I am new to Android and Windows Azure. I have successfully inserted data from Android application but how do I retrieve single data and post that data on a TextView?
The read function after the gettable class is also not working. What is the exact function use for it? I have followed these instructions but they did not work for me, also I do not understand the documentation.
Currently, I just can provide some tutorials about how to use query data from azure database. I recommend you can refer to this official document about how to use Azure Client Library using Java: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/mobile-services-android-how-to-use-client-library . You can focus on two part: “how to query data from a mobile service” and “how to bind data to the UI”.
At the same time, you can view this video from Channel 9: https://channel9.msdn.com/Series/Windows-Azure-Mobile-Services/Android-Getting-Started-With-Data-Connecting-your-app-to-Windows-Azure-Mobile-Services.
The sample code project of this tutorial, please go to the GitHub link https://github.com/Azure/mobile-services-samples/tree/master/GettingStartedWithData .
For the ‘getTable(Class )’ function is not working, please double check whether the class name is same as table name. If they are same, you can use it like below:
MobileServiceTable<ToDoItem> mToDoTable = mClient.getTable(ToDoItem.class);
If not, you can write you code like this:
MobileServiceTable<ToDoItem> mToDoTable = mClient.getTable("ToDoItemBackup", ToDoItem.class);
For further better support, please share more detail about your code snippet .
I'm trying to give the user the option to save their passwords after registering on a website, using the autofill service provided by android.
List<FillContext> contexts = request.getFillContexts();
AssistStructure structure = contexts.get(contexts.size() - 1).getStructure();
ParsedStructure parsedStructure = ParsedStructure.parse(structure);
This code is in the onSaveRequest method of Android's AutofillService.
When I log the last line, the text in the console only contains asterix characters and not the password itself. Does anyone have an idea why that is and an solution for that?
AS most of the browsers are in Compatibility mode and do not support the native autofill api yet.
Read more at the android documentation.
I am desperatly searching on how to add a new attribute to the custom dimensions collection in the request table of the log analytics in the context of a Java function.
I know in C# you can do it using Activity and ITelementryInitializer but for Java I can not get it to work.
Any hints are appreciated. ;)
Azure Function (Java) add attribute to CustomDimensions
In Java, we have the Span attributes concept for adding the optional (extra) fields to the App Insights Schema that populates with the customDimensions in the form of various tables such as traces, exceptions, dependencies.
For that, one of the dependencies is required which is opentelemetry-api-1.jar.
AttributeKey newAttributeKey= AttributeKey.stringKey("resourcecustomDimension"); Span.current().setAttribute(newAttributeKey, "customDimValue");
This brings us the custom attributes for the custom dimensions that will be added to the Telemetry data.
Refer to this MS Doc for more information on adding the attributes to the customDimensions and found the GitHub issue 13310 regarding the user seeking for the Java Code on ITelemetryInitializer where the sample code on it provided by #dhaval24 user.
A few years ago I created a bot with telegrambots version 3.6.1.
Unfortunately there was a problem: every time that a user with user_ID>2147483647 joined the group, the bot crashed, as described here.
I've just found out how to update the version of telegrambots, but now I've another problem.
I need to use the setPhoto(String file_id) method as described here in Telegram ot JAVA API page (Pass a file_id as String to send a photo that exists on the Telegram servers).
It looks like that method doesn't accept String parameter anymore since telegrambots version 5.0.0.
Infact it worked until telegrambots version 4.9.2.
So my bot pins a message in the group with a list of many places, each one can have up till 2 photos.
Each of these photos has its file_id saved in a field of a MySql database.
So basically when we use the command to see a pic associated to a place, my code uses setPhoto(file_id) getting the file_id string from the database.
Now it looks like setPhoto(String) doesn't work anymore, so how can I solve this problem? I still need to use all the photo we saved in those years. How can i convert these file_id into InputFile argument?
I've tried to use version 4.9.2 of telegrambots and setPhoto(String) works, but I don't know if in that version, my original problem (numeric value out of range) was already solved and anyway I would like to use the latest version (6.4.0).
I've no idea how to convert String (fileID from database) to InputFile.
Thanks you very much.
The documentation is not really documenting anything, but it looks like the FileInput constructor can take String called attach(ement).
I think the header explains it all: Is there a nice way to create and load offline snapshots of database schema using SchemaCrawler without using command line? If yes, can you provide some example code / link please? If not, some example java code to use command line options would be helpful too (I don't have much experience with that)!
Thanks for any kind of help!
PS: I managed to create offline snapshot with this code:
final SchemaCrawlerOptions options = new SchemaCrawlerOptions();
// Set what details are required in the schema - this affects the
// time taken to crawl the schema
options.setRoutineInclusionRule(new ExcludeAll());
options.setSchemaInclusionRule(new RegularExpressionInclusionRule(/* some regex here*/));
options.setTableInclusionRule(new RegularExpressionExclusionRule(/*some regex here*/));
final String command = "serialize";
final Executable executable = new SchemaCrawlerExecutable(command);
Not sure how to connect to it though.
You need to use the schemacrawler.tools.offline.OfflineSnapshotExecutable along with an schemacrawler.tools.offline.jdbc.OfflineConnection to "connect" to your database snapshoot.
Please take a look at the following code:
And #ZidaneT, to load an offline snapshot, use code like that in LoadSnapshotTest.java
Sualeh Fatehi, SchemaCrawler
I'm trying to write a program that checks if a user uploaded a new video. I wanted to make it a backend job that constantly checks a users most recent video and then send a push my users utilizing my application. Is there any documentation or sample code on this matter? I haven't the slightest clue where to start.
The simplest way I found is via RSS feed. Simple to parse. Simple to get it going. Begin checking this out:
To PARSE the RSS in java, use Rome: https://github.com/rometools/rome
Download YouTube's Java API and then use the code they provide:
String feedUrl = "http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/GoogleDevelopers/uploads";
VideoFeed videoFeed = service.getFeed(new URL(feedUrl), VideoFeed.class);
printVideoFeed(videoFeed, true);
This is for version 3, which is the latest they provide.