I'm trying out this grid component called jQuery Bootgrid. In AJAX mode, it POSTs parameters to the server and the one related to sorting is sent like this:
The colname part changes depending on how you sort the grid.
Is there any way in Spring MVC using #RequestParam to capture that sort param?
For example, something like:
#RequestParam("sort[{\\*}]") Map<String, String> sort
That's just a wild guess and I doubt there is any clean way to do it. Any suggestions on how to handle it would be great.
Update: Also tried this simpler version which I actually thought might work
#RequestParam("sort") Map<String, String> sort
See on bootgrid forum: https://github.com/rstaib/jquery-bootgrid/issues/111
It is really silly but because cannot parse dynamic parameter on server side, you need to create new request parameters from the sort parameter by defining requestHandler in your bootgrid configuration in the following way:
requestHandler: function (request) {
if (request.sort) {
request.sortBy = Object.keys(request.sort)[0]; //this only gets first sort param
request.sortDir = request.sort[request.sortBy];
delete request.sort
return request;
And in Spring Controller:
#RequestParam(value = "sortBy", required = false) final String sortBy,
#RequestParam(value = "sortDir", required = false) final String sortDir
Do not forget to mark these parameters as not required because sort is not always posted to server side.
Is it possible to map query parameters with dynamic names using Spring Boot? I would like to map parameters such as these:
I could do something like this, but it would involve having to know every possible filter, and I would like it to be dynamic:
public class ProductsController {
public String products(
#RequestParam(name = "filter[name]") String name,
#RequestParam(name = "filter[length]") String length,
#RequestParam(name = "filter[width]") String width
) {
If possible, I'm looking for something that will allow the user to define any number of possible filter values, and for those to be mapped as a HashMap by Spring Boot.
public class ProductsController {
public String products(
#RequestParam(name = "filter[*]") HashMap<String, String> filters
) {
An answer posted on this question suggests using #RequestParam Map<String, String> parameters, however this will capture all query parameters, not only those matching filter[*].
You can map multiple parameters without defining their names in #RequestParam using a map:
public String searchByQueryParams(#RequestParam Map<String,String> searchParams) {
Does matrix variables work for you? If I understand you correctly, can be like this:
// GET /products/filters;name=foo;length=100
public void products(
#MatrixVariable MultiValueMap matrixVars) {
// matrixVars: ["name" : "foo", "length" : 100]
This seems like a solvable problem. The solutions are not ideal far as I know, but there are ways.
A previous attempt seemed bent on finding a perfect solution where the entire composition of the filter was known in-transit.
Spring MVC populate
The entirety of the dynamic criteria that user defines can be transmitted with some basic scheme you define, as one key=value parameter from the client, then decomposed into its elements once it is received.
You could also send two parameters: "fields" and "values", where the lists of each are encoded in there respectively, with some cautious delimiter of your choosing (could be an encoded special character that the user cannot physically type, perhaps).
You still need, as with everything other approach where the client side is submitting criteria (like filter criteria), full protection from any malicious use of the parameters, just as the client trying to embed SQL criteria in them (SQL Injection).
But so long as the client code follows the agreed syntax, you can receive any number of dynamic parameters from them in one shot.
That is a simplified example showing delimiters that are too easy to "break", but the idea is some simple, even fully readable (no harm in doing so) scheme just for the purpose of packing your field names and values together for easy transit.
#RequestMapping(value = "/products", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String doTheStuff(#RequestParam(value = "filter") String encodedFilter) {
.. decompose the filter here, filter everything they've sent for disallowed characters etc.
I'm trying to implement a method in a dropwizard resource, that will service a call from a JS frontend (that uses DataTables).
The request has query parameters that look like this:
The request comes from a JS frontend implemented with DataTables, and uses server-side processing. Info about how datatables sends the requests here:
I'm having issues defining the data type for the above query parameters. With spring data, we can define it as:
List<Map<String, String>> columns
which can be wrapped in an object annotated with ModelAttribute and it will deserialize fine.
In my app I'm using an older version of dropwizard which depends on jersey 1.19.
I've tried annotating it as a QueryParam, but the app fails at startup.
public Response getMappings(#QueryParam("columns") List<Map<String, String>> columns) {
// processing here.
When I do this, I get:
ERROR [2016-11-07 14:16:13,061] com.sun.jersey.spi.inject.Errors: The
following errors and warnings have been detected with resource and/or
provider classes: SEVERE: Missing dependency for method public
at parameter at index 0 WARN [2016-11-07 14:16:13,070] /: unavailable
My question is: do I have any option other than writing a custom deserializer for it ?
Note: If I grab the request with #Context, I can see that the decodedQueryParams are a MultivaluedMap, which maps String keys like "columns[0][data]" to Lists of String values, which always have a single element, that is the value.
After some digging, I found the following JAX-RS specification (section 3.2) which explains why my approach isn't valid to begin with:
The following types are supported:
Primitive Types
Types that have a constructor that accepts a single String argument.
Types that have a static method named valueOf with a single String argument.
List, Set, or SortedSet where T satisfies 2 or 3 above.
Source: Handling Multiple Query Parameters in Jersey
So I've tried using just a List instead. This doesn't crash the app at startup, but when the request comes in, it deserializes into an empty list. So the question remains as to what approach is correct.
In fact, you're using such a very different structure from all the common ones we have mapped for Rest Web Services consummation. Also, because of this structural compliance problem, trying to use JSON to marshal/unmarshal the values won't suit, once we haven't object-based parameters being transported.
But, we have a couple of options to "work this situation around". Let's see:
Going with the #QueryParam strategy is not possible because of two main reasons:
As you noticed, there are some limitations on its use regarding Collections other than Lists, Sets, etc;
This annotation maps one (or a list) of param(s) by its(their) name(s), so you need every single parameter (separated by &) to have the same name. It's easier when we think about a form that submits (via GET) a list of checkboxes values: once they all have the same name property, they'll be sent in "name=value1&name=value2" format.
So, in order to get this requirement, you'd have to make something like:
public Response getMappings(#QueryParam("columns") List<String> columns) {
return Response.status(200).entity(columns).build();
// URL to be called (with same param names):
// /mappings?columns=columns[1][name]=0&columns=columns[0][searchable]=false
// Result: [columns[1][name]=0, columns[0][searchable]=false]
You can also try creating a Custom Java Type for Param Annotations, like you see here. That would avoid encoding problems, but in my tests it didn't work for the brackets issue. :(
You can use regex along with #Path annotation defining what is going to be accepted by a String parameter. Unfortunately, your URL would be composed by unvalid characteres (like the brackets []), which means your server is going to return a 500 error.
One alternative for this is if you "replace" this chars for valid ones (like underscore character, e.g.):
This way, the solution can be applied with no worries:
#Path("/{columns: .*}")
public Response getMappings(#PathParam("columns") String columns) {
return Response.status(200).entity(columns).build();
// Result: columns_1_=0&columns_1__name_=
A much better way to do this is through UriInfo object, as you may have tried. This is simpler because there's no need to change the URL and params. The object has a getQueryParameters() that returns a Map with the param values:
public Response getMappings(#Context UriInfo uriInfo) {
MultivaluedMap<String, String> queryParams = uriInfo.getQueryParameters();
// In case you want to get the whole generated string
String query = uriInfo.getRequestUri().getQuery();
String output = "QueryParams: " + queryParams
+ "<br> Keys: " + queryParams.keySet()
+ "<br> Values: " + queryParams.values()
+ "<br> Query: " + query;
return Response.status(200).entity(output).build();
// URL: /mappings?columns[1][name]=0&columns[0][searchable]=false
/* Result:
* QueryParams: {columns[0][searchable]=[false], columns[1][name]=[0]}
* Keys: [columns[0][searchable], columns[1][name]]
* Values: [[false], [0]]
* Query: columns[1][name]=0&columns[0][searchable]=false
However, you must be aware that if you follow this approach (using a Map) you can't have duplicated keys, once the structure doesn't support it. That's why I include the getQuery() option where you get the whole string.
A last possibility is creating a InjectableProvider, but I can't see many diffs to the getQuery() strategy (since you can split it and create your own map of values).
EDIT: Changed question title and content. Upon reading the JSON plugin guide I realize the plugin might be expecting a JSON string instead of this query map, in which case I normally go with GSON instead. I guess the question becomes: how can Struts2 handle type conversion of a query string like this: sort[0][field]=status&sort[0][dir]=asc
I am using Kendo UI grid to interface with my Struts2 backend. The AJAX request being sent to the server follows the following format (GET query string):
or (non-escaped):
Basically, Kendo UI grid is sending a flattened JSON object to the server. So I create a sort model object like so to take the input:
public class SortModel {
private String field;
private String dir;
and include this in my Struts2 action as a variable to be populated:
private SortModel[] sort;
However, this never gets populated by Struts2 when the AJAX request comes in. I also tried to add the JSON interceptor, but I think I misunderstood its deserialization process, as explained in the edit.
Anyway, has anyone managed to Struts2 type conversion working using the above query string or similar: sort[0][field]=status&sort[0][dir]=asc?
The above is not proper JSON, strings should be quoted. With that done the following will work.
In which case a field (or json parameter) in the form name[i]['s'] which has a value of String and where i is an integer and s is any string would be backed by:
private List<Map<String, String>> name = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>();
//getter AND setter required
PS: With Struts2 you can index into lists of lists of lists... without issue.
It turns out that vanilla Struts2 doesn't accept query strings in the format obj[idx][property] (feel free to correct me on this). I was expecting it to convert the query string to an array of that specific object.
What Struts2 does accept is the format obj[idx].property which it will correctly convert to private Object[] obj.
So I guess the possible solutions to this would be:
JSON.stringify(jsonObj) before passing it to the query string, a la &jsonData=[{property:'value'}] - which in this case, I can't do since Kendo UI grid doesn't seem to have an interceptor-like event to let me change the query parameters. Or,
Implement a custom type converter that handles this particular format. Or,
Intercept the AJAX request before it is being sent to the server and re-format the query string, using jQuery.ajaxSend e.g.
$(body).ajaxSend(function(event, req, settings){
console.log(settings.url); //contains the url string to replace
settings.url = settings.url.replace(some_regex, 'correct format');
When using Spring, what is considered best practice when both JSON and XML is to be returned?
Say I have a method:
#RequestMapping(value="items/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public Item getItem(#PathVariable, Long id) {
// Find and return item.
How can I invoke this in a style like:
localhost:8080/app-name/items/1.xml and localhost:8080/app-name/items/1.json and get the data in their respective formats?
Most obvious solution:
#RequestMapping(value="items/{id}.{format}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public Item getItem(#PathVariable, Long id, String format) {
This is discussed in the Spring documentation here.
You can use two separate URLs to determine the type to return
You can use accept headers. However from a browser you are unable to set the accept headers. Therefore using separate URL's gives more control.
Use #ResponseBody and ensure that you have HttpMessageConverters registered with your HandlerAdapter that can handle your object Item with the JSON and XML mime types. This also allows you to keep from duplicating controllers that return the same Item and keeps your code simpler to maintain and test.
See this for additional info:
Guys, Well I have done enough research still I can't find the solution to this.
In a nutshell, I'm simply passing url encoded form data to the Controller method and trying to convert it as a domain object which has Date and integers.
#RequestMapping(value = "/savePassport", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public #ResponseBody
AjaxResponse savePassport(#RequestBody StaffPassport passport, HttpServletResponse response) {
// Some operations.
The Staff Passport looks like this:
import java.sql.Date;
public class StaffPassport {
private int staffId;
private String passportNumber;
private String placeOfIssue;
private Date issueDate;
private Date expiryDate;
private String spouseName;
private String oldPassportRef;
private String visaInfo;
private String description;
When I invoke the /savePassport, I get unsupported media exception. I guess it's related to casting.
I can't this working right. Of course I can catch individual form data using #RequestParam and manually do the casting but that's not the point of a framework isn't it?
Where am I going wrong? And you are right. I'm a beginner in Spring, but I love it.
Looks like you're using the wrong annotation. #RequestBody is for taking a request that has arbitrary content in its body,such as JSON, some application defined XML, comma separated variables.. whatever. And using a marshaller that you configure in the dispatcher servlet to turn it into objects.
If all you want to do is ask Spring to bind a plain old form post onto the backing object for you, the correct annotation to put on the method parameter is #ModelAttribute.
If you are posting a JSON Object with jQuery and you want Spring to be able to process it with #RequestBody, use JSON.stringify(....) in your data. Here an example:
var data = { "id": 3, "name": "test" }
$.post("processJsonData.html",JSON.stringify(data), function(data){
If you don't use the JSON.stringify() then you will submit the data as form data and Spring will tell you that you have an unsupported media type.
First of all be sure that you have
<mvc:annotation-driven />
in your Spring configuration file. This is mandatory for working with JSOn in SPring MVC.
Second, I recommend you to test wether request to the server has application/json content type. I belive Fiddler2 will help you to do so.
Third, but I'm not sure about it, Try to change Date items in your POJO from SQL type to regular java type.
just looked at the Form and it seems like your "Accept" HTTP Header should be also application/json. Please test this issue with Fiddler2 as well.
I assume that you are posting JSON and want Spring to convert to StaffPassport. If you are getting an Unsupported media exception, it is because Spring could not figure out an appropriate way to perform the conversion.
For Spring to convert JSON, it needs Jackson -- make sure you have the Jackson jars in your project. If this is a Maven based project you can add the jackson-mapper-asl artifact ID to your pom.xml. This should give you the jackson-mapper and jackson-core jars.
Edit: I should mention that this applies to Spring 3 (I recently ran into this problem). I'm not sure what else is required for previous versions of Spring.
Check into HttpMessageConverter interface and its implementations. You could write your own implementation of it to convert it to the domain model you want. By the time the control gets to your method, you can access it as if your domain model object is passed.
Ok, I think I should refine my answer. I do not have direct experience of using it in a spring-mvc project but spring-integration. I am pretty sure the applicable media type (application/x-url-form-encoded) is already handled and converted to MultiMap by Spring framework; so, retrieve the values from that just like any other map with the key value being your form variable and populate your business model.