Lets say I have a list of words and i want to create a method which takes the size of the new list as a parameter and returns the new list. How can i get random words from my original sourceList?
public List<String> createList(int listSize) {
Random rand = new Random();
List<String> wordList = sourceWords.
return wordList;
So how and where can I use my Random?
I've found a proper solution.
Random provides a few methods to return a stream. For example ints(size) which creates a stream of random integers.
public List<String> createList(int listSize)
Random rand = new Random();
List<String> wordList = rand.
ints(listSize, 0, sourceWords.size()).
mapToObj(i -> sourceWords.get(i)).
return wordList;
I think the most elegant way is to have a special collector.
I am pretty sure the only way you can guarantee that each item has an equal chance of being picked, is to collect, shuffle and re-stream. This can be easily done using built-in Collectors.collectingAndThen(...) helper.
Sorting by a random comparator or using randomized reducer, like suggested on some other answers, will result in very biased randomness.
List<String> wordList = sourceWords.stream()
.collect(Collectors.collectingAndThen(Collectors.toList(), collected -> {
return collected.stream();
You can move that shuffling collector to a helper function:
public class CollectorUtils {
public static <T> Collector<T, ?, Stream<T>> toShuffledStream() {
return Collectors.collectingAndThen(Collectors.toList(), collected -> {
return collected.stream();
I assume that you are looking for a way to nicely integrate with other stream processing functions. So following straightforward solution is not what you are looking for :)
return wordList.subList(0, limitSize)
This is my one line solution:
List<String> st = Arrays.asList("aaaa","bbbb","cccc");
st.stream().sorted((o1, o2) -> RandomUtils.nextInt(0, 2)-1).findFirst().get();
RandomUtils are from commons lang 3
Here's a solution I came up with which seems to differ from all the other ones, so I figured why not add it to the pile.
Basically it works by using the same kind of trick as one iteration of Collections.shuffle each time you ask for the next element - pick a random element, swap that element with the first one in the list, move the pointer forwards. Could also do it with the pointer counting back from the end.
The caveat is that it does mutate the list you passed in, but I guess you could just take a copy as the first thing if you didn't like that. We were more interested in reducing redundant copies.
private static <T> Stream<T> randomStream(List<T> list)
int characteristics = Spliterator.SIZED;
// If you know your list is also unique / immutable / non-null
//int characteristics = Spliterator.DISTINCT | Spliterator.IMMUTABLE | Spliterator.NONNULL | Spliterator.SIZED;
Spliterator<T> spliterator = new Spliterators.AbstractSpliterator<T>(list.size(), characteristics)
private final Random random = new SecureRandom();
private final int size = list.size();
private int frontPointer = 0;
public boolean tryAdvance(Consumer<? super T> action)
if (frontPointer == size)
return false;
// Same logic as one iteration of Collections.shuffle, so people talking about it not being
// fair randomness can take that up with the JDK project.
int nextIndex = random.nextInt(size - frontPointer) + frontPointer;
T nextItem = list.get(nextIndex);
// Technically the value we end up putting into frontPointer
// is never used again, but using swap anyway, for clarity.
Collections.swap(list, nextIndex, frontPointer);
// All items from frontPointer onwards have not yet been chosen.
return true;
return StreamSupport.stream(spliterator, false);
Try something like that:
List<String> getSomeRandom(int size, List<String> sourceList) {
List<String> copy = new ArrayList<String>(sourceList);
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
return result;
The answer is very simple(with stream):
List<String> a = src.stream().sorted((o1, o2) -> {
if (o1.equals(o2)) return 0;
return (r.nextBoolean()) ? 1 : -1;
You can test it:
List<String> src = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
Random r = new Random();
List<String> a = src.stream().sorted((o1, o2) -> {
if (o1.equals(o2)) return 0;
return (r.nextBoolean()) ? 1 : -1;
If you want non repeated items in the result list and your initial list is immutable:
There isn't a direct way to get it from the current Streams API.
It's not possible to use a random Comparator because it's going to break the compare contract.
