Issue with Keycloak Multi tenancy - java

I am stuck in Keycloak authentication of multi tenancy.
I have configured PathBasedKeycloakConfigResolver in my package: com.demo.util.
The context param has been set on web.xml
I deployed the application on Tomcat. I have registered the context.xml in meta-inf with the required adapter.
Tomcat lib directory has all the required keycloak jar files.
But PathBasedKeycloakConfigResolver never gets called on any request to the url. PathBasedKeycloakConfigResolver should get called on any call to the url. The only time it calls if I remove the Maven dependency from the deployment assemply of Eclipse. But this cannot be the way to achieve this.
Sample of pathresolver:
public class PathBasedKeycloakConfigResolver implements KeycloakConfigResolver {
private final Map<String, KeycloakDeployment> cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, KeycloakDeployment>();
public KeycloakDeployment resolve(HttpFacade.Request request) {
System.out.println("**********I am called***************");
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- <name>Customer Portal - Secured via Valve</name> -->
<description />

So you have the keycloak jar files in the tomcat lib directory and your war file? That will cause a conflict because your code will have its own version of the KeycloakConfigResolver interface (from your war file) which is not the same as the version used by keycloak (that comes from the tomcat lib directory). So your class is not implementing the keycloak version of the interface and not called because of that.
Solution: Use <scope>provided</scope> for all the jars that are in tomcat lib directory; this way you will have the classes for compilation, but the jars will not be added to your war file. Then there will be only the version in the tomcat lib directory and it will work.


Maven pom file, what is it doing?

I have just started using Maven, in a newbie capacity, just want to understand something around dependencies.
I am trying to build a micro web service using iText and the pdf output functionality.
So my very first steps is seeing if I can get a pdf output from a very simple Java program.
In my pom file i have the following dependencies:
<!-- iText Core -->
<!-- iText pdfHTML add-on -->
After reading the information on the Maven site, the pom file should do all of the heavy lifting in getting the dependencies, this is the bit i'm a little confused on.
Will the pom file physically download the files to the the app location on application start so that he app can utilize these files?
if that's the case it doesn't seem to be doing this and so am I missing something in the pom file to enable this?
The full pom file is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- FIXME change it to the project's website -->
<!-- iText Core -->
<!-- iText pdfHTML add-on -->
<pluginManagement><!-- lock down plugins versions to avoid using Maven defaults (may be moved to parent pom) -->
<!-- clean lifecycle, see -->
<!-- default lifecycle, jar packaging: see -->
<!-- site lifecycle, see -->
Any help appreciated.
When maven build is executed, Maven automatically downloads all the dependency jars into the local repository.
the local repository of Maven is a folder location on the developer's machine, where all the project artifacts are stored locally.
Usually this folder is named .m2.
Here's where the default path to this folder is – based on OS:
Windows: C:\Users\User_Name\ .m2
Linux: /home/User_Name/.m2
Mac: /Users/user_name/.m2
Maven does download the dependencies to the local m2 repository. But this is more meant for building the application, not for running.
What you want (copy the dependencies next to the output jar) can be achieved with the goal dependency:copy-dependencies
See this blog post:
Managing dependencies is one of the key features of Maven.
Dependency management: It is possible to define dependencies to other
projects. During the build, the Maven build system resolves the
dependencies and it also builds the dependent projects if needed.
Resolving dependencies does mean it downloads all the specified jars in the local system.
The Maven tooling reads the pom file and resolves the dependencies of
the project. Maven validates if required components are available in a
local repository. The local repository is found in the .m2/repository
folder of the users home directory.
Note that .m2/ is a hidden folder. If you are using Linux, would be this path /home/someuser/.m2
Read this
If however its not downloading the jars or creating the .m2 directory at all, then either you are not building the project right or you are not connected to the internet.

export Java EE Web Application as JAR

This might be a weird question but I am curious about this:
I want to create a Java EE Web Project, that I can package into a JAR file (<packaging>jar</packaging> instead of <packaging>war</packaging>).
In other words, I want to include the Java EE web server inside a JAR (built by maven).
Inside the WebServer I want to use Servlets like I can use them when I package it to a WAR file but without requireing the devices that execute the JAR to have a Web server installed where they can deploy my JAR.
I want something like an executeable JAR that contains the server and runs it without the need to install something else.
Is there a (ideally light-weight) server that works within a JAR file or any other possibility to create a JAR file like this?
If you want to use vanilla Java EE, you can use an Embedded Jetty Server or Embedded Tomcat Server:
Here is an example with Embedded Tomcat and Maven:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
import org.apache.catalina.WebResourceRoot;
import org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext;
import org.apache.catalina.startup.Tomcat;
import org.apache.catalina.webresources.DirResourceSet;
import org.apache.catalina.webresources.StandardRoot;
public class Application {
public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {
final String webappPath = new File("src/main/webapp").getAbsolutePath();
final Tomcat tomcat = new Tomcat();
final StandardContext ctx = (StandardContext) tomcat.addWebapp("/", webappPath);
// Declare an alternative location for your "WEB-INF/classes" dir
// Servlet 3.0 annotation will work
final String targetClassesPath = new File("target/classes").getAbsolutePath();
final WebResourceRoot resources = new StandardRoot(ctx);
resources.addPreResources(new DirResourceSet(//
resources, "/WEB-INF/classes", //
targetClassesPath, "/"));
and the rest as usual java ee development

