(vertices[(i + 1) % 4].y);
Imgproc.line(frame, pt1, pt2, red, 3);
//If the width and height are non-zero, then print the object size on-screen
if (objectWidth != 0 && objectHeight != 0) {
String text;
text = String.format("%d x %d", objectWidth, objectHeight);
// This function must return
return frame;
// Initialising an array of points
public static Point[] initialiseWithDefaultPointInstances(int length) {
Point[] array = new Point[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
array[i] = new Point();
return array;
What I want to achieve is drawing a rectangle on-screen that contains the object's contours (edges). If anyone knows the answer to my question, please feel free to comment below, as I have been stuck on this for a couple of hours
Here's the code referenced in the comment How to draw a rectangle containing an object in Android (Java, OpenCV)
public Mat onCameraFrame(CameraBridgeViewBase.CvCameraViewFrame inputFrame) {
// The object's width and height are set to 0
List<Integer> objectWidth = new ArrayList<>();
List<Integer> objectHeight = new ArrayList<>();
// frame is captured as a coloured image
Mat frame = inputFrame.rgba();
Mat gray = new Mat();
Mat canny = new Mat();
List<MatOfPoint> contours = new ArrayList<>();
/** Since the Canny algorithm only works on greyscale images and the captured image is
* coloured, we transform the captured cam image into a greyscale one
Imgproc.cvtColor(frame, gray, Imgproc.COLOR_RGB2GRAY);
// Calculating borders of image using the Canny algorithm
Imgproc.Canny(gray, canny, 180, 210);
/** To avoid background noise (given by the camera) that makes the system too sensitive
* small variations, the image is blurred to a small extent. Blurring is one of the
* required steps before any image transformation because this eliminates small details
* that are of no use. Blur is a low-pass filter.
Imgproc.GaussianBlur(canny, canny, new Size(5, 5), 5);
// Calculate the contours
Imgproc.findContours(canny, contours, new Mat(), Imgproc.RETR_EXTERNAL, Imgproc.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
/** The contours come in different sequences
* 1 sequence for each connected component.
* Taking the assumption only 1 object is in view, if we have more than 1 connected
* component, this'll be considered part of the details of the object.
* For this, we put all contours together in a single sequence
* If there is at least 1 contour, I can continue processing
if(contours.size() > 0){
// Calculating the minimal rectangle to contain the contours
List<RotatedRect> boxes = new ArrayList<>();
for(MatOfPoint contour : contours){
RotatedRect box = Imgproc.minAreaRect(new MatOfPoint2f(contour.toArray()));
// Getting the vertices of the rectangle
List<Point[]> vertices = initialiseWithDefaultPointInstances(boxes.size(), 4);
for(int i=0; i<boxes.size(); i++){
double alpha = 0.5;
// Now the vertices are in possession, temporal smoothing can be performed.
for(int i = 0; i<vertices.size(); i++){
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
// Smooth coordinate x of the vertex
vertices.get(i)[j].x = alpha * lastVertices.get(i)[j].x + (1.0 - alpha) * vertices.get(i)[j].x;
// Smooth coordinate y of the vertex
vertices.get(i)[j].y = alpha * lastVertices.get(i)[j].y + (1.0 - alpha) * vertices.get(i)[j].y;
// Assign the present smoothed values as lastVertices for the next smooth
lastVertices.get(i)[j] = vertices.get(i)[j];
/** With the vertices, the object size is calculated.
* The object size is calculated through pythagoras theorm. In addition, it gives
* the distance between 2 points in a bi-dimensional space.
* For a rectangle, considering any vertex V, its two sizes (width and height) can
* be calculated by calculating the distance of V from the previous vertex and
* calculating the distance of V from the next vertex. This is the reason why I
* calculate the distance between vertici[0]/vertici[3] and vertici[0]/vertici[1]
double conversionFactor = 1.0;
for(Point[] points : vertices){
int width = (int) (conversionFactor * Math.sqrt((points[0].x - points[3].x) * (points[0].x - points[3].x) + (points[0].y - points[3].y) * (points[0].y - points[3].y)));
int height = (int) (conversionFactor * Math.sqrt((points[0].x - points[1].x) * (points[0].x - points[1].x) + (points[0].y - points[1].y) * (points[0].y - points[1].y)));
/** Draw the rectangle containing the contours. The line method draws a line from 1
* point to the next, and accepts only integer coordinates; for this reason, 2
* temporary Points have been created and why I used Math.round method.