You can try something like:
public List<String> getStringList(final List<String> strings, final int size) {
if (size < 1 || size > strings.size()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Out of range size.");
final List<String> stringList = new ArrayList<>(size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
getRandomString(strings, stringList)
return stringList;
private Optional<String> getRandomString(final List<String> stringList, final List<String> excludeStringList) {
final List<String> filteredStringList = stringList.stream()
.filter(c -> !excludeStringList.contains(c))
if (filteredStringList.isEmpty()) {
return Optional.empty();
final int randomIndex = new Random().nextInt(filteredStringList.size());
return Optional.of(filteredStringList.get(randomIndex));
#kozla13 improved version:
List<String> st = Arrays.asList("aaaa","bbbb","cccc");
st.stream().min((o1, o2) -> o1 == o2 ? 0 : (ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextBoolean() ? -1 : 1)).orElseThrow();
Used java built-in class ThreadLocalRandom
nextInt generates one from sequence [-1, 0, 1], but return 0 in compare func means equals for the elements and side effect of this - first element (o1) will be always taken in this case.
properly handle object equals case
A stream is probably overkill. Copy the source list so you're not creating side-effects, then give back a sublist of the shuffled copy.
public static List<String> createList(int listSize, List<String> sourceList) {
if (listSize > sourceList.size()) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Not enough words for new list.");
List<String> copy = new ArrayList<>(sourceList);
return copy.subList(0, listSize);
If the source list is generally much larger than the new list, you might gain some efficiencies by using a BitSet to get random indices:
List<String> createList3(int listSize, List<String> sourceList) {
if (listSize > sourceList.size()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough words in the source list.");
List<String> newWords = randomWords(listSize, sourceList);
Collections.shuffle(newWords); // optional, for random order
return newWords;
private List<String> randomWords(int listSize, List<String> sourceList) {
int endExclusive = sourceList.size();
BitSet indices = new BitSet(endExclusive);
Random rand = new Random();
while (indices.cardinality() < listSize) {
return indices.stream().mapToObj(i -> sourceList.get(i))
One liner to randomize a stream:
Stream.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).sorted(Comparator.comparingDouble(x -> Math.random()))
First method:
public static List<List<Integer>> applicationPairs(int deviceCapacity, List<List<Integer>> foregroundAppList, List<List<Integer>> backgroundAppList) {
List<List<Integer>> result = new ArrayList<>();
int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
for (List<Integer> foregroundApp : foregroundAppList) {
for (List<Integer> backgroundApp : backgroundAppList) {
int memoryRequired = foregroundApp.get(1) + backgroundApp.get(1);
if (memoryRequired <= deviceCapacity) {
if (memoryRequired > max) {
max = memoryRequired;
result.add(Arrays.asList(foregroundApp.get(0), backgroundApp.get(0)));
} else if (memoryRequired == max) {
result.add(Arrays.asList(foregroundApp.get(0), backgroundApp.get(0)));
return empty pair if no pair is found
if (result.size() == 0) {
return new ArrayList<>(Collections.emptyList());
return result;
Second method:
public static List<String> sortOrders(List<String> orderList) {
// Write your code here
var result = orderList.stream()
.filter(e -> e.split(" ")[1].matches("[a-z]+"))
.sorted((s, t1) -> {
int r = s.substring(s.indexOf(" ")).compareTo(t1.substring(t1.indexOf(" ")));
if (r == 0) {
return s.substring(0, s.indexOf(" ")).compareTo(t1.substring(0, t1.indexOf(" ")));
return r;
})//.thenComparing(s -> s.substring(0, s.indexOf(" "))))
return Stream.concat(result.stream(), orderList.stream().filter(e -> !result.contains(e)))
I was asked to write these solutions as amazon's online assessment thing. Question also said to write the time complexity of the solutions, which I am not good at calculating.
In the first method if you see you are iterating over two lists, foregroundAppList, and backgroundAppList. As you are iterating each element backgroundAppList per element if foregroundAppList, it's clearly a time complexity of O(n*m) Where n is the size of backgroundAppList and m is the size of foregroundAppList.
In the second method, you have implemented a custom sort method and as you might be aware the Java sorted method uses Quicksort for list of primitives and merge sort for list of objects, where in both the cases the average time complexity fall under O(n*log(n)) where n is the size of the list.