How configure maven-war-plugin for tomcat

I can not generate proper WAR file for Tomcat.
I am using MAVEN 3.6.1, Java 12.0.1 and IDE Eclipse. My app is working fine when I run it in eclipse (Run as > Spring Boot App) but the problem is when I am trying to run my WAR file after generate it.
I am doing java -jar .war and I am getting:
Error: Could not find or load main class com.blw.linemanager.Application
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.blw.linemanager.Application
I was googling and reading stackoverflow cause I found many post about it but still can not run it. What I am doing wrong?
After some reading I figured out that I have some how configure maven-war-plugin (am I right?) and in pom I did some changes but it does not help.
<project xmlns=""
Also because on the beginning I was getting error 'no main manifest attribute' I add it and now it looks like this
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: Apache Maven ${maven.version}
Build-Jdk: ${java.version}
Is my way of think wrong? Should I be able to run .war file as java -jar .war or this is missunderstanding?
public class Application extends {
public static void main(String [] args) {
SpringApplication app = new SpringApplication(Application.class);;
protected SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder builder) {
return builder.sources(Application.class);
It is better to get a working spring boot application from here to avoid versions conflicts and the like.
For a war-file deployment (into a local tomcat for example), your application must extend SpringBootServletInitializer:
public class SpringBootTomcatApplication extends SpringBootServletInitializer {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
protected SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder builder) {
return builder.sources(SpringBootTomcatApplication.class);
Change in your pom the packaging to war.
To generate a war-file you need just the spring-boot-maven-plugin:
And yes you don't need the maven-war-plugin. Just for testing purposes let's annotate our application with #RestController and introduce a simple endpoint:
public class SpringBootTomcatApplication extends SpringBootServletInitializer {
#RequestMapping(value = "/")
public String hello() {
return "Hello World from Tomcat";
In the Local terminal (in eclipse Ctrl+Alt+T) just enter mvn package than copy the generated war-file from target folder, paste it under the webapps folder of your local Tomcat, request http://localhost:8080/{your-application-name} and you should see the message Hello World from Tomcat.
Now you can add the dependencies you need and continue coding.
Add packaging type with version detail in pom.xml like
Then, append build tag to define name of jar / war like,
Then, run your application with goal
clean package
to create jar/war in target folder.
Rename your war file to ROOT like ROOT.war
Last step to copy your created jar/war in tomcat webapps folder and start tomcat.

Configuring WebApp With context.xml For Use Tomcat

I am using Maven 3 to build my project. I have a web application that I want to define the custom root. According to the Tomcat 6 Documentation it says:
The locations for Context Descriptors are:
1. $CATALINA_BASE/conf/[enginename]/[hostname]/context.xml
2. $CATALINA_BASE/webapps/[webappname]/META-INF/context.xml
Files in (1) are named [webappname].xml but files in (2) are named context.xml.
If a Context Descriptor is not provided for a Context, Tomcat configures the Context using default values.
I want to use a custom root that I define. How can this be achived because when I define the custom context.xml file, the path is not being seen in Tomcat. According to the above, it mentions if a Context Descriptor is not provided for a Context, Tomcat configures the Context using default values. I have already defined my Context Descriptor as seen below in context.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Context path="/data1"/>
When I deploy deploy.war, into Tomcat I cannot access /data1 does not work. However, /data works. When the war file is deployed, it has META-INF with the context.xml located.
My POM file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""
<name>Java-Web Application</name>
<!-- Shared version number properties-->
I have looked into the following website but don't seem to help:
Define Servlet Context in WAR-File
Looking at your pom, the name of the war file should be "webchannel".
You don't have to add a context.xml. Just let the url be determined by war file name, and any mappings you have created in project.

maven 3 interproject depedency with war packaging

I have Eclipse Indigo and M2E plugin installed.
So essentially I have a standard maven web project (let's call it proj-service) that is built into a war file in the package phase. This all works fine. My issue comes in when I have my other project (lets call it proj1) that needs to use classes from proj-service. I know that this is possible in maven+eclipse but it does not seem to be working at the moment. I have the following in proj1's pom right now:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Maven Repo Libraries -->
<!-- Interproject dependencies -->
Unfortunately with Maven's war packaging you can't reuse classes from war project, because there is no direct build artifact you can use for the class path.
So, in order to do share classes properly you need to extract those common classes into a 3rd common project (jar packaging) and make it as dependency in both of your other projects.
First you have to change the configuration of your proj-service project in the way to change the configuration of the maven-war-plugin:
This will it make possible to use the classes from the proj-service project in other projects via the following dependencies:
This will result in changing your dependency from:

