Those are the SQL tables I am taking the data from
String sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS term_index (\n"
+ " term_id integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT ,\n"
+ " term text ,\n"
+ " multiterm integer \n"
+ ");";
sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS doc_term (\n"
+ " term_id integer ,\n"
+ " wiki_id text ,\n"
+ " section text ,\n"
+ " freq integer ,\n"
+ " tfidf double ,\n"
+ " cvalue double ,\n"
+ " rake double ,\n"
+ " PRIMARY KEY (term_id, wiki_id, section) \n"
+ ");";
This is the SQL statement to take the termIDs from the tables above
* #param wikiID
* #return
public HashSet<Integer> getWholeDocumentTermIDs(String wikiID) {
HashSet<Integer> termIDs = new HashSet<Integer>();
String sql= "SELECT term_id FROM doc_term WHERE wiki_id = ?";
try {
PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
while ( {
String sql2= "SELECT term_id, multiterm FROM term_index WHERE term_id = ?";
PreparedStatement stmt2 = conn.prepareStatement(sql2);
int term_id = rs.getInt("term_id");
if(term_id != 0) {
ResultSet rs2 = stmt2.executeQuery();
int multiterm = rs2.getInt("multiterm");
if(multiterm == 0) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
System.out.println(e.getMessage() + "in getWholeDocumentTermIDs");
return termIDs;
The function getWholeDocumentTermIDs(String wikiID) is called 30 k times, meaning for 30 k wikiIDS, so when executing this, steadily more and more RAM is used by my IDE, starting at roughly 1,3 GB to later up to 10 or 11 GB, at which point the process starts to slown heavily. My question is if and how I can reduce/clean up the RAM to fetch all the required data stored in those tables.
This question already has answers here:
Retrieve column names from java.sql.ResultSet
(14 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have a 3 tables I have joined this query executes and prints out the tables data.
try {
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(DB_URL, USERNAME, PASSWORD);
Statement st = conn.createStatement();
String query = "SELECT s.*, as supplierName , as partName "+
"FROM supplies s "+
"INNER JOIN supplier sup on s.supplierNum = sup.supplierNum "+
"INNER JOIN parts p on s.partNum = p.partNum";
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(query);
while( {
} catch(Exception ex) {
But I was trying to add the column names so instead of the console printing:
It would to print the column names cascaded
supplierNum: S1
partNum: P1
quantity: 300
name: Smith
part: Nut
As suggested in
You need to get the ResultSet meta data to programmatically get your column names from db.
Else, you can manually enter the names as suggested in other answers.
while( {
System.out.println("Supplier Name " + rs.getString("supplierNum"));
System.out.println("Part Name "+rs.getString("partNum"));
System.out.println("Quantity "+ rs.getString("quantity"));
System.out.println("SupplierName "+rs.getString("supplierName"));
System.out.println("PartName "+rs.getString("partName"));
You can of course hard-code the column names because you already know them.
If you want to get them programmatically, then use the ResultSetMetaData similar to this:
Connection connection = ...
try (PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(QUERY)) {
ResultSet resultSet = ps.executeQuery();
// get the meta data from the result set
ResultSetMetaData rsMeta = resultSet.getMetaData();
// receive the column count
int columnCount = rsMeta.getColumnCount();
// iterate them (their indexes start at 1, I think)
for (int i = 1; i < columnCount + 1; i++) {
// and print the column name, the type and the type name
+ " ("
+ rsMeta.getColumnType(i)
+ ", "
+ rsMeta.getColumnTypeName(i)
+ ")");
} catch ...
If you want to directly output the column in your while loop, then get the meta data before that loop
ResultSetMetaData rsMeta = rs.getMetaData();
and then, inside the loop do
System.out.println(rsMeta.getColumnName(1) + ": " + rs.getString("supplierNum"));
System.out.println(rsMeta.getColumnName(2) + ": " + rs.getString("partNum"));
System.out.println(rsMeta.getColumnName(3) + ": " + rs.getString("quantity"));
System.out.println(rsMeta.getColumnName(4) + ": " + rs.getString("supplierName"));
System.out.println(rsMeta.getColumnName(5) + ": " + rs.getString("partName"));
From a resultSet you can optain his metadata
ResultSetMetaData meta = rs.getMetaData();
int cols = meta.getColumnCount();
for (int i = 1; i <= cols; i++) {
String colName = meta.getColumnName(i);
System.out.printf("%s=%s\n", colName, rs.getString(i);
I have a MySQL database and a H2 database.
