How to check delayed/scheduled messages in RabbitMQ's Mnesia - java

I was checking for some alternatives for Quartz-scheduler.
Though this is not a complete replacement, I was trying out RabbitMQ Delayed Messages Plugin (suits for my use-case).
I was able to get the scheduling work but I was not to view the messages which are delayed(which are stored in Mnesia).
Is there a way to check the messages and/or number of messages in Mnesia?
Edit : I inferred that the messages are stored in Mnesia from the comment from here.

There is no way to check the messages that RabbitMQ is persisting in it's mnesia database.
RabbitMQ is not a generalized datastore. It is a purpose-built message broker and queueing system. The datastore it has in it is there to facilitate the persistence of messages, not to be queried and used as if it were a database on it's own.

To view the data inside MNESIA you could :
Write a simple Erlang program as this, as result you have:
undefined,undefined, {[],[]}}},
OR in this way:
execute an Erlang shell session using:
erl -set-cookie ABCDEFGHI -sname monitorNode#gabrielesMBP
you have to use the same cookie that rabbitmq are using.
Typically $(HOME).erlang.cookie
execute this command:observer:start().
and you should have this:
Once you are connected to rabbitmq node open Table Viewer and from the menu Mnesia table as:
Here you can see your data:


akka.pattern.AskTimeoutException while running Lagom HelloWorld example

I have a problem while trying my hands on the Hello World example explained here.
Kindly note that I have just modified the file to be able to return something other than "Hello, World!". Most certain my changes are taking time and hence I am getting the below Timeout error.
I am currently trying (doing a PoC) on a single node to understand the Lagom framework and do not have liberty to deploy multiple nodes.
I have also tried modifying the default lagom.circuit-breaker in application.conf "call-timeout = 100s" however, this does not seem to have helped.
Following is the exact error message for your reference:
{"name":"akka.pattern.AskTimeoutException: Ask timed out on [Actor[akka://hello-impl-application/system/sharding/HelloEntity#1074448247]] after [5000 ms]. Sender[null] sent message of type \"com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.persistence.CommandEnvelope\".","detail":"akka.pattern.AskTimeoutException: Ask timed out on [Actor[akka://hello-impl-application/system/sharding/HelloEntity#1074448247]] after [5000 ms]. Sender[null] sent message of type \"com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.persistence.CommandEnvelope\".\n\tat akka.pattern.PromiseActorRef$.$anonfun$defaultOnTimeout$1(AskSupport.scala:595)\n\tat akka.pattern.PromiseActorRef$.$anonfun$apply$1(AskSupport.scala:605)\n\tat$$anon$\n\tat scala.concurrent.Future$InternalCallbackExecutor$.unbatchedExecute(Future.scala:866)\n\tat scala.concurrent.BatchingExecutor.execute(BatchingExecutor.scala:109)\n\tat scala.concurrent.BatchingExecutor.execute$(BatchingExecutor.scala:103)\n\tat scala.concurrent.Future$InternalCallbackExecutor$.execute(Future.scala:864)\n\tat$TaskHolder.executeTask(LightArrayRevolverScheduler.scala:328)\n\tat$$anon$4.executeBucket$1(LightArrayRevolverScheduler.scala:279)\n\tat$$anon$4.nextTick(LightArrayRevolverScheduler.scala:283)\n\tat$$anon$\n\tat\n"}
Question: Is there a way to increase the akka Timeout by modifying the application.conf or any of the java source files in the Hello World project? Can you please help me with the exact details.
Thanks in advance for you time and help.
The call timeout is the timeout for circuit breakers, which is configured using But that's not what is timing out above, the thing that is timing out above is the request to your HelloEntity, that timeout is configured using lagom.persistence.ask-timeout. The reason why there's a timeout on requests to entities is because in a multi-node environment, your entities are sharded across nodes, so an ask on them may go to another node, which is why a timeout is needed in case that node is not responding.
All that said, I don't think changing the ask-timeout will solve your problem. If you have a single node, then your entities should respond instantly if everything is working ok.
Is that the only error you're seeing in the logs?
Are you seeing this in devmode (ie, using the runAll command), or are you running the Lagom service some other way?
Is your database responding?
Thanks James for the help/pointer.
Adding following lines to resources/application.conf did the trick for me:
hello {
call-timeout = 30s
A Call is a Service-to-Service communication. That’s a SeviceClient communicating to a remote server. It uses a circuit breaker. It is a extra-service call.
An ask (in the context of lagom.persistence) is sending a command to a persistent entity. That happens across the nodes insied your Lagom service. It is not using circuit breaking. It is an intra-service call.

