I'm writing automation scripts for a popular game, and part of it requires a pathfinder to walk extended distances.
I wrote this A* pathfinder to achieve this, but there are a few problems with it:
Sometimes, the pathfinder will go into unwalkable tiles which will eventually lead to it going to the top corners of the map and then out of bounds
The pathfinder will also get lost and go a long way away from the desired position and then back, leaving a path of 10000+ nodes even though there's only a distance of about 100 tiles sometimes
Here is my AStar.java:
package Webwalker;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position;
import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script;
import Pickpocketer.PickpocketScript;
public class AStar {
List<Position> open, closed;
List<PathTile> holdingList;
Position s, e, current;
int horizontalCost, diagonalCost, index;
Script scr;
public AStar(Script script) {
open = new ArrayList<Position>();
closed = new ArrayList<Position>();
holdingList = new ArrayList<PathTile>();
horizontalCost = 10;
index = 0;
diagonalCost = 14;
scr = script;
public List<Position> findPath(Position start, Position end) {
s = current = start;
holdingList.add(new PathTile(start, 0, 0, null));
e = end;
while (!nextToEnd()) {
//scr.log("Finding next node");
PathTile[] nodes = getAdjacent(current);
PathTile node = getLeastCost(nodes);
current = node.p;
if (!node.walkable) {
scr.log("Node " + node.p + " - f " + node.f);
Position mapP = PickpocketScript.map.getMapPos(current);
int x = mapP.getX();
int y = mapP.getY();
PickpocketScript.map.drawPixel(x, y, node.walkable);
/*scr.log("Cleaning nodes!");
List<Position> actualPath = new ArrayList<Position>();
for (PathTile pt : holdingList) {
if (pt == null || pt.parent == null) continue;
if (pt.parent.p.equals(start)) {
if (pt.p.equals(start)) break;
Position mapP = PickpocketScript.map.getMapPos(pt.parent.p);
int x = mapP.getX();
int y = mapP.getY();
PickpocketScript.map.drawPixel(x, y, pt.parent.walkable);
scr.log("Finished finding " + closed.size() + " nodes");
return closed;
public boolean nextToEnd() {
int mh = ManhattenValue(current);
return (mh < 21);
//return false;
public int[] distance(Position a, Position b) {
int x = Math.abs(a.getX() - b.getX());
int y = Math.abs(a.getY() - b.getY());
return new int[] { x, y };
public PathTile getLeastCost(PathTile[] nodes) {
int lowestIndex = 0;
int lowestF = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
//if (!nodes[i].walkable) scr.log("Node " + nodes[i].p + " - f " + nodes[i].f +" getleastcost");
if (nodes[i] != null && nodes[i].walkable && nodes[i].f < lowestF && !closed.contains(nodes[i].p)) {
lowestF = nodes[i].f;
lowestIndex = i;
return nodes[lowestIndex];
public PathTile[] getAdjacent(Position p) {
PathTile[] nodes = new PathTile[8];
int x = p.getX();
int y = p.getY();
PathTile old = null;
if (holdingList.size() > 0) old = holdingList.get(holdingList.size() - 1);
Position newNode = new Position(x - 1, y - 1, p.getZ()); //top left
if (!open.contains(newNode)) open.add(newNode);
int h = OctileValue(newNode);
int g = diagonalCost;
nodes[0] = new PathTile(newNode, g, h, old);
//nodes[0] = nodes[2] = nodes[4] = nodes[5] = nodes[7] = null;
newNode = new Position(x, y - 1, p.getZ()); //top centre
if (!open.contains(newNode)) open.add(newNode);
h = OctileValue(newNode);
g = horizontalCost;
nodes[1] = new PathTile(newNode, g, h, old);
newNode = new Position(x + 1, y - 1, p.getZ()); //top right
if (!open.contains(newNode)) open.add(newNode);
h = OctileValue(newNode);
g = diagonalCost;
nodes[2] = new PathTile(newNode, g, h, old);
newNode = new Position(x - 1, y, p.getZ()); //centre left
if (!open.contains(newNode)) open.add(newNode);
h = OctileValue(newNode);
g = horizontalCost;
nodes[3] = new PathTile(newNode, g, h, old);
/* Centre centre would be "p", so we skip it (we are not moving back to p) */
newNode = new Position(x + 1, y, p.getZ()); //centre right
if (!open.contains(newNode)) open.add(newNode);
h = OctileValue(newNode);
g = horizontalCost;
nodes[4] = new PathTile(newNode, g, h, old);
newNode = new Position(x - 1, y + 1, p.getZ()); //bottom left
if (!open.contains(newNode)) open.add(newNode);
h = OctileValue(newNode);
g = diagonalCost;
nodes[5] = new PathTile(newNode, g, h, old);
newNode = new Position(x, y + 1, p.getZ()); //bottom centre
if (!open.contains(newNode)) open.add(newNode);
h = OctileValue(newNode);
g = horizontalCost;
nodes[6] = new PathTile(newNode, g, h, old);
newNode = new Position(x + 1, y + 1, p.getZ()); //bottom right
if (!open.contains(newNode)) open.add(newNode);
h = OctileValue(newNode);
g = diagonalCost;
nodes[7] = new PathTile(newNode, g, h, old);
/*PathTile[] temp = nodes.clone();
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
if (!temp[i].walkable) {
nodes[i] = null;
return nodes;
public int OctileValue(Position start) { //This is our "H" value
int x = start.getX();
int y = start.getY();
int horizontal = Math.abs(x - e.getX());
int vertical = Math.abs(y - e.getY());
//return Math.max(horizontal, vertical) * horizontalCost; //bad algorithm lol
//return (horizontal + vertical) * horizontalCost; //Manhatten
//double tieBreaker = (1.0 + (diagonalCost / ManhattenValue(start)));
if (horizontal == 0 && vertical == 0) return 0;
//int h = horizontalCost * (horizontal + vertical) + (diagonalCost - 2 * horizontalCost) * Math.min(horizontal, vertical);
int h = Math.max(horizontal, vertical) + (diagonalCost - horizontalCost) * Math.min(horizontal, vertical);
//h *= (tieBreaker);
return h; //Octile distance
public int ManhattenValue(Position start) {
int x = start.getX();
int y = start.getY();
int horizontal = Math.abs(x - e.getX());
int vertical = Math.abs(y - e.getY());
return (horizontal + vertical) * horizontalCost;
class PathTile {
public Position p;
public int g, h, f;
public boolean walkable;
public PathTile parent;
public PathTile(Position pos, int G, int H, PathTile par) {
p = pos;
g = G;
h = H;
if (par != null) {
g += par.g;
parent = par;
if (h == 0) f = 0;
else f = g + h;
System.out.println(p + " - g " + g + " - h " + h + " - f " + f);
walkable = (PickpocketScript.map.isWalkable(pos));
if (!walkable) {
f = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
I know that these tiles are unwalkable because they have an F value of int.maxvalue (as defined in PathTile class)
A Position in this scenario simply has an int for x,y,z.