I hope someone can help me I am trying to find a way with which i can filter a list based on a condition
public class Prices {
private String item;
private double price;
For example i have a list of above object List has the following data
item, price
a 100,
b 200,
c 250,
d 350,
e 450
is there a way to use streams and filter on List so that at the end of it we are left with only objects that have a sum of prices less that a given input value
Say if the input value is 600, so the resultant list would only have a,b,c,d as these are the objects whose price, when added to each other, the sum takes it closer to 600. So e would not be included in the final filtered list.
If the input/given value is 300 then the filtered list will only have a and b.
The list is already sorted and will start from the top and keep on adding till the given value is reached
You can write this static method, that create suitable predicate:
public static Predicate<Prices> byLimitedSum(int limit) {
return new Predicate<Prices>() {
private int sum = 0;
public boolean test(Prices prices) {
if (sum < limit) {
sum += prices.price;
return true;
return false;
And use it:
List<Prices> result = prices.stream()
But it is bad solution for parallelStream.
Anyway i think in this case stream and filter using is not so good decision, cause readability is not so good. Better way, i think, is write util static method like this:
public static List<Prices> filterByLimitedSum(List<Prices> prices, int limit) {
List<Prices> result = new ArrayList<>();
int sum = 0;
for (Prices price : prices) {
if (sum < limit) {
sum += price.price;
} else {
return result;
Or you can write wrapper for List<Prices> and add public method into new class. Use streams wisely.
Given you requirements, you can use Java 9's takeWhile.
You'll need to define a Predicate having a state:
Predicate<Prices> pred = new Predicate<Prices>() {
double sum = 0.0;
boolean reached = false;
public boolean test (Prices p) {
sum += p.getPrice();
if (sum >= 600.0) { // reached the sum
if (reached) { // already reached the some before, reject element
return false;
} else { // first time we reach the sum, so current element is still accepted
reached = true;
return true;
} else { // haven't reached the sum yet, accept current element
return true;
List<Prices> sublist =
The simplest solution for this kind of task is still a loop, e.g.
double priceExpected = 600;
int i = 0;
for(double sumCheck = 0; sumCheck < priceExpected && i < list.size(); i++)
sumCheck += list.get(i).getPrice();
List<Prices> resultList = list.subList(0, i);
A Stream solution fulfilling all formal criteria for correctness, is much more elaborated:
double priceThreshold = 600;
List<Prices> resultList = list.stream().collect(
() -> new Object() {
List<Prices> current = new ArrayList<>();
double accumulatedPrice;
(o, p) -> {
if(o.accumulatedPrice < priceThreshold) {
o.accumulatedPrice += p.getPrice();
(a,b) -> {
if(a.accumulatedPrice+b.accumulatedPrice <= priceThreshold) {
a.accumulatedPrice += b.accumulatedPrice;
else for(int i=0; a.accumulatedPrice<priceThreshold && i<b.current.size(); i++) {
a.accumulatedPrice += b.current.get(i).getPrice();
This would even work in parallel by just replacing stream() with parallelStream(), but it would not only require a sufficiently large source list to gain a benefit, since the loop can stop at the first element exceeding the threshold, the result list must be significantly larger than ยน/n of the source list (where n is the number of cores) before the parallel processing can have an advantage at all.
Also the loop solution shown above is non-copying.
Using a simple for loop would be much much simpler, and this is abusive indeed as Holger mentions, I took it only as an exercise.