Entity & Entity Properties. Database design for effective searching

Last two days i've been searching suitable solution for the problem described below.
In my standalone notification-service module I have an abstract Message entity. Message has 'to', 'from', 'sentAt', 'receivedAt' and other attributes. The responsibility of the notification-service is to:
send new messages using different registered message providers (SMS, EMAIL, Skype , etc).
receive new messages from registered message providers
update status for already sent messages.
Notification-service module is developed as standalone module that is available by SOAP protocol. A lot of clients can use this module to send or searching through already received messages.
Clients want to attach some properties (~ smth like tags) while sending messages for further searching messages by these properties. These properties make a sense only in client's environment.
For example, Client A might want to send message and save following custom properties :
1. Internal system id of user whom system sends message
2. Distinguish flag (whether id related to users / admins or clients)
3. Notification flag (notification/alert/ ...)
Client B might want to send message and save another set of custom properties :
1. Internal system operator id (who sends sms)
2. Template id that was used to send message
Custom properties can be used by the clients to search already sent messages.
For example:
Client A could find SMS messages sent to administrator users in period between [Date 1; Date 2] that have 'alert' status.
Client B could find all notification sent by specified template.
Of course, data should be fetched page by page.
At first I created the following database model:
Database scheme
To find all messages with specified properties I tried to use query:
SELECT * FROM (SELECT message_id FROM custom_message_properties
WHERE CONCAT(CONCAT(key, ':'), value) IN ('property1:value1', 'property2:value2')
GROUP BY message_id having(count(*)) = 2)
as cmp JOIN message m ON cmp.message_id = ORDER BY ID LIMIT 100 OFFSET 0
Query worked fine (although it seems me not very good) in database with small data. I decided to check results for ~ real awaited data .
So i generated 10 000 000 messages that have 40 000 000 custom properties and checked result. Execution time was ~ 2 minutes. The most time consumed operation was following sub-select:
SELECT message_id FROM custom_message_properties
WHERE CONCAT(CONCAT(key, ':'), value) IN ('property1:value1', 'property2:value2')
I understand that string comparison is very slow cause database index feature is not used. I decided to change database structure to merge 'key' and 'value' columns into single one. So i updated by database scheme :
Updated database scheme
I checked result again. Now execution time was ~20 seconds. It's much better but still is not suitable for production use.
So now I have no idea how to improve performance without significant changes in application architecture design.
The only one thought i have is to create separate table for each client with required client properties.
client(i)_custom_properties {
mid bigint, // foreign key references message (id)
p1 type1,
p2 type2,
pn type(n)
I have spent a lot of time while trying to find any useful information. I have also analyzed 'stackoverflow' database cause it seemed me that it should be quite the same. But in 'stackoverflow' there are ~ 50 000 different tags. Not so much that my database could have.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks, in advance!
Project environment that i use :
Postgres database (9.6)
Java 1.8
Spring modules (spring-boot, spring-data-jpa + hibernate, spring-ws, etc).
I have not found any suitable solution except creating additional table with client's properties for each client.
I know, that solution is not so flexible,
but now search query time is less than 1 second.
In future, I will try to solve the same problem using noSQL data storage.

mongo uri for springboot get request

I have configure mongo uri in property file as below,,,
I use mongoowl as a monitoring tool.
When i do a get request, it shows hits in every mongodb which ideally should be show only in one db right?
No, You are actually opening a cluster replica set connection, in this connection type spring actually connects to all 3 databases to maintain fail over conditions or to full fill "read from secondary" option(hence you see hits on all 3 databases), but however the read and write operations happen only on primary unless you have specified it to read from a secondary.

JBossESB - queue to service mapping

I am intercepting messages that are sent through JBossESB. I am using pipeline interceptors to do so.
The problem is, that altough the sender is a service (for example PortReference < logical:BlueServiceESB#BlueListener >), the name of the receiver is a queue (not a service). That is logical because in some case, multiple services can receive messages from a given queue, but usually, each queue is mapped to only one service.
I would like to know which queue is mapped to which service, so I can display/save this information and have it displayed like message: service ---> service (not service ---> queue).
I know that I can get the name of the queue mapped to a service using the registry like this:
System.setProperty("javax.xml.registry.ConnectionFactoryClass", "");
// Retrieving information from the ESB Registry
Registry reg = RegistryFactory.getRegistry();
List<EPR> eprs = reg.findEPRs("FirstServiceESB", "SimpleListener");
I would like to reverse this approach - queue is the input and service (EPR = end point reference = service) is the output. Is there any way how to do this or am I just trying to do the impossible here. I have found no tutorials or questions on this topic whatsoever.
Thanks for any tips!
As this question has 25 up-votes, this seems to be an useful feature. JBossESB is open source software. Thus, implement the feature yourself and commit it to the community! Or just create a change request hopping that somebody else will do it...
Try querying for all of the queues and building a reverse-lookup map. But I don't think there is any function that allows searching for services using a queue.

In Apache Camel, how can I receive an error if an endpoint doesn't exist?

We are using Camel fluent builders to set up a series of complex routes, in which we are using dynamic routing using the RecipientList functionality.
We've encountered issues where in some cases, the recipient list contains a messaging endpoint that doesn't exist (for example, something like seda:notThere).
A simple example is something like this:
How can I configure the route so that if the exchange tries to route to an endpoint that doesn't already exist, an error is thrown?
I'm using Camel 2.9.x, and I've already experimented with the Dead Letter Channel and various Error Handler implementations, with (seemingly) no errors or warnings logged.
The only logging I see indicates that Camel is (attempting to) send to the endpoint which doesn't exist:
2013-07-03 16:07:08,030|main|DEBUG|o.a.c.p.SendProcessor|>>>> Endpoint[seda://notThere] Exchange[Message: x.y.Z#293b9fae]
Thanks in advance!
All endpoints behave differently in this case.
If you attempt to write to a ftp server that does not exist, you certainly get an error (connection refused or otherwise)..
This is also true for a number of endpoints.
SEDA queues gets created if the do not exist and the message will be left there. So your route actually sends to "notThere" and the message will still be there until the application restarts or someone starts to consume messages from seda:notThere. This is the way seda queues are designed. If you set the size of the seda queue by to("seda:notThere?size=100"), then if there is noone reading (or reading slowly) you will get exceptions on message 101 and forward.
If you need to be sure some route is consuming your messages, use "direct" instead of "seda". You can even have some middle layer to use the features of seda with respect to staging and the features of direct knowing there is a consumer active (if sent from recipient list with perhaps user input (god forbid).
from("whatever").recipentList( ... ); // "direct:ep1" work, "direct:ep2" throws exception