I'm not too sure how to fix these problems, as I'm quite new to writing algorithms like this :)
Your findPath() method looks like it's performing a greedy best-first search. Check the line PathTile node = getLeastCost(nodes);... You are selecting the least-cost node from among the neighbors of the current PathTile, not from among the entries in the open set. Instead, use a PriorityQueue sorted by f-value for the open list and get your next node from the head of the open list.
Additional Resources: I recommend you follow Wikipedia's A* Search Algorithm Pseudocode. Also, you may want to check out the introduction to A* at Redblobgames.com.
Final Consideration: When working with pathfinding in a grid graph, it is helpful to use an enum to define the directions. This makes your code more readable and maintainable. Here's an example:
enum Direction{
public final int x;
public final int y;
public final int cost;
Direction(int x, int y, int cost){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.cost = cost;
Your (uncorrected) getAdjacent method can be simplified to the following:
public PathTile[] getAdjacent(Position p) {
PathTile[] nodes = new PathTile[8];
int x = p.getX();
int y = p.getY();
PathTile old = null;
if (holdingList.size() > 0) old = holdingList.get(holdingList.size() - 1);
for(Direction d: Direction.values()){
newNode = new Position(x+ d.x, y + d.y, p.getZ()); //top centre
if (!open.contains(newNode)) open.add(newNode);
h = OctileValue(newNode);
g = d.cost;
nodes[d.ordinal()] = new PathTile(newNode, g, h, old);
return nodes;
Firstly I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this question, so if I am wrong, please, move it. Thanks.
I had an assignment to compare same algorithm performance in Java and C#. The algorithm is supposed to be A* search, but I think I made it more like flooding, but it works well and I'm not here to fix it. Firstly I'll post the code I was using in Java and C# and then explain what I got.
As body of question is limited to 30000 characters and I entered more, I had to delete functions readFile() from Java and C# to make it fit.
After Jim Mischel has pointed out I updated hash function in C# version to be same as in Java which resulted in better performance.
Also thanks to Matt Timmermans I realized that all this time I was running C# in debug (Result of not thinking it through) and changing to release increased performance even more.
C# version:
File: Program.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace A_Star_Compare
class Program
static int StartX = 0;
static int StartY = 0;
static int TargetX = 0;
static int TargetY = 0;
static int Width = 0;
static int Height = 0;
static TimeSpan TotalTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
static double[] TrialTimes = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
static Dictionary<int, List<int>> Obstacles = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>();
static void Main(string[] args)
for (int z = 0; z < 10; z++)
int Index = 0;
Console.WriteLine("z: " + z);
for (int x = 0; x < 14; x++)
if (x < 10)
Index += 10;
Index += 100;
string Line = string.Empty;
string FileName = "Maps-" + Index + ".txt";
TotalTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
TrialTimes[x] += (double)TotalTime.TotalSeconds / 100;
int Index0 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++)
if (i < 10)
Index0 += 10;
Index0 += 100;
string FileName = "Maps-" + Index0 + ".txt";
Console.WriteLine("{0} Map size: {1}*{2}. On average map solved in: {3}", FileName, Index0, Index0, (double)TrialTimes[i] / 10);
static void measureTime()
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
Algorithm Solve = new Algorithm(StartX, StartY, TargetX, TargetY, Width, Height, Obstacles);
TotalTime += stopwatch.Elapsed;
File: Algorithm.cs
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace A_Star_Compare
public class Node
public int X { get; set; }
public int Y { get; set; }
public int G { get; set; }
public int F { get; set; }
public int H { get; set; }
public Node PointsTo { get; set; }
public Node(int x, int y, int g, int f, int h, Node point)
this.X = x;
this.Y = y;
this.G = g;
this.F = f;
this.H = h;
this.PointsTo = point;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
Node rhs = obj as Node;
return rhs.X == this.X && rhs.Y == this.Y;
public override int GetHashCode()
int hash = 7;
hash = 83 * hash + this.X;
hash = 83 * hash + this.Y;
return hash;
class Algorithm
private Dictionary<int, List<int>> Obstacles { get; set; }
public HashSet<Node> OpenList { get; set; }
public HashSet<Node> ClosedList { get; set; }
private Node Parent { get; set; }
private Node LowestCost { get; set; }
private int StartX { get; set; }
private int StartY { get; set; }
private int TargetX { get; set; }
private int TargetY { get; set; }
private int Width { get; set; }
private int Height { get; set; }
private bool FirstIter = true;
public Algorithm(int stX, int stY, int tgX, int tgY, int wid, int hei, Dictionary<int, List<int>> obs)
this.StartX = stX;
this.StartY = stY;
this.TargetX = tgX;
this.TargetY = tgY;
this.Width = wid - 1;
this.Height = hei - 1;
this.Obstacles = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>(obs);
this.Parent = new Node(StartX, StartY, 0, 0, 0, null);
this.LowestCost = new Node(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, 0, int.MaxValue, 0, null);
this.ClosedList = new HashSet<Node>();
this.OpenList = new HashSet<Node>();
private bool IsBlockObstacle(int X, int Y)
if (Obstacles.ContainsKey(X) == false || (Obstacles.ContainsKey(X) == true && Obstacles[X].Contains(Y) == false))
return false;
return true;
private void Calculate(ref int H, int G, ref int F, int MovedX, int MovedY, Node AddToList)
int H1 = 0;
H = (TargetX - MovedX) * 10;
if (H < 0)
H *= -1;
H1 = (TargetY - MovedY) * 10;
if (H1 < 0)
H1 *= -1;
H += H1;
F = G + H;
AddToList.F = F;
AddToList.H = H;
AddToList.PointsTo = Parent;
private Node GetNodeFromOpen(Node Find)
Node Ret = null;
foreach (Node Nfo in OpenList)
if (Nfo.Equals(Find))
Ret = Nfo;
return Ret;
private bool CheckNode(Node AddToList, int G)
if (!OpenList.Contains(AddToList))
return true;
Node Check = GetNodeFromOpen(AddToList);
if (Parent.G + G < Check.G)
int Offset = Check.G - Parent.G - G;
Check.G -= Offset;
Check.F -= Offset;
Check.PointsTo = Parent;
return false;
private void ChooseNode()
foreach (Node Nfo in OpenList)
if (Nfo.X == TargetX && Nfo.Y == TargetY)
LowestCost = Nfo;
if (Nfo.F < LowestCost.F)
LowestCost = Nfo;
private void CountCost()
int[] Directions = { 1, -1 };
int[] Diagnoly = { 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1 };
int ParentX = Parent.X;
int ParentY = Parent.Y;
int MovedX = 0;
int MovedY = 0;
int H = 0;
int F = 0;
Node AddToList = null;
//Left and right
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
//Check if it is possible to move right or left
if (ParentX + Directions[i] <= Width && ParentX + Directions[i] >= 0)
//Check if blocks to the right and left of parent aren't obstacles
if (!IsBlockObstacle(ParentX + Directions[i], ParentY))
AddToList = new Node(ParentX + Directions[i], ParentY, Parent.G + 10, 0, 0, null);
//Check if it is not on closed list
if (!ClosedList.Contains(AddToList))
MovedX = AddToList.X;
MovedY = AddToList.Y;
Calculate(ref H, AddToList.G, ref F, MovedX, MovedY, AddToList);
CheckNode(AddToList, 10);
//Up and down
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
//Check if possible to move up or down
if (ParentY + Directions[i] <= Height && ParentY + Directions[i] >= 0)
//Check if higher and lower block of parent aren't obstacles
if (!IsBlockObstacle(ParentX, ParentY + Directions[i]))
AddToList = new Node(ParentX, ParentY + Directions[i], Parent.G + 10, 0, 0, null);
if (!ClosedList.Contains(AddToList))
MovedX = ParentX;
MovedY = ParentY + Directions[i];
Calculate(ref H, AddToList.G, ref F, MovedX, MovedY, AddToList);
CheckNode(AddToList, 10);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i += 2)
if (ParentX + Diagnoly[i] <= Width && ParentX + Diagnoly[i] >= 0 && ParentY + Diagnoly[i + 1] <= Height && ParentY + Diagnoly[i + 1] >= 0)
if (!IsBlockObstacle(ParentX + Diagnoly[i], ParentY + Diagnoly[i + 1]))
AddToList = new Node(ParentX + Diagnoly[i], ParentY + Diagnoly[i + 1], Parent.G + 14, 0, 0, null);
if (!ClosedList.Contains(AddToList))
MovedX = ParentX + Diagnoly[i];
MovedY = ParentY + Diagnoly[i + 1];
Calculate(ref H, AddToList.G, ref F, MovedX, MovedY, AddToList);
CheckNode(AddToList, 14);
public void FullSolve()
Node Final = null;
if (FirstIter)
Parent = LowestCost;
FirstIter = false;
while (true)
if (OpenList.Count == 0)
HashSet<Node> Copy = new HashSet<Node>(OpenList);
foreach (Node Nfo in Copy)
Parent = Nfo;
if (Parent.X == TargetX && Parent.Y == TargetY)
Final = Parent;
Parent = LowestCost;
LowestCost.F = int.MaxValue;
if (Parent.X == TargetX && Parent.Y == TargetY)
Final = Parent;
Java version:
File: AStar_Compare.java
package a.star_compare;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch;
public class AStar_Compare {
static double totalTime;
static double[] trialTimes = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
static int startX;
static int startY;
static int targetX;
static int targetY;
static int width;
static int heigth;
static HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>> obstacles = new HashMap<>();
static NumberFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("#0.000000000");
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
for (int z = 0; z < 10; z++) {
int Index = 0;
System.out.println("z: " + z);
for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) {
if (x < 10) {
Index += 10;
} else {
Index += 100;
String fileName = "Maps-" + Index + ".txt";
totalTime = 0;
trialTimes[x] += totalTime / 1E9 / 100;
int index0 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) {
if (i < 10) {
index0 += 10;
} else {
index0 += 100;
trialTimes[i] /= 10;
String fileName = "Maps-" + index0 + ".txt";
System.out.println(fileName + " Map size: " + index0 + "*" + index0 + ". On average map solved in: " + formatter.format(trialTimes[i]));
static void measureTime() {
StopWatch time = new StopWatch();
Algorithm solve = new Algorithm(obstacles, startX, startY, targetX, targetY, width, heigth);
totalTime += time.getNanoTime();
File: Node.java
package a.star_compare;
public class Node {
public int x;
public int y;
public int g;
public int h;
public int f;
public Node pointsTo;
public Node(int gx, int gy, int gg, int gh, int gf, Node point){
this.x = gx;
this.y = gy;
this.g = gg;
this.h = gh;
this.f = gf;
this.pointsTo = point;
public boolean equals(Object other){
if(other == null) return false;
if(other == this) return true;
if(!(other instanceof Node)) return false;
Node rhs = (Node)other;
return this.x == rhs.x && this.y == rhs.y;
public int hashCode() {
int hash = 7;
hash = 83 * hash + this.x;
hash = 83 * hash + this.y;
return hash;
File: Algorithm.java
package a.star_compare;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
public class Algorithm {
private final HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>> obstacles;
private final HashSet<Node> closedList;
private final HashSet<Node> openList;
private Node parent;
private Node lowestCost;
private final int startX;
private final int startY;
private final int targetX;
private final int targetY;
private final int width;
private final int height;
private boolean firstIter = true;
public Algorithm(HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>> obs, int stX, int stY, int tgX, int tgY, int wid, int hei) {
this.obstacles = new HashMap(obs);
this.startX = stX;
this.startY = stY;
this.targetX = tgX;
this.targetY = tgY;
this.width = wid - 1;
this.height = hei - 1;
this.parent = new Node(startX, startY, 0, 0, 0, null);
this.lowestCost = new Node(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0, null);
this.closedList = new HashSet<>();
this.openList = new HashSet<>();
private boolean isBlockObstacle(Integer x, Integer y) {
if (obstacles.containsKey(x) == false || (obstacles.containsKey(x) == true && obstacles.get(x).contains(y) == false)) {
return false;
return true;
private void calculate(int h, int g, int f, int movedX, int movedY, Node addToList) {
int h1 = 0;
h = (targetX - movedX) * 10;
if (h < 0) {
h *= -1;
h1 = (targetY - movedY) * 10;
if (h1 < 0) {
h1 *= -1;
h += h1;
f = g + h;
addToList.f = f;
addToList.h = h;
addToList.pointsTo = parent;
private Node getNodeFromOpen(Node find) {
Node ret = null;
for (Node nfo : openList) {
if (nfo.equals(find)) {
ret = nfo;
return ret;
private boolean checkNode(Node addToList, int g) {
if (!openList.contains(addToList)) {
return true;
} else {
Node check = getNodeFromOpen(addToList);
if (parent.g + g < check.g) {
int offset = check.g - parent.g - g;
check.g -= offset;
check.f -= offset;
check.pointsTo = parent;
return false;
private void chooseNode() {
for (Node nfo : openList) {
if (nfo.x == targetX && nfo.y == targetY) {
lowestCost = nfo;
if (nfo.f < lowestCost.f) {
lowestCost = nfo;
private void countCost() {
int[] directions = {1, -1};
int[] diagnoly = {1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1};
int parentX = parent.x;
int parentY = parent.y;
int movedX = 0;
int movedY = 0;
int h = 0;
int f = 0;
Node addToList = null;
//Left and right
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
//Check if it is possible to move right or left
if (parentX + directions[i] <= width && parentX + directions[i] >= 0) {
//Check if blocks to the right and left of parent aren't obstacles
if (!isBlockObstacle(parentX + directions[i], parentY)) {
addToList = new Node(parentX + directions[i], parentY, parent.g + 10, 0, 0, null);
//Check if it is not on closed list
if (!closedList.contains(addToList)) {
movedX = addToList.x;
movedY = addToList.y;
calculate(h, addToList.g, f, movedX, movedY, addToList);
checkNode(addToList, 10);
//Up and down
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
//Check if possible to move up or down
if (parentY + directions[i] <= height && parentY + directions[i] >= 0) {
//Check if higher and lower block of parent aren't obstacles
if (!isBlockObstacle(parentX, parentY + directions[i])) {
addToList = new Node(parentX, parentY + directions[i], parent.g + 10, 0, 0, null);
if (!closedList.contains(addToList)) {
movedX = parentX;
movedY = parentY + directions[i];
calculate(h, addToList.g, f, movedX, movedY, addToList);
checkNode(addToList, 10);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i += 2) {
if (parentX + diagnoly[i] <= width && parentX + diagnoly[i] >= 0 && parentY + diagnoly[i + 1] <= height && parentY + diagnoly[i + 1] >= 0) {
if (!isBlockObstacle(parentX + diagnoly[i], parentY + diagnoly[i + 1])) {
addToList = new Node(parentX + diagnoly[i], parentY + diagnoly[i + 1], parent.g + 14, 0, 0, null);
if (!closedList.contains(addToList)) {
movedX = parentX + diagnoly[i];
movedY = parentY + diagnoly[i + 1];
calculate(h, addToList.g, f, movedX, movedY, addToList);
checkNode(addToList, 14);
public void FullSolve() {
Node finalPath = null;
if (firstIter) {
parent = lowestCost;
firstIter = false;
} else {
while (true) {
if (openList.isEmpty()) {
HashSet<Node> copy = new HashSet<>(openList);
for (Node nfo : copy) {
parent = nfo;
if (parent.x == targetX && parent.y == targetY) {
finalPath = parent;
parent = lowestCost;
lowestCost.f = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
if (parent.x == targetX && parent.y == targetY) {
finalPath = parent;
The testing was done with pregenerated map files. I have 14 map files each of them contains a 100 maps with specific size. With lowest one being map by 10 * 10 and highest being by 500 * 500.
Also note that if each map has 100 examples it means that algorithm was tested 100 times to work with one specific size, furthermore I wanted to increase accuracy even more so I repeat whole process 10 times. Which gives me 1000 test with one map. I of course average those times.
I'm not really familiar with high accuracy time measuring methods so I used StopWatch() in both Java and C# (To use it in Java I downloaded it from apache commons). What I did was after reading one map information I called function measureTime() and started StopWatch() then call Algorithm class and make it solve puzzle after that I'd stop StopWatch() and take time.
Here are the results I got:
I'm posting image because I'm not sure how to make a table here. Times are in second, how much it took to solve one map in average.
Note after "-" symbol there is map size. (Maps-20.txt means map by 20 * 20 and so on)
Also a graph:
These results really surprised me, I was expecting one language having a bit of an advantage, but not like this. After update C# graph looks similar to Java graph, but has steeper growth rate. First I thought that I made some mistake while copying algorithm to Java (Firstly I wrote in C#), but I couldn't find any. So assuming that I didn't make some silly mistake.
How can I improve C# performance even more?
Also one thing I thought about getting these results that in Dictionary<int, List<int>> instead of using List<int> I could use HashSet<int> since I only need to confirm if element exists or not. But as I am not dealing with thousands of elements I don't think that it could be major factor.
I have a list of point objects that need to be sorted by both X and Y coordinates, but when I pass them to a comparator object only one coordinate gets sorted (the first one called). Any ideas to why this might be happening?
static public List<Point> convertToThreeByThreeGrid(String points) {
String[] ptsArray;
List<Point> ptsList = new ArrayList<>();
String stripString = points.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace("(", "").replace(")", "").replace(" ", ",").trim();
ptsArray = stripString.split(",");
for(int i = 0; i < ptsArray.length; i += 2) {
int x = Integer.parseInt(ptsArray[i]);
int y = Integer.parseInt(ptsArray[i + 1]);
System.out.println("X: " + x);
System.out.println("Y: " + y);
ptsList.add(new Point(x, y));
Collections.sort(ptsList, new Comparator<Point>() {
public int compare(Point a, Point b) {
int result = Integer.compare((int) a.getX(), (int) b.getX());
if (result == 0 ) {
result = Integer.compare((int) a.getY(), (int) b.getY());
return result;
// subtract each coordinate by smallest x and y coordinate values
List<Point> convertedPtList = new ArrayList<>();
int smallestX = (int) ptsList.get(0).getX();
int smallestY = (int) ptsList.get(0).getY();
for (int i = 1; i < ptsList.size(); i++) {
int x = ((int) ptsList.get(i).getX() - smallestX);
int y = ((int) ptsList.get(i).getY() - smallestY);
convertedPtList.add(new Point(x, y));
return convertedPtList;
[java.awt.Point[x=10,y=26], java.awt.Point[x=10,y=26], java.awt.Point[x=10,y=28], java.awt.Point[x=12,y=26]]
[java.awt.Point[x=13,y=26], java.awt.Point[x=13,y=28], java.awt.Point[x=13,y=28], java.awt.Point[x=14,y=27], java.awt.Point[x=14,y=27], java.awt.Point[x=15,y=26], java.awt.Point[x=15,y=28], java.awt.Point[x=15,y=28]]
[java.awt.Point[x=16,y=26], java.awt.Point[x=16,y=28], java.awt.Point[x=16,y=28], java.awt.Point[x=18,y=26], java.awt.Point[x=18,y=26], java.awt.Point[x=18,y=28]]
for(int i = 0; i < ptsArray.length; i += 2) {
int x = Integer.parseInt(ptsArray[i]);
int y = Integer.parseInt(ptsArray[i+1]);
ptsList.add(new Point(x, y));
Collections.sort( ptsList, new Comparator<Point>() {
public int compare(Point x1, Point x2) {
int result = Double.compare(x1.getX(), x2.getX());
if ( result == 0 ) {
// both X are equal -> compare Y too
result = Double.compare(x1.getY(), x2.getY());
return result;
// ptsList is now sorted by both X and Y!
To just find the lowest X and the lowest Y you can also go the 'classic' way without any (double-)sorting:
int minX = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int minY = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for ( Point p : ptsList ) {
final int x = (int)p.getX();
final int y = (int)p.getY();
if ( x < minX ) {
minX = x;
if ( y < minY ) {
minY = y;
I've been trying to implement a perlin noise generator in java, based on this article. Homever, my generator produces noise that is not continuous but instead "blocky", forming visible lines between every even numbered -coordinate. Below is my current code:
private static final Point[] grads = {
new Point(1, 0), new Point(-1, 0), new Point(0, 1), new Point(0, -1),
new Point(1, 1), new Point(1, -1), new Point(-1, 1), new Point(-1, -1)
private int permutations[] = new int[512];
private int frequency;
private int seed;
private double[][] heightMap;
private double amplitude;
public PerlinNoise(int frequency, int seed, double[][] heightMap, double amplitude) {
this.frequency = frequency;
this.seed = seed; //Seed for randomizing the permutation table
this.heightMap = heightMap; //The Heightmap where the finalt result will be stored
this.amplitude = amplitude;
private void seedPermutationTables() {
LinkedList<PermutationValue> l = new LinkedList<PermutationValue>();
Random rand = new Random(this.seed);
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
l.add(new PermutationValue(i, rand));
for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++) {
permutations[i] = l.get(i & 255).getValue();
public void generateNoise() {
int sWidth = this.heightMap.length / frequency;
int sHeight = this.heightMap[0].length / frequency;
for (int i = 0; i < this.heightMap.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < this.heightMap[i].length; j++) {
double x = (double)i / sWidth;
double y = (double)j / sHeight;
this.heightMap[i][j] = this.noise(x, y);
private double noise(double x, double y) {
int xi = (int)x & 255;
int yi = (int)y & 255;
double xf = x - (int)x;
double yf = y - (int)y;
double u = this.fade(xf);
double v = this.fade(yf);
int aa = permutations[permutations[xi] + yi];
int ab = permutations[permutations[xi] + yi + 1];
int ba = permutations[permutations[xi + 1] + yi];
int bb = permutations[permutations[xi + 1] + yi + 1];
double x1 = this.lerp(this.grad(aa, xf, yf), this.grad(ab, xf - 1, yf), u);
double x2 = this.lerp(this.grad(ba, xf, yf - 1), this.grad(bb, xf - 1, yf - 1), u);
double noise = this.lerp(x1, x2, v);
return (1D + noise) / 2 * this.amplitude; //The noise returns values between -1 and 1
//So we change the range to 0-amplitude
private double grad(int hash, double x, double y) {
hash = hash & 7;
Point p = grads[hash];
return p.x * x + p.y * y;
private double lerp(double a, double b, double x) {
return a + x * (b - a);
private double fade(double x) {
return x * x * x * (x * (x * 6 - 15) + 10);
private class PermutationValue implements Comparable<PermutationValue> {
private int value;
private double sortValue;
public PermutationValue(int value, Random rand) {
this.sortValue = rand.nextDouble();
public int compareTo(PermutationValue pv) {
if (pv.sortValue > this.sortValue) {
return -1;
return 1;
public int getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(int value) {
this.value = value;
The heightmap array simply stores the height value for every pixel. Any suggestions or ideas what might be causing these formations?
hash tables can be replaced with 1-2 multiplications as in rndng fct:
blocky can come from lack of cubic interpolation or digital noise from the hash table.
in your case it sounds like it's not lerping between two values of the hash table. lerp just takes any 2 values and smooths between them. so if that's not running ok, it's blocky.
function rndng ( n: float ): float //total noise pseudo
{//random proportion -1, 1
var e = ( n *321.9)%1;
return (e*e*111.0)%2-1;
function lerps(o:float, v:float, alpha:float):float
o += ( v - o ) * alpha;
return o;
function lnz ( vtx: Vector3 ): float//3d noise
vtx= Vector3 ( Mathf.Abs(vtx.x) , Mathf.Abs(vtx.y) , Mathf.Abs(vtx.z) ) ;
var I = Vector3 (Mathf.Floor(vtx.x),Mathf.Floor(vtx.y),Mathf.Floor(vtx.z));
var D = Vector3(vtx.x%1,vtx.y%1,vtx.z%1);
D = Vector3(D.x*D.x*(3.0-2.0*D.x),D.y*D.y*(3.0-2.0*D.y),D.z*D.z*(3.0-2.0*D.z));
var W = I.x + I.y*71.0 + 125.0*I.z;
return lerps(
lerps( lerps(rndng(W+0.0),rndng(W+1.0),D.x) , lerps(rndng(W+71.0),rndng(W+72.0),D.x) , D.y)
lerps( lerps(rndng(W+125.0),rndng(W+126.0),D.x) , lerps(rndng(W+153.0),rndng(W+154.0),D.x) , D.y)
function lnzo ( vtx: Vector3 ): float
var total = 0.0;
for (var i:int = 1; i < 5; i ++)
total+= lnz2(Vector3 (vtx.x*(i*i),0.0,vtx.z*(i*i)))/(i*i);
return total*5;
function lnzh ( vtx: Vector3 ): float//3 axis 3d noise
vtx= Vector3 ( Mathf.Abs(vtx.z) , Mathf.Abs(vtx.z*.5-vtx.x*.866) , Mathf.Abs(vtx.z*.5+vtx.x*.866) ) ;
var I = Vector3 (Mathf.Floor(vtx.x),Mathf.Floor(vtx.y),Mathf.Floor(vtx.z));
var D = Vector3(vtx.x%1,vtx.y%1,vtx.z%1);
//D = Vector3(D.x*D.x*(3.0-2.0*D.x),D.y*D.y*(3.0-2.0*D.y),D.z*D.z*(3.0-2.0*D.z));
var W = I.x + I.y*71.0 + 125.0*I.z;
return lerps(
lerps( lerps(rndng(W+0.0),rndng(W+1.0),D.x) , lerps(rndng(W+71.0),rndng(W+72.0),D.x) , D.y)
lerps( lerps(rndng(W+125.0),rndng(W+126.0),D.x) , lerps(rndng(W+153.0),rndng(W+154.0),D.x) , D.y)
function lnz2 ( vtx: Vector3 ): float//2d noise
vtx= Vector3 ( Mathf.Abs(vtx.x) , Mathf.Abs(vtx.y) , Mathf.Abs(vtx.z) ) ;
var I = Vector3 (Mathf.Floor(vtx.x),Mathf.Floor(vtx.y),Mathf.Floor(vtx.z));
var D = Vector3(vtx.x%1,vtx.y%1,vtx.z%1);
D = Vector3(D.x*D.x*(3.0-2.0*D.x),D.y*D.y*(3.0-2.0*D.y),D.z*D.z*(3.0-2.0*D.z));
var W = I.x + I.y*71.0 + 125.0*I.z;
return lerps(
lerps( lerps(rndng(W+0.0),rndng(W+1.0),D.x) , lerps(rndng(W+71.0),rndng(W+72.0),D.x) , D.z)
lerps( rndng(W+125.0), rndng(W+126.0),D.x)
I want to fill triangles with gouraud shading
I calculated normals for each vertex and used the following code but it dosn't work correctly
I interpolated colors against y using these formulas
Ir = Ir2 - (Ir2 - Ir1)* (v2.y -y)/dy;
Ig = Ig2 - (Ig2 - Ig1)* (v2.y -y)/dy;
Ib = Ib2 - (Ib2 - Ib1)* (v2.y -y)/dy;
and against x direction using
rr = r2- (r2-r1)*(Xs2-j)/dxs;
in method drawCurrentTriangle(Graphics2D g) how can i calculate color from interpolated vertex normal.(there is no lights in the scene (only triangle color))
public boolean convert(Triangle triangle) {
triangle.getVlist()[0].r = triangle.normals[0].x;
triangle.getVlist()[0].g = triangle.normals[0].y;
triangle.getVlist()[0].b = triangle.normals[0].z;
triangle.getVlist()[1].r = triangle.normals[1].x;
triangle.getVlist()[1].g = triangle.normals[1].y;
triangle.getVlist()[1].b = triangle.normals[1].z;
triangle.getVlist()[2].r = triangle.normals[2].x;
triangle.getVlist()[2].g = triangle.normals[2].y;
triangle.getVlist()[2].b = triangle.normals[2].z;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
Vector3d v1 = triangle.getVlist()[i];
Vector3d v2;
if (i == 2) {
v2 = triangle.getVlist()[0];
} else {
v2 = triangle.getVlist()[i + 1];
// ensure v1.y < v2.y
if (v1.y > v2.y) {
Vector3d temp = v1;
v1 = v2;
v2 = temp;
double dy = v2.y - v1.y;
Ir1 = v1.r;
Ig1 = v1.g;
Ib1 = v1.b;
Ir2 = v2.r;
Ig2 = v2.g;
Ib2 = v2.b;
// ignore horizontal lines
if (dy == 0) {
int startY = Math.max(FastMath.ceil(v1.y), minY);
int endY = Math.min(FastMath.ceil(v2.y) - 1, maxY);
top = Math.min(top, startY);
bottom = Math.max(bottom, endY);
double dx = v2.x - v1.x;
double Ir;
double Ig;
double Ib;
double Ic;
double Ia;
double Yc;
// special case: vertical line
if (dx == 0) {
int x = FastMath.ceil(v1.x);
// ensure x within view bounds
x = Math.min(maxX + 1, Math.max(x, minX));
for (int y = startY; y <= endY; y++) {
Ir = Ir2 - (Ir2 - Ir1)* (v2.y -y)/dy;
Ig = Ig2 - (Ig2 - Ig1)* (v2.y -y)/dy;
Ib = Ib2 - (Ib2 - Ib1)* (v2.y -y)/dy;
scans[y].setBoundary(x, Ir, Ig, Ib);
} else {
// scan-convert this edge (line equation)
double gradient = dx / dy;
// (slower version)
for (int y = startY; y <= endY; y++) {
int x = FastMath.ceil(v1.x + (y - v1.y) * gradient);
// ensure x within view bounds
x = Math.min(maxX + 1, Math.max(x, minX));
Ir = Ir2 - (Ir2 - Ir1)* (v2.y -y)/dy;
Ig = Ig2 - (Ig2 - Ig1)* (v2.y -y)/dy;
Ib = Ib2 - (Ib2 - Ib1)* (v2.y -y)/dy;
scans[y].setBoundary(x, Ir, Ig, Ib);
// check if visible (any valid scans)
for (int i = top; i <= bottom; i++) {
if (scans[i].isValid()) {
return true;
return false;
protected void drawCurrentTriangle(Graphics2D g) {
int y = scanConverter.getTopBoundary();
double Xs1 = 0;
double Xs2 = 0;
double dxs = 0;
double r1 = 0;
double g1 = 0;
double b1 = 0;
double r2 = 0;
double g2 = 0;
double b2 = 0;
double rr = 0;
double gg = 0;
double bb = 0;
while (y <= scanConverter.getBottomBoundary()) {
GouraudTriangleScanConverter.Scan scan = scanConverter.getScan(y);
if (scan.isValid()) {
r1 = scan.rL;
g1 = scan.gL;
b1 = scan.bL;
r2 = scan.rR;
g2 = scan.gR;
b2 = scan.bR;
Xs1 = scan.left;
Xs2 = scan.right;
dxs = Xs2-Xs1;
for (int j = scan.left; j < scan.right; j++) {
rr = r2- (r2-r1)*(Xs2-j)/dxs;
gg = g2- (g2-g1)*(Xs2-j)/dxs;
bb = b2- (b2-b1)*(Xs2-j)/dxs;
if(rr > 255) rr = 255;
if(gg > 255) gg = 255;
if(bb > 255) bb = 255;
g.setColor(new Color((int)rr, (int)gg, (int)bb));
public static class Scan {
public int left;
public int right;
public double rL = -1;
public double gL = -1;
public double bL = -1;
public double rR = -1;
public double gR = -1;
public double bR = -1;
* Sets the left and right boundary for this scan if
* the x value is outside the current boundary.
public void setBoundary(int x, double r, double g, double b) {
if (x > max)
max = x;
if (x < left) {
left = x;
rL = r;
gL = g;
bL = b;
if (x - 1 > right) {
right = x - 1;
rR = r;
gR = g;
bR = b;
* Determines if this scan is valid (if left <= right).
public boolean isValid() {
return (left <= right);
how can i apply colors to mesh.when i in
fix colors(no lighting)
I am currently developing a 2D Mario-Like Platformer Game. I ran into a collision problem i've been trying to solve for a while now, but nothing seems to work :/
Basicly, i have a CenterLayer, which stores at which Position what kind of Tile is.
Then i have some Sprites and a Player, which should collide with these Tiles.
