I am building an application which I need to open a JFrame in another JFrame while the first JFrame is disabled.
The problem is when I want to close the second JFrame I need to enable the first JFrame.
I have tried in several ways, but it is not working properly and I was not able to reach one goal in each of them. I need to reach both goals:
Disabling the first Frame when the second Frame is opened
Enabling it when the second Frame is closed.
Here is part of my code:
private void jButton10ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
// TODO add your handling code here:
PaymentJFrame pjf = new PaymentJFrame();
if (!pjf.isActive()){
This code dose not enable the First Frame at all.
I have tried to use it in another way by adding an enable when the second Frame is closed but it is not working:
//Class in first Frame
private void jButton10ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
// TODO add your handling code here:
PaymentJFrame pjf = new PaymentJFrame();
//Class in second Frame
private void formWindowClosed(java.awt.event.WindowEvent evt) {
// TODO add your handling code here:
Dose any one know how can I reach these goals?
The first Frame is the main frame and the second frame is a class that I make the frame object from it in order to show and get more information from users.
I ma using netBeans IDE designer.
First of all, a Swing application should only have one JFrame, other windows can be JDialog or somethign else. As for your question, use this code as an example. It uses a listener to detect the closing event of the second window. The following code should be in the (first) JFrame (it looks like you have a button there)
private void jButton10ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
JDialog paymentDialog = new JDialog();
paymentDialog.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) {
You can create your own dialog by extending JDialog as you did with the frames, and use the custom dialog in this code. Also instead of setting the JFrame enabled or disabled, you could consider using a modal JDialog that blocks actions to the JFrame while the dialog is active.
And further still, there is the setAlwaysOnTop(boolean) for Swing windows.
use this.dispose()method JFrame has dispose() method for JFrame Close
I decided to use jDialog as it was recommended by many people on the net.
I used a jDialog and copied all the objects I had used in the second jFrame.
It worked the way I wanted it to do.
My only problem is that why java hasn't prepared a different way to answer this need.
I'm using an action listener in the first jFrame to open the second Frame which I have used jDialog for it.
private void jButton3ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
// TODO add your handling code here:
ActivityJDialog ajdf = new ActivityJDialog(this,true);
And I have copied everything I wanted to have into this jDialog.
public class ActivityJDialog extends java.awt.Dialog {
//Document Attributes
int documentStatus = -1;
int documentType = -1;
* Creates new form AcrivityJDialog
* #param parent
* #param modal
public ActivityJDialog(java.awt.Frame parent, boolean modal) {
super(parent, modal);
/*if(false) // Full screen mode
// Disables decorations for this frame.
// Puts the frame to full screen.
else // Window mode
// Size of the frame.
this.setSize(1000, 700);
// Puts frame to center of the screen.
// So that frame cannot be resizable by the user.
Thank you all for helping.
I have this piece of code:
public class GUI extends JFrame {
private PlaneUI planeui;
public GUI(PlaneUI planeui) {
this.planeui = planeui;
//We have put the code that creates the GUI inside a method
public GUI() {
} ...
This is just a test and I need the method "planeui.display" to work when the program starts, together with the method "start();" which already works.
public final class PlaneUI extends JFrame {
public void display() {
//Creates a new JPanel object
JPanel panelStart = new JPanel();
//Changing the default layout from Flowlayout to absolute
setTitle("Reservationer"); //Sets the window title
setSize(236, 256); //Sets the default size of the window
setLocationRelativeTo(null); //Start location of the window (centered)
setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); //Exits the window
I have imported the needed libraries and I feel like the problem lies in an object that isn't created correctly since I get a nullpointerexception. I tried running this planeUI class in the main method and it worked correctly. I just can't get it to work this way..
In function PlaneUI.display() add one last line setVisible(true) because your adding everything but not displaying anything
you have to add this into your display() method:
Otherwise, all you are doing is setting all the aspects of the JFrame and adding the JPanel to it. You have to make it visible afterwards.
I have a button in a JFrame, if pressed, it takes us to another frame.
I used this code:
private void jButton3ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
SecondForm secondform = new SecondForm();
So the new frame opens and everything is ok. Then i placed another button -in the second frame- in order to go back to the previous frame. I used this code:
private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
MainForm Mform = new MainForm();
The thing is, i don't think this is the right way to do this. What i want is to:
hide the first frame
show the new second one
dispose the second one
show again the first
Is there a way to do that using the first MainForm instance and not creating a new one every time i want to go back.