Scalar red = new Scalar(255, 0, 0, 255);
for (int i=0; i<vertices.size(); i++){
Point pt1 = new Point();
Point pt2 = new Point();
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
pt1.x = Math.round(vertices.get(i)[j].x);
pt1.y = Math.round(vertices.get(i)[j].y);
pt2.x = Math.round(vertices.get(i)[(j + 1) % 4].x);
pt2.y = Math.round(vertices.get(i)[(j + 1) % 4].y);
Imgproc.line(frame, pt1, pt2, red, 3);
if (objectWidth.get(i) != 0 && objectHeight.get(i) != 0){
Imgproc.putText(frame, "width: " + objectWidth + ", height: " + objectHeight, new Point(Math.round(vertices.get(i)[1].x), Math.round(vertices.get(i)[1].y)), 1, 1, red);
// This function must return
return frame;
// Initialising an array of points
public static List<Point[]> initialiseWithDefaultPointInstances(int n_Contours, int n_Points) {
List<Point[]> pointsList = new ArrayList<>();
for(int i=0; i<n_Contours; i++){
Point[] array = new Point[n_Points];
for (int j = 0; j < n_Points; j++) {
array[j] = new Point();
return pointsList;

jmagick text around circle slightly off

I’m relatively new to ImageMagick and java and working on a project to display text around the outside of a circle centered at 0 degrees on the circle using ImageMagick 6.3.9 Q16 and jmagick 6.3.9 Q16 on windows. We’re porting existing image magick code that does this from PHP MagickWand but the placement of each letter on the arc of the circle comes out a little off in the java version I think because of the following difference.
In MagickWand, it’s placed on the arc by this one line of code which uses a float x, y coordinate value and float angle value (for greater precision) for annotating the drawing wand (equivalent of DrawInfo in jmagick) and works beautifully:
MagickAnnotateImage($magick_wand, $drawing_wand, $origin_x + $x, $origin_y - $y, $angle, $character);
In jmagick though, the annotateImage method only takes one argument which is the DrawInfo so I ended up with what I think is the only other alternative, the compositeImage method. So in order to do that, I’m drawing each character as separate draw info, then annotating that to a transparent png image, then rotating that image via rotateImage method, then using compositeImage to place it on my canvas image but compositeImage only deals with x & y as int values (and doesn’t consider angle) so I’m rounding my x & y double values (to get same number of decimals or more like php version is using just to rule that out) at that point which I suspect is the main reason it’s placing the characters a little off on the circle.
My code performing the work is the following where Article is a local path to a font file (ex: E:\WCDE_ENT70\workspace\Stores\WebContent\AdminArea\CoordsCenterSection\fonts\ARIALN.TTF), nameNumStr is the string to render on the circle (ex: SAMUELSON), fsize is the point size of the font (ex: 32), colorStr is font color name (ex: black), radVal is radius (ex: 120), poix is x origin start coordinate (ex: 150), poiy is y origin start coordinate (ex: 150):
public byte[] getArcedImage(String Article, String nameNumStr, int fsize, String colorStr, int radVal, int poix, int poiy)
try {
Font f = null;
try {
f = Font.createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, new FileInputStream(Article.replaceAll("%20"," ")));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (FontFormatException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
String fontName = f.getName();
// Use awt's font metrics since jmagick doesn't have font metrics built in like php magickwand does
FontMetrics fm = createFontMetrics(new Font(fontName, Font.PLAIN, fsize));
int strImgW = fm.stringWidth(nameNumStr);
int strImgH = fm.getHeight();
String spacerImg = "E:\\WCDE_ENT70\\workspace\\Stores\\WebContent\\AdminArea\\CoordsCenterSection\\images\\600x600.png";
//Read in large 600 png first as our main canvas
ImageInfo bi = new ImageInfo(spacerImg);
MagickImage bmi = new MagickImage(bi);
// Make canvas image transparent
//defaults or param vals
final int radius = radVal;
final int origin_x = poix;
final int origin_y = poiy;
final int center_text_on = 0;
final int charXGeom = 150;
final int charYGeom = 150;
double circumference = 0;
double percentage = 0;
double degrees = 0;
double start = 0;
double current_degree = 0;
double angle = 0;
double angle_adjustment = 0;
double character_center = 0;
* Calculate the circumference of the drawn circle and label the image
* with it.
circumference = (2 * Math.PI * radius);
* Calculate the percentage of the circumference that the string will
* consume.
percentage = strImgW / circumference;
* Convert this percentage into something practical - degrees.
degrees = 360 * percentage;
* Because the string is centered, we need to calculate the starting point
* of the string by subtracting half of the required degrees from the
* anticipated center mark.
start = center_text_on - (degrees / 2);
* Initialize our traversal starting point.
current_degree = start;
ImageInfo ci = null;
MagickImage cmi = null;
double x = 0;
double y = 0;
int finalStrWidth = 0;
int charImgW = 0;
int charImgH = 0;
for (int i=0; i<nameNumStr.length(); i++)
* Isolate the appropriate character.