Because these Tiles can be triangular shaped (or any other kind of convex polygon), i decided to handle collision via SAT (Seperating Axis Theorem). This works great, but when it comes to collision with the floor where many tiles are adjacent to eachother and the sprite is moving left, it pickes the wrong edge and moves the Sprite to the right, but expected result would be moving it up. This causes the sprite to get stuck.
This is the code im currently using:
package level;
import java.awt.Polygon;
import tiles.Tile;
import sprites.*;
public class Collider {
/** Collide Sprite (or Player) with CenterLayer **/
public static void collide(Sprite s, CenterLayer c){
CollisionPolygon ps = s.getPolygon();
//Get blocks to collide with
int startXTile = (int) (s.getX() / CenterLayer.TILE_WIDTH) - 1;
int endXTile = (int) Math.ceil((s.getX() + s.getWidth()) / CenterLayer.TILE_WIDTH) + 1;
int startYTile = (int) (s.getY() / CenterLayer.TILE_HEIGHT) - 1;
int endYTile = (int) Math.ceil((s.getY() + s.getHeight()) / CenterLayer.TILE_HEIGHT) +1;
//limit to level boundaries
if(startXTile < 0) startXTile = 0;
if(endXTile > c.LEVEL_WIDTH) endXTile = c.LEVEL_WIDTH;
if(startYTile < 0) startYTile = 0;
if(endYTile > c.LEVEL_HEIGHT) endYTile = c.LEVEL_HEIGHT;
int sizeX = endXTile - startXTile;
int sizeY = endYTile - startYTile;
//loop through tiles and collide
for(int xc = 0; xc < sizeX; xc++)
for(int yc = 0; yc < sizeY; yc++){
int xblock = xc + startXTile;
int yblock = yc + startYTile;
Tile t = c.getTile(xblock, yblock);
if(t!=null){ //if tile == null --> tile is air
CollisionPolygon pt = t.getPolygon(xblock, yblock);
double[] projection = PolygonCollision(ps, pt);
//if collision has happened
if(projection[0] != 0 || projection[1] != 0){
s.moveBy(projection[0], projection[1]);
//update sprites polygon to new position
ps = s.getPolygon();
public static double dotProduct(double x, double y, double dx, double dy) {
return x * dx + y * dy;
// Calculate the projection of a polygon on an axis (ax, ay)
// and returns it as a [min, max] interval
public static double[] ProjectPolygon(double ax, double ay, Polygon p) {
double dotProduct = dotProduct(ax, ay, p.xpoints[0], p.ypoints[0]);
double min = dotProduct;
double max = dotProduct;
for (int i = 0; i < p.npoints; i++) {
dotProduct = dotProduct(p.xpoints[i], p.ypoints[i], ax, ay);
if (dotProduct < min) {
min = dotProduct;
} else if (dotProduct > max) {
max = dotProduct;
return new double[] { min, max };
// Calculate the distance between [minA, maxA](p1[0], p1[1]) and [minB, maxB](p2[0], p2[1])
// The distance will be negative if the intervals overlap
public static double IntervalDistance(double[] p1, double[] p2) {
if (p1[0] < p2[0]) {
return p2[0] - p1[1];
} else {
return p1[0] - p2[1];
public static double[] PolygonCollision(CollisionPolygon p1, CollisionPolygon p2){
boolean intersection = true;
int edgeCount1 = p1.npoints;
int edgeCount2 = p2.npoints;
double projectionX = 0;
double projectionY = 0;
double projectionDist = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
//loop through all the edges
for(int edgeIndex = 0; edgeIndex < edgeCount1 + edgeCount2; edgeIndex++){
//find edges
double[] axis;
if(edgeIndex < edgeCount1){
axis = p1.getAxis(edgeIndex);
} else {
axis = p2.getAxis(edgeIndex - edgeCount1);
double axisX = axis[0];
double axisY = axis[1];
//System.out.println("edge: " +axisX + ", "+ axisY);
//find the projection of both polygons on current axis
final double[] proj1 = ProjectPolygon(axisX, axisY, p1);
final double[] proj2 = ProjectPolygon(axisX, axisY, p2);
//Check if polygons are intersecting, if not end loop
double id = IntervalDistance(proj1, proj2);
if(id > 0){
intersection = false;
//Check if projection would be shorter than previous one
id = Math.abs(id);
if(id < projectionDist){
projectionDist = id;
projectionX = axisX;
projectionY = axisY;
//check if hit from "false" side
double d1x = p1.getCenterX();
double d1y = p1.getCenterY();
double d2x = p2.getCenterX();
double d2y = p2.getCenterY();
double midx = d1x - d2x;
double midy = d1y - d2y;
double dot = dotProduct(midx, midy, projectionX, projectionY);
if(dot < 0){
projectionX = -projectionX;
projectionY = -projectionY;
double[] result = new double[]{0, 0};
//System.out.println("colliison: " + projectionX +"; "+ projectionY + ", " + projectionDist);
result[0] = projectionX * projectionDist;
result[1] = projectionY * projectionDist;
return result;
Any Ideas?
I had this bug too , it happens when there are parallel edges on a poly.The easy way to fix this is to project the difference between the polygon centers on the found axis.If the result is negative you would just multiply the axis by -1.
Vector aMidPoint = new Vector();
Vector bMidPoint = new Vector();
for ( Vector v : aVerts) {
aMidPoint = aMidPoint.add(v);
for ( Vector v : bVerts) {
bMidPoint = bMidPoint.add(v);
aMidPoint = aMidPoint.scalarDivision(aVerts.size());
bMidPoint = bMidPoint.scalarDivision(bVerts.size());
Vector ba = aMidPoint.subtract(bMidPoint);
if (ba.dotProduct(minOverlapVector) < 0) {
minOverlapVector = minOverlapVector.scalarMultiplication(-1);