I monitored my program and every time i go back and forth the frames and as i suspected, the ram being used by it keeps increasing.
Thanks in advance.
EDIT : I have a login system and when the user put the correct credentials a new ManiForm instance is created.
MainForm Mform = new MainForm();
That is the instance i want to use. Ii there a way to make MForm visible again from the secondform?
First of all thanks for the help!
I agree that it is easier not to use more than one JFrames, but can you please tell me which is the better way to do what i asked in the first post?
The answer Robin gave me is very nice but i don't know what to put as an argument there*:
java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
* new SecondForm().setVisible(true);
It's from the auto-generated code from NetBeans.
I tried
new SecondForm(super).setVisible(true);
but i still get compile errors. Apparently i must put super.something() but i don't know what. I tried many but no luck.
you shouldn't use more then one frame.
You should have NOTHING in JFrame except defaultExitOperation, size, preferedsize and visible true.
Instead place all buttons and fields into a JPanel and add/remove the JPanel from the JFrame.
If you want another Window open use JDialog.
btw: you can have your MainFrame setVisible false and open a JDialog with your MainFrame as parent. Only if someone writes down the right user + password you make the MainFrame visible.
For swing applications, the standard is to use a STATIC MAIN FRAME, in other words, make your main frame (mframe) static and add methods to pop-up new frames, dialogs, optionPanes, etc. You can even control the visibility of the main frame throw static calls. That's the way you implement a UNIQUE FRAME for your application, even tho you instance other frames for navigation, all child frames can refer to the main frame without the need of passing it as parameter to constructors or creating new instances of it.
The Main Class
`/* to start the application */
public class Main{
public static MainFrame MFRAME;
public static void main(String[] args){
/*use this for thread safe*/
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Main.MFRAME = new MainFrame(/*init parms to constructor*/);
The Main Frame
`/* to create the main frame */
public class MainFrame extends JFrame{
public MainFrame(/*your constructor parms*/){
/* constructor implementation */
public void openOtherFrame(/*your parms*/){
OtherFrame oFrm = new OtherFrame(/*your parms*/);
/* other methods implementation */
The child frame
`/* to open child frames controling the visibility of the main frame*/
public class OtherFrame extends JFrame{
public OtherFrame(/*your constructor parms*/){
/* hide main frame and show this one*/
/* do something else */
/* show main frame and dispose this one*/
/* other methods implementation */
If you pass your MainForm to the SecondForm class (for example using a constructor parameter) the SecondForm instance can make the original MainForm instance visible again instead of creating a new one.
For example
public class SecondForm extends JFrame{
private final MainForm mainForm;
public SecondForm( MainForm form ){
mainForm = form;
private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
and in your MainForm class
private void jButton3ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
SecondForm secondform = new SecondForm( this );
I have a problem with my application where the user will open more than one window at a time. And i have added dispose() method to call on closing the window. Now i should keep at-least one window open all the time so that the application does not hides without closed fully. If you don't understand read the following scenario:
I have window A and window B opened at the same time. Now i can close either window A or Window B but not both. In other words window B should be allowed to close only if window A is opened and vice versa. How do i do this in swing ??
A simple kind-of windowManger is not really tricky, all you need is
WindowListener which keeps tracks of the Windows it's listening to
a defined place to create the windows and register the the listener
make the windows do-nothing-on-close and make the listener responsible for the decision of whether to close or not (will do so for all except the last)
Some snippet:
// the listener (aka: WindowManager)
WindowListener l = new WindowAdapter() {
List<Window> windows = new ArrayList<Window>();
public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
if (windows.size() > 1) {
// create the first frame
JFrame frame = createFrame(l);
// a method to create a new window, config and add the listener
int counter = 0;
private JFrame createFrame(final WindowListener l) {
Action action = new AbstractAction("open new frame: " + counter) {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
JFrame frame = createFrame(l);
JFrame frame = new JFrame("someFrame " + counter++);
frame.add(new JButton(action));
frame.setLocation(counter * 20, counter * 10);
return frame;
Just a possible approach...
Create a class, call it WindowManager, that manages creation and disposal of windows.
It could for example retain the count of the windows currently open, and allow a dispose operation only if there are more than one windows "alive", otherwise show a confirm message with JOptionPane telling the user "Really close? That would terminate the application." or something like that.
The "tricky" part is that you have to do this kind of window-related operations throughout the WindowManager, otherwise everything would screw up.
Dunno if Swing has something like this built-in, I've never seen such a scenario.
simply check if the other window is open before closing with window.isVisible();
I'm creating a small crypto app for the desktop using java.
I'm using JFrames (import javax.swing.JFrame) with Oracle
JDeveloper 11g under Linux.
I want to have a "welcome" form/frame where users can choose
their encryption method, and then on choosing the method,
I want to dynamically create the appropriate form for the
chosen encryption method and also destroy/free/dispose() of
the welcome form. When the user has finished their encrypting,
they should close the frame/form (either by clicking on the
x at the top right - or using the Exit button or by any
method) and the welcome frame should be dynamically recreated
and appear.
I've tried various things - btnEncode_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
then this.dispose() - and I've fiddled with this_windowClosed(WindowEvent e)
and dispose(), but nothing seems to work.
Even a workaround using setVisibl(true/false) would be acceptable at
this stage - this has been wrecking my head all day. It's very
easy to do in Delphi!
TIA and rgs,
something like this usually does the trick: (Note I haven't tested this)
public class WelcomeMsg extends JFrame
public void btnContinue_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable(){ new JFrameAppropriateWindow(args) });
where btnContinue is the Continue button on your welcome form and JFrameAppropriateWindow is the next frame you would like to show depending on the user's choice. Args are any arguments you need to pass.
When you are ready, you can simply dispose the current frame and relaunch an instance of WelcomeMsg
I put together this simple example for creating and displaying a panel depending on a user choice.
public class Window extends JFrame {
public Window() {
this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
JComboBox encryptionCombobox = new JComboBox();
encryptionCombobox.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
// find choices and the correct panel
JPanel formPanel = new JPanel();
Window.this.add(formPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
add(encryptionCombobox, BorderLayout.NORTH);
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Window().setVisible(true);
When I come to think about it, you should probably use a CardLayout instead, which allows you to switch between different panels (cards).
How could I create a window which is modal and has a maximize button?
So is it possible to create a modal JFrame or create a JDialog with maximize button?
On most look and feels, modal windows (such as JDialog) do not have a maximise button simply because they're not supposed to be maximised (or minimised) at all.
It's possible with some tricks to add a maximise button, but it would be completly against the way JDialog is supposed to work.
If you need a maximise button, the best solution would be using a JWindow or a JFrame instead of a JDialog. Those windows support maximisation and minimisation.
WARNING: You shouldn't do that, no matter what.
A trick to do this in JDialog:
Solution 1: Tested on Windows
I used a JFrame for the modal window
JFrame mainWindow = new JFrame;
JFrame modalWindow = new JFrame();
// The next two sentences gives modalWindow modal beahaviour
Solution 2: Tested on Ubuntu
I added a WindowFocusListener
addWindowFocusListener(new java.awt.event.WindowFocusListener() {
public void windowGainedFocus(java.awt.event.WindowEvent evt) {}
public void windowLostFocus(java.awt.event.WindowEvent evt) {
private void formWindowLostFocus(java.awt.event.WindowEvent evt) {
Here is an alternate / slightly more detailed answer.
Try Are You Missing Maximize Button? (formerly here). This is a github archive of blog articles and code by Santhosh Kumar Tekturi from the now defunct JRoller site.
It is a complete utility class that makes a Frame mimic a Dialog, similar to the other answers. It involves adding a WindowListener to the Frame to keep the frame on top of its owner and keep its owner frame disabled (warning: in the windowClosed method it should probably be frame.removeWindowListener(this);, and a WindowListener to the owner to keep the frame on top of it and to remove the listener. It also uses its own EventQueue to process events. Note this is an old post, so as mentioned in the code there may be newer APIs to deal with this code better.
Here is the core function. See the link for the rest. Note: the code in the repository differs from the article; I believe the repository is more developed.
// show the given frame as modal to the specified owner.
// NOTE: this method returns only after the modal frame is closed.
public static void showAsModal(final Frame frame, final Frame owner){
frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter(){
public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e){
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e){
frame.removeWindowListener(this); // originally called on owner
owner.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter(){
public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e){
new EventPump(frame).start();
} catch(Throwable throwable){
throw new RuntimeException(throwable);