I have a resultSet from a SELECT to MySQL.
Now I want to insert each row of this resultSet into a H2 db table
I've tried this.
// Return records filtered
ResultSet filter = stmt.executeQuery(query);
// Create table filterName in H2
ResultSetMetaData rsMetaData = filter.getMetaData();
query = "CREATE TABLE " + filterName + "(";
ArrayList<String> cols = new ArrayList<String>();
for(int i = 1; i < rsMetaData.getColumnCount(); i++) {
query = query + rsMetaData.getColumnLabel(i) + " " +
rsMetaData.getColumnTypeName(i) + "(" + rsMetaData.getColumnDisplaySize(i) + ") NOT NULL, ";
query = query + ");";
String queryDel = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + filterName + ";";
query = "INSERT INTO " + filterName + " VALUES (";
// Insert into H2 table
while( ) {
for(int i = 0; i < cols.size(); i++) {
if(i != cols.size()-1)
query = query + filter.getString(i+1) + ", ";
query = query + filter.getString(i+1) + ")";
It is working, but when number of rows increase this is very slow.
Is there another way to insert each row into a H2 db table?
if (Baglan() == false) { return false; }
String generatedColumns[] = {"ID","TAHSILATNO"};
String sSql = "Declare nId number := 0;" +
" nKey number := 0;" +
" BEGIN" +
" Select Nvl(Max(Id),0) + 1 INTO nId From bvktahsilatno;" +
" INSERT INTO bvktahsilatno (id, yili, tahsilatno ) VALUES( nId, 2018, 53);" +
" Select Nvl(Max(Id),0) + 1 INTO nId From bvktahsilatno;" +
" Select Nvl(Max(tahsilatno),0) + 1 INTO nKey From bvktahsilatno WHERE Yili = 2018;" +
" INSERT INTO bvktahsilatno (id, yili, tahsilatno ) VALUES( nId, 2018, nKey);" +
//VtStatement = VtConnection.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE);
//PreparedStatement VtStatement = VtConnection.prepareStatement( sSql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS );
//PreparedStatement VtStatement = VtConnection.prepareStatement( sSql, generatedColumns );
PreparedStatement VtStatement = VtConnection.prepareStatement( sSql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
System.out.println("oracle cumle : " + sSql);
int nAdet = VtStatement.executeUpdate();
System.out.println("Hatayok/Adet : " + nAdet);
ResultSet rs = VtStatement.getGeneratedKeys();
int id=0;
while ( {
id = rs.getInt(1);
System.out.println("Oracle Inserted ID -" + id); // display inserted record
return true;
} catch (SQLException e) {
return false;
I want to ask a question about retrieving created keys on Oracle Db after insert query. My code is as above but generated keys values are not showed on the terminal. How can i get generated column values without creating sequence ? Many form pages say that it is possible as using sequence for id or other column. Also id is primary key, tahsilatno is unique index. I can overcome this problem?
Thank you for your helping from now
I get the following MySQL exception:
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown column 'book.call_Number' in 'field list'.
What does that mean and how can I solve it?