Seems like you need a stateful filter or a short-circuit reduce. I can think of this:
static class MyException extends RuntimeException {
private final List<Prices> prices;
public MyException(List<Prices> prices) {
this.prices = prices;
public List<Prices> getPrices() {
return prices;
// make it a cheap "stack-trace-less" exception
public Throwable fillInStackTrace() {
return this;
This is needed to break from the reduce when we are done. From here the usage is probably trivial:
List<Prices> result;
try {
result = List.of(
new Prices("a", 100),
new Prices("b", 200),
new Prices("c", 250),
new Prices("d", 350),
new Prices("e", 450))
.reduce(new ArrayList<>(),
(list, e) -> {
double total = list.stream().mapToDouble(Prices::getPrice).sum();
ArrayList<Prices> newL = new ArrayList<>(list);
if (total < 600) {
return newL;
throw new MyException(newL);
(left, right) -> {
throw new RuntimeException("Not for parallel");
} catch (MyException e) {
result = e.getPrices();
result.forEach(x -> System.out.println(x.getItem()));
public class MyArrayList<T> implements MyList<T>{
int num; //number of things in the list
T[] vals; //to store the contents
public MyArrayList() {
num = 0;
vals = (T[]) new Object[3];
public T getUnique(){
T distinct = null;
int count = 0;
for (int i=0; i<vals.length; i++){
distinct = vals[i];
for (int j = 0; j<vals.length; j++){
if (vals[j] == vals[i]){
if (count == 1){
return distinct;
if (distinct == null){
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return distinct;
I am trying to work on a get Unique Method. A method getUnique that takes no arguments and returns the first value in the list that appears only once. (For example, calling the method on the list [1,2,3,1,2,4] would return 3 since 1 and
2 both appear more than once.) If the list is empty or all its values appear more than once, the method throws a NoSuchElementException
I have added some FIXME's to your code:
public T getUnique(){
T distinct = null;
int count = 0; // FIXME: move this initialization inside the i loop
for (int i=0; i<vals.length; i++){
distinct = vals[i];
for (int j = 0; j<vals.length; j++){
if (vals[j] == vals[i]){ // FIXME: use .equals() not ==
if (count == 1){ // FIXME: move this check outside the j loop
return distinct;
if (distinct == null){ //FIXME: no check needed, just throw it
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return distinct; //FIXME: no valid return can reach this point
Patrick Parker's advice will fix your code, but I wanted to provide a cleaner and faster solution to the problem of finding a unique element in a list. This algorithm runs in time O(n) instead of O(n^2).
public static <T> Optional<T> getUnique(List<T> ls) {
// Create a map whose keys are elements of the list and whose values are
// lists of their occurences. E.g. [1,2,3,1,2,4] becomes {1->[1, 1],
// 2->[2, 2], 3->[3], 4->[4]}. Then elements.get(x).size() tells us how
// many times x occured in ls.
Map<T, List<T>> elements = ls.stream()
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(x -> x));
// Find the first element that occurs exactly one time in ls.
return ls.stream().filter(x -> elements.get(x).size() == 1)
You might call it like this:
Integer[] vals = {1,2,3,1,2,4};
This code uses Java 8 streams and Optional. Below is another implementation of the same algorithm that doesn't use Java 8 language features; if you've never encountered streams, you may find it more understandable.
private static <T> T getUnique(List<T> arr) {
Map<T, Integer> numOccurrences = new HashMap<>();
for (T item : arr) {
numOccurrences.put(item, 1 + numOccurrences.getOrDefault(item, 0));
for (T item : arr) {
if (numOccurrences.get(item) == 1) {
return item;
throw new NoSuchElementException();
I have an ArrayList of Dico and I try to extract a distinct string from Arraylist of Dico.
This is the Dico class.
public class Dico implements Comparable {
private final String m_term;
private double m_weight;
private final int m_Id_doc;
public Dico(int Id_Doc, String Term, double tf_ief) {
this.m_Id_doc = Id_Doc;
this.m_term = Term;
this.m_weight = tf_ief;
public String getTerm() {
return this.m_term;
public double getWeight() {
return this.m_weight;
public void setWeight(double weight) {
this.m_weight = weight;
public int getDocId() {
return this.m_Id_doc;
I use this function to extract 1000 distinct value from middle of this array:
i start form the middle and i take only distinct value in both direction left and right
public static List <String> get_sinificativ_term(List<Dico> dico)
List <String> term = new ArrayList();
int pos_median= ( dico.size() / 2 );
int count=0;
int i=0;
int j=0;
String temp_d = dico.get(pos_median).getTerm();
String temp_g =temp_d;
while(count < 999) // count of element
if(!temp_d.equals(dico.get( ( pos_median + i) ).getTerm()))
temp_d = dico.get(( pos_median + i)).getTerm(); // save current term in temp
// System.out.println(temp_d);
term.add(temp_d); // add term to list
i++; // go to the next value-->right
// System.out.println(temp_d);
i++; // go to the next value-->right
if(!temp_g.equals(dico.get( ( pos_median+j ) ).getTerm()))
temp_g = dico.get(( pos_median+j )).getTerm();
term.add(temp_g );// add term to array
// System.out.println(temp_g);
j--; // go to the next value-->left
j--;// go to the next value-->left
return term;
I would like to make my solution more faster than this function,if is possible can i make this with Java SE 8 Streams ?