String charVal = nameNumStr.substring(i, i+1);
charImgW = fm.stringWidth(charVal);
charImgH = strImgH;
ci = new ImageInfo(spacerImg);
cmi = new MagickImage(ci);
// Create Rectangle for cropping character image canvas to final width and height
Rectangle charRect = new Rectangle(0,0,charImgW,charImgH);
// Crop image to final width and height
cmi = cmi.cropImage(charRect);
// Make image transparent
// Set a draw info for each character
DrawInfo cdi = new DrawInfo(ci);
// Set Opacity
// Set Gravity
// Set Fill Color
// Set Font Size
// Set Font
cdi.setFont(Article.replaceAll("%20"," "));
// Set the text
// Make the text smoother
// Annotate the draw info to make the character image
// For debug purposes
finalStrWidth += charImgW;
* Calculate the percentage of the circumference that the character
* will consume.
percentage = charImgW / circumference;
* Convert this percentage into something practical - degrees.
degrees = 360 * percentage;
* Calculate the x and y axis adjustments to make, based on the origin
* of the circle, so we can place each letter.
x = radius * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(current_degree));
y = radius * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(current_degree));
// Rotate the character image to the angle
cmi = cmi.rotateImage(angle);
// Composite character image to main canvas image
bmi.compositeImage(CompositeOperator.HardLightCompositeOp, cmi, (int)Math.round((origin_x+x)), (int)Math.round((origin_y-y)));
// Increment the degrees
current_degree += degrees;
bmi = bmi.trimImage();
byte[] pi = bmi.imageToBlob(ci);
return pi;
} catch (MagickException e) {
return null;
private FontMetrics createFontMetrics(Font font)
BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(1, 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE);
Graphics g = bi.getGraphics();
FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(font);
bi = null;
return fm;
private Rectangle2D createFontRectangle(Font font, String strVal)
BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(1, 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE);
Graphics g = bi.getGraphics();
FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(font);
Rectangle2D rect = fm.getStringBounds(strVal, g);
bi = null;
return rect;
I've since found that it’s possible to use DrawInfo’s setGeometry method to set the x, y and saw on the one example I found on's wiki that it supposedly can be used for much more than x, y placement but can’t find any other examples or documentation showing how else it can be used (hopefully for specifying an angle as well).
I’m not positive but it seems that setGeometry would be the only way to potentially specify an angle since jmagick’s implementation of annotateImage only takes a Draw Info as it’s argument.
Does anyone know a way to use DrawInfo’s setGeometry method to set the x, y and angle? I think it may solve my problem. Also, if anyone has any working example of using jmagick to draw text around a circle that they’d be willing to share, I’d be greatly appreciative.

How can I calculate the letterbox size with this class?

I have the following Java class I've written for a LibGdx OpenGL project.
The camera keeps the aspect ratio of the screen no matter how you resize it by letterboxing either the top and bottom, or the sides. So far, so good.
The issue comes when I try to obtain the mouse x, y coordinates of a click, and the letterbox is involved for that axis.
First here is the class:
public class Camera {
private static float viewportWidth;
private static float viewportHeight;
private static float aspectRatio;
private static float barSize;
* Creates an orthographic camera where the "play area" has the given viewport size. The viewport will be scaled to maintain the aspect ratio.
* #param virtualWidth the width of the game screen in virtual pixels.
* #param virtualHeight the height of the game screen in virtual pixels.
* #return the new camera.
public static OrthographicCamera createCamera(float virtualWidth, float virtualHeight) {
aspectRatio = virtualWidth / virtualHeight;
float physicalWidth =;
float physicalHeight =;
if (physicalWidth / physicalHeight >= aspectRatio) {
// Letterbox left and right.
viewportHeight = virtualHeight;
viewportWidth = viewportHeight * physicalWidth / physicalHeight;
barSize = ????;
else {
// Letterbox above and below.
viewportWidth = virtualWidth;
viewportHeight = viewportWidth * physicalHeight / physicalWidth;
barSize = ????;
OrthographicCamera cam = new OrthographicCamera(viewportWidth , viewportHeight);
cam.position.set(virtualWidth / 2, virtualHeight / 2, 0);
cam.rotate(180, 1, 0, 0);
cam.update();"BTLog", "barSize:"+barSize);
return cam;
public static float getViewportWidth() {
return viewportWidth;
public static float getViewportHeight() {
return viewportHeight;
LibGdx supplies me the x and y coordinates when an even happens, and I need to translate these raw coordinates into the scale of my camera (the virtual height and width).
When the screen is stretched (no letterboxing at all), it's pretty easy to obtain the x and y coordinates by using:
xRelative = (int) (x / (float) * Camera.getViewportWidth());
yRelative = (int) (y / (float) * Camera.getViewportHeight());
The problem is when the letterboxes come into play, it throws off the coordinate for that axis. I know I need to take into account the width of the letterboxing, but i'm having a hell of a time figuring how to calculate it.
Above where I have "barSize = ????;" my first instinct was to do this:
barSize = physicalHeight - viewportHeight; // to use height for example
Once I get the barSize, i'm fairly sure I can use this to get the right numbers (using the y axis for example):
yRelative = (int) (y / (float) * Camera.getViewportHeight() - Camera.getBarSize());
But the numbers don't match up. Any suggestions would be a really appreciated!
Ray ray = camera.getPickRay(x, y);