Here is the code responsible for this exception:
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
String selectString = " ";
String afName = auth_fName.getText();
String aMI = auth_MI.getText();
String alName = auth_lName.getText();
String tField = titleField.getText();
String sField = subjectField.getText();
try {
Connection conn = Database.getConnection();
Statement s = conn.createStatement();
if (!afName.equals("") && (!aMI.equals("")) && (!alName.equals("")) && (!tField.equals("")) && (!sField.equals(""))) {
selectString = "SELECT a.call_Number as callNbr "
+ "FROM book a "
+ "FULL JOIN transaction b "
+ "ON a.call_Number=b.call_Number";
s = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(selectString);
while ( {
String call_Num = rs.getString("call_Number");
String title = rs.getString("title");
String auth_lName = rs.getString("auth_lName");
String auth_MI = rs.getString ("auth_MI");
String auth_fName = rs.getString("auth_fName");
String availability = rs.getString("availability");
view = new View(call_Num, title, auth_lName, auth_MI, auth_fName, availability);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Here is the DDL and content:
s.executeUpdate (
+ "call_Number CHAR(10),"
+ "PRIMARY KEY (call_Number),"
+ "auth_fName CHAR(30)NOT NULL, auth_MI CHAR(2),"
+ "auth_lName CHAR(50)NOT NULL, title CHAR(100) NOT NULL,"
+ "subject CHAR(30) NOT NULL)");
count = s.executeUpdate (
+ "('MY.111.000', 'Mark', 'M','Bradshaw','Mystery Under the Sun','mystery'),"
+ "('MY.111.001', 'Mark','','Twain','The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn','mystery'),"
+ "('SF.111.002', 'Kito', 'M','Bradford','Mr. Roboto','science fiction'),"
+ "('SF.111.003', 'Eric','','Laslow','Science Fiction - Can It Happen?','science fiction'),"
+ "('AV.111.004', 'Rashad','','Cheeks','Fire Under the Bridge','adventure'),"
+ "('AV.111.005', 'Samantha','A','Appleby','The Open Sea','adventure'),"
+ "('CO.111.006', 'Lindsey', '','Butterby','What? We cant spend anymore!?','comedy'),"
+ "('CO.111.007', 'Judy', 'S','Yates','So this is life?','comedy'),"
+ "('IN.111.008', 'Elizabeth', 'J','Lee','Mystery Under the Sun','international'),"
+ "('IN.111.009', 'Gabriella', 'M','Rodriguez','Love in Brazil','international')");
*******t_action table***************************
//create transaction table
s.executeUpdate (
"CREATE TABLE t_action ("
+ "patron_ID CHAR(10) NOT NULL,"
+ "call_Number CHAR(10) NOT NULL, check_Out_Date DATE NOT NULL, check_In_Date DATE NOT NULL,"
+ "PRIMARY KEY (patron_ID, call_Number),"
+ "avail CHAR(15), total_Charge FLOAT)");
count3 = s.executeUpdate (
"INSERT INTO t_action"
+ "('P222200000','MY.111.000','2011-03-08','2011-03-15','AVAILABLE',5.00),"
+ "('P222200001','MY.111.001','2011-03-31','2011-04-6','DUE 2011-04-6',5.00),"
+ "('P222200002','SF.111.002','2011-03-30','2011-04-5','DUE 2011-04-5',5.00),"
+ "('P222200003','SF.111.003','2011-03-29','2011-04-4','DUE 2011-04-4',5.00),"
+ "('P222200004','AV.111.004','2011-03-28','2011-04-3','DUE 2011-04-3',5.00),"
+ "('P222200005','AV.111.005','2011-03-27','2011-04-2','DUE 2011-04-2',5.00),"
+ "('P222200006','CO.111.006','2011-03-26','2011-04-1','DUE 2011-04-1',5.00),"
+ "('P222200007','CO.111.007','2011-01-06','2011-01-12','AVAILABLE',5.00),"
+ "('P222200008','IN.111.008','2011-02-06','2011-02-12','AVAILABLE',5.00),"
+ "('P222200009','IN.111.009','2011-03-06','2011-03-12','AVAILABLE',5.00)");
Use a <column> as predicate like below:-
selectString = "SELECT a.call_Number as callNbr, ... "
+ "FROM book a"
+ "FULL JOIN transaction b"
+ "ON a.call_Number=b.call_Number";
And then change the code to look for callNbr :-
String call_Num = rs.getString("callNbr");
Change your query to this:
selectString = "SELECT a.call_Number "
+ "FROM book a "
+ "INNER JOIN transaction b "
+ "ON a.call_Number=b.call_Number";
MySQL does not support FULL OUTER JOIN. If you really need the effect of that - you'll need 2 selects with a UNION. Although from looks of it - does not seem like that would be necessary.