Streams will not make it faster but can make it much simpler and clearer.
Here's the simplest version. It will take all list indexes, sort them by distance to the middle of the list, get the corresponding term, filter out duplicates and limit to 1000 elements. It will certainly be slower than your iterative code, but much easier to follow because the code neatly mirrors its English description:
public static List<String> get_sinificativ_term(List<Dico> dicolist) {
int size = dicolist.size();
return IntStream.range(0, size)
.sorted(comparing(i -> Math.abs(size / 2 - i)))
If your list is really huge and you want to avoid sorting it, you can trade away some simplicity for performance. This version does a bit of math to go right-left-right-left from center:
public static List<String> get_sinificativ_term(List<Dico> dicolist) {
int size = dicolist.size();
return IntStream.range(0, size)
.map(i -> i % 2 == 0 ? (size + i) / 2 : (size - i - 1) / 2)
.mapToObj(i -> dicolist.get(i).getTerm())
Can't you do something like this?
public static List <String> get_sinificativ_term(List<Dico> dico) {
List<String> list = dico.stream()
if(list.size() != 1000) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Need at least 1000 distinct values");
return list;
You need to check the size because you can have less than 1000 distinct values. If efficiency is a concern you can try to run the pipeline in parallel and measure if its faster.
I'm trying to generalize the code to find all subsets of a given string(elements that are repeated will be treated as distinct) into one that would work for any list.
public class Subsets{
private static <T> void RecursiveSubsets(List<List<T>> list, ArrayList<T> soFar, List<T> rest)
List<T> remaining;
if(rest.size() == 1)
remaining = new ArrayList<T>();
remaining = rest.subList(1, rest.size() - 1);
//include the element
ArrayList<T> includeFirst = new ArrayList<T>(soFar);
RecursiveSubsets(list, includeFirst, remaining);
//exclude the element
RecursiveSubsets(list, soFar, remaining);
public static <T> List<List<T>> getAllSubsets(List<T> set)
List<List<T>> subsets = new ArrayList<List<T>>();
RecursiveSubsets(subsets,new ArrayList<T>(),set);
return subsets;
public static void main(String [] args)
List<Integer> ints = new ArrayList<Integer>(){
List<List<Integer>> allSubsets = getAllSubsets(ints);
System.out.println("Total Subsets returned : " + allSubsets.size());
for(int i=0; i<allSubsets.size(); ++i)
for(int j=0; j<allSubsets.get(i).size(); ++j)
System.out.print(allSubsets.get(i).get(j) + " ");
After a few attempts I was able to get this to compile but this is what I get as output.
Even if I have more integers, it still returns this. I'm not able to figure out what I have missed and need help finding it.
$ java Subsets
Total Subsets returned : 4
0 1
Your program is actually almost correct, and you just have the sublist logic a bit wrong.
The javadoc for List.sublist says
Returns a view of the portion of this list between the specified fromIndex, inclusive, and toIndex, exclusive.
The word "exclusive" here is critical.
If you just change
remaining = rest.subList(1, rest.size() - 1);
remaining = rest.subList(1, rest.size());
your code works.
The logic of this (in pseudocode) is typically:
List<List<T>> subsets( List<T> list ){
if( list is empty ) return a list containing the empty list;
// else:
subsetsWithout = subsets( list w/o 0th element );
for( subset in subsetsWithout )
result.add( subset + list[0] )
return result;
It looks like what you're doing is different, and the fact that you're trying to return things through the function parameters is making it more confusing.